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Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1)

Page 13

by Boudreau, Caissy

  “Are you serious? My father is the archangel Michael. I knew he was special, but I never imagined him to be that special. Oh man, can this day get any better? For fuck’s sake. I need out of here soon,” I say.

  Great, just freaking great! Yes, I am happy to know who my father really was, but did I really have to find out this way? I need time to process this. This is too much. Why now? I knew he was different, but why did he keep it from me? Did my mother know the truth? I bet she did and just never saw fit to tell me. Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it. I will accept it and move on.

  The door slowly opens to a crack. The guard has one hand on the door knob and the other is holding God only knows what. He stands there for a few minutes. I think he is trying to scare me. Little does he know, I am not scared of him. He is the one who needs to be scared. Karma is about to tear him limb from limb. What is he waiting for? Just come in here and unlock the damn cage already. You are wasting my time here. I have a man to get back to.


  Both guards finally come into the room, leaving the door to the room open. They stand outside the cell. They are trying to see if they can see me. Suddenly, a body appears where I was once lying, making them think I am still there. Good one, Skylar. You are the fucking bomb, girl! I know that, that is not a real body. It is just a mirage of me. It looks just like me in every way before Skylar healed me. The mirage looks all broken, bloody, and bruised, which is what I looked like a few hours ago. They come up the cell door and place the key in the lock. But before they turn the key, they decide they want to do a little taunting first. Fine by me. Do what you will. It will not change the outcome.

  “Here little bitch, here little bitch. We have come to end your life. Your friends think that they have won. But, in fact, they have not. For the master gave us orders that in the event there was an attack, we are to kill you. He left us with a couple awesome weapons to kill you with. He assures us that these weapons will kill you slowly. We will take great pleasure in carrying out our master’s orders,” guard two says.

  “You are an abomination on this Earth, and like all abominations, you need to be killed. We do not need your kind in our world. This world belongs to humans and humans alone. We rule this world, not you supernaturals. You un-Godly creatures should never have been created. Why were you created in the first place? It just does not make any sense to us. We are the top of the fucking food chain here. You are nothing but trash that needs taken out. When we are done killing you, we will dump your body in the swamp so that the alligators can eat away any evidence of your existence. And then we will go back to the headquarters in town and take the rest of the trash out. One by one, all those women will die at our hands. Right now, they are all chained up in cells, just like this one. But they are shackled in silver, which is weakening them day by day. Soon they will be too weak to even fight back when we come for them. And come for them, we will. That is a promise,” guard one says.

  “And once they are all dead, we will take out those other bitches, the witches. The ones who have been helping us to capture the shifter women. But, I think we will have our way with each shifter woman and witch before we kill them. We have to have our fun, too, you see.”

  “For the master has already taken the ones he wants, and has moved them to a new facility. He is starting over from scratch. He has taken at least ten women with him, and three of them are shifters. Each woman is in the new location with a set of guards. He has decided to keep the women separate. That way no one can find them. But, we know where all the women are. The ones he left behind.”

  Oh fuck! Who do these idiots think they are? They have to be stopped now. They cannot be allowed to carry out their plan. No fucking way. They will not hurt any other woman, ever again. They open the cell door and come inside. They leave it open. As soon as they are in the cell, Deuce comes through the door and is looking dead at them.

  He looks at me and smiles. He sees that I have moved and I am in the perfect position to take them by surprise. He nods his head and mouths, “Go for it, my love. They are all yours.”

  Well, you don’t have to tell me twice.

  I let the change take me. It washes over me swiftly. One minute, I am in my human body, the next I am on all fours in my wolf form. The air is thick with tension. The guards slowly approach the mirage body. I watch them, letting my fury build and build. These men are an abomination to the human race. They need to be eradicated immediately and by the very thing they loathe. It is so ironic that they will meet their end by my teeth and claws. I quietly walk up to the cage door. Deuce is watching me intently. He is fascinated by me, has been since he first saw me that fateful night three months ago, just as I have been fascinated by him, as well.

  I tilt my head at him and wink. He winks back at me. God, that man is sex on two legs, and I, for one, cannot wait to be back in his arms. He just oozes sex, lust, passion, all rolled up in one hell of a package. I have to say it is a very nice package, too, and he is mine!

  I kick the cell door closed with my hind legs. It slams shut with the key still in the lock. Deuce walks over to the door and locks it. Now, the guards are stuck in here with me. Whatever shall they do? Their time is up. My reign of hell has come. They will know the wrath that is all me. The wrath of a white wolf. The absolute, pure, divine wrath of the Rougarou. They quickly turn around, and they are shocked at what they see. Or can they see? A bright white light illuminates the cell. Ahh yes, now they can see what awaits them. Thank you, Skylar!

  My growl is deep and loud and bounces off the cell walls. The room vibrates from my growl. The guards start to shake in their boots. Time to die, fellas. Your time on this Earth has come to an end.



  Every time I see her shift, it still amazes me. She is magnificent; so pure and just divine. Everything about her is perfect, from the top of her beautiful head, down to her toes. She is hiding behind the cell door and the guards are clueless to where she really is. Skylar has projected a mirage image of Adele still lying on the floor where the guards left her last. So, they think she is really there on the floor, unconscious, just waiting for them to finish what they started on her earlier today.

  The air around her shimmers and shifts. One second, she is in her human form, the next she is in her wolf form. When she is in her wolf form, she is the purest of white with eyes that shine in the night. Her eyes can go from brown to golden in a matter of seconds. She is a force to be reckoned with, when she is in wolf form. She kicks the cell door closed, preventing the guards from running away.

  She growls deep and long, startling the guards in front of her. They turn around and are completely shocked at what they see standing before them. The purest of God’s creatures is snarling and growling at them. She is in a rage with anger and hate at these men, for what they do to women and what they plan on doing to them. She creeps over the where they are. The guards back up until they are against the wall, shaking in their boots. She moves closer, drawing them to move away from each other.

  Now the guards are separated and she keeps her eyes on both of them. She is trying to get them to act first. I wonder which one will be dumb enough to attack first. I am betting on the first guard; he is the cockiest one and seems to be so full of himself, confident that he can take her out with his machete that is made of silver and laced with iron.

  The second guard has stayed backed up against the wall, waiting for the perfect time to make a run for it. His eyes show his immense fear of the creature before him. It would seem he has never encountered a shifter before, in their true form. He has only seen them while they are in their human forms. He is shaking in his boots so much that his entire body is trembling with fear.

  The first guard starts to stare her down, thinking maybe he can get the upper hand on her, like she is some kind of dog or something. He has no idea the hell she is about to give him. He slowly raises his machete above his head and walks toward the white wolf just feet from him. She continu
es to growl and snarl at him until he is inches from her. She takes a step backward and then lunges for his throat. He quickly moves out of the way, as she is coming down from the air from her lunge, he kicks her in the side.

  She falls to the ground with a thump. She quickly recovers and gets back to her feet. This time she takes him in and gauges his reaction while she lunges at him again. He tries to move out of the way again, but fails miserably. She is on him like a wildfire. Her teeth grab his throat and she does not let go until he stops breathing. He is dead within minutes. She then begins to rip him limb from limb. His body is now in pieces all over the cell floor.

  The second guard is beyond shocked at what he just witnessed. Blood covers her white fur, but she doesn’t care. She is not done yet. She licks her lips and creeps up over to the other guard. She sits down and watches the remaining guard. She tilts her head to the side and looks at him. She is playing with him, and by the looks of it, she is enjoying herself.

  He slowly gets up off the floor. He lifts his head high and charges toward her. She stands her ground and never moves until he is right in front of her. She takes his right leg in between her teeth and clamps down, hard. He screams in pain and tries to get her off his leg, but she has a death grip on him. With her sheer strength, she flings him toward the wall and he hits hard. I can hear bones break when he hits the wall. Ouch, that had to hurt. Damn. He tries to stand up on his legs, but can only stand on his left leg, because his right leg is broken in half and is just hanging onto his body. Blood is running down his leg from where her teeth were, and she quickly goes over and does the same thing to his left leg and slams him up against the wall. Now both of his legs are just dangling from his body. He cannot stand up anymore. His legs are broken from the knee down with blood gushing out of the teeth marks.

  She wastes no time in finishing him off. She goes for the kill shot, grabbing his neck between her teeth, and suffocates him until he is dead. Once he is dead, she rips his body apart just like the first guard. Both guards’ bodies are lying in pieces all over the cell floor. She is now completely covered in blood. Suddenly, the bodies burst into flames and burn until they are ashes. Rain falls from the ceiling from an unknown source, which is probably Rhiannon. It cleanses her of the blood all over her white fur. She then shakes the water from her fur and turns toward me. She tilts her head to the side and winks.

  She quickly shifts back into her human form and fresh, clean clothes magically appear on her. She walks over to the gate and I open the door and take her into my arms. I hold her close, never wanting to let her go ever again. She wraps her arms around me and holds me close to her. This is what I was meant to have. She is everything and more.

  When God was talking to her in her head earlier, I heard the whole conversation. I could not be more proud of her. I knew she was special. And now she is the daughter of the Archangel Michael. Wow. She is a spitfire with tons of compassion, loyalty, courage, and love. She is the total package all wrapped into one spitfire of a woman. We break the connection and she takes my hand and we walk out of the building. As soon as we are out and a safe distance away from the building, it bursts up into flames. We stand there hand-in-hand, watching it burn.

  Gabriel walks over to us and looks at his niece. “It is so good to finally tell you who you really are, my dear. Since the first time I saw you at the house with Deuce, I have had to keep this secret. The big guy said it was not time for you to know. So I withheld from telling you. For he is the master and what he says goes, as we all know. I am so glad to have you, my niece, in my life finally. I have waited a very long time for this,” he says.

  He takes her into his arms and they hug for a few minutes. She has tears falling from her eyes, but they are happy tears. I have so much love for this woman. I will love her forever and ever, and when it is our time to leave this world, we will love each other in the life there-after.

  “I am so glad to finally know the truth about my dad. It warms my heart to know who he truly is and that I do have family. Thank you so much for telling me, and I do understand why you had to restrain from telling me. I am not mad at you in any way, Uncle. Please know that I look forward to building a relationship with you from here on out,” Adele responds.

  We hug and tell everybody our goodbyes. I shift back into my gator and she climbs up on my back and we hit the water and swimming back to her houseboat. In a few hours, we are finally back to her place. I shift back and carry her in my arms inside. I lay her on the bed and press my lips to hers. Immediately, the kiss deepens and passion and desire floods between us. Like a fire slowly building and building. I lay on top of her with my weight held up by my elbows that are placed next to her head. We kiss and kiss until we cannot breathe. Then I move to undress her, inch by slow inch. After an article of clothing is removed, I place slow, sweet kisses all over the area that is now exposed to me. Once she is completely undressed, I remove my own clothing. I start from her toes until I reach her thighs, placing kisses inside her thighs until I reach her core. Running my tongue along her outer lips and nipping at her sensitive nub, all the while she writhes and moans beneath my ministrations. She pulls me up and places her lips to mine in a kiss that is so earth shattering. She pours everything into that kiss, and I give it all back to her. I slowly enter her and place our joined hands above her head. I move in and out of her slowly. She wraps her legs around my waist and tries to increase my pace. But I hold steady and slowly make love to her. This is not about fucking; this about our undying love for each other.

  Eventually, I do increase my pace, bringing us to the brink of climax, and then I slow down again. She meets my every thrust, and I freaking love it. She knows what she wants and needs. I love the feeling I feel when I am buried deep inside of her. I am home. We fit perfectly. I increase my pace again. This time I keep thrusting faster and faster until we both scream out our release.

  Once the aftershocks have stopped, I hold her close to me with her head against my chest. Our heartbeats are still beating out of control, but that is fine. When she is around, mine is always beating fast. I am looking forward to going to bed each night with her in my arms, and waking the next morning with her still there. This woman is all I have ever wanted. I am so lucky to have her in my life. I will spend eternity showing her how much I love her.

  “I love you, baby,” I say.

  “And, I love you.”

  I place a kiss on her forehead and pull her closer to me. I wrap my arms around her and we lie in the bed, spent and sated from our lovemaking. She quickly falls asleep in my arms. I love watching her sleep. She is so angelic when she is sleeping.

  I lay there just thinking about the past few months. And, man, I love how my life has changed. It has changed for the better. I have found my mate, my other half, the light to my soul, the one who tames my beast. This is the life I want. I will never take it for granted again. I am content and happy. And, so much in love with the woman in my arms.

  I finally drift off to sleep, only to have a dream of another woman—a woman who is very dear and special to me and my brothers. She has always been there for as long as I can remember.

  I feel a stirring in my mind. I have not felt this touch for a very long time. “My son,” a voice says.


  “Yes, my son, I am here. I have come to tell you that your father and I are so proud of you boys. You four have grown up into handsome, smart, loyal, and respectful men. You make us proud each and every day. You have conquered your ability, and now, you have found what fate has created for you. You and Adele will live a long, healthy life. You now have the love you have always wanted. But things won’t be as smooth for your brothers. Be watchful of Zander, Deuce. For his mate is into more things than he can imagine. Help him to make the right decisions.”

  “Of course, Mom. I will always be there for my brothers. I miss you so much, Mom. I wish you and Dad were still here with us. I know you would approve of Adele. I just wish you could have met her.”
br />   “Deuce, I have already met her, for God has shown her to me. I love everything about her; she is perfect. She will fit into this family perfectly. My son, I have to go now, but I wanted to let you know that your father and I love and miss you and your brothers so much. We thank God every day for giving you to us. We will one day see each other again, but not for a very long time. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Mom.”

  I feel her leave my head just as quickly as she appeared.


  It must be several hours later, when I feel someone else stirring inside my head.

  “Deuce, I did not think you were ever going to fall asleep. You know sometimes you are the biggest jackass. Well, you and your brothers are,” she says.

  “Well, hello there, Caissy. I was wondering when I would get to talk to you again.”

  “Yeah, I was waiting for the right time to come back. So, are you happy? Because you seem content and so does your beast,” she says.

  “Oh, Caissy, I am so happy and content. But I have to know: why did you make us go through that?”

  “Well, I could not make it easy on you, now could I? Nothing in this life is easy, Deuce. We all have to work for something. You needed to feel what it was like to have her and then have her be taken from you. Just so you could realize what she really means to you.”

  “I guess, I can understand that. A few months ago, I would not have understood it, but now I do. Everything happens for a reason, and you, my dear, have a very sick and twisted mind. But we all love it.”

  “Well, thank you, Deuce. I try to keep everyone as engaged as I can. I am not perfect, but I do try my hardest.”

  “So tell me, what awaits my brothers and their mates?”


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