Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy Page 6

by Dinia Steel

  “Umm, if we can have a really good one, tonight would be wonderful!” Josephine was jumping up and down clapping in excitement.

  Mrs. Archer's blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “What's your name again, dear?”

  “Josephine Wallace.”

  “Well, Josephine Wallace, glad to meet you!” said Mrs. Archer extending her hand. “I've got a couple of hours you can have if you'd like. Let's go over to a table.” Looking around to find an empty table, away from the knot of those who'd come to hear her speak. “There's one over there...” She pointed behind her. “Could you wait there until I can tell the others goodnight?”


  Josephine smiled and walked three tables over, pulled out a chair and sat down placing her backpack on the floor between her feet. While looking down for the placement of her backpack, she saw the chair next to her being pulled out and she looked up into Leo's laughing blue eyes.

  “Hello Josephine, what'cha doing? Mind if I sit down?”

  Josephine nodded her head enthusiastically and smiled brightly, as Leo sat down. “As for what I'm doing, I'm waiting on Mrs. Archer.” She pointed over to where the woman she was talking about was standing with the others who'd been at the lecture. “She's going to talk with me further on the subject. Want to join us?”

  “I'd like to stay and listen too, if you and she don't mind.” Leo also looked interested in the subject.

  “If Mrs. Archer doesn't object, sure.” Josephine nodded to Mrs. Archer who was now walking over to them.

  “Hello and who do we have here, Josephine?” Mrs. Archer inquired.

  Leo, being the Southern gentleman his mother raised, stood when Mrs. Archer got to the table and extended his hand to her for shaking. “Leo Jordan ma’am, pleasure to meet you.”

  Widening her eyes in surprise, Mrs. Archer put her hand into Leo's. “Pleased to meet you, Leo. Shall we sit down? So, Josephine...May I call you Josephine or would you prefer Ms. Wallace?”

  “Josephine is fine.”

  “What would you like to talk about regarding reincarnation?” Mrs. Archer asked after she'd settled in her seat. “Beside the obvious question of whom I was in a past life.”

  Josephine grinned. “I already know you believe the 'who' is of less importance in comparison to the 'what', 'why' and 'how', and how each proceeding life affects today's life. Am I correct, or have I missed something?”

  Mrs. Archer was impressed with Josephine's grasp of the process. “Yes, Josephine you have the basics understood. I'm impressed.”

  Looking now at Leo she asked, “And you, Mr. Jordan, is that how you understand it also?”

  Leo grinned. “Yes, Ma'am. That is exactly how I understand the process.”

  This got a huge smile from Josephine.

  “Very good, both of you. So what is it you wanted to discuss then Josephine? You understand it and don't seem at all confused or that you’re trying to placate the teacher.” Mrs. Archer's experience was that those who usually questioned her after these talks wanted to make themselves seem like they understood when they really didn't.

  “I want to be regressed,” Josephine replied without hesitation.

  Without any hesitation on her part either, Mrs. Archer shot back, “And why is that Josephine?”

  “Let's just say, that I'd like clarification on why certain things have occurred in my life.” Josephine smiled. “I don't want to know if I was Cleopatra last time around, if that's what you're wondering about Mrs. Archer.”

  Looking again at Leo Mrs. Archer asked, “And you, what would you like to talk about?”

  “I'd like to be regressed also, for pretty much the same reason as Josephine, Mrs. Archer,” he answered without missing a beat.

  “Well, it's not every night I get two such well informed people wanting to be regressed.” Looking thoughtful, Mrs. Archer opened her briefcase, pulled out her cell phone and checked her calendar for her next opening available for a regression. “Right now works for me. Would you like to do it at the same time, or separately?”

  Josephine looked shocked. “Here? Now?”


  Chapter 10

  Shared Memories-Josephine & Leo

  The humor in Mrs. Archer's eyes was very evident. “Of course Josephine, isn't that what you want?”

  “Yes, but there are so many people around. What if we say something...?”

  “I think now's a good a time as any Mrs. Archer.” Leo confident voice piped up.

  “Alright Leo, we'll start with you then.” Mrs. Archer pulled a chair in front of her and patted the seat for Leo.

  Josephine wasn’t looking at Leo, but still gaped at Mrs. Archer.

  “Okay Leo, can you put everything and everyone out of your mind, or do you really need quiet?”

  Leo smiled. “I can pretty much block out everything…just ask my mother.”

  “I'm going to speak very quietly Leo. I want you to hear only my voice. All other voices will slowly fade into the background and you hear only the sound of my voice. My voice and mine only.” She was slowly preparing Leo's subconscious for further instructions by repeating herself. “I want you to breathe deeply. Do you know any breathing techniques like say the 3/3 or better yet, the 6/3?”


  Mrs. Archer continued, “I want you to sit up straight, pull your feet together and slightly under the chair.”

  Leo shifted slightly.

  “Yes, that's it. Now I want you to lay your forearms on your thighs, with you hands on your knees. Palms down.”

  Leo followed her instructions perfectly. His whole face and attitude became that of someone older and more experienced with trance modes.

  “That's good Leo. Start now. Relax your body...and ...exhale – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, - hold, 1, 2, 3 – inhale, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Very good Leo, continue counting breaths until you reach 10 sets, then open your eyes.”

  He did.

  “Very good Leo. Keep it up. Hear only the sound of my voice, and know in your heart that I'll not ask you to do anything against your will. You won't go or do anything that you don't wish to. You are in control.” Repeating the same instructions several times using different words was an important part of hypnotizing anyone to make sure that the subconscious was reinforced by the instructions. “I am your guide and your guardian.”

  Mrs. Archer's voice was very quiet and Josephine had to strain to hear what she was saying.

  Finally, Leo reached the tenth set of his breathing.

  “That's very good Leo, open your eyes and see before you a long hallway with many doors on either side. Walk down it until you either see a door that intrigues you or one you feel a pull towards. Remember Leo, that nothing you see, hear or feel will be able to harm you. You are here for information only. You will retain everything you see. You will write it all down when you go home and share it with only those you are comfortable sharing it with. No one will hear you except myself and Josephine. If you don't want Josephine to hear, then you must say so now. Is it alright, if Josephine hears you also? If it is all right that she hears, please indicate by either saying yes, or nodding your head.”

  “Yes, Josephine may hear what I have to say.” Leo's voice was very quiet but not strained.

  “As your guide I do need to know what you are seeing and what you are feeling. Is this understood Leo? If so, please either indicate by saying yes or nodding your head.”

  Leo nodded.

  “Now, tell me what you are seeing.”

  Leo's eyes opened. “I see a long well lit hallway that seems to be lost on the horizon. I see no end to it. On both sides of the hall are large and small doors. Some have very intricate designs carved into them. Some of the doors have rounded archways, some are doorways like I see every day.”

  “That's very good Leo. Is there one doorway that seems to be calling to you, or that you are feeling a special connection with?”

  Mrs. Archer's voice was very gentle and she was speaking very quietly, but Leo could
hear her. “I'm feeling a very strong pull towards one very plain looking door right now. Should I open it?” Leo's voice was flat, no emotion involved.

  “Before you do Leo, remember that nothing here can harm you. No matter what you may feel or may see, you are safe sitting here in the student union coffee shop at a table with myself and Josephine Wallace. Do you understand that Leo?” Mrs. Archer's voice was very quiet, very soothing, very assuring.

  “Yes, I understand. I'm opening the door now.” Leo's eyebrows rose, concentration showed on his face.

  “What are you seeing Leo?”

  Josephine felt herself slipping into a trance like state. Aware she was with Leo, only standing behind him.

  “I'm standing in a valley with gently sloping hills around. I'm with hundreds of other men and women. We're going to war. I'm one of the generals I think. It's my battle plan. I'm in control.” Leo's voice was very calm and full of confidence.

  Josephine realized that she was seeing the very same valley Leo was describing, even down to the hundreds maybe even thousands of men and women behind them. The air was charged with anticipation and fear of the unknown.

  “Josephine is with me,” Leo observes. “Only she's not Josephine. She's my closest man at arms. One of the sub-commanders. She's carrying a battle ax that's as large as she is this life time.”


  Mrs. Archer looked over at Josephine and realized too late, that she too was now in a trance without being walked through the descending steps into being hypnotized. It could be very dangerous for Josephine. Mrs. Archer had to continue very carefully until they could both be brought up. She hadn't made sure of just how sensitive Josephine might be. That was a very serious error on her part, but it couldn’t be helped now. Without further hesitation, Mrs. Archer continued, “Welcome Josephine. The same instructions hold for you too. Nothing can harm you in this memory. It's only a memory and yours to control.”

  Josephine nodded her head.

  This admonishment would have to do. Next time she would have to keep Josephine and Leo's sessions – if there were more after tonight that is – separate unless they both agreed to doing it together. “Josephine, can you tell us what you are seeing right now?”

  “Yes, I see the valley with Leo in front of me. He's not Leo though, he's not even six foot tall, but very broad and solid looking. He's carrying a long broadsword. I don't know what his name is. I know it, but I can't remember it now. It's not important. He's leading us into a battle with what looks like Roman soldiers...”

  “Thank you Josephine.” I need to end this now before one of them becomes too emotionally involved with this battle. Why didn't I check Josephine and Leo out better before I started this tonight? Mrs. Archer sighed at her thoughts. “Now, Josephine, Leo, turn around and head back to the doorway that you both came through to enter into this memory. When you've reached the doorway, Leo you reach for the handle, and open the door. Walk through it. You are to follow Leo, Josephine. When you're back into the hallway, raise your hand.”

  Mrs. Archer waited until both Josephine and Leo raised their hands indicating they'd gone back into the Memory Hallway. “Now shut the door, and retrace your way back down the hall to where you started this adventure. When you reach it, please hold up your hand or say, 'I'm there' and wait further instructions.”

  Mrs. Archer had been regressing people for over 20 years, and she'd only been caught twice before by another individual observing the process, being pulled into it as well. Those times were because those other individuals had been there at that same time and shared the memory. She knew that's what had happened tonight also. What she needed to do was speak with both Josephine and Leo together and separately before, they could continue with another session. She suspected Josephine and Leo shared many more lives together, and from experience and research, she knew there would be more hidden pitfalls in this shared experience. Mrs. Archer then continued, “Josephine and Leo, I want you to hear only the sound of my voice. Nothing else will matter right now. Do you understand me?”

  Both Josephine and Leo nodded their heads.

  “Thank you. You both are doing very well.” Now all I have to do is to separate them to bring them back up successfully. “Josephine only now, please. Take deep breaths to the same count as before, and hear only the sound of my voice. You will have only the memory of what you just saw, but none of the emotion. Do you understand? Please raise your hand if you do.”

  Josephine raised her hand and continued as instructed.

  “Thank you Josephine, now continue breathing until you reach ten sets of 6/3 breathing, then open your eyes and be back in the now. Please do not speak when you are back into the now.” Mrs. Archer then turned to Leo. “Leo only, please hear only the sound of my voice...” She repeated the instructions she'd just given to Josephine.

  When both Josephine and Leo had opened their eyes and Mrs. Archer could see they were both now firmly anchored into the here and now, she sighed and spoke to both of them, “Do you both realize you were sharing a lifetime experience together? That you both were present within that moment of time?”

  Both Josephine and Leo nodded.

  “Mrs. Archer, has this ever happened before when you were regressing someone?” Josephine's eyes were huge with wonder.

  “Yes, Josephine,” Mrs. Archer replied. “I should have been more careful. I'm afraid I cannot continue with this regression with both of you present.”

  “But, but that was a wonderful experience Mrs. Archer! We must continue, and together!” Josephine hurriedly interrupted. She turned and looked at Leo. “It's our experience and both our joy and our pain. I know how the battle went—”

  Leo shook his head to indicate he didn't agree with something. He placed his hand on Josephine's and looked at Mrs. Archer. “I too know what happens during and after that battle. I for one do not wish to relive that scene and I certainly do not want to experience the emotions again. Honestly, I was about turn and head back to that door again on my own.”

  “Why, Leo?” Both Mrs. Archer and Josephine asked at exactly the same time.


  Chapter 11

  Former Life Memories

  “Because we both die, and that's not a pleasant memory to relive. Have you ever relived a death?” Leo asked in turn to their question.

  Mrs. Archer smiled warmly. “Yes, of course I have.”

  “And just how did that make you feel?” Both Leo and Josephine asked at the same time.

  “It can be a little frightening at first, but then, after I realized that I was still alive and knew just where and when my body was, I watched and experienced it along with gaining the knowledge that there really is no such thing as death!” Once again, she smiled in a very motherly way. “Have you Leo, or you Josephine?”

  Both of them replied in the negative, but it was Josephine who spoke up first, “Echk, that's just creepy Mrs. Archer, really!”

  Leo was nodding his head. “Not only that, but the pain...”

  Smiling with a serene confidence, Mrs. Archer continued, “Yes, I can see what you are saying and why you would think that. We are taught from birth that to die is to end. Life is over and there is Heaven, or Hell. No one is perfect. Most of us feel we'll be going to Hell, or slightly better, a long term in purgatory. I've lived a long time and have finally come to the realization that life is what's important. Life is what we make it. It can be either Heaven or Hell. If we're lucky it's a balance of both, for how can we know what one truly is without the other? What could be Heaven for me, might be pure Hell for you. As with everything in the Universe it's all relative.”

  About this time, James Franklin walked over to them. “Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear some of what you were saying. I really didn't mean to eavesdrop. Do you mind if I jump in?” He looked at each of them and weighed what he saw there and what he heard in their minds.

  “What did you overhear Mr. Franklin?” Mrs. Archer asked.

  “Josephine a
nd Leo already know that I am able to hear what most people are thinking – but only the surface thoughts. I'm what's commonly called a 'mind reader' although I hate that term. It sounds so cheap, carnival and slight of hand trickery.” He ran his right fingers through his copper locks, obviously uncomfortable with this aspect of himself becoming known.

  “Yes, I suspected as much Mr. Franklin. Dr. Adams has hinted at it. I surmised she too, may be a 'mind reader' – I have ever since I first met her. Just the way she carries herself and how she phrases her speech patterns.” Nodding to herself, she continued. “I've been at this parapsychology stuff for more years than I really care to think about most of the time.” A certain sadness crept into Mrs. Archer's expression. “Now Mr. Franklin, what did you wish to add?” She changed the subject.

  “I too have re-lived many death experiences, they are not too comfortable, but you learn a great deal about yourself. I've found, for me, they – the death in life experiences – explained a few things about my current personality that would otherwise be unexplainable.”

  Josephine arched her a brow. “Like how? Explain 'unexplainable'.”

  “I have this very deep seated fear of spiders, for seemingly no reason. However, as it turns out – and it was through regression that I discovered I did have reason. In one lifetime, along the coast of Chile, in an area that's now called the Atacama Desert. I was a member of the ruler's household. I’m not sure of what my capacity was, just that when the old ruler died, we were all buried alive with his body. Before I finally suffocated, I was driven insane by spiders - huge rose colored tarantulas and tiny jumping ones. I was trapped and couldn't even brush them off. It was awful.” James gulped and shuddered, then continued on, “I've since remembered something else about that area and life that I'll share with you sometime. My whole point being this: remembering a past lifetime's death can help you to remember that life more...vividly, and therefore help to explain why we have certain phobias when there is no recorded reason for them in this lifetime.”


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