Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy Page 15

by Dinia Steel

  Both women come to a stop in front of James. Reggie's small hand was placed within James’ much larger one.

  There was hardly any warmth in Reggie's hand. James looked at the other woman, who was smiling at him.

  “Who are you?”

  “The Lady of the Lake, James.”

  “What is Regina doing here?”

  “She lives within your mind James. Where else should she be?”

  “Can she talk with me here?”

  “No, I fear not. Her voice has been silenced, but you, who helped silence her, can help her regain it. You love her, correct?”

  James nodded in assent.

  “Then it is through love that she will regain her voice. Love her James. There are many types of love. Only life is more important and you both have that.”

  “How do I do this?”

  The Lady of the Lake smiled at James and took Reggie's hand from James’, and they again treaded back along on the Moon's reflection.

  “How do I do it, Lady? Please tell me.” James called after the retreating backs of the two women.

  Suddenly, he heard a tinkling of bells.

  James opened his eyes, and his eyes met with chocolate brown gaze.


  Chapter 31

  Later in the night, James dreamt of warm brown eyes filled with laughter and love, and a pair of dark blue eyes, the color of the Lady of the Lake’s. The whole dream was filled with symbolism, all having to do with the numbers three, five and six.

  The morning found James not very well rested. He remembered strolling around the Lake with it’s Lady on his arm. They seemed to be having a very deep conversation, it was impossible to remember now. He was aware when he was losing what the conversation had been about. It became only wisps of memory by the time he was fully awake.

  However, he did remember the number three as significant for some reason. Well, this would have to wait. Today would bring the perky and annoying, Ms. Young and Harry Jones to the house for the weekend.

  This was to be a test run to see if maybe Harry would be comfortable in James’ home and if he would get along with the health care personnel that James already hired to see to Reggie's welfare. Since Harry's condition had changed, he'd been more difficult to deal with. Vegetables were easy; humans more difficult. Harry was now expressing his likes and dislikes. Most times not too gently. James had also hired a rather burly male nurse...just to be on the safe side.

  Ms. Young had informed James, that she was sedating Harry for the trip. It turned out, however, the sedation was unnecessary, because it didn't appear to have had any effect on Harry. He sat stone still and looked out of the car windows as the forest flew past. It’d been a rather touchy time trying to put the seat belt on him, but once the car was moving, he was all eyes.

  If only Ms. Young knew, Harry was seeing everything. James knew this. Harry saw a deer lurking in the shadows and a couple of cougars also. He heard all the birds. He heard and saw it all. He was entranced.


  Ms. Young pulled up in front of James’ house at about noon. Thomas, the male nurse James had hired, was helping Harry from his seat belts.

  James went out into the driveway to join them. “Ms. Young, so good to see you again. I hope this weekend is productive,” he greeted her.

  “Me too, James...” Suzanne purred.

  Oh shit, it's going to be that way. Not going to be able to be alone with her...I should lock my bedroom doors too. Crap. At that moment, James’ cell phone buzzed. “Josephine?” he answered.

  “Of course, it's me James! Leo and I will be at your house in about an hour. Think you can keep the barracuda at bay that long?” Josephine asked testily.

  “Yes, thank you Josephine. I'll make sure the other bedroom is ready for you both when you get here.” James enthused. To Suzanne he announced, “Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will be here within the hour.”

  Suzanne stared blankly at James.

  Why did he feel surprised by this expression? Okay, James, be nice... “Josephine and her husband. You know... Josephine?”

  “Oh! Josephine! Of course. I didn't know she was coming too.” Suzanne looked very disappointed.

  “Yes, she and Leo work with me most of the time,” James gave her all the explanation he intended to.

  Mumbling to herself, Suzanne opened the car’s trunk, pulled out two bags and threw one to James. “Here is Harry's. You carry it!”

  True to her word, Josephine and Leo pulled in front of James’ house an hour later.

  “You're going to owe us big time James. I can't stand that woman!” Josephine greeted him brusquely, raising her hand to silence him. “I know you didn't ask me to, but I just couldn't leave you alone out here by yourself with HER.”

  “I'm not by myself. However, she was rather disappointed that others were coming this weekend as well, so thank you again.” James pulled Josephine into a big bear hug before reaching behind Josephine to grasp Leo's hand in a warm shake. He led the new arrivals into his house.

  Leo whistled appreciatively. “Nice digs James. I like it better than your condo by the school.”

  “Let's get you two settled, then. My cook, Ms. Ryker has been whipping up something special for tonight and I have a rather well stocked wine cellar too.” James was very happy. It was really nice to have his closest friends come visit him in his new house.

  After getting everyone settled in their rooms, Josephine, Suzanne, Leo and James met downstairs in the great room in front of the fireplace.

  James was just about to offer everyone a glass of one of his favorite red wines when the doorbell rang. He opened the door to find a young man with blond hair and huge light blue eyes standing there. There was something familiar about him, but James couldn't place it at first. He just stood there waiting for the young man to state his business.

  “About time you got here Oscar!” His cook, Ms. Ryker called out from behind him. “Sorry Mr. Franklin, this is my son, Oscar. He was supposed to come here earlier and was supposed to come to the back door.” The pointed look she gave her son was filled with a mother's ire for instructions not followed. Then to James she said, “I hope you don't mind, Mr. Franklin. I haven't seen my son in about 6 months as he's living in Seattle now and too busy to come see his ole maw!”

  James laughed. “No, I don't mind in the least, Mrs. Reyker. He's even welcome to join us for dinner, if that's alright with you and of course, Oscar.”

  Carol showed her son to the back part of the house that housed the staff while James went back into the great room.

  Josephine had one of her ‘smiles’ on her face. She leaned toward James and spoke quietly. “Another problem solved.” She nodded towards Oscar, “He’s for her...” she whispered, indicating Ms. Young.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

  Josephine smiled widely and snuggled into herself.


  Chapter 32

  That night James dreamt again about the Lady of the Lake and his Reggie.

  Waking in the morning, he dug out the journal he purchased just to record his dreams in. That's one of the first things he was taught when he realized he had abilities, that when asleep our subconscious talks to us, but in images. The more significant the dream the more archetypal the images will be. Once he was finished writing, he showered and prepared to meet the day's challenges.

  Before he even cleared the bottom of the stairs, James heard Josephine and Leo talking in the kitchen.

  “You know very well why we had to be here, Leo! I saw us here. That's why!”

  Leo must’ve known by now, not to argue with Josephine when she used this tone. “Darlin', I understand that. What I don't understand is the ‘why’ of the situation,” Leo drawled.

  “Because I saw you, me and James sitting in front of Reggie trying to reach her. For some reason, it's going to take the three of us to do it. That's all I know Leo, so please, just be here for us?” Josephine placed her hands on Leo's shoulders with
a pleading expression on her face. “However, something is changing. I think we're going to have at least, a fourth person joining us, and I’m beginning to feel it's Ms. Young.” Josephine shuddered.

  Leo bent down and kissed Josephine on the cheek. “Sure Sugar, if it means that much to ya'll, I'll be happy to be here for you.” When he straightened up, he spotted James leaning against the doorframe leading into the kitchen. “Mornin’ James! Coffee?” He reached for the coffee pot and extended it toward James.

  “Yes, I need something to stimulate me. I didn't sleep well,” James beat Josephine to the draw.

  “Why are you looking so bedraggled James…dreams?” Josephine still questioned him.

  “Yep. The Lady of the Lake again.”

  “Seriously James, you have to explain just who or what this Lady of the Lake is!” Josephine huffed.

  He smirked, “Josephine, can't you ever ask a simple question?” James shook his head.

  “I guess not, James. Ever since I've known you, nothing has been SIMPLE!” Josephine announced with frustration.

  James didn't have to be a mind reader to know this. Josephine radiated the emotion. He motioned for the couple to sit down at the kitchen table. “You both know now, how the subconscious works. We have to be relaxed and willing to allow it to come to the forefront of our consciousness. Our subconscious is connected to the higher levels of consciousness that allow us to come into contact with those whose job it is to guide us – but we have the free will to ignore them and do as we damn well please.” James took a sip from his coffee cup. “The Lady of the Lake is an expression of our trained subconscious mind. In fact, the Lady of the Lake has many functions. For instance, lakes are filled with water, which is the element for the intuitive and psychic nature of humanity. The oceans and seas of the world are made from water, which suggest to the subconscious interstellar space and the super consciousness of the individuality,” Pausing to drain his coffee cup, James glanced up at Josephine and Leo. “Don't you two tell me you're lost! Do neither of you remember our trip to Germany with any clarity?” James stood and crossed the kitchen bringing the coffee pot back with him.

  “No Dude, I don't remember much of anything and it's freaky!” Leo took the offered coffee pot and poured himself some and belatedly offered some to Josephine, which she declined. “I know I went to Germany because I have the credit card slip for the airplane tickets there and back, the deposit slip and a copy of your check reimbursing me for those tickets. That's all I know about that trip. AND neither you nor Josephine have been any help in remembering.”

  “Ok. Before we have breakfast, we need to take a little intellectual trip, or a path working.” James stood and smiled at the couple. He'd come to love them dearly. They were his closest friends now. “If the Keepers of the Flame and/or the White Brotherhood will it, you will be allowed to remember. It's been coming back to me a little at a time, and I've pretty much managed to rebuild what happened and it wasn't exactly pretty, but it was necessary. Finish your coffee and go to the bathroom. When you're done, come up to my study and we'll give it a go.”


  Later in James’ study, he, Josephine and Leo sat in a rough triangle.

  “I'll give you both a little time to relax and when I feel you're ready I’ll start the breathing countdown.” James explained that there was nothing to be fearful of...that this was a mental exercise and they were doing a path work and only had to stay on the path. Then he gave the final warning of ‘remember what happened to Red Riding Hood when she strayed from the path.’

  Ten minutes later, the three of them were approaching a deep meditative state of consciousness. James’ hand moved of its own accord and knocked three measured times on his knee.

  “Well, Light Bearer once again, you come to us. What is it you require?” A deep booming voice filled the room. If the trio had been in their normal conscious state, it would have startled them.

  “We wish to know, in order to serve,” James replied.

  The room was filled first with golden, then diamond bright light.

  They found themselves standing on the side of a mountain, in front of an entrance to a cave. Without even hesitating, they entered.


  Chapter 33

  Passing through the cave's entrance, it felt as if a very thin fabric slid over their faces. The cave smelled musty and of earth. Dripping water was also loud enough to hear. It was so dark they couldn't even see their hands in front of their faces.

  Leo pulled out the lighter he always carried with him, so they could see where they were walking.

  Then, a small flickering flame appeared and approached the trio, followed by the figure of a woman with copper colored hair, dressed in a cream colored flowing robe of sorts. The woman, they realized the closer she got to them, was really a teenaged girl, with a sun kissed complexion. What was visible of the girl’s body was well defined - as if she were used to doing heavy manual labor.

  James knew he would not want to fight with her. She looked so strong.

  Stopping just in front of them, she smiled. “Thee hast come a long way. May I offer thee refreshment?” The sound of her voice was like a warm breeze blowing across a warm and dry expanse.

  James remembered in mythology about the Fairy Kingdoms and the admonition to not eat or drink anything or you'd never be able to get home again. “We thank you for your offer of refreshment. We have come to refresh our Spirits, not our bodies. Are you to be our guide?”

  “Yes, I have that honor for the first part of this journey. My name is Elaine.” Smiling demurely, she nodded. “Follow me.” Turning, she started back the way she'd come.

  They quickly discovered they had to walk single file behind Elaine as the passageway was too narrow and the men needed to stoop to be able to pass. Josephine had no difficulty however. Even Elaine had to bow her head a little.

  James feared the floor of the passageway would be uneven and someone would fall and hurt themselves. His fears were not realized though, as the way must’ve been trodden millions of times in the past because the floor seemed solid and smooth.

  The atmosphere changed subtly and the surface of the passageway sloped down slightly as they followed. They became aware of a soft light ahead and they could now make out the form of their guide. Then the tunnel they'd been following opened into a vast cave.

  Elaine turned to them. “This is where I leave you. Look to your right. You'll see a stairway that descends to the floor of the cave. Your next guide will be awaiting you there. I shall see you again soon.” With that, she turned and re-entered the passage they'd just come from. The sound of her feet sounded like the padding of a cat or dog, instead of a human.

  Before they began the descent, they walked to the edge of the level they were standing upon. It became very clear they were in some place that could only be called magical. This must be the kingdom of the Fairy. The ceiling was covered with thousands of pinpoints of light, varying in all colors of the rainbow and a diamond white. All shone as if they were cut gemstones.

  The sides of the cave they could see had intricately carved pillars which were cut directly from the living rock, and spaced at even intervals. Just below the verge of the cave's top and just above the pillars were other shapes which were not clearly defined. The cave was so large that it appeared to have an atmosphere complete with a mist that ebbed, flowed and coiled around itself. But what caused them to gasp, was a perfectly shaped and realistic appearing full moon suspended above them. The light from it reflected upon what appeared to be water below. It reminded James of the scene he'd seen when The Lady of the Lake brought Regina with her on the Moon Light Bridge.

  The light from the moon and its reflected light seemed bright enough that the trio could see another set of stairs leading to the bottom of the cave. About every fifth step, a torch flared within the sconces on the walls. While they descended, they could see there was a small white boat coming across the water with only one passenger standing u
pon the prow…a young woman dressed in flowing dark blue garments. Her hair was corn silk yellow and flowed freely down her back, spilling on to her shoulders and down her breasts.

  The three friends walked to the shoreline towards the awaiting boat and young woman.

  “Hail, Light Carriers! Keepers of the Flame!” she greeted them. “I am called Morgan, and I am your guide for the next and last leg of your journey within the Cave of the Moon.”

  “Where are we going and who are we going to see, Morgan?” James asked.

  “Why, the Mother, James. You have questions. She has answers,” Morgan answered. “Please join me in my craft and I'll carry you to the Veil. The last part of your journey, you'll be on your own.”

  There was no more conversation until the boat scraped on the island which seemed to just appear before them.

  Morgan gestured they should leave the boat. “You see the low building before you?”

  James nodded and stepped out. He offered his hand to Josephine who followed him and Leo last. When James turned around to speak to Morgan, both she and the boat were gone. “Well, I guess we are on our own,” James mumbled, heading toward the only structure they could see on the island.

  When they reached the structure, they discovered stairs leading down again. At the base of the stairs was a large wooden door that was bound with steel, copper and iron.

  James put his hand upon the door and pushed.

  It opened slowly.

  They stepped through and found themselves in a chamber that was about 20 feet square. At the back wall was a raised platform with three steps leading up.

  Standing on this platform was another woman with her back to them.

  When she turned, James had been expecting to see the same woman who’d been with Reggie before.

  This woman looked different…Tall, dressed all in black, flowing robes which James had a hard time finding edges for. The material seemed to move on its own as if it were alive. The colors also seemed to be changing subtly, but always mutes, never anything bright or colorful. Dark and sober, would have been how James would describe them if asked.


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