Heathen: Oath Keepers MC

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Heathen: Oath Keepers MC Page 16

by Sapphire Knight

  I can’t help but laugh at his admission. Big, badass Torch got his ass handed to him by a petite firecracker of a woman. He’s got her pegged though; the bitch really is psycho with a capital P. She ever got out and saw my brother with another chick, she’d light her up and watch her burn to death. I know that much from experience. Flame loves to set shit on fire.

  Odin steps up beside me. “Brother.” He puts his fist out.

  Torch and I both fist bump him, and then we’re interrupted by Cherry leaping at him. He pulls her in, wrapping his arms around her tightly, and suddenly, it’s a little hard for me to breathe.

  When in the hell did I start wanting that too? I’m a bachelor, and I’ve always loved living that life, but it doesn’t seem to hold the same appeal to me any longer. Granted, I may not want to marry and have kids or anything right now, but I want to know I have someone waiting for me, who’s excited to see me. I mean, Odin used to be just like me, not thinking twice about fucking whoever looks good that night. Now, he’s busy spending his days building him and Cherry a house and shit. He’s taking after Viking, looking to his blood brother for help in the relationship department.

  Is it Amelia who’s got me thinking this way? And why in the fuck do I have to desire the most difficult woman I’ve come across? This has to be payback for all the shit I’ve pulled in the past.

  I grumble my goodbyes, though Odin couldn’t give two fucks as Cherry’s got his full attention. Torch, however, tells me to get laid and that he’ll see me later. The man needs to take his own advice. I don’t make it my business to know my brother’s fuckin’ habits, but his are obvious. We’d been debriefed as soon as we made it back, so I’m free to do whatever the hell I want. The ride home was long, and I was already exhausted from sleeping like shit and thinking about Amelia. Throw in the argument I just had with P, and I’m emotionally and physically beat.

  I hit a guest shower, hoping Amelia’s asleep and I won’t wake her up when I head for my room. I don’t want to talk to her right now. I’ve got too much riding on my mind along with residual anger from the goddamn sex tape. I was on the road and getting shot at while she was getting her pussy licked. That shit both turns me on and infuriates the fuck outta me. She’s in my room, in my bed…by default, that makes her ass belong to me. I’m not generally a territorial person, but in her case, things have changed.

  My room’s dark and silent. I’ve lived here long enough to know my way around it. I’d forgotten about the rope, however, and run right smack into it. There’s enough force, I know it must jostle her, yet the woman in my bed lies still as a statue. I bet the bitch is awake and pretending she’s asleep. She doesn’t want to greet me? That’s just fuckin’ fine. I’m tired and could use a full eight hours before dealing with her opinionated mouth. In this mood, I may end up shoving my dick in that hole if I don’t sleep first.

  I dump my bag off to the side of the door and yank the towel free from my hips. I toss it off somewhere into the darkness and walk until my knees hit my bed. I can make out the texture of the comforter, but everything else is pitch black. Most of our rooms don’t have windows. It was supposed to be a safety precaution when the compound was built, but it also means our rooms have no light unless you flip a switch for it.

  Crawling over the plush mattress, I practically dive under the fluffy down and rest my head on my pillow. It feels too damn good to be home, especially when there’s a body waiting in my bed, and it’s not a clingy club whore. Unlike them, Amelia doesn’t beg me to put her on the back of my bike every time she’s naked. On the contrary, the bitch is just egging to leave me. It’s entertaining to have the opposite. Usually, I’m booting bitches out of my bed, but in this case, I’ve tied one to it.

  I shake my head at the thought and close my eyes. I concentrate on her steady breaths, and before I realize it, the sound has lulled me into a deep sleep.



  The first thing I notice when I stir from sleep is the bulky heater next to me in the bed. He’s finally back.

  My body has a chill, so I turn into the warmth. Princess took my clothes away the evening before. It was the only clue I had that Blaze would be returning soon. I was sad to see the robe go, but a strange sense of excitement had begun to fill my stomach, knowing he could be back at any moment. What would he do if he knew I wasn’t naked for the past few days? Would he punish me for not obeying him? The thought of him growing angry has my insides quickly heating up, and the juncture between my thighs tingles.

  Orgasming each day has completely opened up my senses and feelings throughout my body. That and the thought of Blaze coming back has been at the forefront of my mind. It’s hard to fathom that it’s taken precedence over me getting out of here. At some point, I traded my desires from escaping to being near Blaze. When on earth did that happen, and why? I should absolutely despise the man lying next to me, yet I find myself curious about where he went and what he’s been doing. Did he go off and see a woman?

  If so, why does that thought irritate me so much? I should rejoice in him being with another lady, yet it makes me sick with envy. Maybe it’s because he’s yet to touch me, aside from having his hand lay over me when we sleep. The one time his fingers were on my pussy was when I deemed them to be there. I want him to reach over and finger my hole like Princess did in the shower. Maybe even put his tongue inside me too… I blame these intense feelings on him. I wasn’t this way two or even three weeks ago; I was completely focused. Blaze has made me question nearly everything I know and have come to believe in. He’s made me desire him, and that’s the craziest part of all, me wanting some maniac biker as badly as I do.

  I’m sure he’d laugh his butt off if he had any inkling whatsoever that he’s turned the tables on me. It’d be like winning for him, I’m sure. He seems the type that’s used to getting what he wants. After all, it drove him crazy that I didn’t succumb to his charms when he showed up at the school with Annabelle Teague’s father. What kind of name is Torch, anyhow?

  His big paw jostles, moving to wrap over me. His fingers would be on my breast right now if I were turned over. The thought makes me want to move to feel him there, but I don’t do it. I won’t come off as desperate, although I sort of am at this point. I’m anxious for anything—his attention, his touch…just anything, as long as it comes from him. It shouldn’t be like that; I’m not supposed to crave him. I know better. I’d be like all of those other women he’s used and discarded after he’d finished using them, and I can’t allow myself to be that. I’m stronger; I always have been.

  I try not to move him much with my breathing. I don’t know why I care if he has a decent night of sleep or not. Lying next to him while he looks so peaceful has me intrigued. The man is ridiculously good-looking when he’s awake and spouting off about knowing what’s best for me, but he’s even more handsome when he’s vulnerable and quiet like he is now. I can make out the small indentions where his smile and scowl lines normally are. I haven’t witnessed him with a full-blown smile, but Princess has told me that Blaze is generally carefree around the clubhouse. I’d imagine if that’s the truth, then he’d smile frequently.

  She shared a lot with me while he was gone doing who knows what, more than she probably should have. Would he be angry if he knew that we were talking about him? I doubt he’d care, but part of me still wonders what he’d think about it. Was I on his mind the past couple of days as well? If he had another woman around then I doubt it, he seems like the type of guy who’s used to having female company whenever he wants it. I don’t know why that thought makes me so upset. It’d be completely out of line to bring it up, even though being kidnapped isn’t exactly in line with any sort of rules I’d be familiar with. I think the most important thing to worry about in this situation is for me not to end up dead. Yet I find myself fuming over thoughts of him possibly being intimate with someone other than me.

  His hand moves, flexing to bring me forward. He’s a beast of a man, so his
muscular arm easily scoots me closer to him. He could toss me around like a rag doll if he so desired. My breathing speeds up as his scent fills my nose, stronger than before. He always smells so clean and enticing, like bottled-up man. He grumbles in his sleep, leaning in to plant his nose to the top of my head. I should smell like his soap. Princess used it to wash my hair and body yesterday. Never mind that I was thinking of him while she did it. No one needs to know that fact aside from me.

  We’re so close now, I can feel him graze against different parts of my flesh. I’m feeling warm all over, maybe too warm at having him in my small bubble. I want to lift my leg and slide that hardness right inside. His cock has been large every time we lay together, yet he hasn’t even attempted to use it. Why be naked like this otherwise? Is he using it to taunt me? It’s beginning to hold merit; I want to rub my core on him like a cat in heat and then come all over the tip. This isn’t right…he shouldn’t make me have these feelings. I’m his victim, not his lover.

  As if he can read my mind, his hand shifts down. His rough palm caresses over my silky-smooth skin, exploring. It stops at my waist for a beat and then lowers to cup my small behind. His fingers stretch to expand over the whole thing before sliding farther to fit in the crease of my thighs. His fingertips barely graze my sex as they move to hold my thigh. He pulls my leg to rest over his muscular thigh, the tip of his length reaching out to graze my clit.

  That’s it, though. He doesn’t nudge me anymore, just lines me up exactly where I want to be and leaves me there hanging. Could he be dreaming? I tilt my hips forward just a bit to test the waters. I wish I could see his face to watch his expression. I want to know if he’s about to wake up or not. I go off his breathing; it’s deep and steady, comforting. I only need to rub him a few times, and I can come; I know it.

  Flexing my pelvis, I move until my clit rests on the tip of his cock. Just the light graze of it has tingles firing through me. My opening clenches, wanting him to fill it. Wetness pools below; by the end of this, my thighs will be soaked.

  I begin to shift my hips, moving in circles. The pressure on my clit, knowing it’s coming from his cock, is intense. It takes everything in me to clench my teeth together and not cry out in my passionate, wanton state. He’s just what my body needed first thing. The thoughts of him pinning me under him and thrusting inside my heat has lights exploding behind my eyelids. I’ve had my share of fantasies the past couple of days, and they seem to all stem around Blaze for some reason.

  Shamelessly, I rub my clit against his shaft’s head, reveling in the wetness that leaks from his tip. It’s the perfect amount of lubrication to allow my nub to slip and slide around the bluntness. I get carried away with my movements, and his length slips below, prodding at my opening. A whimper escapes me as it takes everything in me to hold back from sliding down his girth. I’ve never had a cock so big in me before, and the thought has my chest moving against his with my increased breathing. My nipples scrape against the light spackle of hair on his torso. Everything about this man drives me crazy, each touch is lightning to my core.

  What is he doing to me? I can’t remember ever wanting someone this badly before.

  I’m so close. I make myself slide back up his length and let my clit ride his head again. I can’t afford another slip, or I won’t be able to hold myself back from having all of him. The sensations against my nipples has me imagining his mouth sucking on them, his teeth biting down on each stiff peak, and I completely lose it.

  I lean in until my nose grazes his hot flesh, and I inhale deeply. His scent, his cock dripping precum, and the thought of his mouth on my breasts has me rubbing all over his cock needing more. I want to open my mouth and sink my teeth into his flesh. I can picture how he’d taste, how he’d feel in my mouth. I salivate as everything else around me blanks out, and my orgasm fully takes over. His hips push forward once, long and hard and I’m able to finish coming against him. It’s like his body knew I needed the extra pressure to finish.

  I’m panting, my cheeks on fire as reality starts to seep back in. My nose was pushed up against him hard enough; it had to disturb him. Leaning back, I glance upward to see if he’s still sleeping as deeply as when I started. His cobalt orbs meet my eyes, fully awake. There’s a burning inferno reflected back. My lips part, moving to say something…but I’m at a loss for words.

  What could I possibly say about what just happened?

  Chapter 18

  He doesn’t give me the chance to dig myself further into my hole of mortification. He moves swiftly, diving down below, and in the next blink, his mouth is on my core. His tongue lashes like a man starved as he promptly licks my juices. His tender, full mouth sucks at my pussy lips, desperate to not leave a drop behind. The groan of ecstasy he emits when he laps at my heat shakes me all over, making me wish I’d gone ahead and sunk his thick cock into my pussy moments before.

  In mere seconds, he’s making me orgasm again. I’ve had two in a row, and the sensations are so good it has my head spinning. Is this why he wears that infuriating cocky smirk of his whenever he sees me at the school or he thinks he has a valid point? He knows he’s just that good, he can make a woman come with the snap of his fingers?

  “Blaze,” I cry out, not sure what to say or do, and not wanting the intense sensations to fade. They do, of course, and I’m left breathless, wondering what will happen from here.

  He sits back, resting his naked butt on his heels. His cock juts out like a beacon, promising my body everything it desires. Breathing heavily, his fierce stare rakes over me from top to bottom, pausing on my parted legs.

  “Blaze?” I whisper.

  He shakes his head. “I need a shower,” he practically growls and jumps up quickly.

  “What? Why? Where are you going?” I call, watching his gorgeous behind as he makes his way to the bathroom. “Blaze! Stop and speak to me!” It’s the first real order I’ve given him since I’ve arrived, the rest were broken pleas and pride, but this is me demanding him to listen.

  He spins around, face red, muscles flexed. “I need to shower now.”

  “But don’t you want me?” I question, afraid he’ll say no now that I’m making myself vulnerable to him.

  “Of course, I do, but I told you I wasn’t going to have you until you asked me for it.”

  “I’m asking,” I admit breathily. “I want you to touch me.”

  He shakes his head, being the stubborn male I’ve grown used to. “No, not yet.”

  My mouth falls open. “But…you just said…I told you I wanted you.”

  “Oh, no, babe, you told me you wanted it.”

  I nod, not understanding what the issue is. He’s being difficult. “And?”

  “And you’ll have to fucking beg me before I put my cock inside your pussy. I told you, I don’t take pussy, yours included. When you beg me, I’ll know you’re ready for it.”

  With a frustrated groan, I fall back against the pillows and roll my eyes. He’s being ridiculous right now. I gave him my permission, yet he wants even more. “It won’t happen, you know,” I say loudly. “The begging. I won’t do it.”

  With a disbelieving snort, he carries on to the shower, jumping in straight away. I hear him groan and then curse, “Fucking fuck, that’s cold!”

  “Wouldn’t need a cold shower right now if you weren’t so stubborn,” I call out, and he replies with a disgruntled grumble.

  He’s stuck being frustrated while I just had two amazing orgasms. He obviously wants me; he’s just making it hard on himself. At least I know now that he really won’t touch me unless I want him to. Blaze is surprising, that’s for certain, and I find myself growing fonder of the tenacious man. With that sated thought, I close my eyes and doze back off. I don’t have to worry about him taking me against my will or anything—he won’t even do it when I ask him to.


  “You’re annoying,” I remark as Blaze enters the room with a couple of sandwiches and some chips piled high on two paper pl
ates. He has a couple bottles of coke tucked under his arm as well.

  His mouth pops open, surprised. “Me? You’re off your rocker.”

  “Okay, I don’t know what that means exactly, but I’m guessing it’s not a compliment.”

  He sets the plates down on his dresser, shooting me a look with a raised brow. He hands me one of the bottles of soda and unscrews the cap on the other, taking a hefty gulp. He spins his finger beside his head, giving me the signal for “crazy.”

  “How can I be the crazy one? You’re the one who has me tied up in your bedroom.”

  He shrugs. “I brought some food; I could’ve let you starve.”

  “Obviously,” I bristle, and he shoots me an exasperated glower.

  “You’re getting mouthy,” he points out.

  I shake my head. “I’ve always been this way. I think you’ve forgotten that you don’t intimidate me.” I don’t know where this newest bout of bravery has come from, but I’m going with it.

  He snorts and hands me a plate. It’s everything I’d never allow myself to eat before, but I don’t exactly have menu options here.

  “If I didn’t intimidate you, then why have you been so freaked out?”

  “There’s a difference between being intimidated and fearing for your life and possibly being raped.” My shoulders bounce with my explanation. “I know you aren’t going to do either, so I don’t have a reason to be upset. Well, aside from being kidnapped and kept away from living my life.”

  He shakes his head again, muttering to himself, “Fuckers were right about me goin’ too easy on her ass.” He’s talking to himself, but it clearly has to do with me, and I need to know.

  “Excuse me?”

  He meets my gaze before grabbing his plate filled with three sandwiches and chips that are about to fall off everywhere. “Nothing you need to hear. Just thinking, maybe I shouldn’t be so easy on ya. You need to be kept on your toes, or else you think too much.”

  “Easy?” I laugh, although nothing about this is funny. “I’m literally tied up twenty-four hours a day, for I’d guess over a week now. Someone else has to wash my body and hair, and I can’t even unscrew the lid on a bottle.” I tilt my head to the soda, and he bites his lip, attempting not to grin. It sparks my temper, and I huff, “I don’t see what’s so amusing about this situation. And thinking too much can be considered a compliment!”


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