Homeless Heart

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Homeless Heart Page 5

by JC Szot

  “What’s with you?” he asked.

  Kelly riffled through the bag, finding an egg roll. She set it back into the bag and chose a fortune cookie instead. She tore open the wrapper and broke open the cookie. She smoothed the small piece of paper out on her knee, the message startling.

  You’ll be rewarded for your sacrifices despite your mistakes.

  “Kelly.” Steve waved a hand, demanding her attention. She flinched, her eyes darting across the cookie’s message again.

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Are you okay? Did you have a bad night?” His face was lined with worry.

  “It was a weird night,” she told him bluntly.

  “What happened?” Steve set his bag down and leaned into her, resting his elbows on his knees.

  “He came back again.” Kelly cleared her throat, her admission strained. Steve’s brows pulled together. Kelly watched him process, his face smoothing.

  “The rich guy?” His jaw fell in shock. Kelly nodded.

  “Holy shit,” Steve whispered. “I told you.” He grinned. “That man wants you, girl.”

  “For what?” Kelly tossed her hands up in surrender. “What could he possibly want? Look at me,” she told him, infuriated.

  “I believe he already has,” Steve told her, his eyes gleaming. “You’re very beautiful.” Steve’s tone went hoarse.

  “Oh, come on! I’m homeless, I’m dirty, and my eyebrows haven’t been tweezed in months.” Kelly buried her head in his hands.

  Steve’s calm and light words left her more stupefied than she was before he showed up with their morning meal. “Those are exterior things that mean nothing, and he knows it too. He wants your heart, what’s on the inside,” Steve said, nodding in affirmation. “He knows that it matches your natural beauty. He’s a smart man. Believe me…I used to own and work in a salon. I know what’s natural and what needs to be primped,” he said sarcastically. “Do I have the privilege of knowing this man’s name?”

  “Drake,” Kelly whispered. “His name is Drake.”

  Steve reached for the tiny paper. His eyes lowered to the fortune that had come out of her cookie. Kelly kneaded her temple, staring into the trees, her confusion mounting. Steve’s gaze lifted, catching hers.

  “I believe the fortune has spoken,” he told her, smiling warmly.

  Kelly stood, shrugging a shoulder at him, irritated all over again. “We have to get out of here. Sam will be here soon,” Kelly reminded him.

  Steve stood and handed the small scrap of paper back to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, his face still with seriousness.

  “That guy will be back. You can bank on it. If you send him away, I’m gonna kick that cute ass of yours,” he told her, his features tight.

  Chapter Twelve

  Drake hid in his office all morning. Thoughts of the previous evening had turned him into a blubbering idiot. The kiss lingered, like the after-effects of a high. He was already artfully building the fantasy.

  Drake had Kelly naked and soaking in his tub. Drake wanted to lick the pearly bubbles right off her breasts. He was anxious to see what was underneath all those clothes. His cock was in a constant state of arousal, tenting his slacks. I hope I can get her to leave those woods.

  Raised voices parroted through the dark, glossy door. When Drake recognized the voice of James Verance bellowing at his secretary, Drake felt his teeth grit. It was only a matter of time. Daddy’s here to advocate for his spoiled brat of a daughter.

  Drake stood and circled around his desk. He grabbed his dick and squeezed it in attempts to restrain the overactive monster. He contemplated how long he’d have to put his cock on ice. The mere thought of Kelly had it stiff and upright. He opened the door and was greeted with Colleen’s fearful eyes. Nina’s father spun to face him, freezing over his lust like a cold front.

  “Colleen,” Drake cleared his throat. “I’ll take it from here, thank you. James,” Drake stepped aside, waving Nina’s father into his office.

  Drake closed the door quietly behind him. He boldly stared into James’s angry eyes. Drake swore he saw the flesh of his jaw twitching.

  “I don’t need to tell you why I’m here,” James said curtly.

  “I’ve been expecting you. Sit, please.” Drake directed him to a chair.

  “There’s no need, I’m too pissed off to sit,” he seethed.

  Drake ran a hand through his hair. “It just wasn’t working for me, James,” Drake confessed.

  “I’ve got a broken-down daughter at home. She’s cried so much I’m afraid her face will fall off.”

  “I couldn’t continue with the relationship. I’m truly sorry,” Drake told him, his tone flat, his words direct.

  “What the hell happened?” James tossed up his hands.

  “I don’t think you know the side of your daughter that I’ve been exposed to.” Drake treaded carefully. The images of Nina in his room, sprawled out in his chair with her legs spread, came to mind. The idea of it was a turn-on, but Nina and her personality just made it all wrong.

  His wicked imagination had Kelly in that chair. He’d slipped the image of her in so quickly. His groin began to boil. James, vocalizing his disdain, had Drake’s dick withering inside his boxers.

  “What went wrong? I’ve got two women at home who are hysterical,” James barked.

  “We’re not the right fit, not for the long haul,” Drake said, his voice taking on an empathic tone. “I’m being honest with you and your daughter, as well as myself,” Drake said, shrugging. “I’m sorry, believe me.”

  “That’s all I’m getting here?” James asked, irate.

  “That’s about the gist of it.” Drake sank his hands into his pockets. James shook his head, dismissing him with an abrupt wave of a hand, and stormed out of his office.

  * * * *

  “If you two can unload this truck for me by noon, I’ll give you as much as you both can carry,” Amy told them. “How’s that sound?”

  “Consider it done,” Steve told her, reaching into the back of the loaded box truck. Kelly put her backpack down and began heaving the boxes out of the truck.

  “We need threads and accessories for your date.” Steve grinned, knocking her in the ribs playfully. Kelly felt her mouth curl into a scowl.

  “Yeah, well, we’ll see,” she bit him back with her terse words.

  “I’m telling you, he’ll be back, and you’ll be going somewhere,” Steve told her. He grabbed her shoulders, turning her to face him. His blue eyes twinkled like aquamarines. “And when he does, we’re going to have you ready, whether you frigging like it or not.” His words were absolute. “Now we’ve got work to do.”

  After the truck was unloaded, Amy locked the front door, flipping the “open” sign of Second Time Around Consignments to “closed,” allowing Steve and Kelly to shop.

  Steve picked up two heavy sweaters, a pair of long underwear, and several pairs of wool socks. Kelly found two pairs of jeans, and a fleece jacket with gloves and a scarf to match. It’d been forever since she’d shopped, looking through any type of merchandise. It was a luxury she’d taken for granted in another life, during a different time. She was enthralled with all the things Amy had crammed into the small corner shop. A tap on her shoulder had her meeting Steve’s contented face.

  “Look.” He thrust a large Rubbermaid bin into her hands. “You’re gonna need some of these things.” He gave her a knowing look. “I’ll be back,” he said, disappearing down a nearby aisle

  Kelly sifted through a mound of compacts, pressed powder that’d been cracked during shipping and rejected by the large-scale stores. There were also tubes of lipstick that had slight deficiencies but looked perfectly fine to her.

  Kelly selected a mocha-colored lipstick along with a mirrored compact. Kelly openly cheered when she found a pair of tweezers in the bottom of the bin, the corner of the package only slightly torn.

  Steve reappeared, holding a silk blouse in a light sea green.

�Well?” He canted his head at her. Kelly’s fingers grazed over the thin material. It was an open V-neck with pearly buttons. Steve met her thoughts.

  “Very sexy,” he purred, waggling his brows.

  “I’m in trouble,” Kelly mumbled. “Between you and him…”

  “I’m getting it,” Steve said forcefully. “We’ll fight about this later, back at camp.” He rolled his eyes. Kelly laughed, redirecting her attention back to the abundance of HABA items, as Steve called them. She desperately needed beauty aids, especially if Drake did come back.

  It was easy to deny and argue over it with Steve, but deep down she did want to see Drake again. He intrigued her. The entire situation was bizarre. Her stomach fluttered. How she measured up, she didn’t know. It was torture to look at it for too long, like a photograph that included things in its frame that didn’t belong.

  The scenarios scared her. If Drake did come back to spend more time with her, could she grow accustomed to the idea? What if she got attached? Would Drake eventually decide he’d been foolish? Would he lure her in, only to deflate this raft of hope that had her floating out into uncharted waters?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Drake pulled into Union Gas and Propane. He had a bag of goodies, along with his old phone. He would give it to Kelly. He’d gotten his new one today. He parked the car behind a row of massive tanks and killed the engine. He fingered the phone on his hand. If it wasn’t for its failing battery, he would have never met her.

  The salesman at Verizon tried to talk him out of replacing the battery. Though it was cheaper for him to buy a new phone, he’d gotten the new battery for Kelly, as well as added her to his account. He hoped this new, modernized adjustment went over well. The woman had trouble accepting a cup of coffee and a few cookies. His heart sank when a few raindrops began to splatter on the windshield.

  Drake grabbed the large thermos he’d filled at Wawa, as well as the assortment of sweet buns and crullers, and got out of the car.

  Kelly didn’t know he was coming. Once she had the phone, they’d be able to stay connected. He wanted her to come over for dinner. He needed to talk to Emily, the woman who came in weekly to clean and iron his shirts. Drake was sure she’d help him prepare something.

  Cool drops hit his cheeks as he ducked into the brush. The faint outlines of her tent came into view as Drake navigated his way through the wooded area he’d come to know well.

  Her fire was small tonight, concealed by the surrounding trees. He stopped and watched her for a moment.

  Her hair was loose. It cascaded over her shoulders. The firelight had the strands glimmering. His dick went hard, filling his jeans. She sat perched on her rock, staring into the flames. What is she thinking? Whatever circumstances caused her to live like this, Drake was determined to learn the particulars, and very soon. He needed to be careful, though. He didn’t want to bombard her. Drake wanted Kelly to open up to him on her own. That would show that she was comfortable with him. He was making progress. Any wrongdoing on his part could cause her to retreat.

  His next steps snapped the twigs below his boots. Her eyes darted to his. She rose to her feet. Their eyes locked as he moved closer.

  “Hi.” Drake waved, suddenly feeling like a giddy teenager.


  Her mouth curved into a welcoming smile. He clutched the bag to his chest, the thermos in the crook of his elbow.

  “You in the mood for some company?” Drake asked.

  “You’re gonna spoil me,” Kelly told him. Her tuneful laughter rippled through him like the effects of a stiff drink. “I’m not used to having routine visitors.”

  “Get used to it.” Drake entered her circle of light and handed her the thermos and his bag of goodies.

  “And if you keep bringing me all these fattening treats, I won’t be able to zip up my jeans,” she said, grinning.

  “I somehow don’t see that happening,” Drake whispered. His intensifying need to have her had him checking himself before he spoke.

  Kelly steered the conversation toward something more general. “How are you?” she asked. Her eyes flickered over him as she reached into her backpack for two paper cups. “Sit, please. My living room’s a bit chilly, but make yourself at home,” she said, her tone mocking.

  “I’m fine, and you?” Drake sat down, leaning into the fire, watching her as she poured their coffee. She handed him a cup and then tipped the bag toward him. Drake took one of the crullers. After fixing her coffee Kelly sat down.

  “Well, you know…not too much going on here.” She waved a hand, shaking her head. They ate and sipped their coffee. The distant sound of an occasional vehicle filled the pause.

  Drake jumped in head first. “I’d like to bring you to my condo tomorrow night for dinner. Will you come?” He heard her breath catch. Her eyes lifted, holding his. The flames danced in them, turning the soft green into gold.

  “Listen…” Her hand fidgeted. Drake waited, curious over what her excuse would be to decline. “You shouldn’t be coming here, bothering with me, I—”

  Drake cut her off, trying to restrain a voice that could’ve easily escalated. “Don’t tell me what I should and should not be doing, please,” he said. He held her hostage with his stare. A rain that had appeared to have let up after Drake had walked under the protective canopy of the trees began to fall more steadily.

  Kelly mumbled under her breath. “Shit, Steve warned me that it would rain.” Kelly frowned, glancing back at her tent.

  Drake twitched in his seat, questioning whether she’d invite him inside. “Who’s Steve?” he asked, never hearing or seeing anyone else around her.

  “Steve’s a good friend. He’s been helping since I landed here,” Kelly explained. “He’s, well, you know, out here, too, but he finds his refuge somewhere else at night.”

  Relief flowed through him, calming a body that’d suddenly gone stiff with apprehension. “That’s good that you have someone you can count on, but now I need you to know that you also have me,” Drake said softly.

  Kelly’s face creased in thought. The rain fell between them. The flames of the fire hissed in rebellion. Kelly stood up and turned to unzip the front flaps of her tent. Drake’s heart downshifted and then kicked into overdrive. She looked back at him, her expression unreadable.

  “We better get inside. I don’t have any money to dry my clothes tomorrow,” Kelly said, gesturing him inside, smiling weakly.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The scent of him permeated the tent. They’d left their boots outside, under the overhang. Drake shifted onto his belly and peered out the tiny, screened window. Kelly had already spread her sleeping bag open. She tugged a woolen blanket over them.

  Her internal monologue was arguing with her. Is he cold? I can’t believe this rich guy is here, lying in my tent, wanting to be involved in my shim-sham of a life.

  Drake turned, their faces inches apart. His warm breaths tickled her lips. Kelly’s eyes lowered to his mouth, recalling how he’d felt on her lips. His raspy words had her body melting in his close proximity.

  “So…” His lips curled into a sort of sly grin. His eyes were beautiful, like polished mahogany. “May I come pick you up tomorrow evening? I want to spend some time with you.”

  “I just…” Kelly shook her head. “I give up,” she told him, laughing.

  “Good, because I’m not. I’ll be here at six.” Drake smiled, tucking strands of hair behind her ear. “You’re so gorgeous,” he sighed. His lips lightly brushed over hers. That spark he’d ignited the other night was back. He was stoking her, tending to her carefully. The flames were reaching higher now. He pulled back slightly, their mouths still touching.

  “I’d like to kiss you for a while before I leave.” His request was a raspy whisper.

  “You’re a beautiful man,” Kelly confessed. “There’s things I should tell you,” she said cautiously.

  “Later.” Drake traced the edge of her lip. Heat pooled in her center. That
tingle that every woman knew so well was blooming below. She craved his hands, wanted his touch, but didn’t want to tarnish his impression of her, an impression that Kelly still couldn’t comprehend.

  His mouth met hers again, pressing harder this time. Drake’s hand gripped her arm, gently rolling her onto her back. He rose over her like a tidal wave. She could feel him, his cock stiff behind his zipper. He smelled of soap and damp earth. His weight pressed down onto her. She liked the feel of him, the pending promise he seemed to convey in the way his hips washed over hers.

  His tongue reached inside her mouth, baptizing her with his presence. Drake cupped her face in his warm palm. Their mouths moved together in a united seal that had Kelly struggling for air. He was leaving her breathless. She boldly rubbed her breasts against him. Drake replied with a deep groan, his tongue reaching deeper.

  Kelly’s head spun. Her eyes rolled beneath their lids. It was a magical ride of weightless pleasure. Christ, he must be a king in bed! Thoughts screamed through her brain, causing her to pull away. Drake’s eyes fluttered open, the brown so dark, a bottomless hole one could get lost in, never wanting to return.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t help it,” he said softly. His lower lip hung, his face slack in awe. “I should go, but first”—he fumbled in his pocket—“take this. My number’s scratched in on the back.”

  Kelly turned the small phone over in her hand. It’d been months since she’d held a piece of modern technology. She met his eyes.

  “Charging this might be a problem, but I want you to have it.” Drake nodded. “That way we’ll be connected. If the damn battery hadn’t died, I would’ve never met you.” He smiled sleepily. Her words of rebuttal were right there, ready to leap from her tongue. Drake read her expression, having none of it. “Not happening.” He kissed her cheek. “It’s yours. I just hope there’s a place you can charge it.”


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