Something Like Love

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Something Like Love Page 19

by Sara Richardson

  “I’m not making any promises, Benny.” She grinned. “Besides, what if something happens with Paige? I’m assuming I wouldn’t accompany you two to some swanky hotel.”

  In his dreams. Paige had made it pretty clear that she wouldn’t go anywhere alone with him again. All the chemistry must’ve spooked her. “I won’t ditch you. I swear.” He’d made that promise to J years ago. And he didn’t intend on breaking it. “If it came to that, we’d make sure you got home.” Damn it if he wasn’t getting his hopes up to places they didn’t belong.

  The GPS lady informed him to make a left in two hundred yards. As he turned, he caught sight of the restaurant’s sign: ELEVATION 8,000. It was twisted metal number lit up by twinkling lights.

  “Wow,” J said, her eyes wide. “Looks pretty swanky.”

  “Only the best for my sister.” He pulled up in front of the building and one valet appeared at each of their doors. After handing over the keys, Ben hurried around back and got out J’s chair.

  “I’ll get that, sir.” The valet swooped in like he helped gorgeous maimed girls get out of their cars every day.

  “Here you go, miss.” He effortlessly hoisted J up and settled her in the chair.

  Her face beamed with pleasure. “Why thank you.” Before the man could hit on her, Ben took his rightful place behind her chair.

  “Make sure you tip him big,” she whispered loudly, then winked.

  With a disapproving shake of his head, he handed the valet a ten before pushing her across the sidewalk.

  Heavy wooden double doors opened and a hostess stepped out. The long blond hair that hung around her shoulders had an unearthly sheen and her smile sparkled. She wore a modern black dress with square angles. “Good evening, Mr. Noble. Miss Noble. We have your table all ready. Right this way.”

  He followed her inside, eyes scanning the restaurant.

  “I hope this will suit you.” She gestured to a small, intimate booth perched on a short platform. It had a perfect view of the whole restaurant, exactly like he’d asked.

  “Looks good to me.” He parked J’s chair next to the step and lifted her into the booth.

  After they’d ordered drinks, white zinfandel (disgusting) for her and a scotch on the rocks for him, J folded her hands and looked over her shoulder. “Any sign of them, yet?”

  “Not yet.” He raised his head, his eyes glancing from one table to the next. “Wait. There.” Instead of pointing like a stalker, he tipped his head to his left. About eight tables over, next to the wall, sat that Luke guy and Paige. Damn, she looked good. Though her shirt was a little high cut for his taste. But that was a good thing, right? She obviously wasn’t sending her buddy Luke any signals with her attire.

  “Wow. Now that’s some stiff competition, Benny.” J ogled Luke. “He is one fine piece of man, let me tell you…”

  “Wait.” He squinted. Something was wrong. Paige scooted away from the man. She scrambled out of her chair and stood, arms crossed, nasty glare cast down at Luke.

  “Whoa. She looks pissed.” Julia turned all the way around to watch the spectacle.

  He felt like whooping. He didn’t even have to show up to ruin their date. Luke did it for him.

  Paige was yelling, gesturing wildly with her hands, and sure enough heads started to turn.

  “What’s going o—”

  He shushed J with his hand and tried to hear, but they were too far away. He’d give his left arm to hear what she was saying.

  He stood. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna try to get closer…” Maybe take a quick trip to the bathroom, since he’d have to walk right past their table…

  “Take notes for me!” J called happily. He stared straight ahead, but glanced toward Paige every other step.

  She was still on her feet, but now Luke was talking…

  He ambled closer, stumbled over some lady’s purse. “Oh. Sorry,” he mumbled.

  The gray-haired woman scowled, but then smiled when their eyes met. “I recognize you!” She had a distinct Texas twang. “You’re Benjamin Noble.” She scurried out of her chair and captured his hand in hers, shaking it like he was the president of the United States. “I loved your daddy. What great man! Handsome devil, too, wasn’t he?”

  He tried to smile back. “Yep. He was amazing.”

  “Well, honey.” She whapped his arm in a friendly, slightly flirty gesture. “I’m from Dallas, and I want to assure you, you’ve got my vote come November.”

  “Thanks.” He looked up right as Luke grabbed Paige’s arm and yanked her back to the table.

  Oh, no. Hell no. He did not touch her like that. “Excuse me.” He shoved past the woman, vision narrowed on that guy’s pretty-boy face. He made it to their table just as Paige wriggled free.

  “Come on, Paige. Don’t get all pissed off,” Luke whined.

  “What’s going on?” Ben demanded, blood pumping through his arms, up to his face.

  Paige spun. “Ben? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I’m here with J.” He swept an arm toward their table. Julia seemed to suddenly realize they were all staring at her. She waved, then picked up a menu and hid her face.

  Luke scrambled out of his chair and threw a wad of bills on the table. “We were just leaving. Weren’t we, Paige?”

  Her face was molten. “Are you kidding? I’m not going anywhere with you, Luke. You’re completely wasted.”

  “Paige.” The man swiped his meaty paw through the air again, but Ben stepped in front of her. “Why don’t you sit down and finish your dinner?” He kept his tone even and discreet. No sense in making a scene.

  Luke’s massive arms crossed over his chest. He looked down at Ben like he was a mere snack. “And if I don’t? What’re you gonna do about it, cowboy?”

  Good question. Ben glanced around. Heads had definitely turned and some of the waitstaff moved toward them at a brisk but calm pace. It’d been a while since he’d been in a brawl, but it had to be like riding a bike, right? He rolled up his shirtsleeves. “Whatever I have to. Seems to me you should have a little more respect for a lady.”

  Luke laughed, his bloodshot eyes wide and disgusting. “That what she is? A lady?”

  “Sit down and I’ll make sure Paige gets home.” Ben applied a firm hand to the asshole’s shoulder and directed him back to his seat.

  “You can’t tell me what to do.” Luke flailed, then charged, arms outstretched like he was going to strangle him.

  “Luke! No!” Paige cried, but his fist flew through the air.

  Ben ducked the first punch. Yep. Like riding a bike. But he couldn’t get away from the second blow. Luke’s fist collided with his face. Pain shot through the bridge of his nose. Warm blood flooded his lips. Ow. He opened his eyes. Saw the ceiling. Three ceilings…

  Luke bent over him. “How’d that feel, Cowboy Pete?” He asked with a slur.

  “You asshole!” Paige shoved Luke away. “You’re such a jerk! I can’t believe you did this…”

  Waitstaff buzzed around, but Ben still only saw stars. He scrambled off the floor. A man dressed in a black suit with an earpiece directed both him and Luke toward the doors. “It’s time to go, gentlemen. Or we’ll have the police sort this out.”

  Ben looked over his shoulder and tried to focus on Paige. “Go help Julia,” he said, swiping at the blood with his sleeve.

  Nodding, she turned away from him.

  The security’s guard’s grip on his arm tightened. He forced Ben around tables, past the bar, through the elaborate entry. “I suggest you two don’t come back. We won’t be so friendly next time.”

  Before Ben could turn and make sure Paige had Julia, the security guard shoved him out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Julia. Find Julia. Hands shaking, Paige shouldered her purse and started a clumsy search across the restaurant. People stared at her, shaking their heads. She overheard one woman on the phone.

  “Yes, of course I’m sure it was Benjamin Noble. He star
ted a brawl right here in the restaurant!”

  Uh-oh. That was bad. Very bad.

  “Paige! Over here!” Julia waved at her from a small booth. “Oh my god. Is he okay? That looked horrible.”

  She winced at the thought of Luke’s hand colliding with Ben’s nose. Her stomach turned. “It didn’t sound good, either.” When the security guard had shoved him out of the restaurant his face had been a bloody mess.

  Julia snatched her purse off the table and dug around.

  “Here.” Paige maneuvered her chair next to the bench. “I’ll help you slide over. Ready?”

  After tossing some money down on the table, Julia nodded, then pushed herself off the bench. Paige threaded her arms around her and shifted her into the chair.

  “I can’t believe Ben did that,” she said as she wheeled Julia to the door. “Why’d he do that? I had things under control.” She was about to walk out the door. But no, Ben had to show up and make a huge scene.

  “You really have to ask why?” Julia smiled up at her. “He’s crazy about you. Seeing Luke touch you like that pissed him off. He’s got a temper for that kind of thing. Trust me.” She patted her hand. “He defends my honor at least three times a week.”

  “I don’t need anyone defending my honor.” Though it was so…thoughtful. No one had ever gone to that much trouble to make sure she was being treated with respect.

  The hostess opened the door for them. “Thank you for visiting Elevation 8,000,” she purred, apparently oblivious to what had happened in there. “We hope you come again.”

  “You bet,” Julia answered. “Thanks for the show.”

  Paige eased the chair out the door and scanned the sidewalk. Ben sat on a bench with a white cloth over his face, and Luke was laid out on the sidewalk next to his feet. Great. “What’d you do to him?” she demanded, rushing over.

  He pulled the cloth away from his face and she almost wished he’d put it back. Dried blood crusted his skin around a hideous purplish bruise that spread from the bridge of his nose underneath his eyes.

  She reached out her hand, but stopped before touching his face. “Is it broken?”

  “Nah.” He wrinkled his nose a few times. “It’s nothin’. I’ve been kicked in the face by an Arabian. I can handle a punch.”

  “Two shiners. Very distinguished,” Julia laughed.

  “You wanna talk distinguished.” He peered down at Luke. “How about passing out mid-threat.” He stood, still wincing like he was in pain. “The idiot was in the middle of telling me he’d break my legs, too, when all of a sudden he keeled over.”

  Paige skirted the chair and stared down at Luke. Pathetic. This whole thing was pathetic. “I’m so sorry, Ben.” Next time she wanted to make a point, she’d do it without a man’s help. “I guess I should drive him home.”

  “We’ll help you get him home.” Ben stooped and heaved Luke up to a standing position. “Come on, buddy. Let’s get you to the car.” Luke groaned and leaned heavily against Ben’s shoulder.

  Feeling that warm glow that only Ben could light in her, she grabbed the handles on Julia’s chair and followed him to the Jeep. “Think I should tell him that woman was talking about him on the phone?” she whispered to Julia.

  “Nah. He’ll find out tomorrow.” She waved the whole thing off. “Don’t feel so bad. It’s not your fault he’s madly in love with you.”

  How could she not feel bad? She could’ve ruined his political career. Could a senator get elected after getting into a fight at a high-end restaurant? Was that even possible?

  Ben loaded Luke’s limp body into the backseat, then helped his sister into the car. He was so careful with her. So sweet.

  And insisting on helping her get Luke home after what she’d pulled earlier…

  God, he really was a nice person. She surrendered the wheelchair to Ben and climbed into the backseat. What little backseat was left with Luke laid out like that, anyway. The smell of alcohol nearly choked her.

  “So where does this yahoo live?” Ben asked, dabbing at his nose again.

  Paige clipped in her seatbelt. “Take a left up there. Then we’ll go straight for about four miles. Then right on Second Street.” She scooted as far away from Luke as she could get, hugging the window.

  Ben drove in silence, and she didn’t know what to say. Thank you? It didn’t seem like enough. Or should she yell at him for trying to be a hero and getting himself hurt?

  “So that was fun,” Julia said cheerfully.

  “Yeah. Fun,” Ben muttered.

  “What will I do for entertainment while you’re on the river?” His sister sighed. “Guess I’ll have to buy some new magazines.”

  Wait a minute. Paige shoved a snoring Luke away and leaned forward, peering between the seats. Why should Julia have to sit around while they were out having fun?

  Ben glanced over at her. She met his eyes, an idea brewing a smile on her face. “You should come with us, Julia,” she said, still smiling at Ben.

  “Really?” his sister squeaked.

  “No. No way.” His eyebrows lowered in a stern expression. “Definitely not safe.”

  “I’m the queen of safe,” she reminded him. “I’ve taken paraplegics down the river and nothing’s ever happened.”

  Quick breaths shot in and out of Julia’s open mouth. Her eyes fixated on Paige. “Yes. I want to go. Please.”

  “You’re not going,” Ben growled, looking borderline mean with those shiners under his eyes.

  Paige laid a hand on his shoulder to soften him up. “I’ll take good care of her, Ben. Don’t you trust me?”

  He eyed her. “Sure. I trust you. It’s nature I don’t trust.”

  “The water level is perfect for it.” Last time she’d checked it’d been low enough for a safe, easy ride. “The boat won’t be moving too fast. I’ll put her right in the middle.”

  “Middle doesn’t matter if the boat flips.”

  Julia’s eyes pleaded with Paige.

  “I’ve never had any incidents at this water level,” she continued in a soft, sweet tone, trying to remind him this would be good for Julia. “We take every precaution on the water…”

  Staring straight ahead, he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel.

  “Please? Please let me come.” Julia folded her hands and shook them in his face. “I’ll never ask you for anything else as long as I live. I swear.”

  He stopped the Jeep at a stop sign and looked back at Paige.

  “She’ll be fine. I promise.” She pressed her gaze into his, letting their eyes stay connected long enough that a burst of warmth ignited deep in her belly and floated up to her chest.

  Ben’s cheeks went soft. “Okay. I trust you.”

  “Yes!” Julia raised her hand for a high five. “I can’t wait!”

  “I’ve got a ton of river clothes you can borrow,” Paige told her. “I’ll get them ready tonight.”

  Julia squeezed her hand. “Thank you so much.”

  Ben simply smiled. He turned right on Second and she pointed out Luke’s apartment house.

  He pulled up in front and together they got Luke inside, depositing him on the couch with a heavy thud. “Sleep it off,” Ben muttered. Then he opened the door for her and they went back to the car.

  “You want me to take you back to your car?” he asked, looking at her in the rearview mirror.

  “No. I’ll go back to the lodge with you.” She gave him a small smile. “I know where Elsie keeps a first-aid kit. We can at least get your face cleaned up.”

  He grinned back. It was the first real smile she’d seen on his face all night. “That sounds perfect.”

  * * *

  Though it was only ten thirty, the kitchen was deserted and quiet, exactly like she’d hoped. They didn’t need to explain to anyone how Ben had gotten his face messed up. Hopefully, she could repair some of the damage so it didn’t look quite so bad in the morning.

  She led the way to the island and pulled out a stool. “Hav
e a seat.”

  He obeyed with a smile. “Yes, ma’am.”

  They hadn’t said much since they’d gotten Julia back to their cabin. Luckily, Gracie had gone to bed, though Ben’s campaign manager had given Paige the third degree about what had happened. She’d answered every question, but when it came to talking to Ben, she almost didn’t know what to say. I’m afraid of you didn’t sound good, even though it was the truth.

  He’d kept his distance from her. Because he was like that. A gentleman. He seemed to sense her hesitation, her internal battle against the way he made her feel. The pull between them was so crazy intense. She knew if she touched him, if she let him touch her, it would all be over. Just like stepping off that cliff earlier that morning. They wouldn’t be able to go back. She wouldn’t be able to stop anything.

  Taking her time, she made her way to the cupboard near the sink. Sure enough, Elsie’s huge red bag with a white cross stood out. She removed it and walked slowly back to Ben.

  His eyes followed every move and he had this soft, content look on his face. She pulled another stool over and focused intently on unzipping the first-aid bag. “This might sting.” She unwrapped an antiseptic pad and dabbed at the cut across the bridge of his nose.

  He winced.

  She pulled back her hand. “Sorry.”

  “Didn’t hurt.” He grinned. “You would’ve made a good nurse.”

  Her skin flamed. She dabbed again. “I hate the sight of blood.” Always had. “Getting through my wilderness EMT certification was a nightmare.”

  “But you did it.” His eyes tracked with hers. So intense…

  She set down the trash in her hand and moved away to break the spell. “Yeah. You do what you have to do.”

  She unwrapped a bandage and evaluated the damage to his nose. Nice nose. And those lips…Focus on the nose. Only the nose. So much safer. “Doesn’t look as bad as I thought.” She carefully pressed the bandage against his skin. “Hopefully the bruise’ll fade in a day or two. But you were right. I don’t think there’re any broken bones.”

  His eyes sought out hers, but he said nothing.


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