Please (Please #1)

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Please (Please #1) Page 17

by Willow Summers

  “Thank you.” I pulled my wrap tighter around me.

  “I see he’s layered you in jewels and wealth—that’s usually my way. Makes you feel even prettier, doesn’t it? The fine clothes and people following you around, fixing your hair…”

  “It’s a nice change for a lazy girl, certainly.”

  He laughed, low and intimate. His arm brushed mine. “Yes. But he can be a bit harsh, can he not? Hard to swallow at times. I should know, I’ve been around him all his life.”

  “Mmm. Mhm.”

  “All I’m saying is, I know how to treat a woman. I buy her what she likes, whenever she likes. I spare no expense when it comes to happiness. And with age comes a great deal of…” His finger traced down my arm. “Experience.”

  I flinched and scowled up at him, not able to help my reaction. I could only handle so much flirting—touching made my skin crawl. “Having breasts doesn’t make me an idiot, Mr. Carlisle. If you knew how to treat a woman, you wouldn’t be getting a divorce.”

  I should’ve walked away after that. But what he’d said about Hunter galled. It was his son, for cripes’ sakes. Whatever had gone down between them, Hunter planned to marry someone he didn’t respect, or even like, to get away. That said something.

  Remembering what Bert had told me in the beginning of my job, I said, “Hunter may be moody, but he’s genuine. He shows people their value. He is direct and honest, and someone I trust. What he isn’t is a guy that dances around with pretty words and lingering kisses while offering to buy them. I don’t know what your deal is, but creeping up on me like this sure isn’t honest. You have a long way to go to prove you’re a better man than Hunter. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

  I walked away with my head held high and my gut churning. I had gone way overboard to a rich and powerful man. He wouldn’t like being talked to like that, and I had no idea what the repercussions might be.

  Not that I planned to apologize. He was a first-class jerk. I didn’t need his kind creeping up on me.

  I was walking toward the parking lot when I heard my name. I glanced back, only to see Hunter coming up with powerful, purposeful strides. I stopped, crossing my arms against the chill.

  “I thought I told you to stay put?” Hunter shrugged out of his jacket.

  “I don’t need—” I rolled my eyes when his jacket draped over my shoulders, then pulled it tighter and reveled in the warmth and Hunter’s smell.

  “The limo is on its way.” Hunter led me to the side, away from the soft glow of the lights illuminating the path, and stopped beneath a large oak tree.

  “I was waiting there, but…” I blew out a breath and watched people wandering toward the parking lot. “Your dad walked up.”

  He didn’t speak. I looked up at him, not able to see his eyes in the darkness. “I kind of…wasn’t very nice. But he was offering me money, or whatever, and just being kind of gross—I don’t know. I wasn’t really thinking.”

  “I heard.” Hunter leaned closer and brushed my jaw with his lips.

  “What do you mean, you heard?” I closed my eyes, reveling in his touch. “I didn’t see you.”

  “I was walking up behind you when he stepped to your side. Forgive me—I should’ve stepped in right away. I just…”

  “What happened between you and him?”

  Hunter placed his hand on the side of my neck gently. His thumb brushed the bottom of my lips as he said in a quiet voice, “There is such an innocence about you. A morality. Right and wrong is ingrained—you don’t need contracts and rules. You just need to look inside yourself for guidance. I envy that about you. I find it so refreshing. You are a remarkable woman, Olivia. Your beauty is only one facet of that, and not even the most awe-inspiring.”

  His thumb stroked over my cheek as he leaned closer. His lips touched my forehead, and then the tip of my nose. I waited, hoping, wanting his lips against mine. Instead, he glanced his cheek off mine and put his arms around me. “I heard you defending me. Thank you.”

  I slid my palms up his sides, relishing in the hard muscle. “I stole the ‘showing’ thing. Bert said that when I first met him. It was true, though.”

  “Bert is a gem, as well. And he likes you a lot. He even came close to chastising me for treating you badly.”

  “You know his first name?” I said with a laugh as I ran my hands down his back.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and read the screen. “Limo is here. C’mon, let’s go. I’m eager to get back.”

  The ride in the limo with the others was frustrating, because I could see the heat and longing in Hunter’s eyes, matching my own. The plane was also frustrating: staring at each other, wanting, but having to keep our distance. Finally, after forever, we made it back to San Francisco.

  “Do you want me to take Miss Jonston home, sir?” Bert asked with puffy eyes. He had worked a long day without any relief—he was probably exhausted.

  “No, I will. You see to Pat and her assistants.” Hunter handed me into the limo and walked around his side.

  As the door shut, excitement took over me. My core tingled and my stomach swirled. Hunter sat in and looked to the front of the limo. After the driver climbed in, he picked up the phone, waited for the driver to pick up, and said, “Stop at Miss Jonston’s house, but wait there until I get out of the car. We won’t be needing you to open her door.”

  “Yes, sir,” I heard from the front of the long vehicle.

  The divide went up. Hunter pulled me close, kissing up my neck as his hands reached behind me to undo my zipper. My breasts tumbled out, bouncing. He pushed me back against the seat before fastening his mouth to one of my nipples.

  I moaned while running my hands over his large shoulders. His mouth released my nipple with a pop of suction. “Take this off.” He gave the dress a small yank.

  “Yes, sir,” I purred, getting out of the dress and peeling off my panties.

  “Mmm,” he said, pulling my thighs toward him. My body slid down, my back on the seat and my legs spread in the air. “So beautiful,” he murmured as his eyes lingered on my face. His gaze slid down my body before his mouth dipped to my sex. He sucked in my lips before parting me with his tongue. He licked up to the top and sucked in my pleasure center.

  “Oh.” I rocked my hips up into him, feeling his digits enter me. They plunged hard and fast. His tongue swirled before he sucked, then swirled. Sucked. My body wound up, and my breath became ragged.

  “Oh, Hunter. Oh. Oh, Hunter!” I grabbed fistfuls of his hair. Pleasure consumed me, heating me up and pushing me to the edge.

  “Hu-Hunter—” An orgasm exploded through me. I shuddered with a cry of ecstasy. I arched, languid after that release.

  “I can’t wait,” he growled, out of breath. “Suck my cock.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said with an excited smile, grabbing for his zipper as he hastened to undo his shirt buttons. I worked out his shaft and slid my mouth along it, tickling his tip with my tongue before sucking it in.

  “Oooh, Olivia,” he said, stripping off his shirt. He grabbed a handful of my hair and lifted me off him. His lips found my throat while he rose up. I pulled at his pants, getting them and his underwear down to his ankles. He kicked them off.

  “I wish we had a bed,” Hunter said, coating my hot skin with his touch. “I can’t go slow,” he breathed, lifting me into his lap. He lined us up. Hands on my shoulders, he pulled me down onto him.

  His hard length filled me. I let out a long, loud groan. His palms found my breasts, teasing my nipples. I swung my hips and closed my eyes, soaking in the delicious friction. I bounced, driving down onto his cock.

  “Yes, Olivia,” Hunter said. He encircled me with his arms before rolling us to the seat. His body landed on top of mine before we spilled to the floor. He thrust, hard. My head craned against the seat. My legs were straight up in the air. His position was equally as awkward, but he didn’t slow. He pounded deeper into my hot depths, ripping moans and small screams from
my throat.

  “Tell me,” he panted, his hard chest rubbing against my taut nipples.

  “Take me, Hunter,” I groaned as the waves of pleasure started to coalesce.

  The limo stopped, but Hunter did not. He pumped into me harder, his lips next to mine, his labored breath splashing across my face.

  “Oh God,” I moaned, clutching his back. My core wound tighter. The pleasure prickled my body pleasantly. “Yes, Hunter. Fuck me.” My words got higher and higher. My begging grew louder and wilder. The heat and tingles condensed.

  “Come, baby,” he said into my ear.

  I broke apart, my orgasm ripping through me. Everything shattered, blasted apart. I sucked air into my lungs for another long, low moan as wave after wave of climax thundered through me. He quaked over me, emptying into my body as I squeezed him tight.

  We slowed, slick and lying awkwardly, but neither of us moved. I wanted him to stay inside me for a while longer. I craved that comfort that his body could provide.

  “Don’t leave me, Livy,” he whispered into my ear. “I can compromise a little. I can make it work so you’re happy.”

  “I’ll think about it, Hunter,” I answered honestly, hugging him close.

  He sat up and glanced at the floor before helping me to the seat. He helped me get dressed first, securing me with a wrap before throwing on his own clothes. “I’m trusting you with the pill,” he said quietly, not looking at me. “I’ve not done that with anyone else for ten years. Don’t make me regret it.”

  “Please,” I finished for him.

  “What’s that?”

  “Nothing. I just help you be polite by finishing your commands for you. And I don’t give a crap about you—my life is a mess as it is. There is no way I’m going to skip a pill and bring a kid into this world. Not until I feel like an adult. At least some of the time, anyway.”

  He looked at me for a long moment before running his fingertips down my face softly. “Ready?”

  We exited into the cold. He walked me to my door and hesitated once there. Facing me, he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand, longing on his face, his gaze glued to mine. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” I said softly, wishing he would kiss me. I wondered what happened to him to keep him away from other girls. From me.

  I walked into my apartment and went to my bedroom immediately, already missing him. I saw the contract lying on my bed, sprawled out with tick marks where I had pondered the various rules. I thought back to the last look he gave me, reminding me of mussed hair, twisted sheets, and entwined bodies.

  I didn’t want to be good anymore. I didn’t want to be rational. I wanted what all the girls wanted—I wanted Hunter Carlisle, the most unavailable man in the city, and not because of his fiancée. Hell, he wasn’t even available to her. He was closed off in his high tower, powerful and elite, and hiding himself from the world behind contracts and suits.

  I wanted to strip all that down and find the man underneath. I didn’t care what it cost me, or how it might hurt. I wanted to know the real Hunter Carlisle, and I would sacrifice my body, and maybe my soul, to do it.

  Chapter Sixteen

  With bated breath and nervous sweats, I walked into Hunter’s office on Friday, the last day of my employment if I so chose. He hadn’t said a word about it to me yesterday. Not even a hint. In fact, he’d acted like normal Hunter, curt and commanding, with eyes for his computer alone.

  I crossed the space with his coffee and a folder. I set the coffee on his desk.

  I set the folder next to the coffee.

  It wasn’t until I was halfway out of the room that I heard the rustle of paper. He’d opened the folder, I was sure of it.

  My exhale was audible.

  The rest of the day he didn’t say a word. When I delivered coffee, he didn’t look up. When he passed my desk, he didn’t acknowledge me. Messages, emails—nothing.

  Toward the end of the day I started getting nervous. More nervous, really. What if he didn’t want me anymore? What if he’d done some thinking, too, and changed his mind?

  Brenda stood and wrapped a scarf around her neck before putting on her jacket. “Another day in paradise finished. See ya Monday?”

  “I…don’t know. Maybe?” I gave her a lopsided, comical grin, trying to hide the uncertainty.

  “Oh right—negotiations.” She winked at me. “He’ll give you what you want. He wants you to stay on—he wouldn’t have spent time training you and trying to find more important work for you to do if he wasn’t concerned about it.”

  “Negotiations?” I squeaked. My face burned.

  She smiled knowingly. “You’re worth more than he’s paying you—you think I don’t know? I say get as much as you can. He can afford it. This company tries to lowball you by saying they have great benefits. Well, benefits are good, but show me the money, too, that’s what I say. I barter for my life every year at raise time—so don’t let him get off easy, and he’ll give you what you want.”

  I breathed a sigh, and then felt completely sheepish by not remembering that money was supposed to be on the table as well. She nodded in a “go get ’em” kind of way before walking toward the elevators.

  I tapped my desk. Should I go in to him?

  I worked on a spreadsheet for another fifteen minutes before the need to know my fate started eating me alive. I stood in determination as a shape emerged to my right.

  I sat back down.

  Hunter came around my desk. He held the blue folder. His gaze locked with mine before dropping the folder onto my desk. “I’m headed out. Have Mr. Ramous take you home. He’s waiting by the curb.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said in a soft voice.

  “See you Monday.”

  I felt a thrill as he moved away toward the elevator. I laid my hand on the folder. I was, quite possibly, delivering myself into the hands of evil, but there was nothing for it now. I was signed up.

  I opened the folder, expecting a copy of the contract. Instead, I stared at the original as the elevator chimed distantly. I picked it out of the folder. A note fluttered down to the surface of my desk. It read,

  “I will trust in the guidance of your inner compass. Monday we’ll start the discussions about money. Come prepared. -HC.”

  I smiled down at the note. His compromise was trusting my judgment, and asking me to trust his. No contracts. No rules. Just mutual expectations and fulfilling each other’s needs as they arose.

  It wasn’t perfect, but life never was.

  I closed the folder and felt a surge of hope. Hunter Carlisle was letting me in. It was up to me to push the boundaries.


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  Now, Please (book 2)

  The story continues in Now, Please


  I walked into Hunter Carlisle’s office on Monday morning as a sexual equal. I was flying by the seat of my pants, not regulated by a personal contract. Hunter was trusting me. More importantly, he had allowed himself to open up just a crack and let me wiggle in. It was a huge milestone in his life and I was grabbing it by the horns and hanging on.

  He was sitting at his desk w
ith the soft light of the morning spilling over his broad shoulders. My breath caught in my throat for just a moment before tingling overcame my body.

  The man was gorgeous, and I thanked God that he had come to his senses. Otherwise I’d have to start stalking him. I still might, just for the thrill.

  “Hey,” I said, putting his coffee on the corner of the desk just as I had every working day for the last month. He glanced up at my voice. His hooded, smoldering eyes reminding me of twisted sheets and writhing bodies. I gulped, a little too loudly. “Uh, I have some things to go over concerning my salary…when you’re ready.”

  He glanced at the clock at the top of his desk before leaning back. “You know my schedule—when do I have time?”

  “Now, or at the end of the day. That’s pretty much it.”

  Hunter clasped his hands in his lap as he studied me. His gaze slid down my body before nodding. “I have other plans for you this evening. Sit.”

  My stomach flip-flopped. The expectation of what he had planned gave me a hot flash. I sat gingerly and tried to ignore the pounding in my core. I handed over my folder.

  Hunter took it without a word, opened it, and glanced at the contents. He laid the folder on his desk. “I know what kind of work you do, Olivia. What kind of figures do you have in mind?”

  I took a deep breath. I’d thought pretty hard about this. Realistically, I was getting paid six figures to do a job worth half that, while having sex with the hottest man alive. I would do the last for free, so really, I was way overpaid.

  I couldn’t very well tell Hunter that, though. He was a business prodigy the CEO of a huge, global company without even seeing thirty candles. He expected me to shoot high, and then barter hard.

  I leaned forward and opened my mouth to spout out a ridiculous number when the phone rang. Hunter glanced at the display, then ripped the handset off the base. “Yes?”


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