7. For Chicago social activism, see P. David Finks, “Organization Man Saul Alinsky’s Legacy Is Alive, Well, and Living in the Neighborhoods,” Chicago Tribune, May 26, 1985.
8. For Cawley and Irish roots, see Stolberg, “The Journey of Pence’s Grandfather.”
9. For home demonstration, see Erin Turner Hogue, “To Create a More Contented Family and Community Life: Home Demonstration Work in Arkansas, 1912–1952” (dissertation, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1980).
10. Mike Pence’s talk from “Speech Winner Says Get Involved,” Columbus (IN) Herald, February 11, 1972.
11. For young Pence’s civic activism, see “CYO Weed Mowing Program Announced,” The Republic (Columbus, IN), October 2, 1975.
12. For KKK in Indiana, see Jordan Fischer, “The History of Hate in Indiana: How the Ku Klux Klan Took Over Indiana’s Halls of Power,” RTV6 ABC, December 8, 2016, www.theindychannel.com/longform/the-ku-klux-klan-ran-indiana-once-could-it-happen-again.
13. For Cummins, see Charles E. Mitchell Retschler, The Cathedral Builder (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2014).
14. Harry McCawley, “The Mike Pence Story,” The Republic (Columbus, IN), July 17, 2016, www.therepublic.com/2016/07/14/the-mike-pence-story-from-a-youth-in-columbus-to-candidate-for-vice-president/.
15. K. Conger, The Christian Right in Republican State Politics (New York: Macmillan, 2009).
16. Steve Kukolla, “Penance, Redemption Punctuate Life of Mike,” Indiana Business Journal, January 31, 1994.
17. For Pence on his conversion and devotion to the Christian mission, see “Hooked - Hooked (Interview with Mike Pence, Vice President of USA),” YouTube video, 43:22, posted by “Church by the Glades,” March 19, 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=fphvH9NvvkA&feature=youtu.be&t=12m24s.
3: Mudslinger
1. Brian Howey, “The Old Hoosier Stemwinder, It’s Nearly Extinct,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), July 27, 1997.
2. John Schorg, “Riding the 2nd District,” The Republic (Columbus, IN), July 10, 1988.
3. For early campaign events and funding, see Schorg, “Riding”; for interview, see “Interview with Terry and Mary Kohler,” Philanthropy Roundtable, July 2014, www.philanthropyroundtable.org/topic/excellence_in_philanthropy/interview_with_terry_and_mary_kohler.
4. For primary victory, see “Pence Takes 2nd District GOP Nomination,” Star Press, May 1988.
5. For Phil Sharp biography, see Steven V. Roberts, “Working Profile; The Life Of A ‘Watergate Baby’: Philip R. Sharp,” The New York Times, May 13, 1986, and authors’ interview with Sharp.
6. For Pence campaign argument, see John Schorg, “Pence Hopes to Overcome Outsider Role,” The Republic (Columbus, IN), September 25, 1988.
7. For Hitler Youth, see Jim Jachimiak, “Even Third-Place Candidates Show Good Sense of Humor,” Daily Journal (Johnson County, IN), November 14, 1988.
8. For candidate roast, see Brian Francisco, “Heat Turned Up Under Politicians,” Muncie Star, October 29, 1988; Joan D. LaGuardia, “Congressional Candidates Take the Heat at Sigma Delta Chi Roast,” Muncie Evening Press, October 29, 1988.
9. For Atwater and Pence’s 1990 preparation, see Rick Perlstein, “Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy,” Nation, November 13, 2012; “Gravely Ill, Atwater Offers Apology,” New York Times, January 13, 1991; “Pence Looks, Sounds, Like a ’90 Candidate,” Daily Journal (Franklin, IN), November 9, 1989.
10. Council for National Policy Membership Directory (Washington, D.C.: Council for National Policy, 2014), www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/cnp_redacted_final.pdf.
11. Scott Hall, “Man on a Mission,” Daily Journal (Johnson County, IN), September 30, 2000.
12. For Lynch and 1986 election, see David McCarty, “AIDS Victims Not in Schools, Says State,” Indianapolis News, April 2, 1986; “Donald Lynch Hopes to Oust Philip Sharp,” Noblesville Daily Ledger, September 14, 1986.
13. For Miss Gay USA pageant, see “Miss Gay USA Crowned, Protesters Picket Pageant,” Republic (Columbus, IN), April 11, 1988.
14. For Christian Right status, see David Dawson, “Religious Right Regroups After Losing Mandate,” Journal & Courier (Lafayette, IN), November 16, 1988.
15. New Yorker writer Jane Mayer revealed the construction of the shadow party in Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right (New York: Doubleday, 2016).
16. For equality and gay rights issues, see David Corn, “Remember How Dinesh D’Souza Outed Gay Classmates—and Thought It Was Awesome,” Mother Jones, January 2014; Rebecca Buckman, “Rethinking the Issues,” Indianapolis Star, February 7, 1993.
17. For Pence’s donors, see Stuart Silverstein, “This Is Why Your Prescriptions Cost So Damn Much,” Mother Jones, October 21, 2016; for Pence health care donors, see “Rep. Mike Pence—Indiana,” OpenSecrets.org, www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/summary?cid=N00003765&cycle=CAREER; Drew Doggett, “Following the Money Behind Mike Pence,” Sunlight Foundation, July 25, 2016.
18. For Tom Huston, see Hearings Before the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Ninety-Forth Congress, First Session: Huston Plan, vol. 2 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976).
19. For Trump quote, see “Sharp Pence Round 2,” Indianapolis Star, September 9, 1998.
20. For negative campaigning, see Brian Francisco, “Campaign’s Nasty Boys Get in Last Jabs,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), November 4, 1990; for confession, see Craig Fehrman, “Mike Pence’s ‘Confessions of a Negative Campaigner,’” CraigFehrman.com, January 6, 2013; Mike Pence, “Confessions of a Negative Campaigner,” Indiana Policy Review (Summer 1991).
4: Limbaugh Light
1. For a full consideration of think tanks, see Jason Stahl, Right Moves: The Conservative Think Tank in American Political Culture (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016); for supply-side economics, see Noah Smith, “Supply-Siders Still Push What Doesn’t Work,” August 1, 2017, Bloomberg News, www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-08-01/supply-siders-still-push-what-doesn-t-work.
2. Ronald Ray, “Military Necessity and Homosexuality,” Indiana Policy Review (August 1993): 9–12; for Indiana Policy Review positions, see Rebecca Buckman, “Rethinking the Issues,” Indianapolis Star, February 7, 1993, and “Some of the Truths Are Not Self-Evident,” Indianapolis Star, April 25, 1993.
3. For IPR controversies, see Douglas Kmiec, “The Message in Magic’s Disclosure,” Indianapolis Star, November 26, 1991; “Report: Systemic Corruption in State’s Public Colleges,” Logansport Pharos-Tribune, August 24, 1992; William Styring III, “The Bedrock Reason Why George Bush Is in Trouble,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), August 16, 1992; “The Pink Newsroom,” Indiana Policy Review (December 1993).
4. For Solomon, see Kristina Marlow, “DJ Says His Views Distorted,” Indianapolis Star, August 7, 1993; John Krull, “A Joyful Loss in Solomon,” Indianapolis News, June 10, 1994; John Griffin, “CEO Says Station Personalities Today ‘Really Touch a Nerve Here,’ April 16, 2014, http://radio-indiana.com/20140416/20-years-ago-this-week-emmis-bought-am1070/; “Rightist Vexes Fellow Jews,” Jewish Post (Indianapolis), August 11, 1993.
5. For Pence’s early media career, see Brian Francisco, “Talk Radio Suits Former Congressional Candidate,” Star Press (Muncie, IN) March 7, 1994.
6. For Pence on the radio, see Bryan Corbin, “Pence Happy to Ride Wagon,” Daily Journal (Johnson County, IN), April 5, 1991; Judy Chatham, “Pence Still a Positive Force,” Daily Journal (Franklin, IN), September 26, 1995.
7. For Dickson, see “Family First United People of Many Faiths,” Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN), May 14, 1996.
8. For Pence opposition to AIDS activist speaker, see Ari Rabin Havt, “Mike Pence Lamented AIDS Activists Speaking at GOP Convention,” Right Wing Watch, August 31, 2016, www.rightwingwatch.org/post/mike-pence-lamented-aids-activists-speaking-at-gop-convention-published-anti-gay-articles-in-indiana-journal/.
9. For Hood and Solomon, see Scott Hall, “Man on a Mission,” Daily Journal (Johnson County, IN), September 30, 2000.
10. For Pence column on impeachment, see Mike Pence, “Why the Impeachment Movement Failed,” Indianapolis Star, February 18, 1999.
11. For Hilbert and Conseco, see Floyd Norris and Alex Berenson, “Conseco Files for Bankruptcy Protection,” New York Times, December 18, 2002; “Conseco Announced Bankruptcy,” Guardian, Dec, 18, 2002; Dann Denny and Sam Stall, “Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous: Steve and Tomisue Hilbert in the ’90s,” Indianapolis Monthly, November 1995.
12. For nouthetic counseling, see Institute for Nouthetic Studies, www.nouthetic.org/.
13. For Karen Pence objections to article on gay teens, see “Express on Homosexuality,” Indianapolis Star, August 11, 1991; “Being Gay Compounds Teens’ Problems,” Indianapolis Star, July 29, 1991.
14. For school voucher issue, see Thomas B. Edsall, “Indiana’s Moral Battle on School Vouchers,” Washington Post, October 19, 1998.
5: Guns, God, and Money
1. For Pence and campaign funding, see Bryan Corbin, “Pence Hopes Third Time is a Charm,” Daily Journal (Franklin, IN), April 26, 2000; Joel Achenbach, Scott Higham, and Sari Horwitz, “How NRA’s True Believers Converted a Marksmanship Group into a Mighty Gun Lobby,” Washington Post, January 12, 2013; Walter Hickey, “How the Gun Industry Funnels Tens of Millions of Dollars to the NRA,” Business Insider, January 16, 2013.
2. For guns and the Christian Right, see Kate Shellnutt, “Packing in the Pews: The Connection Between God and Guns, Ministry Leaders More Likely Than Evangelicals Overall to Favor More Gun Control,” Christianity Today, November 8, 2017.
3. Brian Francisco, “Pence’s Path Traces Back to Muncie Exec,” Journal Gazette, July 16, 2016.
4. For Club for Growth and its candidates, see John Kamman, “No Secret: Flake Rolls in Club for Growth Cash,” Arizona Republic, October 8, 2000; Matt Bai, “Fight Club,” New York Times, August 10, 2003.
5. For right-wing political foundations, see “Medikill: Doing Unto Others,” Mother Jones, January/February 1996; Daniel Comiskey, “Making Waves,” Indianapolis Monthly, December 2, 2011.
6. For neophyte Rock, see Martha Carmichael, “Candidate Cares,” Daily Journal (Johnson County, IN), October 26, 2000.
7. For Pence’s positions, see Rick Yencer, “Republicans Talk Trade, Education,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), April 19, 2000.
8. For Pence and the Christian Right movement generally, see John Clark, “Teens Grill Pence on Tough Issues,” Republic (Columbus, IN), September 22, 2000; Frances Fitzgerald, The Evangelicals: The Struggle to Shape America (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2017); R. Marie Griffith, Moral Combat (New York: Basic Books, 2017); Julie Ingersoll, Building God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian Reconstruction (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015).
9. For science denialism, see “From Atheist to Creationist: Nuclear Chemist Jay Wile,” Uncommon Descent, July 9, 2012, https://uncommondescent.com/creationism/from-atheist-to-creationist-nuclear-chemist-jay-wile/; Seth Slabaugh, “Global Warming Debate Continues,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), November 3, 2000.
10. For Christian Right views on science, see Frontline, “Timelines—Full Chronology,” www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/settlement/timelines/fullindex.html; Lisa Vox, “Why Don’t Christian Conservatives Worry About Climate Change? God,” Washington Post, June 2, 2017, www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/06/02/why-dont-christian-conservatives-worry-about-climate-change-god/?utm_term=.da0537c5009b.
11. For Tobacco Road ad and the Pences, see Boris Ladwig, “Ad Agency, TV Spots Meet the Law,” Republic (Columbus, IN), July 20, 2000.
12. For early findings on tobacco and cancer, see Charles Cameron, “Lung Cancer and Smoking: What We Really Know,” Atlantic, January 1956.
13. For Pence orientation to Washington, see “Rep-elect Mike Pence Is Learning the Basics,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), November 18, 2000.
6: The Frozen Man
1. For Buchanan, see Patrick J. Buchanan, “The Stealth Amnesty of Mike Pence,” Human Events, June 13, 2006.
2. For data on Indiana’s population, see Jerry Conover, Carol Rogers, and Matt Kinghorn, Indiana’s Latino Population: Demographic and Economic Perspectives (Bloomington, IN: Kelley School of Business, 2007), www.ibrc.indiana.edu/briefs/Latinos-Apr07.pdf.
3. For post-abortion syndrome, see Nada L. Stotland, “The Myth of the Abortion Trauma Syndrome,” Journal of the American Medical Association 268, no. 15 (1992): 2078–2079; Mike Pence, “The Case for Life,” Congressional Record 149, no. 133 (2003): H8942–H8944.
4. For how Pence’s declaration follows the so-called Billy Graham rule, see Emma Green, “How Mike Pence’s Marriage Became Fodder for the Culture Wars,” Atlantic, March 30, 2017, www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/03/pence-wife-billy-graham-rule/521298/.
5. For campaign spending trends, see Michael Scherer, Pratheek Rebala, and Chris Wilson, “The Incredible Rise In Campaign Spending,” Time, October 23, 2014, http://time.com/3534117/the-incredible-rise-in-campaign-spending/; Paul Steinhauser and Robert Yoon, “Cost to Win Congressional Election Skyrockets,” CNN, July 11, 2013, www.cnn.com/2013/07/11/politics/congress-election-costs/index.html; Steven Levitt, “Using Repeat Challengers to Estimate the Effect of Campaign Spending on Election Outcomes in the U.S. House,” Journal of Political Economy 102, no. 4 (1994): 777–798.
6. Data on campaign funding from Federal Election Commission filings and Center for Public Integrity Opensecrets.org reports.
7. For McConnell, see John Cheves, “Senator’s Pet Issue: Money and the Power It Buys,” Lexington Herald-Leader, October 15, 2006.
8. For full text, see Mike Pence, “Conservatives: Reset Your Course,” Human Events, January 23, 2004.
9. For more on Weyrich and voter suppression, see Meteor Blades, “Paul Weyrich Wanted Fewer People to Vote for a Simple Reason: When More Do, Republicans Lose,” Daily Kos, November 5, 2012.
10. For original, see Eric Heubeck, “The Integration of Theory and Practice: A Program for the New Traditionalist Movement,” Free Congress Foundation, 2002, http://web.archive.org/web/20010713152425/www.freecongress.org/centers/conservatism/traditionalist.htm#3d.
11. For marriage equality issue, see “Bush Wants Marriage Reserved for Heterosexuals: ‘We Ought to Codify That,’” CNN, October 28, 2003, www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/07/30/bush.gay.marriage/index.html; “5. Homosexuality, Gender and Religion,” Pew Research, October 5, 2017, www.people-press.org/2017/10/05/5-homosexuality-gender-and-religion/.
12. For Rove and his father, see Andrew Sullivan, “Karl Rove and His Gay Dad,” Atlantic, March 17, 2010, www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2010/03/karl-rove-and-his-gay-dad/189234/.
13. For more on equality and political figures, see Andrew Sullivan, “Reihan Defends Rove,” Atlantic, October 7, 2009, www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2009/10/reihan-defends-rove/195700/; Marc Ambinder, “Bush Campaign Chief and Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman: I’m Gay,” Atlantic, August 25, 2010, www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/08/bush-campaign-chief-and-former-rnc-chair-ken-mehlman-im-gay/62065/; Joshua Green, “Karl Rove in a Corner,” Atlantic, November 2004, www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2004/11/karl-rove-in-a-corner/303537/; Christopher Orr, “Karl Rove, Lifelong Gay-Baiter,” New Republic, October 7, 2009, https://newrepublic.com/article/70046/karl-rove-lifelong-gay-baiter; “Same-Sex Poll Surprises,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), January 18, 2004.
14. For fund-raising details, see “Congressional Race Off to Slow Start,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), February 1, 2004.
15. For family firm bankruptcy, see Rick Yencer, “Pence, Family, Had Ties to Failed Company,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), October 5, 2006.
16. Keith Roysdon, “Woman’s Deportation Delayed,” Star Press (Muncie, IN), November 23, 2004.
17. For Pence reversal under pressure, see Dana Milbank, “Deep Pockets, Small Government and the Man in t
he Middle,” Washington Post, September 27, 2005, www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/26/AR2005092601859.html.
18. For quote, see, Maureen Groppe, “Mike Pence in His Own Words,” Indianapolis Star, July 14, 2016, www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2016/07/14/pence-his-own-words/87083676/.
19. For Pence leadership aspirations, see Phil Kerpen, “Mike Pence Is the Leader GOP Needs,” Human Events, November 15, 2006.
20. For Prince, Blackwater, etc., see “Mr. Prince Goes to Washington: Blackwater Founder Testifies Before Congress,” Democracy Now!, October 3, 2007; Jeremy Scahill, “Mike Pence Will Be the Most Powerful Christian Supremacist in U.S. History,” Intercept, November 15, 2016, https://theintercept.com/2016/11/15/mike-pence-will-be-the-most-powerful-christian-supremacist-in-us-history/; James Risen, “Before Shooting In Iraq: A Warning On Blackwater,” New York Times, June 29, 2014, www.nytimes.com/2014/06/30/us/before-shooting-in-iraq-warning-on-blackwater.html; Matt Apuzzo, “Ex-Blackwater Guards Given Long Terms For Killing Iraqis,” New York Times, April 13, 2015, www.nytimes.com/2015/04/14/us/ex-blackwater-guards-sentenced-to-prison-in-2007-killings-of-iraqi-civilians.html; Richard Lardner and Anne Flaherty, “Blackwater Chief Defends Firm,” Associated Press, October 2, 2007.
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