Heathen: Oath Keepers MC

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Heathen: Oath Keepers MC Page 7

by Sapphire Knight

  I bite the inside of my cheek, unsure of what else to say.

  “Do you need the bathroom?” He changes the subject, and I’m grateful for it.

  “Yes.” Anything to get me out of this bed and allow me to scout around another area.

  He stands, and then I’m being hauled up into his strong arms. I squeal, completely out of my element and caught off guard at how he easily manhandles me yet is careful enough to not bump my injured wrists. “Whoa! What do you think you’re doing?”

  “You need the bathroom, but your legs are tied. I’m taking you to the toilet.”

  “I am not peeing in front of you!”

  “Relax, your highness; you can manage without me watching you. I’m leaving the door open, though, so don’t get your hopes up too high.”

  He needn’t worry about it. My hopes aren’t high right now, about him or anything else.


  The day passes excruciatingly slowly. Blaze does come back to check on me, though. He takes me to the bathroom again and gives me a big plate of macaroni and cheese with sweet tea to drink. When I ask for a salad, he just laughs at me and leaves the room. He doesn’t seem to be too concerned with me having a plastic spoon or straw. I’m no jailbird, though, so it’s not like I know how to make a shank out of it anyway. I can only be stubborn for so long before my stomach decides to growl ridiculously loud, and I give in. Cold macaroni and cheese at this point is the best thing I can remember eating in who knows how long. I don’t usually have much sugar if I can help it, but I was so thirsty, I sucked down the tea as soon as he put it in my hands.

  “Can I have clothes?” I probe the next time he comes back to the room.

  He rolls his eyes and snorts. “Maybe in a week. Maybe never, it depends on you.”

  A gasp escapes as my mouth falls open. “A-a week? But my job…people will know I’m gone. They’ll look for me.”

  He shakes his head and offers me a smirk. “Nah, I got it all covered. Sorry to break it to you, babe, but no one will be worrying about you for some time.”

  “What? How is that even possible? You realize I’m the principal of an entire school, right? That comes with meetings, paperwork, responsibilities. You’re going to get me fired from my job if you called in or whatever for me. Besides, that’s not like me. They’ll eventually catch on; everyone knows I’m unmarried.”

  He flashes a bit of teeth with his smug expression. “As far as they’re concerned, you’re on vacation. From what I gathered, you have plenty of days saved up. I have more than enough time with you to make you completely disappear if I wanted to.”

  I’m flabbergasted. How could he have any idea about my personal work affairs? I have over thirty days saved up. What can I say? I’m a workaholic and try not to take any days off unless it’s necessary. My unspent vacation time from my previous school position spilled over into this job, so they’ve been accumulating for years now. They were eager to accept my request to have them carry over. It meant me coming to work immediately versus them having to wait even longer without a principal. They were practically desperate to fill the position, so I was able to negotiate some.

  “I don’t understand. I have to put in special paperwork to take anything over a few days off. They have to find someone to temporarily come in to help or else shift my schedule to the assistant principal and such.” I probably shouldn’t tell him any of this, but hopefully, it’ll make him think twice.

  Blaze divulges, “I know all that already. It’s taken care of, babe. So, get used to the fact that no one is searching for you now and they won’t be. Hell, no one cares.” He shrugs with his cutting remark, and I try to choke the tears away that are threatening to surface. He has my emotions all over the place, and I feel like I’m losing it.

  I’ve never felt more vulnerable in my life. I’m normally strong and independent, but this man won’t even allow me to walk to the bathroom. He carries me each time I need to move; he plates up my food and cleans up after me. It’s demeaning, let alone the huge fact that he’s kept me naked for the past two days as well.

  He’d bandaged me up this morning as I’d tried to escape, and he was, dare I say it…his actions were caring the way he’d doctored my wounds. Afterward, I felt like I’d been acting childish, rubbing my wrists raw to escape. It’s all futile, he seems to have it figured out, and it’s obviously not his first kidnapping. I’m beginning to believe him about his experience with doing it plenty of times before. The thought terrifies me because what happened to all the other women he’d nabbed?

  The tears I’d been trying so hard to keep locked away trail over my cheeks once again. I’ve lost count at this point how many times I’ve allowed myself to cry. My nose will tattle on me soon as well by turning bright red. I can never hide my crying.

  He leans in, lightly rubbing my tears. His forehead scrunches. Under different circumstances, I’d almost think he was cute like this. He doesn’t seem to understand why I’m crying, and it clearly concerns him. Could he truly be some sort of heathen kidnapper biker who cares if I cry? That wouldn’t make any sense at all.

  “What happened to them?” I whisper, and his expression falls flat, locking into a solemn frown.

  Blaze stands to his full height, hands on his hips. He’s an intimidating man, I won’t deny that much. “You don’t want to know,” he says after a beat of tense silence. “Even more of an incentive for you to behave.”

  “But what if I do everything you want, and you still…kill me?” I whisper, not wanting to utter the words. “Shouldn’t I…uh, fight and attempt everything I can to get away? To get help?”

  I expect him to chuckle, but he remains somber. “You hear of those stories with kidnap victims miraculously escaping and finding help. I’ve seen them too. I know what you’re thinking right now. But, babe, it won’t happen for you. Let me lay it out for you a bit. Say you do get out of my room somehow; there’s an entire clubhouse full of my brothers waiting on the other side of that door.” He gestures to the door on the far wall. “Some of them are a lot worse than me. Take Annabelle’s father, for example, he wouldn’t hesitate to bury you, especially since you’ve been fucking with his daughter. You really want him to see you running free in the hallway? Let’s say you manage to make it outside the clubhouse…you know what’s surrounding it?”

  I shake my head. I have no idea. I’ve done my best to stay away from this place and them. I’ve heard whispers around town of the local biker club. I’ve seen various guys in their leather vests in the stores and riding around. I’ve always kept my distance in those cases.

  “Well, there’s a tall ass fence that’s wrapped with barbed wire and has electricity running through it. The electrical current will either put you out or kill you since your frame’s so thin. There are cameras everywhere outside, and there’s also my brothers guarding the gate and doing their patrols. We’re a big club with lots of shit to protect. You won’t be leaving here unless I walk your ass out, take you back to that school, and decide to let you go. You’re a little caged bird…and babe, I’m the only one with your key.”

  I swallow, biting my lip as reality sets in, and then the tears hit me hard—much harder than before. Sobs wrack my body, turning me into a complete mess, but none of that matters. What does matter is everything he’s just shared with me, the truth of his words that I can’t get free no matter how hard I try to.

  “Crying won’t do you any good, sugar. It’s time you face your circumstances. You behave the way you ought to, and you may make it out of this alive and unharmed.”

  I exhale and nod, trying to get my tears to stop. He’s right. I need to pull myself together and get through this. I’m a strong woman. If anyone can survive being kidnapped from a biker club, it’s me. Now, doing it without attempting to bite him again, that’s another thing entirely. This man is controlling, pigheaded, and infuriating.

  At my nod of submission, he goes to the closet and removes the thick down comforter from the high shelf and
brings it back to the bed. He covers me, tucking the warmth around me and murmurs, “I’ll be back later.”

  I nod again and wiggle until I’m turned onto my side. My body aches from lying in the bed for two days straight, but at least he’s finally covered me up. Laying in this room naked all day has me seriously feeling like I’m freezing.

  It’s past time I come to terms with my current circumstances, I could be much worse off than I am right now. He could be beating, raping, and starving me or who knows what. He’s done none of those things, and tonight, I’m finding a reason to be thankful. Blaze wants me naked and compliant to him? Fine, but I won’t offer myself up to him sexually. I’ll be accommodating with personal respect for myself. Most of all, I’ll stay alive. Damn it, I have to, no matter what.

  Chapter 8


  “How’s it goin, brother?” Torch questions with a grumble as I take my spot in church. Viking’s not in here yet, it’s just me, Torch, and Smokey. Those two are always here first; I guess the secretary and death dealer are more responsible than the rest of us.

  I toss Smokey my club dues and shrug at Torch. I throw back my tumbler that’s half full of Jack, and the liquid doesn’t burn enough. Not like it used to. “She started crying last night,” I quietly share, not caring for the way it makes me feel saying it aloud.

  His brows jump, and he emits a low whistle between his teeth. His canines look sharp as fuck. The motherfucker reminds me of some kind of vampire or some shit when he shows his teeth. “Making progress already?”

  “Hard to tell,” I say, moving my gaze around the quiet room and empty chairs. “Only a few days in. Plus, she’s off all that shit she’d been putting in her body. The doc said it could make her moody and emotional. I figure she’ll be here long enough to detox off it all and maybe come back down to fuckin’ reality.”

  He shakes his head, flabbergasted. “Hard to believe a woman that book smart would want to do that to her body.”

  “Bro, it’s the fake media feeding these women all this bullshit that we’re trying to take over the world. They need to come to terms that we took that shit over way back, but there have been plenty of women in charge too. Shit, most of the powerful men in the world have a strong woman right beside them. The news is so concerned with twisting us to look like evil villains, they leave off the part about us coveting our women.” I sigh, disgruntled. “They forget to mention that we try to help women succeed, too, and we don’t think they’re below us.”

  “Glad I don’t have to deal with that shit. Annabelle won’t grow up believing any of that bullshit. She’ll see firsthand what real men are,” he grumbles.

  “When’s Flame get out of the pen?” His baby momma has been locked up for years. He doesn’t speak about her to any of us, but I know he keeps tabs. He has to for Annabelle’s sake. If Flame ever got out, she’d want her daughter back; of that, I have no doubt.

  “Last I heard, not anytime soon. She keeps getting more time added on…you know how she is.”

  “She finds out you’re here, she’ll come for her daughter.”

  He shrugs. “Won’t be the first time I dealt with the crazy bitch.”

  “Crazy is putting it lightly; she’s on another level.”

  His lips turn up. He knows I’m right. Though with Torch’s mean ass, it’s only expected he’d end up stuck with the wildest chick out of everyone. He tried to cut ties when she got locked away, but Flame won’t let him off that easy. She gets out, and she’ll be on a warpath once she discovers he and Annabelle aren’t still in the Carolinas.

  The door swings open and we’re interrupted by several brothers. They nod their hellos and toss money at Smokey for their club dues. Viking takes his place at the head of the table and waits for a few beats until everyone’s inside and seated before he hits the gavel to call church in session.

  “Lotta shit to get through today,” he barks, cracking his knuckles.

  We echo with our own grumbles, not fond of being brought into church so damn early. We usually do this shit later in the day after we’ve had a chance to sleep off part of our hangovers.

  He carries on. “I’ve been in touch with the Nomads. Spider tells me that border patrol is struggling. With more illegals crossing by the day, it’s too much for them to fight with the cartel as well. They’re getting hit from all directions. ICE has been doing raids on the down low, and from what I hear, the government is dispatching soldiers down south. Everything is being kept quiet, out of the mainstream media, to avoid a press shitshow that seems to be happening constantly. Luckily, Exterminator still has undercover connections; otherwise, we’d be fucked as far as this intel goes.”

  Nightmare lightly raps his knuckles against the table and asks, “So what’s the plan? What are we going to do about it?”

  “Normally, I’d recommend that we keep our noses the fuck outta it. Those cartel fuckers know Texas is Oath Keepers’ turf. We have the largest MC presence in the state. They’ll be expecting the Nomads, but they won’t be expecting two clubs riding. I’ve spoken to Ares. It’s time we pony up and show them we don’t take kindly to their unauthorized distribution and murders in our state. The sex trade is bad enough, but they start throwing in the other shit, and we have to put a stop to it. Give them the boot.”

  “‘Bout motherfuckin’ time,” Night growls, and Saint starts twitching with excitement. He’s been cooped up for too long; the brother needs some crazy in his life.

  “Torch will man the club. Smokey, you’ll stay back with him. We’ll lock down the compound, but also make sure all your ol’ ladies are strapped. Take them out shooting tonight to get them practicing and brushing up on their aims. Ares’s chapter is doing the same. They’re loading the ol’ ladies up with plenty of ammo and telling them to shoot first and ask questions later.”

  Sinner chin-lifts, garnering our attention. He shakes his head. “We’ve tried to teach Jude. She’s good with a knife, but she’s not confident with a Glock.”

  Chaos nods. “She’s a sweetheart. Have the girls keep her busy with Maverick and making food. Her help in those things will keep the others focused. If Princess isn’t distracted, she’s as fierce as one of us staying back.”

  Nightmare interrupts. “Same. After the Iron Fists, Bethany has been on the warpath. She’s been kickboxing and visiting the range weekly. She won’t be a victim again.”

  Mercenary speaks up. “Chevelle’s a bad bitch; she’ll hold her own. If she has to, she’ll run a fucker over.”

  Viking smirks. “Not a doubt in my mind that they can’t hold the fort down with Torch and Smokey around to help. The Iron Fists caught us off guard and fucked us up…we learned our lesson the hard way.”

  “Fuckin’ Fists,” Nightmare growls, and Viking raises his hands to get everyone to shut the hell up.

  “We’re getting off topic. We’ll ride out in three or four days; it depends on what updates I receive. Be prepared to pop smoke any day.”

  Clearing my throat, I bring up a sore spot for me. “I have the principal in my room…tied up still.”

  Viking’s brow raises as he trains a stony expression on me. “And? You haven’t broken her yet?”

  I shake my head. “I thought kidnapping her would shake her up enough to get her to roll over and comply, but she’s stubborn. Caught her chewing at her wrist ties yesterday. Bloodied up her arms and everything. She’s stubborn.”

  Torch divulges, “She called him a heathen.”

  Several brothers around the table break out in chuckles, and I have to grit my teeth as to not growl in return.

  Viking exhales, quickly running out of patience. “You have four days, Blaze. Turn up the heat and fucking break her down already or put a bullet in her. We have too much shit going on to worry about her ass. Our problems with the cartel affect the entire MC, she’s a speck where this is all concerned. Our women don’t need to be worrying about a loose cannon while we’re out of town taking care of club business.”

Swallowing, my throat grows tight at the thought of burying her. I have to figure out another way to get her to see reason. “I’ll take care of it.”

  He nods. “Bet. Now, anything I’m missing that needs to be talked about?”

  Sinner signals.


  “2 Piece getting more weapons in from the Russians?”

  “Good question. Touch base with him and see if we have time to restock. I haven’t heard of the Russians paying a visit lately, so it’s a decent chance they have something in the works. If not, ask if they have anything their charter is selling that we can get. And ammo as well; we can never have enough of it.”

  Sinner concurs, “I’ll get it sorted and hit up Smokey if they have anything worth purchasing.”

  “Good. If the Russians are planning to drop in, I want a fifty-Cal and a rocket launcher, or something similar. We need to go in with plans to fuck some shit up.”

  Smokey coughs, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “You planning on driving down there, kid? Ain’t no way you can strap those to your bikes and not get hauled off by the law. Oath Keepers don’t have everyone in their pockets, ya know.”

  Viking huffs. “I’ll make a prospect drive if needed. I’m not worrying about the little shit right now. We need to execute the bigger plan.”

  Odin speaks up, disagreeing. “You should be, brother. We have enough of a heads-up to cover our bases instead of going in half-cocked and shit. There’s enough of us to take care of it all.”

  Viking glares. “You wanna sit in my motherfuckin’ chair?”

  Odin’s hands shoot up, placating. “I’m just suggesting, Vike. Calm the fuck down.”

  “I agree with one aspect. There’s enough of us sitting around this table to make sure all the small shit is squared away. We don’t need a color-coded checklist with fucking designated chores. Put your colored pencils away and check for your balls, little brother.”

  The table cracks up, and Odin rolls his eyes. Poor kid will always be the younger brother around here with Viking in charge. VP or not, he’s still the youngest sitting at the table.


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