Mr. Right Now

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Mr. Right Now Page 2

by Sonja Spencer

  Tam’s jaw tightened. He unhooked the back seat and laid it down, reaching into the trunk for the blanket. Then he settled back and draped it over his legs, tucking in the corners. He was not going to give Jimmy the satisfaction of continuing to argue with him. He dragged the blanket up to his chin and leaned his head back on the seat, closing his eyes. His hands were clenched in the folds of the blanket to keep himself from strangling Jimmy.

  “What are you doing?” Jimmy demanded. “Is that the only blanket?” Tam fought hard to keep the smug smile from his lips and was pretty sure he had succeeded. “I’m going to take a nap for the next hour or so, then you can take your turn.” He made his voice as condescending as possible, “Try not to freeze during that time since you’re too damned good to be back here with me.”

  Jimmy swore viciously and Tam heard him climb over the seat. His breath came out in a whoosh of air as Jimmy landed on him. “Move over, damn it,” Jimmy snapped, elbowing him in the ribs. “Freaking Prima Donna drama queen,” the younger man muttered under his breath. “Can’t take a joke.”

  Tam opened one eye. He fixed Jimmy with a steely look and moved his legs so Jimmy could sit down before promptly placing them right back in his lap, daring Jimmy to say one word. He might just be tempted to plant his heel between Jimmy’s thighs. That would take Jimmy’s mind off the cold for a little bit. They struggled with the blanket, pulling it back and forth before it was arranged to their satisfaction. Tam knew he was being horribly childish as well, but he put the blame solely on Jimmy. He’d provoke a saint, and Tam was no damned saint.

  Their shared heat started warming Tam up, though the tip of his nose and ears still felt raw. He was grateful Jimmy had decided to come back, because if he had gotten frostbite he would’ve staked Jimmy naked out in the snow. Hmmm, that had definite possibilities and was preferable to think on instead of Jimmy’s warmth and his scent. Tam started to drift off to sleep, humming lightly to himself when he felt Jimmy’s shoe nudge him hard in the stomach. “What?” he snapped, refusing to open his eyes.

  “You can’t seriously be thinking about sleeping,” Jimmy said, nudging him again. “It’s getting dark out there and the snow is coming down worse.”

  Tam tried to calm his temper, realizing Jimmy was worried. “We don’t know how long we’re going to be out here, Jimmy. We’ll conserve energy this way, and if we take turns we can make sure the other doesn’t sleep too deeply or get too cold.” He wasn’t sure if you could get hypothermia from sleeping, but he wasn’t going to risk it. Since there were two of them they could keep an eye on each other.

  “Bryan,” Jimmy said, with a slight whine in his voice. “Come on. You can sleep later.” Tam’s eyes flew open and then narrowed on Jimmy. “What, you need me to hold your hand for you too, hotshot? Would you like me to tell you a bedtime story?” God fucking dammit, he just wanted some peace. Didn’t Jimmy realize what his proximity was doing to Tam’s self-control? Oh good God, where had that thought come from? It made him reckless and he couldn’t stop goading Jimmy. “Why don’t I sing you a fucking lullaby while I’m at it?”

  When Jimmy’s eyes flashed blue fire at him Tam knew he’d gone too far and braced himself for the fallout. Jimmy scrambled and grabbed a hold of him, and they wrestled on the back seat, kicking the blanket off onto the floor, the car rocking as they each tried to get the better of the other. Tam’s heart beat faster and he felt his blood start to heat up. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. If he was going to get his ass kicked, he was going to damn well deserve it and give Jimmy what he’d had coming for a long damned time.

  The hotshot let out a startled squeak as Tam dragged him over his lap, anticipation rising higher. Jimmy’s thick jacket hampered his struggles as Tam jammed his elbow in the small of Jimmy’s back long enough to yank Jimmy’s jeans down around his thighs. Jimmy’s bellow of outrage was probably heard in Albany. Tam admired the perfection of Jimmy’s ass for a split second before bringing his hand down hard three times across both cheeks. They bounced slightly under his touch and damn, it felt so good, even if Tam knew he’d just signed his own damn death warrant. He raised his hand to strike again when Jimmy’s roar of unadulterated fury whipped the air between them and the hotshot jerked himself out of his grasp.

  Jimmy launched himself at Tam and tackled him back onto the seat, fist slamming into his stomach and snarling, so furious that he hadn’t bothered to yank his jeans back up. “Fucking asshole!” He grunted when Tam agilely flipped them over in the cramped space and returned the blow, the two of them struggling for the upper hand. Jimmy’s legs came around Tam’s waist and tightened, using his powerful leg muscles to squeeze the breath right out of him as he glared up at Tam through the shadows. Tam’s fist connected with his temple and Jimmy saw stars.

  His grip relaxed and Tam took advantage, grabbing Jimmy’s legs and flipping him back over onto his stomach, pinning him there. “Dammit hotshot, calm the fuck down. Then I’ll let you go.” His words panted in Jimmy’s ear and Jimmy tried to ignore the shiver of awareness that ran down his spine, the combination of that and Tam’s groin pressed tightly against his naked ass.

  Jimmy snarled and swung an elbow back, catching Tam’s shoulder. Between the surprise of the blow and his own strength, Jimmy slid out from underneath him and reversed their positions. He pinned Tam to the seat, growling as he reached a hand down and jerked at Tam’s finely tailored pants, feeling the shock go through the other man.

  “Don’t you fucking dare, Jimmy Murphy!” There was a clear threat in Tam’s voice. Jimmy snorted with laughter, wrenching Tam’s arm up behind his back even more with his other hand.

  “Don’t what, fucker? Humiliate you in return? I think I will.” He heard fabric tear as Tam’s pants gave way at the seam and shoved them down despite Tam’s frantic wriggling. That turned out to be a mistake on both their parts, though, because when those pants fell away and Jimmy felt bare skin against his cock with Tam writhing like that – spanking that ass was the furthest thing from his mind. Fucking it, however…

  “James… get off…” There was an edge of desperation in Tam’s voice, like he had an idea what Jimmy was thinking. Jimmy bent his head and sank his teeth into the other man’s shoulder, not hard enough to break the skin, growling.

  “That was exactly what I was thinkin’, Bryan…” He had no idea what’d come over him. Wasn’t like he hadn’t at first thought Tam was quite possibly the most fuckable man he’d ever met, but that’d been quelled quick when it had become clear they rubbed each other every way but the right one.

  Tam went deathly still, then his struggles renewed with force. He managed to get partially out from under Jimmy and landed some choice blows to Jimmy’s ribs and jaw in the process. Jimmy snarled and grabbed both of Tam’s wrists, hauling them back to pin at the small of his back and then he dropped his weight onto his back to hold him down. Tam didn’t give, though, squirming and cursing a blue streak you wouldn’t imagine a man like him would know how to do.

  Jimmy freed a hand and slid it down until one blunt finger probed Tam’ entrance. The other man let out a ragged sound and bucked hard beneath him and Jimmy nipped his neck sharply in response. He unthinkingly loosened his grip, feeling a rush of desire so strong it left him dizzy, and Tam managed to tear his hands free. Jimmy cringed, expecting a fist, but instead Tam turned his head and one hand reached back to fist hard in Jimmy’s jacket. His eyes were fierce and his lips were curled in a tight snarl.

  Tam didn’t stop him, though. Jimmy took the unspoken invitation and drove his finger deep inside him roughly, rewarded with a sharp cry. Jimmy’s cock twitched hard and he lifted off of Tam enough to flip him onto his back so they were face to face, their eyes locked in their own struggle. Jimmy had no idea what the fuck was going on, but there were hard hands gripping and lean hips bucking and dark eyes glaring up at him like he was the devil’s spawn, but still Tam didn’t push him away.

  It was like an episode of the “Twilight Zone.”
A very kinky episode. Panic was the only way Tam could describe what came over him. Pure and utter panic that the game was up and Jimmy would realize how he really felt about him.

  Tam would rather have the spanking. Tit for tat, measure for measure. Fine, he maybe deserved it too, maybe… though not as much as Jimmy did, but trust the fucking hotshot to have to push it to the next level. Now they were grappling on the seat, both of them with their pants around their knees in the fucking car where anybody happening by could see them. It provided him with no comfort that they were in the middle of snowstorm and unlikely to be discovered. It was the principle of the matter.

  Suddenly he was furious, blindly, ragingly furious. Jimmy was driving him crazy, with his relentless finger and intense blue eyes watching him for every reaction. Tam wanted him with a passion that enraged him and now Jimmy knew it, because the hotshot wouldn’t be able to ignore how hard Tam’s cock was. He narrowed his eyes and punched Jimmy in the jaw. Not hard enough to knock him out, because that would’ve ended the fun, but hard enough to let Jimmy know… he didn’t know what, maybe that he wasn’t easy. There, that made sense to him, sort of.

  Jimmy fell back on his heels with a startled oof, and Tam grabbed him, jerking and twisting until Jimmy was underneath him on the seat. Jimmy’s punches against his ribs were nothing compared to the sensation of Jimmy’s cock against his own. Judas fucking Priest, Jimmy was hot. Desire quickly overran every other thought.

  “Get off me,” Jimmy snarled, bucking against him. “What’s wrong, hotshot, you can dish it out, but can’t take it?” Tam snapped back, suppressing a groan as his finger found Jimmy’s entrance. The hotshot froze, and for a moment, there was no sound but pants for air. Their eyes locked, furious and daring, then Tam smirked and thrust his finger into Jimmy, groaning at how tight he was. Jimmy growled, bucking against him, and Tam stopped breathing. Jimmy was fucking beautiful.

  Jimmy succeeded in shoving Tam off. “I can take whatever ya got, Bryan.” Tam ducked as Jimmy took a swing at him and lost his balance, falling back against the seat as Jimmy pounced on him again. Jimmy grabbed his wrists, restraining them above his head with a wicked grin on his face. “But I can give a lot more.”

  Tam’s knees went weak and he melted back as Jimmy gave him a rough nip on his throat. Those bites were driving him crazy. He fought against Jimmy’s grip, trying to gain enough leverage to torment the hotshot in return. Then Jimmy released one of his hands, and Tam almost jumped out of his skin when Jimmy’s hand curled around his cock, stroking roughly. His breath hissed through his teeth as he fought a moan of pleasure. He fisted his hand in Jimmy’s hair, jerking his head back and running his tongue over Jimmy’s straining throat. “Doesn’t seem to me like you’re giving too much now.”

  “I’m just getting warmed up, Bryan,” Jimmy promised, stroking faster until Tam moaned despite himself. “The best is yet to come.”

  Tam tilted his head, sinking his teeth into the curve of Jimmy’s neck, dragging a curse and a shudder from the other man. Then he proceeded to suck and nip until he was sure Jimmy was going to have a mark there, and there was a primal surge of satisfaction at the picture of Jimmy marked. He lifted his head and captured Jimmy’s lips, thrusting his tongue into his mouth even as his hips arched helplessly up into Jimmy’s fist.

  Abruptly, Tam realized Jimmy had let go of his other wrist too. He brought up his hands to shove Jimmy away when the hotshot broke the heated kiss and snickered against his mouth. “I wouldn’t do that, Bryan. I’ve got yer prick in my hand and I’m liable to take it with me.”

  Jimmy chuckled at the glare he got for that, which was hard to take seriously when Tam was still lifting his hips into Jimmy’s stroking fist and desire gleamed so brightly in his dark eyes. “Ya don’t want me to stop, Bryan.” And he had no intention of doing so.

  It was like a dam had been broken or a gate lifted or something, and all these caged emotions came rushing out and threatened to drown him. Jimmy was supposed to hate this man. He did hate him. Only not. Jimmy hated what Tam made him feel, but now, knowing without a doubt that he made Tam feel just as much, it made him burn and ache instead. Tam could deny it all he wanted, but Jimmy was suddenly like a man with 20/20 vision. Every look Tam had ever given him took on new meaning, every match that had ended with both of them heaving and sweaty with bloodlust raging. It all made sense now.

  They wanted each other. With a fucking madness they did, and he grinned wickedly down at Tam. “How long ya been wantin’ me to fuck you, Bryan? All ya gotta do is spread your legs. I’ll fuck ya. Happily.”

  Tam gave him a shocked, horrified look that was quickly followed by fury. “I am not spreading my legs for you, jackass, get the fuck off me.”

  Jimmy couldn’t help but notice that Tam didn’t insist that he didn’t want Jimmy. Of course, that’d be pretty moot at this point, what with Jimmy fondling his rock hard cock and everything else that had gone on in the last fifteen minutes or so. Still, though, Jimmy wanted him to, if not ask for it outright, at least have no option of pretending it’d been all Jimmy’s doing afterward. It would be so like Tam, really. He blamed Jimmy for everything and anything, from famine to his cell phone battery dying.

  He stroked Tam tighter, stomach lurching at the way Tam gritted his teeth and arched so hard against him. Oh, he was hot as hell for it; Jimmy could all but taste it on him. And Jimmy certainly intended to give it to him. But suddenly it’d gone from him not knowing why the hell he was doing any of this to it being crystal clear in his mind. And he was gonna have Tam’s go ahead before he gave him what his eyes and body were begging for.

  “If you don’t want me, Bryan, why don’t you kick my ass off of you? We both know you’d give me a hell of a fight.” Jimmy’s hand squeezed Tam’s cock, eliciting a ragged whimper from him. “Instead you’re layin’ there breathless and whimpering and not doin’ a damn thing to stop me.”

  His hand suddenly ceased its motion. “Do you want me to stop, Bryan? Go ahead and tell me to.” His thumb circled the slick, warm head of Tam’s cock, feeling him shudder in reaction.

  Jimmy had no damn intention of stopping, no matter what Tam said. Because if he told Jimmy he wanted him to stop, the man would be a damned liar and they’d both know it. No, there wasn’t any stopping now. It was just a matter of degrees. How much would Jimmy win, how much would he lose? He didn’t know, but damn, he fucking thrived on the thrill and there was little else more thrilling than this moment right here, right now.

  Jimmy bent and dragged his tongue across Tam’s gasping mouth and sucked his perpetually pouting lower lip into his mouth, tugging lightly with his teeth before releasing it and meeting Tam’s eyes with a boyish grin. “Tell me to stop.” At the same time a single finger dipped back past Tam’s balls to touch his entrance. “Come on. Tell me.”

  His voice got harder, louder in the small confines of the car, their eyes locked, and Jimmy swore he could hear Tam’s heart pounding frantically inside his chest. “Dammit, tell me to stop, Bryan!” He snarled it, daring him with every line of his body, every breath he panted out as they glared at each other.

  The tension rose and rose until finally Tam shook his head sharply. “What was that, Bryan? I didn’t quite hear ya…that a stop?” There was another sharp shake of Tam’s head and then Tam was trying to pull him down for a kiss and Jimmy knew exactly why. Because Tam was hoping to distract Jimmy from his victory. Jimmy grinned wickedly and shook his head. “Oh no, Bryan, you say it. Want me to stop? Come on, want me to? I will, ya know, stop right now and never touch ya again except to kick your ass maybe, certainly not to fuck it, come on, tell me!”

  “GOD FUCKING DAMMIT, HOTSHOT, NO I DO NOT WANT YOU TO STOP!” Tam roared, and Jimmy had the good grace to look utterly stunned at the fury in his voice. It only took him a second to recover and then he was grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

  “Well, good. All ya had to do was say so.” Tam ground his teeth together. When they were done here, he was
going to strangle Jimmy. His hands trembled as he contemplated punching that gloating smirk off Jimmy’s face; at the same time he wanted to kiss the hotshot until Jimmy forgot all about his victory and was consumed with the same need that was burning Tam up.

  At this moment, he really hated Jimmy. The brat held him in the palm of his hand with no care or thought for what it was doing to him. Tam scowled as Jimmy’s finger slid into him again, sparking more furious pleasure. Jimmy’s other hand resumed stroking his cock and Tam couldn’t help but move with the dual torment.

  His hand snaked into Jimmy’s hair, gripping it hard at the roots. “Fuck me, hotshot,” he growled through clenched teeth. He could barely think past the lust that was blazing in him and the knowledge that Jimmy now knew Tam desired him. He had for a long time. Tam would get this out of his system and then go on to gather what shreds of dignity he had left.

  Much to Tam’s surprise, his comment didn’t make Jimmy’s smirk widen as he expected it would have. No, Jimmy’s eyes widened, then pure heat flashed in them in a way that would’ve made Tam whimper if he wasn’t already. “Don’t worry, Bryan, I plan ta,” Jimmy rasped before his mouth slammed down on top of Tam’s, and any coherent thought Tam had left instantly vanished.

  Tam moaned, arching against Jimmy, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he felt their cocks meet and grind against each other. He was surprised they weren’t steaming the windows with the amount of heat they were generating. His hands tore at Jimmy’s coat, unzipping it and sliding his hands underneath Jimmy’s shirt. His skin was hot, almost feverish against Tam’s fingertips as he eagerly sought to chart Jimmy’s body.

  Jimmy’s kiss consumed him. Tam’s lips numbed under the hard assault, but the more the hotshot demanded, the more Tam found himself replying, opening up to him, encouraging him. He realized somehow in the midst of their embrace he’d ended up on his back, splayed out on the seat. His pants had gotten lost somewhere, though whether he’d removed them or Jimmy did, he didn’t know.


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