Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1)

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Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1) Page 12

by Boudreau, Caissy

  We wait patiently while waiting for the tigers to come back. We need to come up with a plan. We cannot just simply attack. We all need a designated area to secure and take care of. If we do not plan this out, we will fail. Failure is not an option. Not this time, not ever. We know that the four of us will go in as gators. Jos, Dean, and Matthias as tigers. And Blaze and Gabriel … well, as they are, badass vampire and angel.

  Dean and Joslyn come back toward us. They stay in their shifter form. We can mind speak this way also. “What have you discovered?” I ask.

  “Well, there are five guards around each corner of the building. There is only one way in and one way out of the building, and that is through the front door. There are two guards just inside the door. They are guarding Adele. Each man has a machete. They are merely humans, but they are evil. So we will have no worries about killing them. They have chosen the wrong path,” Dean replies.

  “We should split up into teams of two. Deuce, I will team up with you. The rest know already who they are working with,” Pierre suggests.

  “We will crush them before they know what is happening on each side. We attack all sides at the same time. They have no back-up near. It is only them. Pierre, we are attacking the front. I have already contacted Adele; she is waiting for the signal for her to shift. She will take care of the guards on the inside. We all will take care of the guards on the outside. If anyone should need help, just let the others know. All the guards should be dead by the time me and Pierre reach the front door,” I say.

  We stand in silence for a few minutes, letting the plan sink in. Blaze and Gabriel will take the rear. Dean and Joslyn will take the west side. And Alexandre and Sebastien will take the east side. All sides of this building will be covered. The wind has changed direction again. Our sounds as we creep up upon the house are muted by the breeze.

  The ground has become soft and pliant to our feet. Once we are just on the other side of the house, my brothers and I shift. It is taking everything in me not to attack. Every ounce of control I have is used up. Only sheer will keeps me from attacking just yet. My brothers and I let out the loudest growls you have ever heard, shaking the ground as we approach the house.

  We split up into our teams and attack. We catch the guards by surprise. They did not think they would have any trouble this night, or any night for that matter. They must have been informed that no one would be coming for her. Boy, were they dead wrong. Pierre and I lay back just a bit and let the others fight it out. Because we have to go around the entire house in order to get to the front. We watch in awe as each guard is taken out one by one. Either by a blade, teeth, claws, or by being completely ripped apart. Once the east side of the house is cleared, Pierre and I head to the front. The guards up front are ready for us. Perfect. I love a good fight.

  The remaining guards from the back and west side of the house have moved to the front of the house. Somehow, two from each side got away during the fight and moved up front. The more, the merrier. We all stand our ground. The guards have their machetes at the ready, waiting to see who will attack first.

  Enough of this shit. I charge ahead. The first guard I approach, I grab him by his legs and throw him behind me. Pierre catches him and rips him into pieces. My brothers flank me on both sides. We approach the rest of the guards. Each of us charges and takes them out with one bite of our sharp, deadly teeth. Dean and Joslyn attack the two guards who are trying to run away. Nope, not going to happen. They knock them down and suffocate them with their jaw on their necks. Gabriel and Blaze corner two guards and cut them into pieces with their blades.

  Once all of the guards have been killed, the bodies magically start to burn. So many little fires around this house from all of the bodies and body parts. Skylar is setting any evidence of these guards on fire. There will be nothing left but ash. The others stay back as I approach the house. I shift back into my human body and try to open the door. It is locked from the inside. I put my ear against the door, listening. It is quiet, but I quickly hear the guards inside move and stumble.

  “Hurry, we have to kill her before they get in here. She cannot live. The master said if we are attacked that we have to kill her,” guard one says.

  “You dumbass, you took the shackles off her earlier. How are we supposed to kill her now? She will be able to shift,” guard two scolds.

  Guard one walks over to a cabinet and opens it. He grabs two machetes from the cabinet. I can hear every movement he is making. He is very noisy and clumsy.

  “Here, take this. These machetes are made of pure silver and laced with iron.”

  “Perfect; these will kill that helpless, ugly, pitiful bitch real easy,” guard two says.

  They swing the machetes around, getting a feel for them. Guard one grabs the keys off the table and they start walking toward the door that leads to the cell that Adele is in. She is lying on the floor, waiting and ready. As they open the door to head to the cell, I kick down the front door. They run into the cell and close the door behind them.

  “We are going to kill this bitch and there is nothing you can do about it! She was going to be sold to the highest bidder, but now she will be killed for you and your friends ruining the master’s plans.”

  “Now, Adele!” I say in her head.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I slowly come awake. I have been waiting and waiting for what seems like all damn night. Yes, I have had a conversation with Deuce, but it is not the same. I feel his warmth pour into me to give me his strength. I have been so blessed with this man in my life. I cannot wait to wrap my arms around him. To have his arms wrapped around me will be the best feeling in the world. Nothing had ever felt so right in my world until he came into it.

  I know by the feeling that it is somewhere around midnight now. Wow, time sure does go by slow as hell in this cage. Someone needs to burn this building to the ground.

  “I will gladly burn this building down to the ground for you, sister,” Skylar says.

  “Hey girl, what are you doing?” I ask.

  “Well, us girls are at home, watching from a distance, while our guys are helping Deuce find you. From what we can tell, they are there now. They are working out a plan of attack. Be ready for his signal. He is giving you the pleasure of taking care of the guards that beat you. They are in the front room of the building. They are all yours.”

  “Fucking right. That is just what I need. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into those bastards. They messed with the wrong woman. And they were stupid enough to take the shackles off. They are not too bright, Skylar.”

  “No, it would appear that way. All of the guards there are not very smart. Obviously, they are only there because they are all built like a fucking brick house. But muscles can only get you so far in life, you know.”

  “That is so true. But, I can tell from here, just by smell, that they are not natural muscles. They have been pumped full of steroids. Plus, they have been magically enhanced as well. Those witches that are working for whoever these people are, have spelled them to not die so easily. They have to be ripped apart in order to kill them,” I say.

  “Well, that sure does make sense. One of the witches is Alexandre’s mate. I feel she is being held against her will, and forced to do their bidding. Zander can also pick that up on her scent. So it confirms what I have been feeling coming from her. Unfortunately, he will have to wait a while before he will get to claim her. This whole thing has to play out first.”

  “That is so sad, that these men have to wait to have their chance at happiness. They have to be the most lovable, loyal men I have met in a long time. They deserve to be happy, just like their brother.”

  “They will have their happiness, Adele. It will all happen when it is supposed to happen. Sometimes we cannot rush these things. We all need to be able to open our hearts to the opportunity that will be given to us. These women are not ready yet. But they will be soon, so don’t worry,” she assures me.

  “I hope
you are right, Skylar. I really do. Why did you call me sister?” I ask.

  “Because, we are sisters in this world. We are both gifts from God. Our purpose is the same. We were created to help each other in our mission in life. We are soldiers for God, therefore we are sisters. I am so thankful that He has created you and brought you into my life.”

  “Thank you. That makes me feel so good to hear you say that. The first I met you in that clearing, I knew we had an instant connection. I look forward to working with you for a very long time, and letting our sisterhood grow,” I say.

  “I will leave you now. I need to watch over our boys. They are advancing now. When you are in the clear of this place, I will burn it to the ground for you.”

  Just like that, she is gone, out of my head. I listen to the sounds coming from outside. It is eerily quiet. Then, all of a sudden, I hear the loudest growl I have ever heard. Holy shit! It shakes the ground it’s so loud. Wow, I did not know that alligators could be that loud. But they are not ordinary alligators, now are they? These are massive twenty foot high, eight hundred pounds of teeth and claws, ready to rip apart anything that gets in their way.

  I hear three tigers roar at the same time as the gators growl. Wow. Battle cries. Nothing has ever sounded so damned good at that moment. My man is here. He is here to rescue me. All sides of the building are surrounded, by either gators, tigers, or a vampire and angel. I can hear teeth snapping, claws ripping, and blades slicing through flesh. Man, I’d really hate to be those humans right now. They are getting their asses handed to them.

  Some of the guards have moved away from the fighting and have moved to the front of the building, protecting the entrance. All the fighting has now moved to the front. It stops, suddenly. There must be a standoff between the two forces outside. I wonder which one will attack first? My man is so impatient, of course he would be the one to attack first. He has waited long enough.

  The fighting commences. Again, teeth ripping and tearing, and claws and blades ripping everything in sight. I am itching to get into the fight, but I am stuck in this damned cell. I would love to be out there with them, helping in the fight. But, I will get my chance very soon.

  The fighting has stopped outside. Everyone stays back and I hear Deuce approach the front door. He tries to open it and it is locked, of course. Locked from the inside, no less.

  The two guards that are left, are the ones who are inside. They start moving around, fumbling for something. I can hear one open a cabinet of sorts and pull out something. Then, they start talking about some type of knife that is pure silver and coated in iron. Oh, fuck me sideways. You cannot be serious. The only weapon that I know that can do serious harm to me, and if used properly, could possibly kill me. That is my only weakness. Silver and iron together. Silver has the effect on me that poison does on regular people. It will slowly kill me. Well, if they come in this cell, I have to make sure that they do not get a chance to use those knives on me.

  I can do this, I think. I think I am strong enough now. Plus, they are not very smart, anyway. It is pitch black in here. I have the advantage of being able to see in the dark. They cannot. My life depends on them not being able to see in the dark. They may have an idea of where I am, but I will move. So that is what I do. I move to the other side of the cage right behind the cell door. Even if they leave the other door open, they will not be able to see me here. I sit and wait for my signal from Deuce.

  The guards move back to the table and grab the keys to the doors. They walk ever so slowly to the door that will lead them on this side of the building, just outside of my cage.

  All of a sudden, I can feel a light inside of me, running through me and healing every bone and muscle in the process of traveling through my body. What the hell? Then once the light is done healing me, the air in the cage changes. There is a breeze that is flowing around the cage, getting rid of the horrid smell. It now smells like a warm summer night. Hmm, what kind of magic is this? Then I hear three females laughing softly in my ear. Those women, I tell you, are stubborn to the core, but I am so thankful that they are in my life. “Don’t worry, we have got your back. Always,” Rhiannon, Skylar and Sandra all say together.

  I cannot help but smile the biggest smile. They have healed me from the inside out, giving me the strength I now have to defeat these last two guards. This is my fight. No one will take it away from me. They need to pay for beating me with bats and Billy clubs. Thinking that, just because I am a woman, I am a lowly creature. I am not an abomination. I am a gift, a soldier from God. I have a divine purpose on this Earth. They will not stop me from fulfilling my purpose. I will continue to use my gifts to help the innocent and help guide the faithless back to their faith. No one will sway me from my purpose. These idiots and their masters need to be stopped, and together, we can do that. It will take time, but I have faith that we will succeed in the end.

  As long as I have the man of my dreams at my side, I can conquer anything and everything. Nothing will stop us. We are a force to be reckoned with. Along with the Mackenzie clan, we are surely unstoppable. Each day I will learn new things about my powers that are hidden within me. According to Skylar, I have many powers that have not been unlocked within me yet. But, soon they will be, and she will be there to help me learn and control them. I love my life and everyone that is in it. But first, I have to get out of this damned cage.

  I hear the key being placed in the lock on the door. The guard grabs the door knob and starts to turn it, but stops suddenly. He hears something that has made him pause. When is Deuce going to give me the signal? Did he forget or something? I am so on edge just waiting here. Now that I have moved spots, I am so ready for some action.

  It is time for me to have my revenge on my captors. These idiots were the ones who kidnapped me along with those stupid bitches. I will find those witches and they will pay—well, all except for one. I now know that one of them did not have a choice in the matter, and she will be spared. But the others will not. I will show them what it is like to deal with a pissed off wolf. My teeth and claws will tear them apart and then I will feed their remains to my gator man. God has given me this gift and I will use it by removing these evil people from the world, so that they cannot hurt anyone else ever again. They will learn quickly that you do not mess with God or his creatures.

  No one will control me to do their bidding or sell me off to some sex freak. I belong to God and one other man, and he does not like to share. He will not sit by and let these fools sell me off to the highest bidder. I will be no one’s sex slave. Hell to the no! I only belong to Deuce and he is the only man who will be getting my body.

  The guards hand comes back on the door knob. He turns the key to unlock the door, and starts to turn the knob.

  “Now, Adele!” Deuce yells.

  Finally! The signal I have been waiting for all damned night. Thank the heavens, but I am not shifting just yet. Not until the last possible moment. I will milk this out for as long as I can. I want to treasure this moment. Revenge is on the tip of my tongue. My wolf is waiting patiently for me to let her come forth. She knows it will be soon. Cool air starts to circle around me, cooling my body down from the heat of the cell. With no windows, there is no ventilation in here. Why did they have to pick a building that has no windows? Well, it explains why their victims and hostages could not scream for help, because there are no windows to take their screams outside to carry on the wind.

  “Whenever you are ready, do your thing. You have my permission to take them out. You will suffer no consequences from me. You are one of my many treasured gifts. You are so special, Adele. You have yet to tap into your powers that I gave you on the day of your birth. There is so much more to you than just the wolf side. My granddaughter, Skylar, will help you unlock these powers. You and Skylar, along with the gator boys, as you call them, will be the ones to find and free these women. Your most important mission to this day is now at hand. This is just the beginning. For the road is long and hard, but ne
ver fear. I will be with you the whole time. You are so precious to me and to this world. I am always here. I am never far from you. All you have to do is call my name, and I will be there.

  “The women that you seek are very special to me as well. For they are all treasures and gifts I have given this world. No human should treat my gifts the way that they are. My gifts are special and rare. They should be treasured and loved by all. But mainly, they should have their chance at love and life. Just so you know, everything happens for a reason. I may not reveal that reason, but there was a reason why they captured you. You had to experience this for yourself to know what it is like for these women that you and Skylar have to save.

  “You and Skylar, together, are two of the most powerful beings on this Earth. You were both meant to work together on this mission I am now giving you. She is aware of this message I am giving you, for she is here in the room, in spirit. She has not been far from you this entire time. She knows what she has to do. When you are out of here, start searching and find my other creatures, please. I am counting on the both of you. Do not let me down.”

  “Yes, God. I understand completely what I am to do now. Thank you for always being there for me and helping me to see my purpose in this life,” I reply.

  Oh my goodness, God just talked to me in my head. Am I going crazy? I don’t think so. He has given me a special mission. I cannot let him down. I do feel Skylar’s presence here. In fact, I have felt it the entire time, but could not figure out who it was until he mentioned it. I wonder if I am going crazy. I mean, now I am talking to God in my head. Two guards are taking their sweet ass time in opening that damned door. I can feel everyone who is outside is now in my head, as someone else decides to talk to me.

  “Adele Boudreaux, you have only met me recently, but I am Sandra’s mate. I am the angel Gabriel, the right hand of God. But to you, I am something more. You mother was/is my sister. So that makes me your uncle. You are my blood. That is another reason why you are so special. You are meant to lead my army, as Skylar is meant to lead God’s. Your father is an archangel and has always been one. His real name is Michael. So now you know the truth. I am sorry to have to tell you now, but I was informed that you needed to know.”


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