Pay For Play ( #1)

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Pay For Play ( #1) Page 17

by Victoria Ashley

  Rome grabs a pillow and shoves it over his crotch. “Shit. My bad.”

  Pushing everything to the back of my mind, I walk over to stand next to Lynx. I suck in a surprised breath as he grabs my hip and pulls me next to him, possessively.

  “No one touches Rebel. No one jerks off to Rebel. When you know she’s here, you will give a fucking warning before you decide to jerk off anywhere that isn’t in your damn room or the privacy of the gym. Got it?”

  “Got it,” the guys take turns agreeing. I don’t know what all of his threats mean after last night. This is definitely something we need to talk about.

  “We have another party to set up for tomorrow night for our clients and we need to come up with a theme. Most of you have already sent out your invitations. Think on what you want and drop me your ideas later so we can get the emails sent out tonight.”

  The guys sound their excitement as they all scatter around the house, most likely ready to start their day. I know for a fact that Nash has a call in less than thirty minutes. Most of the others don’t have any until tonight.

  He’s the only one that rushes off to his room to most likely prepare.

  As soon as the room clears out, Lynx cups my face and turns his body to face me. “Where are you going?” he asks against my lips.

  I place both of my hands on his arms. “I’m headed home to relax and get some more work in later.”

  His eyes study me as if he can tell I’m stressing about something. “You want to talk about it?”

  I can’t just tell him how I feel about him taking calls from other women after the way I acted last night. It’s not like we’re dating. What right do I have?

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I think I just need a nap in my own bed.”

  He runs his thumb down my cheek, before leaning in to press his lips against mine. “Message me when you have free time. I have some shit to take care of around here before my calls for tonight. Want me to drop you off?”

  My stomach twists up into knots and my heart sinks, letting me know that this isn’t going to be easy to get past.

  I shake my head and smile. “Remi’s outside. I’m fine. I’ll message you when I get time.”

  With that, I walk away from him, letting myself outside, thinking hard about what I need to do next.

  The problem is . . . I have no idea what he even wants from me and I’m scared to find out.

  I WAITED ALL NIGHT TO hear from Rebel, but she never messaged me. Hell, I even kept my phone close by while taking every single one of my calls last night, just so I could see if I missed a text from her.

  Not a damn thing.

  I almost showed up at her doorstep last night and punished her with my cock to remind her just how much I want her and how much she fucks with my head.

  Instead, I sat at her office desk and looked over all of the work that she did for the day. When I sat down at the desk and woke the computer back up, the screen with my waiting list was sitting there, staring back at me.

  Fuck . . . no wonder she didn’t message me last night. After the night she shared in my bed, I’m sure the last thing she wanted to see was the list of all of the women that I’ll be jerking my shit for over the next few weeks.

  If it were the other way I around, I’d look up every one of those fucker’s addresses and end up at their doorstep, ready to fuck them up and break the hand they get off with.

  Tonight is another Alpha party and I want Rebel to be here, but I have a feeling that she might not want to now. Especially since I had Blaze watch her last night. I could tell it’s something she wanted to do and fuck if she wasn’t completely turned on knowing he was watching. I’m trying to decide how I feel about that. I know Blaze would never cross any boundaries I don’t lay out. The only thing I knew was that I wasn’t ready to see his hands on her. It was bad enough that his eyes were watching her come undone.

  I had Blaze send out a random invite to ten of my girls. I could give two fucks about who he chose. I won’t be spending any time with them.

  The parties are to help the other guys get new clients. The only woman I plan to spend my time with is Rebel, so I need her here tonight.

  We’ve decided on a black tie affair. I had Rome pick up some bow ties and skimpy ass underwear for all of us to wear. The women will all be in evening gowns, but I’m sure they’ll all be unique in revealing themselves.

  I send a text to Rebel again and she still doesn’t respond. Her silence is fucking with my mind because I don’t know if she’s upset about me letting Blaze watch or if this company is getting to her.

  In my experience women can’t deal with what I do for a living, but what she doesn’t understand is I’m to a point now that I could walk away from that aspect of the business at any time. My guys will easily make enough money to keep it all going.

  Besides that, I’ve invested my money like crazy and could easily work something else out if that’s what’s bothering her.

  I can’t fix something I don’t know about though, so her not talking to me is going to make me irritated.

  Walking through the front room, I catch Levi standing at the bar. “I’ll be back in a few. Make sure the ladies here to help get this place ready for tonight know what we need done.”

  It takes me only a few minutes to pull into the parking lot. I walk in knowing I’ll be out of place, but I’m sure one of the clerks can help me.

  “Hi, sir. Can I help you with something?” The hot blonde rushes to help me just as I enter the door.

  “I need a sexy red dress that could also work at a black tie affair.” I don’t tell her the real kind of affair it’ll be at, because it’s really the same as far as the dress goes.

  “I have a couple back here, follow me.” I see in her eyes that she’s disappointed I’m here shopping for a woman, but it is what it is.

  “This one is backless and also low in the front, the material is great for a woman with nice curves because it tends to hug the body closely.”

  “That’s the one.”

  “What size?” I have no idea what size she is, but quickly look to the blonde’s body to compare.

  “She has bigger tits than you and her ass is the perfect size, but she’s about your height and size otherwise.” She smiles and reaches for another hanger on the rack.

  “This will be the one then. What about shoes?” Shit, I have no idea what size.

  “Yes, red with sexy straps and all. Just give me the average size and the two sizes around it. I’ll play it safe on those.” She moves to pull some boxes down and hands them to me before she walks back to the counter.

  “Anything else for you today? We have very sexy undergarments over there.” She smiles and looks up at me once she gets the total.

  “She won’t be wearing any of those, but yes, I want your card. I may have you come and measure her so that I know exactly what size she is and can just call you when I need something.” Her smile grows even larger and I realize this connection is something I need. It’s a good thing to have for the business as well. There are many times we try to send a gift to one of the ladies for whatever reason and a place like this may be perfect for just that.

  “Here you go!” I pay the ticket and take the dress and shoes from her, knowing I’m headed for Rebel’s to convince her that she will be coming tonight. I just hope she likes the dress I chose.

  I pull into her driveway and notice her Jeep parked in front of the garage door. I check my phone once more to see if she’s messaged me only to confirm she hasn’t.

  She’s ignoring my texts and it’s time I teach her a fucking lesson.

  Stepping out of my truck, I pull the dress from the passenger seat and lift the sack full of shoes. I see the curtain move before I get to her door, so I know she knows I’m here.

  Before I have the chance to knock, the door flies open.

  “What are you doing here?” She looks like she’s been sleeping since she left my house.

  “You won’t answe
r my damn texts, so I’m here to tell you in person.” Her eyes fall to the red dress before she looks at me confused. “There’s a house party tonight. I want you there. It’s formal, so I bought you a dress.”

  “You really shouldn’t have, Lynx. I can’t . . .” I stop her before she continues.

  “You will be there. Here are some shoes as well. It starts at eight. I expect to see you there.” She looks at me like she’s surprised by my demand.

  I extend the dress and shoes to her and then pull her against me. “I need to see you tonight. It’s important to me.” She has to know that I want to spend my nights with her by now.

  She slowly lowers her head as I lean forward to kiss her, causing my lips to land on her forehead. Not being satisfied with that, I grip her face and bring her lips to mine to kiss her before I try to talk to her.

  “What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” I have to know why she’s changed so much since I took her to bed with me.

  She swallows before she looks up at me. “I’m just really tired. I’ll do my best to be there by eight.” I decide to let her off easy, knowing she just finally agreed to come to my house tonight. If I need to talk to her more, I can then.

  I lean forward once more to kiss her and this time she meets my lips perfectly. Pulling her body closer to mine, I kiss her deeper until we’re both pulling away from the kiss. I wrap her in my arms and find myself inhaling her hair as I hold her.

  It’s like she’s making me a crazy person and I need to pull back and give her some space. I’m not sure she’s ready for what all of this means.

  I TURN TO LOOK AT myself in the mirror from every angle. This dress is ridiculous and I may as well be wearing the paint again because it literally shows everything.

  Lynx has my emotions running wild today and I’m not sure it’s even a good idea that I go tonight. Seeing him with some of his callers may be the last straw for me when it comes to all of this.

  Since meeting him, I’ve changed so much. I honestly don’t even know who I am anymore. The things he has me wanting and thinking about shock me and I can’t even imagine telling Remi about them, which should say a lot.

  He pulls at me so much and I’ve been caught in his clutches since the first time I saw him.

  I hear the door open and look to see Remi watching me. “Holy shit, Rebel. That is the sexiest I’ve ever seen you.” Her mouth is wide open and if I’m not mistaken she looks like she’s about to tear up.

  “Thank you,” I say, while watching her take me in.

  “Are you off to a date again?” She walks closer, never taking her eyes away from the dress as she pulls on the material around my hips.

  “Wow! I can’t get over this. It’s like it was literally made for you. Was it?”

  “I don’t think so.” Her eyes catch the three boxes of shoes on my bed.

  “He bought you all of these too?” I open one of the boxes to show her.

  “They’re all the same, just different sizes.” She grabs the size nine and tucks it under her arm.

  “This is the first day I’m excited that we don’t wear the same size. Tell him I said thanks for the size nines.” I laugh at her as I pull one of them out to look at closer.

  “These are ‘fuck me’ heels. You know this right?” I let the long strap run through my fingers before I look over at her.

  “I know. I wouldn’t expect anything different from Lynx.” She flops down on my bed before she begins to drill me.

  “You don’t even have a bra and panties on, do you?” I don’t even have to answer, because she can see.

  Everyone will be able to.

  “Tell me he’s as good as I imagine. I can’t believe you are just so calm about all of this. You are literally fucking the one guy that hundreds . . . no wait . . . thousands want to fuck.”

  “Don’t remind me.” I move to the bathroom to finish my hair and makeup, trying to push that thought from my mind.

  “Just remember, he’s buying you stuff. That means he likes you. I mean, you got the date. How many do you think get that from a guy like him?”

  “Honestly, I’m not sure.”

  “Is my Rebel falling for the bad boy? Because I feel like there’s something crazy brewing in that head of yours.” I don’t look at her because she’ll be able to see through anything I say. She always does.

  “I don’t know what’s going on between us. I can tell you he’s a lot of fun and there’s never a dull moment.” And I can feel myself falling for him.

  “I can only imagine how entertaining he is. Did you tell Rome about me yet? It’s time you let your best friend in this house meet Rome.” I turn to see how serious she is.

  “I’ll take you to work with me one of these days, then you can meet them all.” She jumps up from my bed with a new boost of energy.

  “Perfect. I’ll go shopping for something to wear tonight!” She moves in to give my hair a few flips before she grabs the curling iron from me and curls a couple of strands in the back. “I’m guessing I’ll see you tomorrow with the way you’re dressed.” We look at each other in the mirror and both smile.

  “Probably,” I say with a bit of hope.

  “Just have fun and leave all the heavy shit at home. I promise it’s just easier that way.” She turns me around to wrap her arms around me before she leaves me to myself.

  “Fun isn’t the issue.” I start talking to myself until I finish my makeup. “Everything’s heavy with him.”

  The heels make my legs look great. I love how the strap wraps around my ankle and lower leg a few times. It’s the sexiest pair of shoes I’ve owned in my entire life.

  I decide to drive myself tonight so I have an out if I need one. The last house party had women coming out of the woodwork, so I can only imagine this will be the same.

  Pulling up to the gate, I get an immediate pass and notice the attendant pick up the phone once I drive by. I look down at the clock and see that it’s already nine o’clock, so I’m late. There are cars everywhere and my stomach begins to hurt knowing the house is even more packed than it was last time.

  I park next to his garage on the backside of the house. There aren’t any other cars back here and it gives me the space to leave if I choose to.

  I’m stepping out of my Jeep when I see him walking toward me in the darkness. When he hits the part of the yard that’s lit I can see that he’s wearing a suit. Damn, he looks extremely sexy tonight.

  “Fuck, Rebel. That dress was made for you.” He pulls me in close the second he gets near me, as if he’s been going crazy to touch me all night.

  “Thank you for the dress.” He moves my chin up slowly until I’m looking at his face.

  “It’s the first of many if I have it my way.” He slowly kisses me and I take a deep breath, inhaling the night air around us. He pulls away to look at me.

  “The house is packed.” He puts his hand on the small of my back, touching bare skin as he runs the other hand over my chest and down my cleavage to pull it down just a little, exposing me to him. “I fucking love this dress on you.”

  It has no back and actually shows the top of my ass if I move just right. Of course it shows my cleavage and nearly half of my tits now that he’s pulled it down lower, which is why he loves it.

  We walk together until he opens the door to the house. I have to follow behind him once we get inside because there are so many people crowded in.

  Once we get to the main foyer, I hear Rome talking on a mic long before I see him. “Alright, I need all of the Alpha guys up here. It’s after nine. Time to bring this party to the level of a true Alpha.”

  I release Lynx’s hand only to have him grab my hand again. “Aren’t you going up there?”

  “No. I’m staying with you.” He leans into my ear so I can hear him.

  “Where’s the boss man? We need pictures for the website. Get him up here too.” I can hear Blaze talking over the speakers now as Lynx pulls me closer to the guys.

��Here he is. Ladies. This is the man behind the idea of the Alphachat Empire. You can make sure to thank him for all of his genius ideas to bring us all together on nights like this.” Rome takes the mic from Blaze to give Lynx the introduction.

  He releases my hand when the guys all yell for him to go up there. He quickly steps in line with the rest of the guys.

  “Alright men, it’s time to show the ladies what it means to come to a black tie affair in the Alpha House.” I watch them all rip off their suits like strippers while the women scream in excitement.

  I get pushed aside as they all push forward to get to the guys, so I walk halfway up the staircase to watch them.

  Lynx is last to remove his clothes. They’ve all removed everything except tight underwear and a small bowtie around their necks. My eyes scan the insanity in the room and I instantly wish I wouldn’t have come tonight.

  It’s one thing to know he does what he does on camera, but it’s entirely different watching him like this even though I can see him searching for me.

  When his eyes finally find me, he smiles and moves forward, allowing a few more of his fans to run their hands down his abs.

  I feel my face get heated as they all continue to touch him. I can’t even swallow through the disgust I feel. I can’t watch this.

  Remembering he has a bar in his office, I go inside and close the door. I pull out the tequila and take three shots back to back before I have a chance to see that there’s a woman sitting at his desk.

  “You must have it bad. Which one?” Her voice sounds loud in the otherwise quiet room. I look at her completely see through dress and regret coming in here for the tequila.

  “Sorry, I didn’t see you in here. I’m just having a rough day.” I step toward the door before her words stop me in my tracks.

  “If you see Lynx, will you tell him Viv is waiting for him, just like he asked me to?” My skin erupts with fire and even though I want to jump over everything in my path to her, I hold back my words because she’s not the one they should be thrown at.


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