Witch Problems (The Josh Thorne Trilogy Book 3)

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Witch Problems (The Josh Thorne Trilogy Book 3) Page 10

by Joe Fowler

  We sat like that for a while. No one spoke. No one needed to.

  Chapter 11

  My chair was very uncomfortable. The prosecution was examining one of the rogue wolves. I was having trouble staying awake. My lawyer had given me lectures of how I was to appear during the trial. ‘Be strong, confident. Act like all of this will work out fine. Don’t let anything said bother you.’ I tried to be that way but the lies being told by these three wolves were getting to me.

  When the time for cross examination came, my lawyer asked about the men’s frequent misdemeanors and run-ins with the authorities. All three rogue wolves were longtime problems for the local police. Mostly, it went as expected.

  The surprises were coming from the crowds surrounding the courthouse. For some reason, a large number of people seemed to think I wouldn’t be tried fairly. They were thinking I would get away with murder. They cried out about equal treatment for all.

  The reporters were having a field day. The trial was being broadcast on some cable channel. I began to think these ‘protesters’ were only here for their fifteen minutes of fame. This trial had quickly become a circus. I wondered briefly if there would be zombie rights activists if the zombie apocalypse happened.

  Once we were back at the house, we ate burgers and fries and tried to forget about the trial altogether. None of us wanted to talk about it or even think about it anymore. The headaches were mounting since we knew this might go on for weeks, even months. The witch problem should be our main concern but we were unable to put our time and thoughts towards ending that threat.

  As the days passed, the packs were finding more and more time for runs. We went to the courthouse in the mornings, ate as soon as we were home, and then most all the wolves went on runs. It seemed to be the best way for them to clear their heads.

  Alicia apologized to Jimmy on a daily basis. He continued to try and ease her mind telling her that his wounds healed completely by the next afternoon. She still felt guilty. I kept trying to talk to her but she refused to discuss it. I knew the added stress was hard on her but she was trying to be strong and not complain. In her mind it would be selfish to worry about how this was affecting her since I was the one on trial.

  “I really wish we could take a vacation. Maybe you would get the rest and relaxation you need. I hate all of this is happening now.” I told Alicia. We were alone in the house. Everyone else was in the woods.

  “In a couple of months everything will be the way we need it to be. The witch will be dead and this joke of a trial will be over. That’s what I am telling myself now. I’m not going to get all stressed out again. I hate what I did to Jimmy. He wouldn’t fight back and that only made me madder.” Alicia explained.

  “There is no one in either of these packs that would fight back against you. It’s a common theme. We all love you too much.”

  “There was no excuse for venting my frustrations on Jimmy. He has always been a great friend. He didn’t deserve that.”

  “Maybe not but he would rather it happen to him than one of the other wolves. He is joking more about it than the rest of us.” I spoke the truth. Jimmy thought it was hilarious. Painful, but hilarious.

  “I just have to control myself better.” Alicia curled herself into my side. We were sitting on the couch watching one of the old movies she liked.

  It was these times that I missed. Sitting at home with Alicia and the girls watching television. Jonathan came over most nights but wasn’t as avid a fan of sitcoms as we were. Those nights seemed dull at the time but it sounded so nice to me now when my life was all but boring. It was nice to spend some alone time with Alicia, at least.

  It was so nice that I fell asleep sitting there. When I woke, Alicia was out on a run and Seth was sitting with Rosalyn on the porch. I grabbed a coke and joined them. I looked around for Austin but he must be watching the witch.

  “Wow, you’re drinking coke instead of beer. That’s a first.” Rosalyn smirked.

  “Just wanted something different for a change.” I sat down on the steps and looked out over the yard.

  “You look troubled. What’s wrong?” Seth asked.

  “Nothing new. It just keeps circling in my head between the trial, having to fight you, and killing the witch without losing anyone we care about.”

  “Quit worrying so much. You’ll end up going bald from the stress.” Rosalyn was trying to cheer me up. It worked a little.

  “I could be the first bald wolf! That would be a funny sight.” I smiled at the thought and so did they.

  “You would need to bathe in Rogaine.” Seth chided.

  That got us laughing a little. We talked about unimportant things for a while. Everyone had begun to avoid the subject of the upcoming battle between me and Seth. I was kind of glad about it. The thought of battling someone who meant so much to me was very unpleasant. I guessed it wasn’t a happy thought for him either.

  Every one of us had our own little stresses to deal with. Maybe the one having the worst time was Walter. He was stuck watching Rosalyn talk to Austin when the ghost was with us. He still looked at her with love in his eyes even when he knew it was hopeless. His heart seemed to be breaking a little more each day.

  Poor Walt, only being a shifter, couldn’t keep up when the packs went on a run. He could turn into a wolf easily enough but it was an ordinary wolf. Everyone was really careful around him, almost treating him like a child since he couldn’t heal like we could. He became more or less entertainment for the rest of us. We would name animals and he would become those animals for our amusement. Jimmy really wanted to go to the ocean so Walt could turn into a blue whale. Walt tried to take it all in stride but I could see his pain.

  There was a faint rustle in the bushes and Rosalyn, Seth, and I looked up at the same time. Walt came walking out of the woods with his head hung low. I hoped the packs hadn’t been mean to him. Some of Seth’s pack liked to tease him. Seth scolded them but I feared they continued to make fun of him.

  “Why so gloomy?” Seth asked.

  “The same old thing. I spent most of my life thinking I was something really special. Now, I am around all of you and I feel weak and helpless most of the time. At first it was humbling but it is quickly becoming embarrassing.” Walt said sadly.

  “Hmmm, give me a minute.” Seth went into deep thought mode. I knew him well enough to know when he was working on a particularly puzzling problem. He would get a funny constipated look on his face.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked after a few minutes passed without Seth saying a word. I wasn’t known for my patience.

  “I might need to ask Gabriel if I get the chance. Anyway, I was wondering what would happen if Walt was bitten by one of us. Would he be one of us or would he just have a really bad bite to heal from?” Seth’s words woke Walt up from his depressed mood really quickly. His eyes got huge and he looked from Seth to me and back to Seth.

  “Really? You would make me one of you?” Walt asked in shock. This surprised me. He sounded like he wasn’t used to being liked or accepted. That made me feel even worse for Walt now.

  “We would have to wait until all this with the witch is over. Josh or one of the others would need to be the one to bite you. Unless Josh has an objection, I think we would let you decide which pack you chose to join.” Seth clearly found the happy place inside of Walt. His smile lit up like I hadn’t seen before.

  “Wow! But wait, why couldn’t you be the one to bite me? I’m curious.” Walt asked. He had finished getting dressed and sat on the porch with us.

  “I am pureblood. There is a poison in my system that kills the other supernatural species. I have never bitten a shifter before to know if it would kill you or turn you but I don’t think we should risk it.” Seth explained.

  “I would miss the flying and the fun of some of my animals. The strength, speed, and longer life would be worth it though. Plus, I would have a family again. It’s been a long time since I could say that.” Walt tried to hide the tea
rs in his eyes but I saw them and I bet Rosalyn and Seth did too.

  “Well, at least you didn’t ask me to turn you into a vampire. You have much better options now.” Rosalyn added. She spoke warmly which I was glad to hear. I think it made Walt happier to hear that concern in her voice as well.

  “If we get to speak to Gabriel again we will ask him what biting you would do. Like I said, you might only end up with a really painful bite.” Seth reminded him.

  We sat amiably letting Walt dream of days to come as a werewolf. Seth went and got us all a beer. I decided against another coke. Beer helped with the stress. The answers weren’t in the bottom of a bottle, but they weren’t in the bottom of a coke either. As the hours passed some of the pack came in from their run. The common thread was hunger. We had Thomas call in a carryout order for the local pizza place. Since we needed thirty large pizzas, we knew it would take them some time to have our order ready. Thomas, Jimmy, and Jonathan all went to pick them up. Austin appeared as they left.

  “She is on the move. She still isn’t ready for the showdown but she wants to be closer to us. She seems to be deciding between Spartanburg, South Carolina and the Greenville/Winston-Salem area here in North Carolina.” Walt looked around the porch and settled down next to Rosalyn.

  “Is her plan still the same?” Seth asked.

  “Yep. She is really missing Josef. She is afraid her plan is way too simple and we will find ways to stop her. She knew Josef could plan and strategize well. She is berating herself for not being smarter.” Austin informed us.

  “I wonder why Josef himself didn’t merge with the demon. If it was his idea and his prayer that got all of this started, then why would he use a different witch to give all of that power too?” I wondered.

  “I can answer that.” We all looked to see Gabriel coming around the side of the house. “Josef wasn’t strong enough. Tara was. Believe me, he wanted this for himself. He was settling for a supporting cast role when he thought he should be the star.”

  “We weren’t expecting to see you for a while.” I said. “I’m glad we were wrong.”

  “You can’t get used to me being here but since you guys are in a holding pattern I decided to drop in. This trial is really getting in the way of progress.” Gabriel snapped his fingers and summoned a chair like the one in my living room. It now sat on the porch. I really wish I could do that sometimes.

  “We have an unrelated question to ask you. What would happen if we bit Walt? Would he turn into a werewolf or just have a bad bite mark?” Seth asked.

  “That opens up a huge can of worms. Werewolves turn humans into wolves. Shifters can turn into any mammal they chose. A bitten shifter, becomes a were of his choosing. Walt could be a werewolf, werebear, werelion, etc. Once he has chosen a were form, he can’t change it though. Whatever form he turns into first, becomes his final form. The funny thing is that it will still be a wolf spirit that fills him.”

  “How would I choose? Would I need to decide beforehand or at the time of my first full moon?” Walt sounded excited.

  “When you change shapes now, you see the animal you wish to become and then turn. It will be the same with this. Once you have turned, that animal will be the only nonhuman choice from then on.” Gabriel smiled a knowing smile at Walt. I knew those smiles really well. It meant Gabriel wasn’t going to talk about that subject anymore. “Now, back to the witch. She will wait another couple of weeks before she comes.”

  “Damn. I really wish she would just get it over with.” I said.

  “Patience, Josh. The longer she waits, the more worried she becomes. She is more likely to make a mistake that way. You guys will be going on the stand over the next weeks. You should be concentrating on the trial more.” Gabriel’s words didn’t match his facial expression. I knew he was trying to mislead us for some reason. He wouldn’t leave out anything that would be too much of a risk, I knew that. So what could he be trying to avoid?

  I never found out. Gabriel stayed for a couple of hours and ate pizza with us. He left in a rush saying he was only allowed so much time to spend down here. It occurred to me that he might have only came for the pizza.

  Once all the wolves were done eating, we gathered them to make an announcement.

  “If all goes well with this witch thing, we will be adding a new member to one of our packs. Walt here, has earned the privilege of being bitten.” Seth’s declaration brought cheers from everyone. Seth let them cheer for a few moments before waving his hands for them to quiet down. “He will have the choice of turning into something we have never seen before. He must decide on one animal. He can be a werebear, werelion, or any other were animal of his choosing. Once he chooses, that will be his permanent form when he turns.”

  All the wolves stared at Walt in awe. It was a little funny to watch them go from being speechless, to all talking at once to suggest the animal they would choose to turn into. The rest of the night was spent in friendly debate. The suggestions ranged from lion or tiger to bat or elephant. All in all, a good time was had by everyone. Seth and I shared a smile. We knew Walt’s time as comedy relief was over.

  Chapter 12

  I started taking the trial more seriously when it came time for the defense to make our case. My attorney had spent hours going over testimony with each of us. He told us what to avoid saying or doing while we were on the stand. He went over and over the procedures and questions so we would completely understand.

  As I sat waiting for the session to start, I wondered why Gabriel made his appearance. Part of me wanted to believe it was to let us know about Walt. The thing is, he knew we wouldn’t bite Walt until after the witch problem was over. He could have waited until then. I doubt he came to let us know it would be a couple of weeks before the witch attacked. Once again, I was back to thinking he only came for the pizza.

  Luckily the judge entered and began the proceedings. I wouldn’t be as bored today at least. Seth was the first of us called as witness. He would be the most important in the eyes of the jury according to my lawyer. John Smith, if that is his real name, was an impressive lawyer. He began working the jury from the first day.

  “Mr. De Groot, what is your relationship to Josh?” Seth sat on the stand as my lawyer began his questioning. It was only a few days ago that I learned Seth’s last name.

  “I am his maker.”

  “For those who may not understand, please tell us what that means.”

  “I am the one who bit Josh. He is now a werewolf because of my bite.” Seth tried to act as the lawyer instructed. Sounding firm and confident and answering the questions directly. He sat straight in his chair and made eye contact as he spoke. The lawyer gave us a list of things to remember to do. He said some of them were common and some of them were things he himself found helpful.

  “And have you remained in regular contact with Mr. Thorne since then?” These questions were rehearsed.

  “Yes. We speak on the phone frequently during the times when we are not needed elsewhere.” Seth stated.

  “Why are the two of you needed elsewhere?”

  “When problems arise that the army or local werewolves can’t handle, Josh and I are the ones who take care of the problem. I spend a lot of time advising the President on all things supernatural. Also, Josh carries out duties for the Vatican that take him all over the world.”

  “Just so we are aware, what are his duties with the Vatican?”

  “He helps free people from demon possession.” Seth answered. The crowd began talking excitedly. Murmurs of ‘demons are real’ filled the room.

  We went back and forth on whether to bring this up. I thought it would be much better if we didn’t mention the word demon. I felt it would bring unwanted questions about my heritage. If the jury found out I was half demon, they might vote against me. The lawyer won out on the point saying any show of goodwill is good. He seemed fairly sure no one would think to question if my father was human or not.

  “Sounds frightening. Would you ex
plain to us why the two of you are together at the present?” The lawyer asked.

  “We are trying to stop a witch who is causing problems.” This was also met with gasps from the courtroom. The judge needed to bang the gavel to bring the room back under control. I wondered how the people would act if they found out what the witch’s plan really was. I doubt the gavel would help then.

  “So in the last few moments we have all been made aware that both demons and witches are real. How long have you and Josh dealt with such problems?” The lawyer explained to us where he was going with these questions.

  “I’ve been dealing with this sort of thing all my life.”

  “And how old are you?”

  “I am four hundred and thirty-seven years old.” Seth’s age brought a few more murmurs. I thought most everyone knew his age by now.

  “Wow. During that amazing span of years, have you ever come across rogue wolves?” My lawyer asked.

  “Many times.”

  “Define for us what the term ‘rogue wolf’ means.”

  “About one or two out of a hundred humans bitten by a werewolf, turns bad. These wolves serve their own wants and desires first. They are very aggressive and enjoy using their strength to intimidate and harm others. The worst part is that this rogue state is passed through their bite. I have needed to put down wolves when they were first created because of it. Other times, I either met them or was let know about them. It is something all alphas are supposed to watch out for when they make a new wolf. Unfortunately, some of them fall through the cracks.” Seth explained.

  “Were the wolves killed by Josh rogue?”

  “Yes.” Seth answered promptly and clearly.

  “Objection. This is only speculation and can’t be proven.” The prosecutor said. My lawyer warned this might happen.

  “We will show through testimony that these wolves were indeed ‘rogue’, your Honor.” My lawyer countered.


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