A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series)

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A Very Corporate Affair Book 2 (The Corporate Series) Page 11

by D Latham

  "My apartments are centrally heated, as is the apartment my mother uses. My sister's quite hardy, and still uses traditional log fires. I prefer to be warm and comfortable, so have both. The walls are about six foot thick, so it's surprisingly well insulated. We can't have double glazing though, as it's grade one listed, which is a bit of a nuisance."

  "Can we go back to the snug? It's unnerving here, and I'm jumpy enough with Dascha's henchmen after me, let alone spectres and ghosts adding to the mix."

  Oscar laughed, "oh Elle, I'm sorry. Let’s go get you a stiff drink." We wandered back to Oscar's apartments, and back to the snug, where he poured us each a large brandy. We sat quietly, watching a comedy show, and I had begun to relax, when lightning flashed. "Rains started," said Oscar, "typical isn't it? A few days of hot weather, and we get a thunderstorm. At least it'll clear the air though, it's been quite muggy this evening."

  Oh this just gets better. In a creepy, haunted castle in a thunderstorm, with maniacs after me. Great.

  "I'm never gonna sleep now. Could I have another brandy please?" I wanted to go back to London, where a storm would be a welcome respite to stifling humidity rather than the backdrop to a cheesy horror film. Oscar looked amused as he poured out another large helping of cognac.

  "Are you scared of thunderstorms?"

  "No. If I was in London, I'd barely notice it. However, I'm hiding from the Russian mafia in an enormous, haunted, and frankly rather creepy old castle, so forgive me for being a touch nervier than normal." I smiled rather wanly.

  "Elle, you're totally safe here. Firstly, only Ivan knows you're here, and second, nobody has ever been attacked or killed by a ghost. There's no need to worry. This whole castle is heavily protected, and let’s face it, they'd never find which room you were in. There are 200 to choose from. It would take them all night to look."

  I relaxed slightly, "I know you're right. I'm just being silly."

  "Look it's nearly eleven. Why don't you try and get some sleep?" Oscar yawned, and I noticed that he looked tense, and a bit red eyed. I nodded, and we headed upstairs. He showed me into the bedroom next to his. It was vast, with an emperor sized canopied bed, covered in heavy, red velvet drapes, and a matching bedspread. Oscar closed the curtains, and turned back the covers, before planting a kiss on my forehead, and bidding me goodnight, adding that he would be next door if I needed him. I brushed my teeth, and changed into pyjamas before clambering into the enormous bed, and turning the light off.

  I lay in the dark listening to the storm, timing the lightning flashes, and accompanying thunderclaps, and wished I was at home. Every creak made me tense, and I burrowed under the covers to try and block out the sounds. When I heard a thud, I shot out of bed, and ran into Oscar's room. He was sitting up in bed reading, and looked surprised to see me.

  "I heard a thud," I said, feeling rather stupid, "and I can't sleep. Can I stay here?" He pulled back the covers, and I got in, and lay on my side facing him. "I'm sorry, I'm being such a girl," I said, scanning his face to try and gauge what he was thinking. He put down his book, and lay facing me. Grasping my hand, he smiled reassuringly.

  "You're more than welcome to stay here, better than laying awake all night. The thud was me dropping my book, so nothing to worry about. Try and sleep, and it'll all seem better in the morning." He turned off the light, and lay quietly, still holding my hand.

  I woke up completely wrapped around Oscar, practically clinging on to him. He stirred as I peeled myself off his body, and sleepy blue eyes gazed into mine. "Did you manage to sleep in the end?"

  "I did, thanks. I'm sorry I disturbed you last night."

  "Don't be silly. It was lovely just to hold you again. You had a difficult week, so it was understandable that you needed a cuddle." We lay there a while, not touching, just each lost in our own thoughts. I felt incredibly torn. Oscar felt comfortable and familiar, as well as solid and dependable. He was still handsome and sexy, yet the knowledge that he'd had sex with a man weighed heavily on my mind, plus his other sexual 'quirks' added to the mix, dampened any desire I had for him.

  "What are you thinking?" I asked, as he gazed at me.

  "That you look lovely all mussed up, and in your pink pyjamas. This might be the last time I get to share a bed with you, so I'm committing it to memory." My heart broke a little as he said it. Oscar wasn't an emotional man, and rather prone to being suspicious or dismissive of women, so this new, softer side was lovely to see. "What are you thinking Elle?"

  "That I wish I'd never seen what I did, and that you didn't have the issues that you do."

  "I wish that too. I've never wished for anything more than to rewind time to the night before, so that I could have done everything differently. I would have said no to Darius, held you tight, and never let you go."

  "There were other issues too. I struggled with some of your quirks. I hated the fact that you seemed to find me distasteful, you know, down there." I blushed as I said it, but his refusal to do cunnilingus had made me feel as though I had been unclean.

  "Distasteful? Is that what you thought? Oh Elle, I've never found any part of you less than beautiful. The truth is that I've never tried it, never actually licked a pussy, and like anything, it becomes a habit. Like I said before, public school fucks you up."

  "I see. Oh well, I won't take it personally then. So, changing the subject, what shall we do today?"

  "There's something I'd love to do, but I'm not sure you'd let me..." Oscar looked apprehensive.

  "Go on." Please don't ask me for a shag.

  "I would love to take you on that shopping trip I promised you."

  "I couldn't Oscar, I'd feel like I owed you, and it's not how I want to feel. Ivan bought me that dress and stuff, and I nearly had a bloody meltdown over it. I earn a really good living, and there's nothing I need." He looked disappointed. "How would you feel about me buying you stuff?" He flopped onto his back and thought about it.

  "I don't know. It's never happened, so I've got no idea. I'm not trying to buy your affection Elle, I just want to give you a little treat, and make you happy. I like seeing you all polished and sophisticated almost as much as I like seeing you in your pyjamas with your birds nest hair. I hate that Ivan got to do that for you, and I didn't."

  "Let's get some tea, and talk about this." I was desperate for a drink, and felt a bit 'put on the spot'. As much as I enjoyed being treated to nice things, I didn't want that awful feeling of being bought and paid for, and I had so many mixed feelings about Oscar that I needed some time to think. Oscar threw on a dressing gown, and passed one of his to me. We went down to the breakfast room to find Mrs Dunton fussing over the tureens, having just made sausage, bacon and eggs. She bustled off to make me a pot of tea, while Oscar helped himself to coffee. We had just sat down to eat when Lady Golding arrived with a cheery smile.

  "How lovely to see you again. Oscar told me about the pickle you're in over that dreadful Russian woman. Terrible way for her to behave, especially given your circumstances this week."

  "Yes, I'm appalled at it all too. I'm supposed to go to Conde Nast on Monday and oversee some work. I'm dreading it. I'm worried they could snatch me at any time." Lady Golding looked horrified.

  "Can't someone else do it, and you stay here until this is all blown over?"

  "Apparently Dascha is insisting that Elle is within reach until the deals done. I suggested that too mother. I also offered to put security all around the building until this is over, but Ivan tells me he's already arranged it." Oscar said, looking a little uncomfortable.

  "I suggest you put some there anyway, just in case. I don't trust foreigners Oscar. Just the fact that Elle's been dragged into this is bad enough, let alone trusting Podunky to give back a five billion pound company. He's a greedy man, and all it would cost him would be Elle. No, you organise our security to make sure she's not betrayed."

  "Of course mother."

  "So, have you planned anything for today? It looks like rain, and the foreca
st isn't very good."

  "I wanted to take Elle shopping, but she's not keen. Beyond that, maybe wellies on, and a long walk."

  "I thought you liked fashion?" Lady Golding said, frowning slightly.

  "I do, but I can buy things for myself, and there's nothing I really need."

  "Need never comes into it," she smiled, "he's got nothing to spend his money on, so why not indulge him? Plus it'll be fun in the helicopter. You can trudge through the mud tomorrow."

  "Helicopter?" I asked, looking at Oscar.

  "Yes, quickest way to get to town and back. I booked it for today." He looked a little sheepish. "Plus it's safer than transporting you by car. I also booked two bodyguards to meet us at Battersea heliport."

  "In that case, it would be churlish of me to refuse." I looked up to see Oscar beaming.

  "Good. It arrives here at half nine, so could you be showered and ready by then?"

  After breakfast, I headed up to my room to get ready. I was just about to get into the shower when Ivan called. "Still in one piece?"

  "Of course. Is there something you need?" I was back to professional Elle.

  "Elle, please stop being so cold. This isn't my fault you know."

  "Really? Well it never happened to me before I met you. Now, if there's no legal issues, I'm just about to jump in the shower. Let me know if there are any developments please."

  "In three days, this will all be over."

  "Provided you sign that company over of course," I replied. I wasn't convinced that he would.

  "Do you think I'd renege on this deal and throw you to the wolves?" He sounded incredulous. I didn't answer. "Elle, how could you possibly think I'd do that to you?"

  "It's five billion quid Ivan, and I'm just a girl you've known a few weeks. By your own admission, you want to own the world."

  "I don't want to own a world without you in it. What's made you think I'd do the dirty on you?"

  "You did. I saw you shark a client once. It doesn't matter what you say or do, I saw it, and I know you did it deliberately, so forgive me for not believing that you're always the good guy. You lied to me over this, so I now have to assume that everything you say is a lie."

  "Lying to you at the start of this was a mistake, and I wish I hadn't, but I will keep you safe Elle. I look after what's mine." He sounded panicked.

  "I'm not yours Ivan. I don't belong to anyone." I cut the call, reasoning that he never said goodbye anyway. He called back straight away.

  "Don't you dare put the phone down on me. I will NOT let Dascha drive you away from me. Let me just deal with this, then I'll figure out a nice treat for you to say sorry for letting this happen to you."

  "Keep your money Ivan, and shower it on your next girlfriend. I don't want any gifts, treats or surprises thank you. What I want is a quiet life, with my peace of mind intact, and a boyfriend who doesn't dump me on the news at ten." I clicked off the phone, and put it on silent before heading into the shower.

  Oscar and I ended up having a really lovely day. The helicopter landed on the back lawn, and took us to Battersea in less than an hour, with stunning views all the way. A car, driver and bodyguard met us there, and whisked us off to Harrods, where Oscar tried to persuade me to practically buy up the whole store.

  We had a gorgeous lunch at the Mandarin Oriental, before heading over to Harvey Nichols for more retail therapy. It was fun in the menswear department, where I insisted on styling a new outfit for Oscar, making him try on uber stylish Prada jeans, and skinny fitted shirts, which he agreed, looked great. I even bought one for him, which made him pout a bit. He loved a Roland Mouret dress I tried on, and insisted on buying it for me in four different colours. We even had afternoon tea in Fortnums, before heading back to Conniscliffe.

  Lady Golding greeted us when we hopped out of the helicopter, her helmet of hair not even moving in the strong downdraft. Back in the sitting room, we showed her all our purchases, eliciting oos and ahs from her. I had decided to wear one of my new dresses for work on Monday. If I was going to be kidnapped, at least I'd look good. As I had clothes to wear, I didn't have to return to London Sunday night, and Oscar said he would arrange a driver, and personal protection to pick me up early Monday morning to accompany me to the Conde Nast headquarters.

  Oscar excused himself to organise my security arrangements for Monday and Tuesday. While he was in his study, Lady Golding and I had a gin and tonic, and chatted about my day. She looked quite wistful when I told her about our afternoon tea in Fortnums.

  "I love that shop," she declared, "they do the best cakes in London, and the tea is always so fresh. I miss those type of things since my husband died. I never seem to go up to London nowadays.

  "I could always book an afternoon off, and meet you. I'd love to go back there again."

  Her eyes lit up, "I'd really look forward to that. When you are back at work, see when you can arrange, and just let me know. Maybe we could even see a show while I'm there."

  "I love theatre. Yes, we'll do that. I'll call you on Wednesday, and we'll arrange it." She looked delighted, and it struck me how lonely it must be for her in a vast castle in the middle of nowhere day in day out, with only Oscar for company at the weekend.

  We had dinner in the smaller breakfast room that evening, as Oscar's mum was joining us. None of us bothered to change though, as it was only us three. She was on good form, and entertained me with funny stories about Oscar as a boy, smiling as he groaned at her tales of putting worms in his sister's dolls house, and persuading her to slide down the banisters, which resulted in a trip to hospital to have her broken arm fixed.

  After we'd all eaten, she bade us both goodnight, and went back to her own apartment. Oscar and I settled into the snug to watch a film. I began to worry about where I would sleep that night. I really didn't want to sleep alone in the scary bedroom, but I also felt it was a bit unfair to sleep in with Oscar with a no sex rule. I really didn't want to lead him on, as he had proved himself to be a perfect gentleman, and a good friend.

  In the end, I needn't have worried, by half ten I was sparko, waking up next morning in my T-shirt and knickers in Oscar's bed, with a sleeping Oscar beside me. I looked at his clock, seeing it was half seven, and swung my legs out from under the covers. "It's Sunday," Oscar muttered, "have a lay in."

  I'll go and get us both some drinks, and bring them back up," I said, before wrapping his dressing gown around me and heading down to the kitchen. Mrs Dunton fixed me a tray of tea and coffee pots, and I took them upstairs. Setting the tray down, I poured, and took our drinks over to Oscar's bedside table. He struggled up onto his elbows and took a sip, while I perched on the edge of the bed. "So, what's the plan for today?"

  "I thought a nice walk in the grounds, some lunch, a nap, because you've got me up so bloody early, and maybe a film later. How does that sound?"


  "I spoke to Ivan last night, to let him know you would have extra security on Monday. He's not happy. Accused me of stealing you away. I did point out that you have a say in these things, and I was just trying to keep you safe, given that he put you in harm’s way."

  "You know my problem? It's when I get treated like a helpless airhead. It grates on me. I didn't fight my way up the ladder by being pathetic or weak, and it pisses me off that he seems to think I'm just an object to be stolen."

  "Hmm. Well, he's going to put up with you having security around you. It's not fair to use you as a pawn in a business deal, whoever you end up with."

  The day seemed to pass far too quickly, and before I knew it, it was Monday morning, and time to face the music.

  Chapter 10

  I had a horrible sense of foreboding as we pulled up at Vogue House in Hanover Square. It was an impressive building, and I watched chic, beautiful people pouring in to begin their working day, oblivious to the secret drama that would be happening under their noses. I had put on my Roland Mouret dress as if it was a suit of armour that morning, determined that I wouldn't
let any nerves or insecurities show. I took a deep breath, and strode in, flanked by my two bodyguards, courtesy of Oscar.

  The girl at the front desk confirmed I had been expected, and I waited while she called someone to come and get me. I looked around the immaculate foyer, taking in the posters showing the Vogue front covers, and other publications in the Conde Nast stable. I didn't have to wait long before an immaculate blonde came striding over. "Ms Reynolds? Good morning, I'm Andrea Mills, the HR director here. I understand that you're here to oversee the changeover for Mr Porenski."

  "Pleased to meet you," we shook hands, "yes I'm just here to make sure it all goes smoothly, and on time." She led us over to the lifts, and up to the fourth floor. We chatted on the way up, and she didn't foresee any major problems. All the records were properly kept, and pay rates were to remain the same. Ivan's IT people had been in at the weekend, installed everything, and tested it. She explained that the files had all been copied across, and they were now just checking that everything was copied correctly. I listened, wondering what on earth I was going to do for two days. Andrea appeared highly efficient, and on top of everything.

  "Mr Porenski's in the chairman's office, and asked that you attended a meeting with him before coming to check on the personnel department." I tensed at the prospect of seeing Ivan for the first time in a week.

  Andrea showed me to his office, and explained that she would be down the corridor in room seven, when I was finished with Ivan. I steeled myself before knocking on his door. To my surprise, he opened it himself. "Elle, glad you're here. Security remain outside please." His bodyguards stepped out of the room, and joined mine just by the door. Ivan closed it, and strode over to the desk. "It feels like I haven't seen you for ages, I've missed you. Please let me hold you." I didn't reply, and stood stock still, not sure what to do. I was torn, Ivan still looked like my beautiful lover, but the fear I'd experienced, and disappointment that he'd put me in harm's way, left me frozen to the spot, unwilling to respond to him. "Elle, what's wrong with you? Come let me hold you."


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