Witch Problems (The Josh Thorne Trilogy Book 3)

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Witch Problems (The Josh Thorne Trilogy Book 3) Page 4

by Joe Fowler

  “Look, right now I am with Seth and Josh. We have a very bad problem we have to try to solve. I can’t deal with you right now.” Rosalyn hung up and shook her head. “Idiot.”

  “Who was that?” Alicia asked.

  “Walter, a shifter. He swears he is head over heels in love with me and won’t stop until I love him too.” Rosalyn admitted.

  “Sounds like he is serious.” I said, although I was smiling from ear to ear. Rosalyn responded by throwing a pillow at me.

  “After Austin, I don’t see me spending too much time thinking about men anymore.” She looked at Austin with eyes full of love. My smile faded remembering what I had been forced to do.

  “You know, a shifter wouldn’t be bad to have around in this case.” Gabriel mentioned.

  “Oh no, don’t bring him into this. He isn’t capable of doing us any good with this witch. He is too easy to kill and too slow to be of much use otherwise.” Rosalyn stated vehemently. “Besides, this will be the first chance I’ve had to get rid of him for a while.”

  “Shifters are immune to magic.” Gabriel told us.

  “What? I didn’t know that.” Seth sounded shocked.

  “Yep. They can’t be affected by any kind of magic. We can’t get our hopes up that he will be the answer, though. Rosalyn was right about him being too slow and easily killed.” Gabriel was thinking ahead as he said this. I knew him well enough to see it.

  “Just because I want him to stop following me around with those big puppy dog eyes doesn’t mean I want him to die though. Please don’t involve him.” Rosalyn pleaded.

  “We may not have much choice. If he can give us an advantage, we have to use him. This is too big to risk not having every weapon at our disposal.” Seth said. If it had been Gabriel that spoke those words, Rosalyn might have continued to fight it. She knew Seth would never put anyone in harm’s way unless there was no other option.

  “We will try to protect him. You know we aren’t just going to throw him on the grenade so we can have it easier.” I added.

  “I know. He seems so hapless. I don’t see how much good he can really do.” Rosalyn continued. “If he could be a match for the wolves or could take out the humans without dying, then I could see it.”

  “They are right, Rosalyn. If you would call him and tell him to expect me, I will fetch him.” Gabriel stood as he spoke. Rosalyn dialed the number.

  “Hey Rosalyn!” Walter’s excitement could have been heard by the rest of us even without the heightened senses. Rosalyn had to hold the phone away from her ear to keep from going deaf from Walter’s exclamation.

  “Walter, someone is about to appear there where you are. Don’t freak out, he is a good guy.” Rosalyn was explaining. It was clear when Gabriel arrived.

  “Holy shit!” Walter’s words brought smiles to us since we had uttered the same words earlier today.

  “If everyone keeps saying that, I’m going to change my name. The other angels would get a kick out of that.” Was Gabriel’s response.

  “You’re an angel?” Walter didn’t seem to be handling this all that well.

  Gabriel appeared with Walter in my living room. Walter promptly fainted. Gabriel caught his slack body and carried him to the chair he had been sitting in. The rest of us tried to hide our smiles but Rosalyn saw. She tried to get angry at us for laughing at him but she soon joined in. Walter already seemed out of his league.

  “He isn’t off to a good start.” I threw in.

  “He will be alright. Just give him a few minutes.” Seth said.

  We all sat around waiting for Walter to wake up. After about five minutes he started to regain consciousness. We all sat around quietly so we wouldn’t spook him. After looking around in confusion, he focused on Rosalyn and his eyes lit up. Part of me knew that might not be such a good thing.

  “Walter, I would like you to meet some very good friends of mine, and Josh.” She said it with a slight smile. I couldn’t help but smile in return. Rosalyn went around the room pointing at each as she said their name. “Alicia, Sarah, Crystal, Josh, Seth, and Gabriel. If you can see him, this is Austin.”

  Gabriel smiled and snapped his fingers. I hadn’t known it but Alicia and the girls were not able to see Austin before then. Four pair of eyes all turned to the ghost figure of our long lost friend. Alicia and the girls smiled and rushed like they would hug him until they remembered he was a ghost. Walter fainted again.

  “He might be of use to us if he doesn’t faint on the job.” I jibed.

  “Leave him alone. He isn’t used to this like we are.” Rosalyn commanded.

  “Yes Ma’am.” I said with my hands raised in mock surrender.

  “Wow, Austin, we’ve missed you around here. We’ve missed you both since one of you refuses to visit.” Alicia said with a pointed look at Rosalyn.

  “It hurts me too much when I see Josh. Sorry, I really wish I could see the rest of you from time to time.” Rosalyn clearly meant what she said. Alicia nodded in understanding. Alicia was very good at seeing every side to a story.

  “I’ve been around but only Josh could see and hear me. Of course, I spend most of my time with Rosalyn, but during the day I come here sometimes.” Austin explained.

  “Angels and ghosts. Are there any more surprises?” Walter managed to speak this time. He woke while we were preoccupied with Austin.

  “Technically, I am an archangel. Hi, I’m Gabriel. Nice to meet you.” Gabriel said with a big smile.

  “Holy shit.” Walter muttered.

  “We’ve covered that part already.” Gabriel laughed.

  “You are THE Seth and you’re THE Josh?” Walter said. His eyes were still so bugged out they looked cartoonish. “Oh man. What is going on here?”

  “We have a long disturbing story to tell you but we will need your help. So get comfortable and we will tell you everything you need to know.” Seth began. Sarah and Crystal took everyone’s orders for pizzas. They were calling the order in when Seth continued informing Walter. “There’s a witch…”

  “Wow. So how can I help? I ain’t much compared to you, Josh, and Rosalyn. What do you need me for?” Walter sounded like he wanted to help. He just couldn’t see why we would need him.

  “You are immune to magic.” Gabriel answered for Seth.

  “Whoa, really? How come I never knew that?” Walter said in shock.

  “How many witches have you been around?” Seth asked.

  “Well, none. I guess I see that point, but someone should have told shifters this.” Walter shifted in his seat.

  “Very few know and those that do aren’t likely to tell. You are finding out because we might need you.” Gabriel looked at him and made sure Walter was paying attention. “We cannot guarantee your safety. You might not live through this if you decide to help. If you choose it, I will wipe your memory of coming here and you can go back to your carefree life. As powerful as these three are, they will be too busy to watch over you.”

  “I think I understand.” Walter uttered. He hung his head for a moment. We remained silent so he could think things through. He lifted his head and looked at Rosalyn. That’s when I realized what his decision had to be. Austin had died for her and Walter was about to risk his life in the hopes of helping to keep her safe. “I will help. Just tell me the plan and I will do my part. Hey, it might even be fun.”

  “The one problem with that is we don’t have a plan yet. The best idea we’ve had so far is to have me and Rosalyn try to distract as many wolves as we can while Josh tries to kill the witch. The drawbacks are that we may end up having to kill some of the werewolves and there will still be the humans shooting at Josh. Neither of those things are acceptable.” Seth explained to the still wide eyed shifter.

  “If I am immune to her magic, then shouldn’t I be the one to try and kill her?” Walter asked gamely.

  “When she merged with the demon, her magic wasn’t the only thing enhanced. She is very physically imposing as well. It would be difficult for ev
en Rosalyn to kill her in a fair fight. Unfortunately, while Rosalyn can’t be controlled, she can be killed by the witch’s magic. Seth can be controlled if he gets within around one hundred feet of her. Only Josh is uncontrollable, immune to magic, and capable of beating her in a fight. We have to get Josh close enough without killing any innocent werewolves and without getting him shot too many times. You see our problem?” Gabriel laid the situation out for him.

  “What about the humans? Are we trying to keep them alive as well?” Walter asked.

  “Surprisingly, no. They aren’t being controlled. They chose this of their own free will. That makes them subject to whatever fate they encounter.” Gabriel sat back in his chair. The third such chair in my living room. He had made this one appear without my seeing it. At least this was better than when he would hide things from me when he was in Keith’s body. It still took getting used to.

  “I have an idea now that we have a shifter. Like before, Rosalyn and I will distract the wolves. If Walter can get close to the human mercenaries without them knowing, maybe he can distract them when Josh is ready to make his move on the witch.” Seth was clearly thinking things through even as he spoke.

  “That has the most promise of anything we’ve thought of so far.” I said. I still didn’t like the chances for success but it was the best idea so far.

  “I am pretty sure I can sneak in and be in place without them knowing. I only hope I don’t get shot.” Walter added. “By the way, you guys can call me Walt. Rosalyn insists on using Walter, but my friends usually call me Walt.”

  “Yes, your immunity is only to magic, not bullets.” Gabriel laughed.

  We all, except Walt, heard the girls pulling in with the pizzas. We lived too far out for delivery. Everyone, especially Gabriel, was ready for a break. We enjoyed our meal immensely. Good friends and good food make for a great time. We forgot our problems for a while and just enjoyed ourselves.

  “So, when will we be leaving for Colorado?” Rosalyn asked. Her question caught me off guard. Seth seemed prepared though.

  “Tonight. If we are on the road by midnight, we can make a dent in the drive. We will only be able to drive at night unless you are willing to let Rosalyn’s daylight immunity continue.” Seth was looking at Gabriel as he spoke.

  “Sorry, but that was a one day thing. If Josh still drives like he used to, you will make good time.” Gabriel smiled at the memories. We had grown up together and he rode with me in my Challenger many times. Of course, he was in Keith’s body back then.

  “Alicia, do you have any place you have wanted to see? Europe or Australia would be good.” Seth reminded me of that part of the plan. “I know Anna has always wanted to go to Australia. Any thoughts?”

  “Australia sounds ok. Are you sure we need to leave the country? Do you really think she would attack us?” Alicia sounded worried but not the way I would have expected. Something was off.

  “Do you remember Josh’s father and the cult? They didn’t hesitate and neither will this witch. Anything they think will help make Josh surrender.” Seth reminded her.

  “I guess we all need to pack and call Johnathan.” Sarah said without any enthusiasm. As the girls left to get packed I followed Alicia to try and find out what was wrong.

  “What’s wrong? Something has been off with you today.” I started saying. Alicia surprised me by rushing me and hugging me tight enough to make breathing difficult.

  “I’m pregnant.” She said it in the slightest whisper so no one else, even with our senses, could hear.

  A thousand things rushed through my mind all at once. A baby! Visions of a son playing on the football team were started and stopped. The werewolf gene would make it unfair for him to play. What about my demon blood? Would a child of mine have that evil running through his veins? What would his wolf form look like? How big and powerful would he be as both pureblood and part demon?

  “Say something.” Alicia was looking up at me in a pleading manner. Instead of speaking, I kissed her and held her tightly.

  “This is the most wonderful news I’ve had since you agreed to marry me. I love you so much it hurts and now I get a child too. As soon as this mess is over, we can start enjoying this the way we should.” I said as quietly as I could while I continued to hold her.

  “Do we tell everyone?” She asked.

  “Let me think about it for a few minutes.” I let go of her and sat on the bed. If they knew, they would try to minimize my part in all of this. That might get one of them killed. I needed them to be able to concentrate on their parts without having any extra worry over me. “Wait until this business is done. Then we’ll tell them.”

  “Ok. I think that is best too. You really have to make sure you come home now.” Alicia sounded so worried.

  “I won’t take unnecessary chances but I do have to make sure we kill this witch. We have the three toughest creatures on earth, plus a shifter. What could go wrong?” I was trying to be reassuring but I don’t think it worked.

  The rest of the night was spent packing and making arrangements for the packs’ trip. Seth had Anna getting his pack ready to go. They would be flying from Atlanta to Australia. Alicia and the girls would pick up Johnathan and drive to Atlanta to wait for Seth’s pack to get there by plane. Then they would travel together.

  I packed a few things for me and Rosalyn still had clothes here from when she and Austin were staying with us. Seth had brought a bag. Walt was the only one unprepared. We decided we would stop by Walmart and let him pick up a few things on the way. We hit the road around 11:30 and headed west.

  Chapter 4

  We made decent time on our trip. The Days Inn we stopped at was mostly empty. That made it easier to get Rosalyn her north facing windows. Seth, Walt, and I scouted the area as best we could. Austin came with us. Gabriel told us the general area where the witch was but we were out trying to find out how to approach her estate.

  “I think you should just drop Austin and me off somewhere near and we can go scout things out.” Walt suggested.

  “Maybe we should just send Austin for that. He can’t be hurt, you can.” Seth countered. I was still wondering how much good a shifter would be.

  “He’s right. Whatever animal you turn into might be considered food if the wolves are hungry. And anything large enough to try and fight them would raise an alarm. Turning into a bat to get away would raise that same alarm.” I added.

  “I also don’t want them to find out the shifter smell. As subtle as it is, if one of those wolves smell you, they will spread the news of your scent and the rest will be on alert afterwards.” Seth said.

  “Ok. I am usually a good spy but I’m not used to spying on werewolves or vamps who have such great senses.” Walt admitted.

  “Austin, I guess it is up to you to get the layout of the place and find their strengths and weaknesses. You know what to look for?” Seth asked.

  “Yep. Find the weakest points of their defense, find out where the witch usually is, and take a body count of each species. Not to mention trying to memorize the layout as best I can.” Austin confirmed his duties.

  “Alright, just try not to let the witch see you. She has the demon blood like Gabriel told us so she can see you.” I reminded him.

  “I will return to the hotel when I have found out what I can.” Austin said as he disappeared from the car and reappeared at the edge of the woods.

  “Now all we can do is wait for him to get back with the information. Turn around, Josh. Let’s head back to the hotel and get some food.” Seth suggested.

  “Damn, you guys just ate an hour ago. Do wolves always eat like this?” Walt was astonished we could be hungry again.

  “That’s one of the things about being a wolf. Whether you think it’s a good thing or bad, we need to eat as much and as often as we can. Our metabolism burns it off too quickly. The two of us lost a lot of weight during the vampire war. In Brazil, all we had to eat was cold canned goods and junk food.” I told him. “Although
to be honest, I’m surprised we could eat at all with the smell.”

  “What smell?” Walt asked a legitimate question. He seemed a little innocent for someone of the supernatural variety.

  “The streets were lined with dead bodies. Food had spoiled all over town. Hell, by the end of our time there, the four of us might have smelled as bad as the dead.” I tried to laugh but couldn’t.

  “Wow. I knew you guys fought and killed thousands but I never really thought of the conditions there. That must have been horrible.” Walt was noticeably less enthusiastic now. The seriousness was hitting home. “So this situation we are facing might not seem that much to you guys.”

  “With the consequences of failure, this has our full attention. Josh and I fought his demon father. He would not have been as bad as Lucifer but the entire world would have suffered for it. You can imagine how bad it might have gotten if the vampires weren’t stopped. Now, there’s this witch. We’ve faced a lot but you need to keep focus whether you’ve been in this kind of situation or not.” Seth tried to explain.

  “Boy do I feel out of place. My life has been mostly care free. The worst fight I’ve had was with a ghoul.” Walt admitted.

  “The main thing to remember is not to get overwhelmed. There usually isn’t any second chances in this kind of fight. We will try to keep you safe but we can’t guarantee it since we will have our hands full.” Seth reminded him.

  “I understand.” Walt sat quietly after he said that. He stared out the window as we headed back toward the motel.

  We stopped by a Burger King on the way. When we got to the motel, we all ate in silence. Seth and I knew enough of what we would face and were preparing ourselves for it. Walt ate his burger quietly. I wasn’t sure how well he would do when the action started. He was brave for being willing to enter into this. Maybe he was just so in love with Rosalyn that he would risk it all, no matter what.

  The television was showing some rerun that Walt liked when Rosalyn knocked on our door. We got separate rooms for everyone but we ended up in Seth’s room. I didn’t realize until Rosalyn entered that the sun had set. I began to wonder when Austin would pop in and make his report.


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