The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies

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The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies Page 1

by Rosemary Ellen Guiley; Philip J. Imbrogno

  Rosemary Ellen Guiley is one of the leading experts in the paranormal and supernatural fields. She has written more than forty books, including nine encyclopedias, as well as hundreds of articles. Rosemary makes numerous appearances on radio and in documentaries, and is a frequent guest on the radio program Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. Her website is and her email is [email protected]. Rosemary and Phil have a special website devoted to the djinn at

  Philip J. Imbrogno has researched paranormal phenomena for more than thirty years and is recognized as an authority in the field. He has been interviewed by the New York Times, appeared on NBC's Today Show and Oprah, and has been featured in documentaries on the History Channel, A&E, Lifetime, and HBO. He can be contacted by email at [email protected].



  For john Keel, who established a path into an unknown land so we could all follow, explore, and learn

  Also by Philip J. Imbrogno

  Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings

  Celtic Mysteries in New England: Windows to Another Dimension in America's Northeast

  Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena, and Otherdimensional Beings

  Files from the Edge: A Paranormallnvestigators Explorations into High Strangeness

  Ultraterrestrial Contact. A Paranormallnvestigator's Explorations into the Hidden Abduction Epidemic

  Forthcoming by Philip J. Imbrogno and Rosemary Ellen Guiley

  Multidimensional Portals: The Emergence of a New Reality

  Opening Words xi

  Preface xiii

  Introduction xix

  I Reality Check 1

  2 The Origin of the Djinn 13

  5 Unveiling an Ancient Race 29

  + Djinn in the Qur'an, Sahih al-Bukhari, and the Bible 47

  5 The Djinn Order: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Bad 67

  6 Djinn Nature, Abilities, and Powers 85

  7 Angels and Demons: The Djinn Connection 107

  8 Djinn, Fairies, and Leprechauns 125

  9 Aliens, Djinn, and UFOs 153

  10 Djinn and Shadow People 173

  11 They Want Our World and They Want It Now! 185

  12 Human-Djinn Contact: Is It Possible? 201

  15 Dealing with the Djinn 233

  Appendix I.• Djinn Social Structure 249

  Appendix II.• Djinn Order ofPower 251

  Bibliography 253

  Index 257

  UR RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION OF djinn not only required an in-depth study of legends from many cultures, but also quite a number of books on mysticism and magic. The correct spelling of the word djinn translated directly from Arabic to English is djinn. Western readers may be more familiar with the commonly used phonetic spelling, jinn. Throughout this book, we have used "djinn "as the preferred spelling in order to conform as much as possible to Arabic translations.

  During our research we spent a considerable amount of time reading several English versions of the Qur'an. Although all the translations are similar, they are not exactly the same. According to Abu Dhabi in his book Basic Principles of Islam, the many versions of the Qur'an in English and other languages are the result of the different interpretations by the translators.' This is why most Islamic scholars such as Muhammad Fahd Khaarum and Muhammad Kareem Ragheh insist that all readings of the Noble Qur'an must be done in its original Arabic form. It is astonishing to discover that no other religious work in recorded history can match the Qur'an in that it is recited the same and has remained unchanged for the past 1,400 years.

  When Muhammad died there was no singular codex of the Qur'an. No collection of his revelations in final written form existed either, because even while he was alive, new teachings were added to the earlier ones.' Companions who memorized his teachings passed on the information orally to students. Early Islamic teachers in the fourth Islamic century decided to write down completed versions handed down from seven authoritative "readers," which in turn created seven basic texts in Arabic. All seven versions are basically the same but with minor variations in phrasing. For the research in this book, we used the Abu Bakr "Asim" reader version of the Qur'an. This is the predominant reading used today by many Islamic African and Middle Eastern countries.

  Although we were not able to read the original Asim version of the Qur'an in Arabic, its teachings and historical information in the English version still made considerable sense to us. We both found the Qur'an a wonderful book of information and spiritual teachings, and we highly recommend its reading to all persons, regardless of religious background or philosophy concerning life. The Qur'an, like many great religious books, is a guide concerning spiritual awareness and ascension to a higher plane of existence.

  HE DJINN-CALLED THE "HIDDEN ONES" in Middle Eastern lore-are aptly named. This mysterious race of beings has remained cloaked in shadows for centuries. Created out of smokeless fire, they have powers and life spans that far exceed those of humans. Their shapeshifting abilities have enabled them to hide in plain sight the world over, either as the unseen or in a host of paranormal guises. We are interacting with them, whether we know it or not. Our awareness of otherworldly realities is rapidly expanding via both paranormal experience and science, and we need to know about the djinn, who comprise a major part of the picture.

  My serious interest in the djinn began some years ago during my explorations of the paranormal and occult. I had of course, come across them in childhood, when I read Middle Eastern folk tales about the wish-giving genies, such as the famous tale of Aladdin and his magical lamp in The Book of 1001 Nights. Within the confines of folk tales, the genies were intriguing but seemed relatively harmless-they were mischievous tricksters who had to be dealt with carefully. Aladdin used them to his favor to gain riches, but in other tales people did not fare so well, making wishes that genies granted in peculiar, distorted, and even cruel ways. The saying "be careful what you wish for" takes on a heavy importance and an entirely new meaning when dealing with the djinn.

  Years later, when I was well into my career researching the paranormal, the genies cropped up again, this time as their proper name of djinn. Despite the recognition, their identity was blurry in Western interpretations. Works on angels and demons sometimes cast them in the same light as demons, beings with supernatural powers and a dark, evil nature. I sometimes found them to be completely equated with demons. Clearly they were something else in their own right, but their true nature remained hidden. I included brief descriptions of them in some of my books, most notably The Encyclopedia ofAngels, The Encyclopedia of Demons eT' Demonology, and The Encyclopedia ofMagic and Alchemy.

  The desire to explore and reveal the hidden drives my work in the paranormal. I have never been content to focus on any narrow field or topic. My interests and curiosity have always cast a wide net. The work I do now-full-time since 1983-was sparked in childhood by a combination of a voracious reading appetite; a fascination with mythology, folklore, the supernatural, science fiction and fantasy; a sprinkling of psychic experiences; a passion for astronomy; and an intense desire to understand the big picture and write about it. All of these things seemed naturally connected to me, and as I grew up and delved into my paranormal research career, those connections became evident in new ways. The "paranormal" revealed itself as a vast and fluid field, a constantly shifting kaleidoscope of interconnections and patterns. Pick up a thread anywhere in the paranormal-angels, demons, fairies, extraterrestrials, shadow people,
mysterious creatures, psychic experiences, visionary encounters, and so on-and it will lead you to everything else. Sooner or later, the paranormal transforms into the mystical, where we confront all of the big questions about the "meaning of everything" that humans have grappled with over the centuries.

  Our encounters with paranormal phenomena are subjective, filtered through a looking glass of time periods in history, cultural backgrounds, religious and spiritual views, and personal beliefs. Yet if you trace the supernatural experiences of people throughout history, you find consistent patterns lying beneath the surface, hidden from plain view. It has always seemed to me, as it has to a great number of other explorers and researchers, that there is something else behind our experiences-perhaps something that can explain them all, or at least shift us into a clearer view of them.

  Thus we come back to the mystery of the djinn, the hidden ones. Are they an integral part of what lies concealed beneath the paranormal? We can make a strong case that they are.

  My plumbing of the dark depths of the djinn began in earnest several years ago, after I reconnected with Philip J. Imbrogno. I had first met Phil in the early 1990s, in the course of my interests in ufology while living in New York and Connecticut. About a decade went by, and we reconnected on one of Phil's guided trips to the stone chambers in New York, which he had been exploring in depth as a result of his research into the Hudson Valley UFO wave of the 1980s and beyond. Like me, Phil had been following his own threads of interconnections. His excellent presentation of the interconnections is in his book Interdimensional Universe.

  In catching up on our respective work, it became evident that we had been pursuing both the same and parallel paths, and that, as Phil put it, we held some missing pieces to each other's research. We began some collaborative work regarding the stone chambers, paranormal hot spots, and high-tech spirit communication. Our far-ranging discussions hit upon the djinn, and this book was born.

  We believe the djinn are a strong and active-but nonetheless hidden-presence in the world. They are not confined to the Middle East, the birthplace of the lore about them. They are known by many names, many guises, and many forms. Name any supernatural entity-even the ghosts of the dead-and you can fit the djinn behind them. We may think we are dealing with angels, demons, fairies, extraterrestrials, and such, but we may actually be dealing, at least some of the time, with djinn in disguise. This does not negate the existence or reality of the aforementioned entities in their own right, but simply that the opportunistic djinn may take on appearances that fool us into interacting with them in specific ways.

  Are the djinn the answer to our paranormal encounters? We still do not know, but the evidence points to them being a significant part of our intersections with parallel dimensions and otherworldly realities that intrude into ours. The djinn are powerful and formidable, and at least some of them seem to have agendas that are not in the best interests of humans.

  This book examines the djinn from a variety of perspectives. We journey into the Middle Eastern lore, which Phil experienced firsthand in his international travels, and into science and physics. We cover the Qur'an's position on djinn and the teachings of Islamic scholars, as well as Western lore and interpretations of them. We explain djinn behavior and characteristics. We give special attention to the relationship between djinn, demons, fairies, shadow people, hooded beings, elementals, and extraterrestrials, types of entities where we have found some of the strongest evidence of djinn connections.

  As mentioned earlier, the djinn are everywhere, and in the course of researching this book, we discovered what we believe are some of their modern-day habitats, right here in America. What are they doing in these pockets? Pursuing covert operations? Or have they retreated to remote areas because they wish to be undisturbed? Is it possible to have any meaningful relationship with them? We present our ideas on the intentions of djinn.

  Our desire in writing this book is to put the hidden ones in the light. Few in the West know much about them. It is said that knowledge is power, and knowing about the djinn stands to benefit our understanding of the truth that is out there.

  Rosemary Ellen Gulley

  HERE HAS BEEN A GROWING interest in the paranormal in the past several decades. Ghosts, poltergeists, spook lights, demons, angels, fairies, shadow people, strange creatures, and UFOs have become staples of movies and prime-time television shows. Our attraction to the supernatural is more than a passing fascination-claims of encounters with paranormal entities such as those mentioned above are not restricted to believers or wide-eyed dreamers. Accounts of sometimes frightening experiences are made by people from all walks of life-credible people-who report seemingly incredible things.

  I have been investigating paranormal phenomena with an emphasis on UFOs for more than thirty years. I have found myself amazed and sometimes even confused by the variety of reports I've received. I'd often ask myself, "Where do these phenomena come from and where do they go when they aren't seen?" The answer to this question can now be answered by new ideas in theoretical physics. One of these new ideas states that our universe is composed of not one, but multiple dimensions, some very close to our own and many far away in space and time. Periodically, several of these closer dimensions may interact with our world, resulting in the merging of several realities.

  My investigations over the years have led me to believe that what we call "the paranormal" takes on a variety of guises, making us humans think we are witnessing multi-faceted phenomena. Actually, this may not be the case at all. In one of these other realities or dimensions close to our own is an intelligent, ancient race that has existed before humans walked the earth-beings with great power who throughout recorded history have been identified by every culture. The Native American shamans call them the "great tricksters," and to the Hindu of India they are known as "deceivers." In the West, they are called "devils" and "demons." New Age spiritualists know them as "the con men of the universe." This ancient race may be responsible for the majority of paranormal events witnessed over the centuries. We have known very little about them, for only one part of the world has historically documented them and their effect on the human race. Ancient Middle Eastern lore tell tales of a race of mysterious and highly intelligent creatures called the djinn. In the Qur'an, a surah entitled Al-djinn frequently mentions the djinn and refers to them as "God's other people." The word djinn is thought to be derived from the Arabic rootjanna, which means "hidden" and should not be confused with the Arabic word jannah, which means "paradise."

  In the West, the djinn are known as the genies of fairy tales, wish-giving entities trapped in bottles, lamps, and rings. The word genie usually conjures up exotic but harmless images, such as the 1960s television series I Dream ofJeannie, in which Barbara Eden played an obliging, well-meaning, and often ditzy genie freed from a bottle by an astronaut, played by Larry Hagman. "Genie" also has comical associations, such as in the Disney movie Aladdin, based on the tale from Arabian lore. In these depictions, genies may have a bit of prankster in them, but they seem benign, even helpful, and we in the West laugh at them. We have little knowledge and lack fear of the real race, the djinn.

  Middle Eastern cultures have a considerably different view of the djinn, however. In many Islamic households, just speaking the name of the djinn will cause the bravest to flee in terror. They consider the djinn to be quite real and a great threat to humanity, causing misfortune, illness, possession, and even death. The djinn hide in the shadows, biding their time and watching us, looking for opportunities to strike, interacting with humans only when it suits their purpose. They are powerful shapeshifters and can live for thousands of years. To cross the djinn is to invite destruction.

  My introduction to the world of the djinn began in the mid1990s while I was traveling through the Middle East researching the Knights Templar and their connection to the Holy Grail. After two weeks of what seemed to be nothing more than a wild goose chase, I began to hear stories about the djinn. At first I
had no idea what they were. An old friend, who later became my guide through some very perilous country there, explained the djinn as the origin of the Western "genie." Like many westerners, I laughed, thinking of those jolly wish-granting spirits. Well, my host took the existence of the djinn very seriously-to him, they were very real. The djinn's true nature and reality became evident to me as I collected a great deal of information on them and visited some of the places where they are reputed to enter our world. I realized they represent an aspect of the paranormal that had been largely untouched by western researchers. I also realized the djinn could be the hidden source of the diversity of paranormal events everywhere.

  I briefly introduced the djinn in two of my previous books, Interdimensional Universe: The New Science of UFOs, Paranormal Phenomena, and Otherdimensional Beings and Files from the Edge: A Paranormal Investigator's Explorations into High Strangeness. Although I didn't go into much detail, I found the djinn attracted a lot of curiosity and attention among readers.

  Several years ago, noted paranormal investigator Rosemary Ellen Guiley and I began investigating paranormal hot spots in New York that generate a great number of reports relating to UFOs and other types of phenomena. We have been exploring the possibility that in many of these high strangeness locations, portals that connect our world to an unseen world exist. When I mentioned my research on the djinn to Rosemary, she told me she was very interested in them due to her research into angels, demons, fairies, and shadow people. After many long discussions, things began falling into place; we could see the connections among parallel dimensions, the emergence of paranormal phenomena, and the race of ancient beings that exist in a reality very close to our own. During our research, we gathered evidence of the djinn in the Western Hemisphere and applied it to paranormal and UFO phenomena. The result is an interesting and compelling picture that raises many questions about what people are really experiencing. Are the djinn behind our paranormal encounters and experiences? Are they behind some of the terrifying experiences people report? If so, what is their purpose? According to ancient lore, the djinn once occupied this world, and they seek to reclaim it. Are they using paranormal avenues to invade our reality? Is their reality merging with ours? We should consider all of these possibilities. There may be a dark agenda below the surface of our experiences, and we fail to see it because we're preoccupied with the superficial characteristics of the experiences themselves. No one has the complete solution to this cosmic puzzle yet, but I believe we are offering a number of important pieces to solve the mystery.


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