Angel's Destiny

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Angel's Destiny Page 10

by Dawn Sullivan

  Jinx rose and began pacing the small room swiftly, trying to decide what to do. He was closer to the White River Wolves compound than D.C., where he was sure they held Chase. He needed to warn Angel, in case she didn’t already know what was going on. But he didn’t have time to go to Colorado. He had to get to D.C. quickly, because if Chase hadn’t managed to kill the General, which Jinx didn’t think he had, then his life was on the line. Before the General would have been content to watch him suffer while being tortured on a daily basis, now he would want Chase dead.

  Stopping in front of a wall, Jinx leaned forward and placed his palms against the smooth surface, closing his eyes and concentrating. Very carefully, he slipped inside the General’s mind delving further and further until he found what he was looking for beyond the blank stillness he initially encountered. There it was, the faint beat of the bastard’s heart. He lived.

  Cursing, Jinx changed direction and reached out for the one person he had never fully connected with, his eyes widening at the deep misery and utter loss he instantly felt. Angel? When there was no response, he tried again, Angel, it’s Jinx.

  There was silence for a moment and then, Jinx?

  He heard her shock, felt it, along with the overwhelming pain, which meant she had to know that Chase was missing. I just connected with Chase, he told her. He needs help, Angel. I’m on my way to D.C., but you need to get there fast. He might not last much longer.

  Oh, my God. He’s alive? He sensed her relief, but then the fear took over. You are sure he’s in D.C.? We have been trying to find him ever since we rescued your sisters this morning.

  Rescued his sisters? What the hell are you talking about? he bit out. The General had sent him to California on a mission, which meant he was there as an assassin because that was what all of his missions entailed. It had taken him longer to complete this one because there were three different targets, and he had just wrapped it up a couple of hours ago. He’d planned on staying over one more night before he went back to D.C., until he had connected with Chase.

  The General kidnapped Chase and your sisters, Jinx. All of them.

  All of them? His brow furrowed in confusion. As far as he knew, Jade was his only sister.

  Jade, Hope, and Faith.

  Hope and Faith, the two little girls Angel had rescued the year before who now lived with Chase. His sisters. What the fuck? he snarled, dark, furious anger closing in on him.

  They managed to get away because, Angel stopped for a second, and he could hear the hitch in her breath before she continued, because Chase attacked the General’s soldiers, drawing all of their attention to him. He was shot several times, and the girls didn’t know if he made it.

  He made it, Jinx growled, pushing off from the wall and resuming his pacing around the room. But then he attacked the General, almost killing him, so we need to get to D.C. now.

  He attacked the General? she asked incredulously. Why would he do that on his own?

  Jinx stopped, bowing his head and swearing darkly. He wanted to kill him for hurting his family, he rasped. He wanted me to be free. He wanted to bring me home. The last was barely a whisper. He still could not believe someone could care for him, after everything he had done, like Chase did. Before he could stop himself he asked, Why would he want to bring me there? After everything I have done?

  Everything you were forced to do, Jinx, Angel growled. You have no choice. You do those things to protect your family, and Chase would do the same if he was in your position. Any of us would. He understands.

  He thinks of me as his son.

  He heard the pride in her voice when she replied, He always has. Since the moment he found out about you and Jade, you were his. He knows Steele is your father, but he still claims you.

  He is willing to die for me.

  Yes, Angel agreed softly, he is.

  Jinx turned and stalked over to the door, opening it and not bothering to stop to see if it shut behind him. I’m on my way to D.C. Right now, the General lives, but Chase got him good. He may not make it.

  Tell me where to meet you.

  Contact me when you get to D.C., Jinx told her as he pushed the front doors of the hotel open wide, walking out into the bright sun. Angel?


  I will keep him alive. He couldn’t promise more than that. He had no idea what he was going to be walking into when he got back. But no matter what, he wasn’t letting Chase Montgomery die.


  Angel held Hope close, whispering softly to her as she gently stroked a hand lovingly down the soft fur on her back. Hope refused to shift back, feeling safer in wolf form, and Angel wasn’t going to push her. She sat on the couch in Chase’s living room, surrounded by her children, her team, and her pack…her family. They had returned to the White River Wolves compound less than a half an hour ago, and Angel was getting ready to leave again soon. As much as she wanted to stay a little while longer with her children, the need to get to D.C. and find Chase was driving at her. It had been over an hour since Jinx contacted her, and she could not wait any longer.

  “I need to go,” she murmured, leaning down to kiss Faith’s cheek and then bury her face in Hope’s fur. At Faith’s protest, Angel slipped her arm around her waist and pulled her closer. “I have to, sweetie. I’m going to get your daddy and bring him home.”

  “I’m scared,” Faith whispered, pressing into Angel’s side. “What if that bad woman comes back?”

  “She won’t be able to get to you,” Angel promised softly.

  “She won’t?”

  “I’m leaving some very special people here to watch over you and your sisters, Faith. They won’t let any bad people get near you.”

  Faith looked up at her, her big eyes wary, “Who?” she demanded, and Angel had to hide her smile. The child sounded just like her. It warmed her heart.

  “Trace and Jade will be here, along with Steele and Storm,” Angel told her.

  “Angel,” Storm cut in, “we want to help you get your mate back.”

  “I know you do,” Angel told her, “but I am trusting you with the rest of my heart.”

  Storm nodded, understanding dawning in her gaze. Angel needed to know her children were well-protected, because there was every chance that the General could have already sent his men after the girls again.

  “We won’t let you down,” Steele promised, standing close to his mate. “We will guard the twins as if they were our own.”

  Angel inhaled deeply, snuggling the twins closer before she continued. “Phoenix, Bane, and Ryker, you are staying here, too.”

  “Fuck that,” Phoenix snarled. “I’m not letting you go against the General without me there!”

  “Phoenix,” Angel paused, looking down at the girls. They were both exhausted, struggling to keep their eyes open, and this was a conversation they did not need to be a part of. Giving them both one last hug and kiss, she motioned to Jade, “Can you and Trace please take the girls upstairs? They need to rest.”

  “Angel, I should be going with you,” Trace said quietly, indecision warring in his eyes.

  “No, Trace, you should be here, taking care of my daughters.”

  “But you will need more than one sniper.”

  “I have two,” Angel told him. “Sapphire and Charlotte.”

  There was a soft gasp of surprise, and Angel knew it came from Charlotte. She hadn’t been around the woman very much, but if Chase trusted her, then she would, too.

  Trace turned a hard gaze in Charlotte’s direction. “Are you good?” he growled.

  “She’s the best,” Bran stated. “She doesn’t miss.”

  Trace’s eyes never left Charlotte’s. “That true?”

  Charlotte’s chin lifted, and she glared at him defiantly, “Yes, but if you need proof, I’d be happy to take you out back and show you.” The word asshole was left off, but Angel suppressed a smile when she read it in Charlotte’s mind. She knew Trace heard it too, because Charlotte wasn’t used to being around p
eople like her team. Her thoughts and emotions were loud and clear, as was the fact that she wasn’t going to let Trace talk to her as if she was a piece of shit.

  Trace stared at her for a long moment before reaching down and gathering a now-sleeping Faith in his arms. “Not necessary.”

  When Jade picked up Hope, Angel stood and pulled them both into her arms. “I love you, Jade,” she murmured. “Stay safe.”

  A tear escaped, as Jade whispered, “I love you too, Mom. Bring Chase home. We need him.” It was the first time Jade had told her that she loved her, and she really needed to hear that right now.

  Angel’s heart hurt as she replied, “Yes, we do.”

  She watched Trace lead her daughters up the stairs, followed closely by Steele and Storm. She knew they would be safe, no matter what the General threw their way, but they weren’t the only enforcements she was leaving behind. Once they were out of sight, she turned back to the men and women who filled the large living room. “We obviously can’t all go,” she started, and when Phoenix began to protest, along with several others, she held up a hand for silence. “The people in this compound need enforcers to keep them safe. My daughters need protection. We don’t know if the General sent someone after them before Chase incapacitated him or not. We cannot all go and leave them vulnerable for attack. It just isn’t going to happen. From now, until we are home with Chase, this place is on lockdown.”

  There was murmuring and then Bran said, “The pack isn’t going to like that, Angel.”

  “Would they rather be dead?” Angel asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because that is the other option if there are assassins out there gunning for us.”

  “Shit,” Slade growled, raking a hand through his hair. “You’re right. We need to keep everyone safe, which means no one leaves the compound and we step up our security. I’ll handle it.” Slade was the White River Wolves head enforcer, and from what Angel knew, he was damn good at his job.

  “Agreed,” she said, before glancing slowly around at all of the people in the room. “This is the way it is going to be, whether you like it or not. I am your acting alpha right now, and you will do as I say. Understood?” When there was a murmur of agreement in the room, she continued, “Phoenix, I need you here for two reasons.”

  “They better be fucking good,” he snarled.

  “Serenity and your unborn baby.” When Phoenix swore loudly, she said, “You know as well as I do that the General wants them, Phoenix. We cannot let that happen. You need to be here to keep them safe, because no one can protect them better than you.” Phoenix hesitated, but finally nodded in agreement. “Ryker, I’m leaving you here as well. You and River are in charge of keeping Alanna and Fallon safe. I cannot stress enough how important that sweet bear is going to be to this pack. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Bane, I need you to be a ghost.” She did not elaborate. He would know exactly what she meant. It was up to him to move around in the compound, unseen, watching for any hidden danger.

  “Done,” Bane said with a quick nod. The man was short on words, but she had come to realize quickly over the past few weeks that he was honorable and when the stakes were down, he was one you wanted on your side. His life had changed drastically when the General murdered everyone in their village to show his brother, Steele, a lesson. He’d had to change who he was, becoming stronger and more aggressive. She knew it wasn’t who he was deep down, but it was who he was forced to be now.


  Before she could finish, he interjected, “I’m going.” She just nodded, because she had known it would be his response, and he would not back down. He was her second in command, and he did not take that lightly.

  “I will look out for your family,” Phoenix promised.

  As the two men bumped fists, Angel’s gaze went to the pack beta. “Sapphire, Jaxson, and Flame are with me.” When the low rumble began in Bran’s chest, Angel said, “I need her, Bran.”

  “You are sending my mate right back into hell!” he roared. “What if they capture her again?”

  “They won’t,” Angel promised, reaching out to place a hand on Flame’s arm when she would have spoken up. “I won’t allow it.”

  “I can take care of myself,” Flame snapped, her eyes flashing in anger.

  Bran bared his teeth, a low growl escaping. “You’ve made that perfectly clear, princess,” he snarled, turning to leave the room.

  “Bran,” Angel called out, waiting until he stopped, but did not turn around. She knew he was close to shifting, and was leaving so that he didn’t hurt anyone in his anger, but she had learned so much in the past few days, and couldn’t let him go without saying, “I promise you, I will bring your mate home.”

  She heard the gasp of surprise from Flame, and saw Bran incline his head slightly. “Thank you, Alpha,” he said, before leaving the house.

  “Angel, why would you promise him something like that?” Flame demanded. “He doesn’t own me!”

  Angel turned toward her, gently squeezing the arm she still held. “Because, Flame, I now know what it is like to have your mate out there in danger, their life hanging in the balance, while you have no fucking clue what’s going on. It hurts, Flame, so much. The pain is excruciating, the fear like nothing I have ever felt before, and I never want to have someone else feel what I am feeling right now if I can prevent it.”

  Not giving Flame a chance to respond, preferring to let her words have time to sink in, Angel stepped back and ordered, “The rest of you will remain here and keep this compound safe.” There was a chorus of “Yes, Alpha,” even though she knew they all wanted to go with her. Hell, she would take them if she could, every last one of them. She could use all the help she could get when she went up against the General’s soldiers. Unfortunately, they just did not have room on the plane. They would need empty seats to bring Chase, and hopefully Jinx, home.

  Not willing to waste any more time, Angel turned and walked to the door. Glancing back, she said, “Let’s go get Chase.”


  Chase groaned, pain swamping him as he struggled to pry his eyes open. Thoughts and images raced through his head as he slowly became aware of his surroundings. His chest was on fire, and his arms felt as if they were being wrenched from his body. There wasn’t an area on him that didn’t hurt, but it was worth it. If his memory served him correctly, the General was fighting his own battle right now, unless he’d already lost it. Could they be that lucky? Could he have killed the sadistic son of a bitch?

  Finally managing to open his eyes just enough to peer out into the dimness in front of him, he looked around in confusion, shaking his head to try and clear the fogginess from his mind so he could focus. No wonder his arms hurt like a bitch. He was in a large cage of some sort surrounded by thick, steel bars, empty as far as he could tell, except for him. His vision was blurry, but he did not sense anyone near him. He hung from the ceiling by silver chains wrapped tightly around each wrist, arms spread wide, naked except for a pair of jogging pants that had definitely seen better days. His bare feet just touched the ground, and he tried to place them firmly on the cold cement to relieve the pressure in his arms, but he was almost too weak to hold himself up. Did they think this was going to stop him? They had kidnapped his children, hurt his mate, and infiltrated his compound, placing his entire pack in danger. Grasping the chains tightly in his hands, he gritted his teeth in determination, closing his eyes and summoning the power within him. The power that came with being alpha, the power that gave him more strength and will to fight than most, because he had something to fight for. They would not hurt the people he loved again.

  “Chase?” the voice was soft and urgent, the scent of fear radiating around him. “Chase, I’m going to get you out of here. I don’t know how, but I will. I promise.”

  Who the hell was it? He knew her scent, had smelled it before. He knew that voice, so low and timid. Where had he seen her, talked to her? Her voice came from behind h
im and off to the left. He tried to turn to see who she was, but it was impossible.

  “Stop,” she whispered. “You’ll bring attention to us.”

  “There’s no one here,” he spit out angrily.

  “No, but they are always watching.”

  Raising his head, Chase glanced slowly around what he could see of the dimly lit area. Squinting through blearing eyes, he saw he was in what looked like one huge room. Maybe an abandoned factory or warehouse, he wasn’t sure. There were more cages across from him, but they were all empty, as was the rest of the area. “Who are you?” he asked, lowering his gaze to the floor once more as he drew more power to him, gaining enough strength to stand without the aid of the chains. When she didn’t respond right away, he growled, “Tell me, dammit.”

  There was silence, and then she hesitantly whispered, “It’s me, Mr. Montgomery. Amber.”

  “Amber?” It took him a moment, but then it all came back to him. Amber was the scientist RARE brought back with them from Alaska. The girl had been scared of her own shadow, but had somehow managed to help save Steele and Storm from the General. But, what was she doing with him again? “Did they find you?” He knew Angel had been worried that they would track the girl down and either capture or kill her. He’d offered her a place to stay, but she’d insisted on going home to her sister. When she remained quiet, he said, “Amber, talk to me.”


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