Punished Into Submission

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Punished Into Submission Page 1

by Holly Carter

  Punished Into Submission

  Holly Carter

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Chapter One

  Losing freedom

  They say our outcome in life is determined by how we’re treated as kids. If that's the case, I'm fucked. Having a drug dealer and dominate as a father, and a whore as a mother, I have no meaning in life at all. The pain from every beating, every cut, and every harsh word said by either of them, would have never prepared me for where my life was heading. But, being their child taught me to fight, be strong, and give as good as you get.

  "Stand up," I shouted.

  Thomas got to his feet quickly, but sorely. The beating I dished out didn't serve as much purpose as I wanted, he could still move.

  "Please, ma'am, I beg you."

  "You don't beg me unless I ask you to, now shut the fuck up." I hissed. I grabbed his hair and reefed his head back so he could see my pretty fuckin face.

  "I'm sorry I b..b...begged you, ma'am."

  “Do you think I'm satisfied, Thomas?" I pulled harder until he gasped.

  “I don't know, ma’am. Are you?"

  I thought about it for a moment, was I satisfied with the world at my feet?

  Satisfaction; noun

  1. An act of satisfying; fulfilment; gratification.

  2. The state of being satisfied; contentment.

  3. The cause or means of being satisfied.

  4. Confident acceptance of something as satisfactory, dependable, true, etc.

  5. Reparation or compensation, as for a wrong or injury.


  2. Enjoyment, pleasure, comfort. 5. Amends, expiation, atonement, indemnity, indemnification, requital, recompense. 7. Repayment, remuneration.

  Was I satisfied right now? Did I feel any of those things as I tortured Thomas into submission? When I whipped him, beat him with my fist, tied and chained him, held his pain in my hands... Fuck yeah I did.

  Call me evil, tormented, twisted, dark or dangerous...This is my life and I love it! People pay me to inflict pain upon them, to test their limits and abilities, give them pleasure with pain, and give them pain with pleasure. This is who I am, this is me.

  I roughly let my grip go and pushed him to the ground. He whimpered before kneeling in position. On his knees, head down, hands by his side. I walked to the table to inspect my choices for the remainder of the evening. This was going to be hard. I was pissed when I walked in here today, so I need to take my frustration out on something....Or someone.

  They call me Tiger, Dom mistress of the underworld sixty-six. At 5 foot 9, thin build, red hair, and a pretty face... I'm cute, but my fierceness with a whip breaks that, and I become something else. At twenty four, I saw my life always being this way; always seeking revenge in the worst way, and with the wrong people. Those people who damaged me will never get what they deserve and I will always hate the world and everyone in it.

  "Are you going to safe word on me this time, Thomas?" I pick up the suede flogger and walk towards my awaiting target.

  Thomas shakes his head but doesn't speak. A shudder rolls through his body and evil me smiles. I see Thomas once a week and every week I hear that magic word, that word that breaks me out of my trance, the one that stops me for seconds before guilt kicks in.

  "I don't know, I...I don't know."

  "Have you been sleeping around on your girlfriend again, Thomas? Is that why you called me?" I bend down to his level; I tip his chin up with my fingers so I can look into his eyes.

  This man hides no guilt behind those eyes. No man can hide guilt. I know...


  "Why? Does she not give you what you desire anymore?"

  “Please," he begs...

  That’s right, he fucking begs.

  I stand up quickly and move behind him. The flogger brushes my leather knee-highs as I move. "How many times?"


  "Count." I demand as I hit him, one after the other, over and over. His counting stops at twelve, but I don't.

  Images of one man in particular pops into my head; beating me, trying to rape me... The pain, the fury I felt, I want it to stop, but it doesn't. I see red... I see blue... I see black.

  "Argh, stop, no stop."

  Again and again, I hit him.

  "Kitten!" He shouts.

  The word breaks me out of my spell and guilt kicks in.

  "Get the fuck out." I scream, not knowing what is happening to me anymore.

  I see Thomas scramble to his feet; he grabs his shirt and runs out the door. My life couldn't get any worse at this point. I drop the flogger as I fall to the floor. For the second time this week, sobs rack my body and I cry. I haven't cried like this before. I’ve seen that man twice this week, and twice this is how I'm left. Even after years the pain never dies, the memories you need to forget burned into your brain and the good memories disappear like they didn't even happen.

  "Do you have a fucking death wish, Kat?"

  I look up to see Sailor, his crisp never wrinkled suit, and his dark perfectly combed hair, piercing blue eyes...I just stare, I should have known the president would come in and see me at my worst. He always does.

  "Answer me!" He shouts.

  "Screw you," I spit back. "Get the fuck out, this isn't an open invitation Sailor."

  Before I have a chance to fully gauge the situation, I'm picked up like I'm a doll and thrown over his shoulder. I think about fighting him, but I have nothing right now. I couldn't, even if I tried. He'd beat me, and I'm not a submissive, not to him, not to anyone.

  I see doors opening to the left and right as we walk past; I keep my head down, and hang freely over Sailors shoulder. The sounds of shoes tapping on the hard floor are all that echoes down the darkened hall the further we go. When I feel us start descending, I know I'm in trouble; the jury room, the dungeon, and the pits are all this way, and I hate every single one of them.

  I close my eyes and think of the ocean; the waves hitting the shores, the feel of the sand between my toes, the smell of the sea...it's one childhood memory that never gets old; and one of the only good things I remember if I think hard enough. I can almost taste it when I'm roughly thrown onto a chair. My eyes fly open and I see several sets of eyes on me.

  "You've got to be fucking kidding me." I roll my eyes as Sailor takes his seat at the end of the table.

  "You’re out of control Kitten, enough is enough and it’s time to take you down a notch." Sailor looks at each jury member before casting his eyes back on mine.

  "And how do you think you’re going to do that?" I throw at him with spite.

  He grins, that's right, fucking grins at me like he's pure evil. I know a trick or two; I've learnt from the best of course, so I can take anything he throws at me. It's not my first time here, a
t the jury room. I've done this before, got a beating and walked away. Wasn't my finest hour, but was still fun.

  "Thirty days Kat," Sailor stands and walks over to the liquor cupboard. "Thirty days in the hands of the Masters and Mistresses Palace."

  I watch as he pours a shot of amber liquid and shoots it back. My mind is going a hundred miles an hour... did he say thirty days?

  "No fucking way." I stand up and slam my fits on the table.

  "Sit the fuck down, and don't ever...do that again." Sailor yells and points for me to sit.

  He's got to be fucking kidding me. I have never been to Masters and Mistresses Palace, and I never intended too. They are our brother club run by, from what I've been told, the most arrogant, roughest, richest, hottest, hardest, badassed Master in town. I throw myself in my chair and fucking pout, yes, I pout. He won't do this to me, seriously...

  "You are going to learn a few things while you’re there, and when you come back you'll be bigger, stronger, and more patient if you will."

  Surely I could go thirty days doming it up over there; it can't be that bad, maybe... maybe not. It will get me out of here for a while at least.

  "I'll do it."

  "I haven't finished," he sits forward in his chair. "You’re not going to like what I'm about to say, so I'm going to go ahead and say it."

  I get the feeling he's absolutely right. All eyes are on me right now, and in any other situation I would love it, but right now...I'm terrified.

  "Spit it out then, fuck."

  "You’re going to belong to Hunter, head Master."

  He did not just say that.

  Sailor looks up at me with a plain face, I can't tell if he's kidding or if he's for real. I search his eyes...he narrows them and I see the truth, he isn't lying.

  "Oh hell no." I stand up and walk to the door, pulling it open.

  "Sit down, now." He calls.

  I ignore him and keep going. I take the stairs two at a time, then basically sprint down the hallway to my room. I'm not going to bow down to anyone. That's not me and over my dead body will I take a beating from another Master; I have Sailor for that when I need it. When I reach my room I start cleaning up tonight's scene; the room smells like leather and bleach by the time I'm done. I half expected Sailor to come after me, and now that I’m thinking about it, I'm more scared he hasn't.

  The shower takes tonight's dramas and washes them down the drain. I soak my sore body under hot water for long minutes before washing myself. I smell like cherries when I'm done, a smell that's stuck with me forever. I love cherries! I have brought the same soap since I was six; it’s probably one of the only things about my past that doesn't scare me. When I'm washed and dried, I make my way back into my room and notice Sailor sitting on my bed staring at the floor. He looks up when I enter and rakes his eyes over my naked body.

  "Take a picture." I snarl, walking to my draws.

  I put on a t-shirt and knickers before walking over to my bed and slide under the covers. Sailor continues to sit at the end not saying a word. I risk a peek at him and see his head in his hands; he's seriously going to play the "poor me card".

  "I'm not doing it Sailor," I mumble.

  "You are. You need too, for me, if not for yourself. And Hunter will give you that. He will teach you things you must learn. Things that will make you a better person and better at what you do. You need to do this for yourself." He shifts his body around so he's facing me.

  “No, not happening."

  “You are the fiercest female Mistress I have, but you’re breaking everything you play with... literally. You need this, I need this, and your clients need this," he pleads.

  Deep down I need someone, but being beaten by Hunter, no fucking way.

  "You beat me, you teach me, whatever. I'm not going."

  "I've babied you long enough. Grow up, do as you’re told. You are going. I love you, and I will not watch you do this. You are not scared of anything; you take no shit from no one. This will be easy for you if you let it. But, you are going, end of story. The car will pick you up at seven."

  Sailor kicks of his shoes and makes his way up the bed until he's settled into my side. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he brings his lips to mine. The kiss is gentle and slow. I open just enough to give him access; his tongue seeks mine. I try to deepen the kiss, but Sailor pulls away.

  "I'm going to miss your smart mouth, but it will be good for you to do this." He gently strokes my cheek.

  "Please don't make me go," I pull his lips to mine, but before our lips meet he pulls back. “Sailor, please."

  "Go to sleep, Tiger." With that he pulls my body to his chest and hugs me tight.

  Within minutes Sailor is sleeping soundly next to me, his breathing is even, and his grip relaxes. The thought to run out of here pops into my head, but I couldn’t do that, I had nowhere to go, and I didn’t want to end up on the streets again. If it wasn’t for Sailor, I probably wouldn’t be alive.

  Thoughts run through my head regarding the next thirty days. I don’t know if I can do this; it’s not in me to submit to someone like that for so long. I can’t see why Sailor would even think this would help me; my biggest fear is that it will make everything worse, all those feelings and emotions. I pushed away for so long, but it will magically reappear and I won’t have any control over them.

  Who will sleep with me at night? My stomach drops...

  I never sleep alone; I have nightmares when I do. Flashbacks of my past mostly; I still feel the pain and hear those words when I sleep. But now they are more muffled sounds that I can’t quite make out. But I know they are there, that’s why Sailor sleeps with me.

  I grip his arm tightly for comfort as I squeeze my eyes shut. I need to get these thoughts out of my mind before I sleep, otherwise; I won’t sleep at all. Slowly, I relax. My mind goes blank and sleep takes me.


  “Thanks for doing this Hunter, I owe you.”

  “If she is as feisty as they say, you will owe me. I’m not a goddamn baby sitter, Sailor.”

  I hear voices and open my eyes; Sailor is standing in the doorway shirtless. His tight back on display to me, jeans hanging low on his hips. I don’t see the male voice that’s speaking to Sailor, but his voice is husky and strong. It makes me shiver.

  “I need you to do this for me please, Hunter, this has to be done.” Sailor runs his hand through his hair. He’s frustrated, I can tell.

  “Fuck me, okay. Alright. I will do it, but if this doesn’t work, she’s going to Major,” Husky voice speaks.

  Sailor turns to face me, it’s almost like he can sense my eyes throwing daggers at his back. A small smile splays across his face as he walks towards me. He crawls onto the bed, than brings my body against his.

  “Good morning, Tiger.”

  “What’s so good about it?” I mumble.

  His fingers stroke my cheek before he grabs my chin. His mouth meets mine in a quick but fiery kiss.

  “Your bags are packed, it’s time to go,” I close my eyes. “Don’t close your eyes, Kat. You have to go. Please open your eyes.”

  Sailor can beg all he wants; I’m not giving into him. I’m furious that this is actually happening to me and there is nothing I can do about it.

  A large hand rests on my chest, before it registers in my mind that it’s not Sailor, it pinches my nipple through my shirt, hard. My eyes fly open and I’m greeted by green eyes, messy blonde hair, a smug smile and one fucking handsome face.

  “Get the fuck up and kneel by the door,” he points.

  I push his hand away and turn to Sailor who is smirking.

  Fucking great.

  “You can’t seriously think I am going to go with this idiot.” I snarl, aiming my statement at Sailor.

  He shakes his head before getting off the bed to stand next to arrogant arse, that’s what I’m calling him. I sit up but make no attempt to move any further.

  “Get up, Kat. Do as you’re told.” Sailor looks a
t me with a pleading look in his eye.

  Un-fucking believable.

  I don’t move, and neither do they. We all continue to eye each other. Arrogant Arse is hot; mark my words. His body is fierce, broad shoulders, pretty as fuck face, with a bad attitude. My eyes wonder down to his crotch were I see a large...yes, large bulge. He’s hard...

  My eyes rake over his body once more until our eyes meet. A smile spreads across his lips.

  “This isn’t happening,” I moan, laying back down and flipping the covers over my head. “You’re freaking hard, Jesus Christ.”

  Who gets hard at a time like this?

  “It’s happening, now get up and kneel by the door.”

  I count to ten in my mind, what the hell am I going to do?

  The choice is taken away from me when the cover is pulled off me, and I’m abruptly picked up off the bed by Sailor and placed on the floor in a heap near the door. I pull my shirt down to cover up what little clothing I have on.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I scream.

  “No more fighting me, this is it. I’m so sorry,” Sailor says before moving away.

  Arrogant arse moves up to stand in front of me; my eyes drift up his legs til I’m looking at his face.

  “On your knees.” He demands.

  I shake my head, and mouth “no.”

  In seconds he’s knelt down in front of me, his eyes are level with mine. One of his hands grabs the back of my neck, roughly. He pulls my face to his; we are millimetres apart, his breath on my face.

  “This can go anyway you want it to; I am happy to beat the shit out of you every day and keep you locked in a room, but I would also be happy to let you have some fun and learn a thing or two.” He loosens his grip slightly before continuing. “You are coming with me whether you like it or not, and you will obey me, whether you think you will or not. I am your Master now, what I say...goes.”

  He let go of me completely and stood. I half fell back on my elbows before sitting up straight. I looked to Sailor; he was running his hands through his messy hair. How the hell can he do this to me?

  He saved me; he gave me everything I have today. I owe it to him to try.

  I slowly get on my knees, parting them slightly; I bow my head, and put my hands on my thighs.


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