Heathen: Oath Keepers MC

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Heathen: Oath Keepers MC Page 10

by Sapphire Knight

  “Fuck,” he huffs, throwing a glare back at his brother. “I’ll text them right now.”

  I nod. “You gonna clue your brother in, or should I?” I ask with a threatening tone. He doesn’t want me to have to point it out again. My cousin will listen if I think these two should take a fucking hike. You want to be a member of this club, you have to pay your dues, put in your time, and make us confident we can trust you. Otherwise, you’re no good to us. This is club life, but it’s also our family.

  “I’ll take care of it, Blaze. You won’t have to mention it again.”

  “Yeah?” I rev my engine.

  He nods, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. “Won’t happen again; you have my word.”

  “That’s what I wanna hear. Now open the fucking gate and do your job.”

  He swiftly steps over to the new lock we had installed last weekend. It scans his eye, and he types in his temporary code. It clicks open, then the two gates make a whirring sound as they open, and I slowly cruise through.

  The new lock we installed has a scan log that notes whoever comes as well as a heat sensor. If a body’s dead and cold, it won’t open, so rival clubs can’t kill one of us and use our eye to open the lock. It was insanely expensive, but when you have a compound full of the most important people in your life and have been hit hard in the past, it’s well worth it. Ever since Nightmare’s kid was kidnapped and we were fucked up, we’re always looking for ways to improve our security. I’m not afraid to admit that it has me sleeping easier at night. I had some dark fucking dreams for a minute after I nearly died. No one around here knows that bit of truth, however. Those thoughts and memories are mine alone.

  Toeing my kickstand down, I kill the engine and hop off. Grabbing my purchases from the hardware store, I hurry through the clubhouse to my room, not stopping to chitchat with any of the brothers. Most of them are busy anyhow with getting shit together for this run that’s coming up quick. As long as I’m strapped with plenty of ammo, then I’m not worried about anything other than my captive principal. Knowing she’s in there waiting for me has my stomach jumbled up. It’s like having a shiny new toy I get to play with all by myself.

  I practically burst through my door, bags in hand. Amelia’s head snaps up at the commotion. She meets my gaze, and I barely manage to hold back a pleased groan. Not only did Princess clean her up and keep her naked, but she also has her gagged. I wasn’t lying about her being a shiny new toy. She’s like a present just waiting to be thoroughly fucked. The hardest part of all is not touching her like I want to. The bad man deep down in me whispers to hold her down and fuck her senseless, but that’s not who I am anymore.

  “You all right?” I gruffly ask, gritting my teeth as my cock grows into a semi.

  Tears well in her eyes, her forehead scrunching. I’m confident she’s got something to say. That’s one trait she’s had consistently since we first met. The bitch is mouthy.

  “Hold on, sweetheart; I’ll help you out.” Closing the door behind me, I set the bags down right inside and head for the naked beauty.

  Stopping in front of her, I murmur, “Hold still. I don’t want to yank your hair or pinch you.”

  She blinks, holding my gaze a moment before I realize she’s keeping still. Chuckling to myself, I reach around and carefully unsnap the gag. Holding it in one hand, I use my free hand to lightly rub her jaw and temples. I’m sure she’s sore from having the gag in place for most of the day.

  Her eyes close and she leans her head back. I take a moment to let her get her bearings and fetch her a small cup of water from the bathroom sink.

  “Take a few sips of this and lick your lips. You’ll feel better.”

  She does as I say and whispers a soft, “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t know P had left you like this, or I’d have come sooner to check on ya.”

  She takes a few more drinks of the water, and I balance the cup between her hands so she can sip as she pleases. “Where were you?” she eventually asks.

  I tilt my head at her nerve to ask me anything. She’s not in the position to question me, nor is she my ol’ lady. My prez and ol’ lady would be the only two people I’d worry about giving my location, not a naked, kidnapped woman tied up in my room.

  She nods to the bags. “You went shopping?”

  “Oh, yeah. The hardware store.”

  She bites her bottom lip, and I know she’s making herself refrain from interrogating me any further. She’s used to being the one in charge and having everyone bow to her inquisition. I’m not them; here, I’m in control. She watches with rapt attention as I dump out the bags and go to my closet. I dig out my drill and bits. Amelia notices the thick rope and stutters, “Uh…m-more ropes?”

  She probably thinks this is going to turn into some BDSM freak show, but she couldn’t be more wrong. Sure, I like a little spice in my sex life just like every other man out there, but not that sort of thing. I nod, admitting, “I’m not tying them around you, so relax. You want me to help you lie down, or are you okay sitting in the chair still?”

  “I’d like to lie down.”

  Rather than say anything, I set the drill down and come back over to her. I don’t give Amelia a chance to walk or make much of a decision as I tug her up into my arms. I do it too quickly for her to protest, not that she has much sway in her opinions around me. Any excuse I can find to touch her or have her against me, I’m taking. She’ll learn to get comfortable with my touch; even if I need to break her walls down slowly, I will. I was going to let her go after the two weeks, but at this rate, I may never release her. I want to keep her more with every hour that passes.

  “Oomph,” she mumbles as her body comes in contact with my much bulkier form. She’s lucky I don’t body slam her ass on that bed and take what I want. But no, I’m stuck on being the nice guy.

  “Shh,” I lay her down, princess style, noticing just how good she smells with my soap on her. She’s sexy as fuck.

  She hands me her empty cup, and I set it on my dresser. My eyes stay trained on her as I head back to the door and everything I’d dumped there.

  The way she’s laying, one of her legs has partially fallen open, giving me a peek at her pussy. I swallow as my throat dries, and my cheeks warm. I want to dip between those thighs and lick that little cunt until her pussy lips are pink and swollen, and she’s exhausted from coming on my mouth multiple times.

  “Blaze?” she calls, and my eyes find hers again. Hers are dilated, telling on herself that she damn well knows exactly what I was looking at.

  I clear my throat and manage to work out a gruff, “Yeah?”

  “Thank you,” she says, and it isn’t lost on me how she presses her thighs together. Could she be thinking about me all up in that pussy too? If she’s not letting me pound her soon, I’m going to work Honey to death on sucking my cock dry. I gotta have some sort of relief to clear my head and remain patient with the principal. I can’t afford to lose myself with her, it’ll ruin every bit of traction that I’ve gained with her.

  I get to work, busily installing the first bar for this contraption Princess told me about. Once it’s in place, I secure the rope around it and step toward the bed.

  Amelia shoots me a panicked gaze. “Blaze?”

  “I’m not wrapping it around you,” I explain, questioning myself on why I give a fuck if she’s upset about something. “It’s to feed through your arms. I’ll free your legs afterward, and you’ll be able to move around the room and to the bathroom easier.”

  She remains quiet and watchful as I put the thicker rope between her tied wrists. I find a stud in the bathroom and install the other bar, looping the rope around it as well. Once everything’s secure, I move back to the bed and untie her legs. She immediately moves to flex them outward but stops and slams them closed once realization dawns that she was spreading her legs open for me.

  “T-this doesn’t mean…” she begins, taking in my heavy breathing,

  “What?” I s
it on the bed next to her knees.

  “You wanted my legs free?” she asks, worry filling her expression as she glances from me to her perfect creamy thighs.

  “I told you, babe, it’s so you’re able to move around. You can get a drink from the sink or use the bathroom. Hell, you can burn a hole in the carpet pacing if you want. I don’t give a fuck; it’s meant to make things a little easier and comfortable on you.”

  She releases an exhale and finally concedes, “Thanks.”

  I nod. What the fuck am I supposed to say back about it? I’ve taken her and tied her up, and she’s thanking me for letting her drink and go to the bathroom. It makes me feel kinda like a grade-A dick for not doing it sooner. Maybe Princess was right after all.

  Standing, I peel my shirt off and toss it in the hamper located in my closet and then put my tools in the back of the top shelf. I don’t want them anywhere she can reach them, even if it is just a drill and bits. In the past, I’ve witnessed my homie Twist use a drill to fuck some people up before. I’ll never look at another tool the same way again.

  Flicking my belt free, I tug my pants down and toss them in the closet with my shirt. Once I’m completely naked, I head for the shower, not hiding myself one bit. I want her to stare. I want her to think about my body. I want to be on her mind, period.

  Chapter 11


  I’m lost in my thoughts, staring toward the bathroom when a billow of steam surrounds Blaze as he steps out of the shower. He quickly runs a towel over his exquisitely carved muscles, looking more and more like someone I’d see on a men’s fitness magazine in the supermarket. He’s just the bad boy version, something I foolishly believed I’d never be attracted to. Oh, how I was completely wrong on that account. It’s okay if I look, right? It’s not as if I’ve developed Stockholm Syndrome. I’m just admiring his body. It has to be from abstinence and nothing more. He’s a criminal and zilch about that fact draws me to him, but his body…even his smile and the timbre of his voice. They do things to me that I shouldn’t be thinking about in my situation, or ever for that matter.

  “I have to sleep with this rope through my arms?” I eventually manage to ask, once I’ve recited the periodic table to get myself in check. Him untying my legs was an amazing feeling, but now that I’ve been lying here with this thick rope between my arms, it’s beginning to agitate me as well. I realize I don’t have much room to complain, but if I bring it to his attention, maybe he’ll do something about it like he did with my legs.

  He tosses the towel over the top of the shower and brushes his teeth without replying. Once that task is complete, which looked far too sexy to be so mundane, he swaggers toward me. I swallow a few times quickly, aware that I shouldn’t be staring at him, yet not being able to make myself turn away. There’s an enigma about him. Sure, it’s infuriating, but it’s also unbelievably attractive. I shouldn’t think of him like that, period. He’s a heathen lawbreaker, a biker…my kidnapper. I despise anyone like that. And he’s so male, it makes me sick. But oh my, he is so ridiculously good-looking and mix in his deep voice…well, it gives me goosebumps—the good kind.

  With that realization, I glance away, pinning my glare on the irritating rope. I won’t give him the courtesy of looking him in the eye. “You’re not afraid I’ll attempt to wrap it around your head as you sleep?” I don’t think there’s enough slack, but maybe it’ll motivate him to unhook me from it.

  He snorts, completely sure of himself. I haven’t met a more overconfident man in my life. It infuriates me that the thought of me harming him is completely outlandish to him. I’m not a violent person, but this is my life we’re talking about here. He’s taken me, stolen away my clothing and tied me up. I’m pretty sure that’s grounds for me to fight back, however necessary.

  “It’s amusing how you still believe you have any chance when it comes to me. I told you, a woman like you, with no discipline and training, isn’t a match for a man of my size. And, by the way, wrapping it around my head would do you no good. I’d maybe get some rope burn, which would only piss me off. You’d have to figure out how to get it around my neck and then be able to overpower me to strangle me from behind. Unless you train MMA, well, the chances aren’t in your favor.” He winks.

  I bristle inside, fuming at his condescending tone. “Don’t you dare belittle me,” I spit.

  He rolls his eyes, planting his gorgeous behind on the bed. “I’m tellin’ you the truth. I say it because I’ve been fighting to survive for as long as I can remember. The instinct to kill is ingrained in my blood.” He flicks his tormented azure gaze over me before muttering, “You’re headstrong and opinionated, but you’re no killer. Hell, you’re too scared to have a child, you definitely wouldn’t have the protective instinct to fight me and come out on top.”

  “I-I’m not scared to have a child.” I sputter, arguing. “Why would I want to bring a human being into a male-dominated world? What if I have a daughter, she’d be subjected to everything in the world today. Or a son? I’d have to constantly be shielding him from temptation and then have men like you torment him for being what you’ve deemed a beta.”

  He huffs, shaking his head and lies back beside me. “That’s where you’re fucking twisted. You need men like me to teach your son how to live. You need men like me to protect your daughter from men worse than me. You’re not in your fabricated little world anymore. You’re in the real one now. Time to open your eyes and come to terms with reality. That shit you see on the news and preach at your anti-male meetings ain’t real. It’s a bunch of bullshit made up to create division amongst people. We’d all survived together just fine for many years.”

  “Because men were always in charge.”

  “And many of those men helped fight to give you equal rights. Just because I’m a real fucking man doesn’t mean I don’t believe in equality for women.”

  My mind races at his last words. He really feels that way? But he’s so overbearing and what about all the pregnancy stuff? “But you’ve said in the past you don’t believe in artificial insemination and everything else against what I believe in. How can you change it now?”

  “Oh, no,” he grumbles. “I didn’t change shit. You didn’t want to listen to what I think or believe when I first met you. You took one look at me and made up your mind about me. I didn’t say I don’t believe in artificial insemination or anything else. I said a woman should have children the natural way, with a man. If you can’t, then I one hundred percent support doctors stepping in to help it happen. I don’t support women not including men altogether in the process though, we were created to procreate together. I never said feminists are wrong or bad, I said the ones who were anti-men were off their rocker. We don’t not support women or want to keep them pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen. Believe it or not, many of us don’t want to stand in front of you, but beside you. I’d only be in front of you if I needed to protect you.”

  I bite my bottom lip, unsure exactly how to reply. I want to argue with him, but what he said wasn’t exactly a bad thing. “I’m tired of men like you trying to control everything.”

  He sighs. “Not all of us want to control everything. The majority of us want to be able to provide for our families and do what we want. You extremists are trying to take away our guns, our rights, and the American dream. We were fine before the news and social media stirred up this shit storm.”

  “Yeah, that’s because of crazy people doing mass shootings.”

  “I’m beginning to think you’re a fucking lost cause. Did you not hear anything I said to you?”

  Does this mean he’s going to kill me? Because I don’t agree with him? I was just trying to talk, but I should’ve kept my thoughts to myself in fear for my life. “I heard you.”

  “Obviously you missed the part where I said we want to protect you. Not every person with a gun wants to hurt you. This is a prime example of why women need men. No matter how independent you all may be, we can make you feel safe. I’m
not saying that to control you or get you all ruffled. It’s the truth. We want to protect you and care for you. If your stubborn asses would get the crazy thoughts out of your head, we’d be able to do that. We’d be there in the middle of the night during a robbery to help you escape and take a bullet to keep you alive. Wouldn’t you want to sleep easy at night, knowing someone has your back like that?”

  I nod. Of course, what he said sounds nice, though I’m not sure how much truth is in his words. But it would be a relief, knowing someone wanted to keep me safe so fiercely. “I should take a self-defense class,” I admit, thinking into it further.

  I expect him to disagree, but he surprises me.

  “You should. You should also get your permit and take shooting lessons at the range. Those beta males you surround yourself with damn sure won’t be able to save you. They’ll put on a pink pussy hat and hide behind you.”

  “I could protect them,” I say, daring to offer a small smile.

  He shakes his head. “Not like this, you couldn’t. If you learned how to fight and concealed carry, then maybe. Until then, you’d both be easy pickings.”

  “Why do men have to think like that?”

  “It’s not just men, sweetheart; it’s the world. I keep telling you to open your eyes. The news only gives you a smidge of the facts. Painting us out to be the bad guys isn’t the answer. It’s part of the problem.”

  I turn away from him, not wanting to discuss it anymore. He’s put a lot of thoughts in my head that weren’t there before, and I need time to process.

  “Night, Amelia,” he murmurs.

  “Night, Blaze,” I reply and close my eyes. For once, I’m not lying here terrified that I’ll be killed or raped. As I fall asleep, I can’t help but think that I don’t have to worry about anyone trying to break into this crazy place. If it’s full of men like Blaze, then they’re trained and ready to protect who needs it and defend their home. I hadn’t thought of this place as someone’s home before, but now, I can see that’s exactly what it is.


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