Mr. Right Now

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Mr. Right Now Page 11

by Sonja Spencer

  As Rick gasped, Jonah inserted another large finger deep within him, insistently pushing past the tight ring. They both trembled. Jonah let Rick’s cock slip from his mouth and covered Rick’s belly with urgent kisses. He muttered, deep guttural sounds Rick couldn’t make out, but ones that vibrated within him just the same. Jonah’s teeth nipped at Rick’s hip as he moved his long fingers carefully inside him.

  “Good… oh man… that’s good! Lube’s in the nightstand.” Rick groaned again as his head tossed from side to side. Jonah raised his head to watch, greedily soaking up his responses, learning what pleased him. Ignoring Rick’s pulsing and leaking cock, Jonah leaned forward to capture Rick’s mouth once again before he grabbed at the drawer onehanded and fumbled for the lube.

  Jonah flipped the top and it poured messily out over his hand still shoved between Rick’s legs. Hell, some of it had to make it where he wanted it to go. He found Rick’s mouth again, so damn sweet, so damn addictive and began to move his tongue in unison with his fingers, thrusting in and out of Rick’s body. He trembled, the tension visible in the corded muscle of his arms and in his own lower body.

  “Please,” Rick begged again, twisting his body up against Jonah. “At least, take off your pants before I come, I want to see you.” His voice was hoarse, unrecognizable to his own ears. With an abrupt nod, Jonah stood, slowly removing his fingers from Rick’s body before his hands made quick work of the removal of his pants.

  “I’ve got to fuck you, right now,” Jonah said in a low, rough voice, unable to play this out any longer. He knew he should spend more time with Rick, lavish more attention on him and all the parts of that gorgeous body he hadn’t touched yet, but God, that would have to be later, not now. He fumbled briefly as he took the condom from his jean pocket and rolled it on quickly.

  Rick watched with wide eyes, wanting.

  Waiting. “So fucking good,” Jonah growled as he pulled Rick’s yielding body down to the end of the bed. With one hand under Rick’s ass, one firm, rounded cheek held firmly in his grasp, Jonah lined up and positioned himself at the hidden entrance to Rick’s body. With a groan, Jonah shoved his hips forward and thrust the thick tip past the initial tightness.

  Rick gasped at the sensations that filled him. Damn but Jonah was so hot, felt so large. Rick’s body resisted the intrusion and his thighs attempted to close and refuse him passage. Jonah grunted and released Rick’s ass, grabbing hold of his legs and draping them over his arms. His grip was tight and forceful and Rick knew the strength of his fingers would leave marks. Jonah spread Rick’s thighs wide, leaving him open and exposed to his rough demands.

  It was madness, sheer utter and sweet madness that Jonah felt overtake him at the first hot and tight touch of that inner flesh. With a guttural sound, he flexed his hips and thrust further into Rick’s body. “All of me,” he demanded hoarsely. “Take all of me.”

  He pushed further into Rick, slowly, inexorably. He could feel the intimate clasp of Rick’s body as the doc struggled to relax and accept him. In this position, Rick couldn’t even begin to control the depth or force of Jonah’s thrusts. He could only lie there and accept him, as Jonah wanted, as Rick needed.

  Jonah was so large, so hot. Rick writhed helplessly up against him, looking for friction, for pressure. It felt like he was being branded. With a gasp, Rick’s hips undulated slightly upward. Jonah slid deeper within him, and Rick could feel his excitement rising at his lack of control. His inner muscles relaxed and with a swift stroke, Jonah pressed inside of him.

  Jonah stopped, feeling himself pulsing inside Rick. He took a deep breath and waited another moment, letting Rick’s body adjust to him even more before he loosed the need inside him. Gripping both of Rick’s thighs, Jonah spread his legs even wider. He moved them up by his shoulders and thrust into him again and again. Grunting, groaning, needing. He could hear Rick’s broken, husky moaning beneath him and it made him thrust even harder into the yielding flesh.

  “Right there… damn!” Jonah opened his eyes and looked down at Rick. His swollen mouth moved as he moaned yet again. His eyes were shut and his head tossed from side to side. Releasing one thigh, Jonah reached up and fisted his hand in Rick’s thick, dark hair.

  “Open your eyes.” Jonah wasn’t sure if he was demanding or pleading. “Look at me. I want to see you.” Helplessly, without his control, Rick’s blue eyes opened and he watched Jonah’s face, unable to tear his eyes away. Rick could feel him, and with each thrust, Jonah seemed to grow larger and harder. Rick could hear himself now, hear each whispering plea for more as the thrusts increased in speed and depth.

  Jonah twisted down and took Rick’s right nipple in his mouth. He could feel his teeth almost meet as he bit down slowly, tasting and testing Rick’s limits. He rubbed his cheek over the distended nipple and suckled some more.

  “Fuck… fuck…” Rick’s pleas became incoherent, he could feel the wave of tension start to break over him as Jonah continued to pound his body, but still, Rick couldn’t look away. Jonah twisted slightly, pushing into Rick from a different angle, and Rick cried out with a wordless scream, his hips straining upward as he shot waves of pulsing heat between them.

  Jonah threw his head back, feeling Rick’s ass as it clenched down on him. It all became too much, too good, too everything and Jonah came as well, grunting with each final jerking thrust into Rick before he carefully pulled out and collapsed beside him.

  “DAMNATION.” Jonah groaned when he was finally able

  to talk. To breathe. He lay there panting, the condom slipping off as he softened, and he couldn’t make an single effort to do anything but look over at Rick sprawled out senseless on the bed beside him and push back a sweat-soaked tendril of hair that clung to Rick’s red, swollen lips.

  Just like he thought they’d look.

  Fucking beautiful. Rick’s eyes were closed, but those swollen lips moved in a slow, seductive smile that made Jonas groan as he felt his cock twitch with wishful interest. “No,” Rick whispered, still able to feel Jonah inside him. “Salvation.”

  “I’m sorry.” Jonah tried to apologize for his lack of finesse even as he remembered the feel and taste of Rick’s body. “Foreplay is usually a concept I can understand. But you were so damn hot I just couldn’t help myself.”

  Jonah watched as Rick’s arm covered his eyes and his chest quivered. Oh shit. He thought glumly. I was too rough. Sometimes when he lost control, that happened, but that was the last thing he’d wanted to do with Rick. He’d wanted to make this something Rick would remember with pleasure not something…

  It was the snort that finally gave Rick away. The suppressed laughter that he couldn’t hold back any longer. Jonah watched in disbelief as Rick lay there, laughing out loud until tears practically ran from his eyes.

  “You asshole.” Somehow Jonah found the strength to lean up on one elbow. He poked Rick in the ribs with a steely finger. “You total and utter asshole!”

  “You think foreplay is a concept?” Rick laughed even harder at the look on Jonah’s face, rolling onto his side away Jonah and letting his body curl up with his simple pleasure in the moment before Jonah dug those fingers into his side and began to tickle him in earnest.

  “God, no!” Rick gasped, wriggling in his efforts to get away from Jonah. “No fair!” Jonah released him for a second and pulled the condom off his now-limp cock, tossing it into the waste bin beside the bed, hiding his own laughter from Rick. He didn’t know what had upset Rick so badly earlier in the evening, but Jonah was happy he could help the doc enjoy himself like this. He’d finally gotten to see that smile he wanted. “And here I thought you were a nice guy, worthy of my best behavior.”

  Rick couldn’t make himself stop laughing. “Best fuck of my life and you’re apologizing,” he managed to gasp out as he laughed even harder.

  “Asshole,” Jonah muttered again even as he pulled Rick close and couldn’t help himself from kissing those red, chafed lips one more time. Something about the doc
just made him ache inside. Rick’s mouth opened in instant and passionate response, letting Jonah silence the laughter, but he was unable to keep his stomach muscles from convulsing.

  Jonah slid his tongue back into his mouth, letting his teeth bite gently down on Rick’s lower lip and hearing the catch in Rick’s breathing as he finally refocused his attention on Jonah. “Best, huh?” Jonah murmured as he moved his nibbling teeth over to Rick’s ear.

  “Absolute fucking best,” Rick agreed, arching up as Jonah found that sensitive spot on the side of his neck. “Does this mean I’ll get my tie back?”

  “I told you, Doc. That’s my souvenir.” Jonah’s lips had found the jut of Rick’s collarbone and he sucked deeply, watching the pale skin bloom with color.

  “I see.” Rick’s voice was becoming labored with each graze of Jonah’s teeth. “What are the odds then that you’ll show me this concept of yours in greater detail?”

  Jonah ran his tongue over Rick’s hardening nipple and grinned. “Odds are looking pretty damn good, Doc.”

  Chrissy Munder The joke in Chrissy Munder’s family is that she was born with a book in her hand. Even now, you’ll never find her without a book or seven scattered about. Forced to become a practicing realist in an effort to combat her tendency to dream, her many years of travel and a diverse assortment of careers have taken her across most of the U.S. and shown her that there are two things you can never have enough of: love and laughter.

  Visit Chrissy’s Blog at

  A Thorough Workout

  Alix Bekins

  MARC wanted to fuck him. Which was great, because he wanted Marc to fuck him. The problem was that Marc seemed interested, but wasn’t doing anything about it and Ryan was getting annoyed.

  “Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me. Fuck. Me,” he chanted under his breath, in rhythm to his pushups. “What are you waiting for?” Whatever was causing Marc’s hesitation, tonight was it; this was the last night Ryan was hanging around the gym until after everyone had left but Marc. It was now or never. Tonight he was pulling out all the stops, was saying goodbye to subtle flirting, and was just going to hit on Marc, plain and straightforward.

  And if that didn’t work, he was going out to a club to pick up a random bloke, go home, and make the guy fuck the stuffing out of him until he forgot all about Marc. No use fretting over what you can’t have, even if it is almost two meters of solid muscle, barely restrained energy, and the most wickedly sexy eyes on the planet. And that mouth…

  “Don’t even get started on the mouth,” Ryan told himself sternly, “because then you’ll move on to other body parts like that ass and those thighs…” He took a moment to swallow the drool gathering in his mouth. “Focus. Doing pushups is no place to get an erection. Bad form when your cock hits the mat before your chest.”

  So anyway. Tonight was the night. Ryan was going to get laid or die trying. Marc was on the treadmill, jogging with headphones on, which was good because he hadn’t heard Ryan mumbling to himself. Since verbal seduction wasn’t a possibility, Ryan had decided to stay within Marc’s line of sight and tempt him into action that way.

  So far it seemed to be working; the occasional flickers of Marc’s eyes had been promising and the hungry look he’d given Ryan when he’d slowly pulled off his tank top prior to hitting the mat for pushups had been very rewarding. Marc had even let out a bit of a groan, barely audible over the sound of the treadmill, as his eyes lingered on Ryan’s lean, damp skin.

  Oh yeah; Marc wanted him for sure. Ryan just had to get him to make a move. Maybe it was time for something more interactive, since Marc was finishing up his run. He usually moved to the bench press next, but tonight Ryan was going to beat him to it.

  By the time Marc had toweled off a bit, Ryan was sitting on the weight bench, drinking from his bottle of water.

  Marc gave him an inquiring look. Ryan smiled charmingly. “Thought I’d risk getting a bit bulky and actually use some heavy weights for a change. Mind spotting me?” It was all he could do not to flutter his eyes and giggle like a girl.

  Marc nodded. “Sure. You’re going to lift all that?” he asked, gesturing at the loaded barbell. “I can handle it,” Ryan said.

  “All right then. Ready?”

  “Always,” he winked. Ryan stretched out on his back along the bench, feeling the vinyl stick to the sweat on his back and Marc’s eyes on the rivulets trailing down his chest. He wrapped his hands around the bar and Marc took a hold of the center as Ryan straightened his arms, lifting the weight from the rack. Marc moved closer, both hands guiding, just in case.

  As Ryan bent and straightened his arms, Marc counted, sounding a bit more breathless than was usual after his run. At “Five… Six…” he shuffled even closer, and Ryan glanced up at him. His arms weakened for a moment as what he saw registered in his brain; Marc was practically about to straddle the bench right above Ryan’s head. His glance had taken in tense thighs, dark blue shorts, and a totally obvious bulge. More than was typical. Deliciously more.

  Ryan’s mouth watered.

  “Ten… Eleven… Aren’t you going to rest between sets?”

  Marc’s voice made Ryan blink and refocus his eyes higher up, on the face above. Marc had a vaguely strained look about him, very flushed but trying to smile as he chided Ryan for overdoing it.

  Perfect, Ryan thought. “One more,” he grunted, and at twelve they put the weight back on the rack. Ryan sat up, watching Marc, who looked flustered. Ryan picked up his water bottle and shirt and took a drink. He patted off his face and chest. Marc clearly had no idea how he was staring: like a parched man in a desert, looking at a mirage, unable to believe.

  Ryan stifled a grin. If Marc could resist this, he was calling it quits and heading to a club Craig had recommended. He went for the kill.

  The hand holding his sweat-damp shirt drifted down Ryan’s throat and chest, to rest in his lap, drawing Marc’s gaze down. Slowly, Ryan lifted the water bottle, letting his eyes drift almost shut. Holding the bottle away from his mouth, he squeezed, squirting some water into his open mouth and letting the rest wash down his throat and chest. “Hot,” he moaned, drawing his tongue over his lips in a slow, lascivious motion. “So hot.” He lifted the water bottle higher and poured most of the contents onto his head, letting it drip down his sizzling skin.

  Marc was frozen in place, watching. His hands were clenched, face pink, and tongue licking his own mouth as if the air itself tasted of Ryan. He whimpered.

  But he still wasn’t moving.

  Damn it, Ryan thought. I give up. Almost.

  “Marc,” he said out loud.

  Marc blinked and refocused his eyes on Ryan’s face, looking like a trapped rabbit. He cleared his throat. “Um. Yeah?” “Are you going to fuck me?” Ryan asked. There was a long pause as he watched the words slowly sink in. And then without answering, without even seeing Marc move, Ryan was pinned flat on his back on top of the bench as Marc’s tongue lapped up the water from his jaw, throat, and collarbones.

  “Fucking finally,” Ryan groaned, hands tangling into Marc’s hair to redirect him upwards. Their mouths crashed together as Marc pushed his body more on top of Ryan’s. One hand wormed its way under Ryan’s shoulder blades while the other slid from his knee, which had wrapped around Marc’s hip, down to Ryan’s thigh, and then cupped his ass to pull their groins closer. Their bodies strained together, shoving against each other and the bench, eager for more contact.

  Finally Ryan wrenched his mouth free to gasp, “Clothes. Off. Now.” Panting, Marc nodded and stepped back, pulling off his shirt, while Ryan shrugged off his shorts, not bothering with his trainers. He turned over and spread himself across the weight bench, moaning as he ground his erection into the padded surface. Marc made a noise between a whimper and a groan as he lunged forward.

  “Wait,” Ryan stopped him, pointing across the gym. “Get my bag.”

  Marc raised an eyebrow.

  Ryan smiled
sweetly. “I’ve got condoms and lube in it. I wasn’t letting you get away this time.” Marc grinned and Ryan could see some of the nervousness drain from him. He fetched the bag, handing it to Ryan, who quickly fished the necessities out, gave them to Marc, and rolled back over.

  Fuck, he could just imagine how he must look; naked, on the bench, ass spread open, with his white socks and shoes still on. He arched his back and ground into the vinyl. “Touch me,” he said, half begging, half commanding.

  Marc obediently slicked up his hand and grabbed Ryan’s ass, tracing the crease with his thumb, gently stroking across the opening. After a moment, he eased one thumb inside and wiggled it around. Ryan groaned, pushing back eagerly. Marc responded by sliding both thumbs in and stretching.

  The weight bench creaked under Ryan’s death grip. “Now Marc. Stick it in now.” Still silent, Marc pulled his hands away and Ryan tensed for a moment until he heard the familiar crinkle of plastic wrapper and then felt the most delicious pressure as Marc slid inside.

  Marc’s cock was thick and filling and full and “Fuck, yes” spilled out of Ryan’s mouth with a groan. “Finally!” Marc started at a relatively fast pace, his strong hands alternating between stroking Ryan’s back and drifting down to hold onto his hips. Pretty soon he was bent over Ryan with his hands clenching the weight bench and thrusting for all he was worth.

  Ryan was in heaven. This was the fucking he’d wanted – craved – from Marc for as long as he could remember. It was hot and sticky and raw and needy and urgent and just this side of out of control and it was absolutely fucking perfect.

  He managed to let go of his grip on the bench, push himself up enough to get his hand around his cock, and start stroking himself hard and fast. He could tell Marc was close as the thrusts got harder and lost rhythm, going for the home stretch. His climax built for an endless moment, and then Ryan’s whole body jerked convulsively. Every muscle clenched taut for a long moment. He yelled impossible obscenities and came all over his hand, his chest, and the blue vinyl bench, as the fiercest orgasm he could recall tore through his body.


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