Backwater Bondage

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Backwater Bondage Page 12

by Reese Gabriel

  “Do you know that not once in all the times I witnessed this test did the girl actually succeed? Somehow, in his presentation, Leopold would psychologically produce the very state the girl dreaded. Being made to approach him with shame in her eyes, heart pounding as he rested his whip on the desk, she would grow weak kneed, inevitably presenting a moist and glistening hand.

  “Frowning deeply, appearing to be quite offended, the man would snap his fingers, ordering the approach of his ever present retainers, whips in hand. Quite calmly, though with absolute authority he would order the girl to strip, since she had been shown to have the heart of a slave. There would be protests, of course, and objections, but sooner or later fingers would fly over buttons and zippers and in the end the girl would of her own volition fall to her knees, naked, having taken for herself the first step to utter servility.

  “Within six short weeks, under Leopold’s iron hand, these same red faced, awkward beauties could be seen to blossom into the ripest of sluts, presenting themselves at the subtlest of commands for the most abject forms of abuse and domination. Identities and wills stripped, deprived of every pretense, including clothing and speech, they became little more than sleek female animals, capable of giving and receiving the rawest of pleasures. To wear the chains of the Master became for them the highest, the only goal, and as for the penises they served, these were as godheads to be worshipped with every orifice, every inch of their bonded flesh.

  “Leopold was quite generous in involving me in his work. In time I became myself quite proficient in conquering female flesh. I even gained something of the man’s mesmeric power, so that it was not uncommon for girls, even new ones, to cream in my presence merely from the look in my eyes, from my stance or the tone of my voice. In my frequent trips to the outside world, where I stumbled upon the high society of European nobility, I made something of a hobby of discomfiting idle females.

  “On one occasion, the Duchess of Rialto laid for me on the marble portico during her own gala, having met me only an hour before. The daughter of a Texas billionaire was on the verge of going to her knees before me on the dance floor of a charity ball when I stopped her, grasping her arm to save her honor. In exchange, I had her march promptly to the bathroom and remove her panties, which I required her to hand discretely to one of the young men serving trays of champagne. I can only imagine the sport that ensued at the end of the night in that household.

  “For years this life sustained me. Having left the Merchant Marine, I divided my time between working with Leopold and developing a handsome investment portfolio with the help of a banker who was an old family friend. Eventually, though, I became aware of a deep spiritual void in my life. The old questions as to the true nature of male-female relations had resurfaced, along with my quest to find my one true love slave, that elusive dream girl that all dominants seek.”

  Shep had paused, noting that Cynthia’s hand had strayed unabashedly between her legs, up under her skirt. Seeing his eyes on her, she realized herself what she’d been doing. The action had come entirely unwittingly and she blushed at once.

  “Forgive me,” she begged, feeling herself flood with shame. “Please go on.”

  Shep’s eyes bore down on her with unspoken questions, but at last, he continued. “Leopold knew I was unhappy so he sent me to an old friend of his for guidance, a man named Wu Wei, a teacher of the martial arts and himself a consummate dominator of females. Under Wei’s teaching, I discovered my true spiritual and sexual center. Though a small man and sparsely muscled, his was a formidable personality. He lived quite passionately and his appetite for women was voracious. In addition to many paramours, he kept for himself two personal slaves, a pair of Asiatic sisters. Both were tiny, but extraordinary in the ways of pleasing men.

  “According to Wei’s teachings, there are seven levels of conquest of the human female. The lowest, and most shameful, involves physical force. At the highest levels, as one proceeds up the ladder of psychological control, no physical compulsion or restraint is required, though one may certainly apply such as a spice to add to one’s enjoyment of the woman. Certainly, the girl herself also finds joy in this way. Wei’s girls, existing at the very pinnacle of female submission, had an incredible threshold both for bondage and for pain. Their torture, in fact, constituted a daily ritual in his personal shrine.

  “There were other slaves as well, along with eleven males who were his pupils, seeking enlightenment and eventual admission into his inner circle, the privileges of which included usage of the females. It is difficult for a western woman to understand the sacred depths of slavery as practiced in the east. Wu Wei’s slaves attended him as a god, washing him, dressing him, and seeing from dawn to dusk to his most intimate needs. Never were they allowed above their knees in his presence, unless it was required for sexual usage or discipline.

  “Clothing was not permitted them either, save for elaborate costumes known as Shi-li, a word literally translated as ‘bond garments’. As such they were composed of chains and ropes, designed to constrict and display a girl’s charms in cruel and brutal ways. Among the tasks of the acolyte monks was to perfect the application of thousands of variations of such garments. I myself learned them all and could even tell by the mood or stubbornness of a girl which to apply to maximize her humiliation and arousal at a given moment. There is nothing like the attention and service of a properly chained girl, as she performs her menial tasks helpless before the onslaught of ropes deep in her crotch, or rings of steel constricting her full, ripe breasts.

  “When not in use, such girls were chained hand and foot and often caged. Twice each day, we would parade them through Wei’s garden on all fours, golden chains connected to their collars. These were tender moments, which would often lead to a girl’s being used out of doors, upon the rose strewn paths. Food was also carefully controlled and they were permitted nothing save by the hand of a Master or else from out of a bowl placed at his feet. Utensils, such as cups and forks were forbidden, and if they were allowed to eat it was by dint of their licking, dabbing tongues and nibbling teeth.

  “As a courtesy (since I was a guest and not an acolyte) I was given access to both of Wei’s girls. The elder was Li Shiu. She was the more slender of the two, graciously curved with doe-like eyes that were capable of rousing in men the most terrible of predatory desires. Her younger sister was Li Pey. Li Pey was three years her junior, quite curvaceous and deliciously small in stature. The mere sight of her rounded buttocks and thick nipples invariably brought me to erection.

  “Like her sister, she had golden rings in her nipples. They were of similar design, though larger than the corresponding rings in the taller, smaller breasted girl. Wu Wei’s special pleasure was to maneuver them both by means of these rings, pulling them upon tiny golden chains he would affix.

  “It was Li Pey who became my personal obsession. Ignoring rules of protocol, I would use her on every occasion, sometimes even while she was chained for the night beside her sister. Her perfect docility and receptiveness I quickly misinterpreted as something deeper. In short order, I became convinced this girl was the love slave I had been seeking, that one special creature whom I would crave exclusively to dominate and on account of whom I would not rest till I had achieved her conquest.

  “Using all my newfound skills, I sought to bring about our union. For hours at a time, I would meditate on her image, seeking to bring her into my rightful orbit. I even learned her particular native dialect, so we might converse more perfectly. As for my leisure time, I spent this always in or near her company, often simply watching as others took her.

  “Naturally, I concealed my actions from my teacher, for it was, after all, his property that I coveted. I am not proud of my conduct, and I share it now only to prove I knew nothing then of the true honor and responsibilities entailed by the ownership of a woman. For me to steal her as I did was a great sin against myself, against Wei, and against nature herself.

  “I wish I could call it
love, but in truth it was greed. I did not love Li Pey, nor had I even begun to cultivate in my heart for her the spirit of generosity and dispassion required for the keeping of a female slave. It was early in the morning when I stole her away, and as I look back, I can only think that Wei knew what I would do and chose not to stop me.

  “Why he did this, I do not know.

  “Taking her from her cage and commanding her to silence, I conveyed her across the misty courtyard and down the jade colored, dewy mountainside. It was nothing, nothing at all for me to convey her all the way to the border, whereupon I smuggled her into a second rate hotel room in a nearby city.

  “Never once did Li Pey brook objection, nor did she in any way resist my claim of ownership. Upon our arrival at the hotel she stripped from the cloak I had given her and knelt naked before me to kiss my feet. In her lovemaking she was exquisite and abject. Upon completion, she would sleep beside me on the floor, never stirring until I roused her at dawn. For many days it was paradise. Imagine if you will, being a man and having a lovely girl whose sole function, purpose and meaning in life is to give you pleasure. That is paradise for any man, surely!

  “And she was no ordinary woman, either. Her attentiveness to my every move, my every desire, no matter how vaguely hinted at, betrayed a power and energy unknown among any of the free women I had ever known. Neither love nor money, in fact, could buy such devotion.

  “I thought myself the shrewdest of men for seizing her and as for my crime against Wei, I rationalized it, claiming it was only fair he should share one of his two slaves with his prize pupil. How vain and selfish I was, thinking my life was now complete. Little did I realize how soon I would learn of my folly. For after a week of living as a king, reaping fully the benefit of Li Pey’s sexual subjugation, the inevitable happened.

  “I grew bored. I needed space. I only left her for the space of a single afternoon, just a few short hours in which I intended to stretch my legs and enjoy the city alone. She was quite distraught as I announced my plan, the confusion and fear in her eyes being almost palpable, but I ignored it utterly, smoothing it over with a petty assurance that I would ‘bring her something nice’ upon my return.

  “In total I was gone just over two hours. Two hours ten minutes and thirteen seconds, to be precise. After exactly this interval of time, I turned the knob to my room, having mounted the seven flights of stairs of the white washed Imperial Hotel. In my pocket, wrapped in colored paper, I carried a tiny gold chain, the surprise I had promised.

  “At first when I saw Li Pey lying on the floor I thought she was merely asleep. As I examined her nude body more closely, however, I discovered she wasn’t breathing. I suspected foul play, but this was not possible, as the room was still locked as I had left it. Her death, as it turned out, was by natural causes. I can only guess she died, quite literally, of loneliness. Incredible, I know, but for this complete and utter slave, two hours alone, unbound in a strange room with no Master to direct her was more than her heart could bear.

  “Beside myself with grief, I took the body at once back to Wu Wei to beg his forgiveness. The man did not turn me away, but he also made it clear such absolution was not his to give, but rather mine to grant myself. How much easier if some punishment had been set for me! Alas, he refused even to lodge charges, claiming that in taking her I had automatically been granted rights over her to dispose of her as I wished. The next two years were a blur. I traveled the cities of Europe, drinking to excess, ruining my health. Who was I anymore? I had been away so long I had missed the death of my grandfather, my father and most of my middle adulthood. And yet, what did I have to go back to? Twice I stared down the barrel of a pistol I’d loaded myself, and once I nearly threw myself into the moorish depths of a Scottish Loch. Do you know what saved me?”

  Cynthia shook her head, transfixed.

  Shep reached for the glove compartment, coming dangerously close to her aroused flesh as he pulled out a single faded ribbon. He handed it to her, and recognition dawned. It was hers. The one she’d worn so long ago in her hair, to match her summer dress the day of the Founder’s Picnic. It had turned up missing and she’d never given it a second thought.

  “I’ve carried this with me everywhere I’ve ever gone,” he explained softly. “I found it in my wallet as I went to set it on the stones before diving into the lake.”

  Cynthia swallowed hard, not wanting to jump to conclusions. “But when you left me at Meredith’s, I thought you didn’t care. And then you never called me.”

  Shep stared down at his hands, looking uncertain for the first time since she’d seen him today. “Yes, I know I ran out on you and though I’ve apologized, I haven’t really explained.”

  “Shep, you don’t have to…”

  He put a finger over her lips, intoxicating her with his warm touch. “No, Cynthia, I do need to explain. It wasn’t what you thought. The truth is, when I saw you like that, abused, tied, in abject misery, it frightened me because instead of being angry at those girls, or feeling sorry for you, I felt only profound arousal. I wanted you, Cynthia, just as you were at that moment. God help me, I was so hard and ready, I wanted to kick those girls out and deal with you as a man, forcing you to my pleasure.”

  Cynthia felt chills down her spine. “I wish you had,” she replied, scarcely believing she’d said the words. Then, after a moment’s thought, she concluded. “But perhaps it’s not too late to start over.”

  Shep’s brow furrowed as he studied his knuckles intently. “I wish it were that simple, Cynthia. But the truth is I don’t live alone.”

  Her heart sank. “Oh. Well, that’s life, isn’t it?” she breezed, trying to sound indifferent.

  Shep looked at her, sudden determination in his eyes. “Cynthia, will you come home with me now? There’s something I need to show you.”

  “Yes,” she heard herself answer. “I would go with you anywhere.”

  Chapter Eight

  Reyna had never seen anything as beautiful as the ocean. So many shades of green and blue. So peaceful. And it went on forever. As she watched, her torso stuck out of the sunroof of the limo, while down below Meredith ate her out. She came twice behind the shades of Merry’s very cool sunglasses. From the waist up, she had her top on, though below she was quite nude. Also her hands were cuffed in front of her.

  Merry had insisted on this treatment to get her primed for tonight. They were going to a very special private club. When pressed, Merry had said only that it was a place where she’d find out what men were really good for.

  Once the last rays of sun had melted into the West, Meredith pulled her back into the limo where she was allowed to return the favor, still cuffed and on her knees. She was learning a lot about pleasing a woman, particular how to treat the very sensitive clitoris. Merry had licked and sucked her to oblivion, so it was only fair to give back.

  Meredith’s come streamed down her face, as she writhed under the ministrations of her young protégé.

  “Hurry now,” she coaxed the girl. “We’ve got to shop yet.”

  “What for?” she asked, coming up for air.

  “Clothes. We need something a little more appropriate for where we’re going.”

  The dress shop, located down a colorful, loud Miami street seemed more like an entertainment place, with colored lights and men and women clerks dressed in leather. They seemed to know Meredith and steered her immediately to a section of wickedly short leather skirts and dresses.

  Surprisingly, the staff seemed oblivious to Reyna’s revealing attire. When Merry told her to strip off her skirt and blouse, in fact, right in front of the triple mirrors, no one batted an eyelash. Reyna’s fingers were numb as she did as she was told. Was this really a legit place? she wondered, as her scant coverings fluttered to the floor. Thankfully, Merry had cleaned her up some before they came in. Correction: she had made Reyna sit in the limo seat, legs spread while Foster cleaned her. For a wrestler type dude, he was a real gentleman. But Meredith had drop
ped hints that tonight was a test and that if she failed then on the way home Meredith would drive while Foster would be given free reign over her in the back. From the look in the man’s eyes, there was little doubt what that would entail.

  “Your girl has a lovely figure,” said the chief clerk, decked out in pink spandex. “And those eyes. Are you thinking red or black for her?”

  Meredith studied her nude body. “I’m not sure. Reyna, play with yourself a little, I want to see something.”

  Reyna laughed, almost a giggle, as her face turned bright red. The pink man was watching, accompanied now by a girl with spiked blue hair wearing black leather shorts and a midriff top.

  “Come on, Reyna, we don’t have all night.”

  Reyna complied, moving so quickly she hoped they’d miss it. As Meredith’s eyes narrowed, however, she knew she had to do better. A moaning noise followed as Reyna plunged her hand in deep. While they all looked on, she shifted positions and came for them. Somewhere in the background, she heard Meredith deciding on black. At last she opened her eyes, just as they presented her with a short black skirt and vest.

  “Nice choice,” the clerk said to Meredith, as she tried on the scant article of clothes.

  “I can tell people’s colors by watching them have sex,” Meredith explained.

  Reyna stood there like a doll as they cleaned and dressed her, turning her into a made to order dominatrix.

  “Accessorize,” Meredith ordered with a snap of her fingers. Metal studded leather captain’s hat, studded collar and a leather whip appeared as if out of nowhere.

  “Perfect,” Meredith affirmed.

  “And for the lady?” the man in pink asked.


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