Punished Into Submission

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Punished Into Submission Page 5

by Holly Carter

  “If you want it to be, it will be.”

  “Hmm, well, I like growling and moaning and groaning and screaming.” I use my playful voice as I speak. I have this sense that it ticks him off a little because he rolls his eyes. “When my clients do that, it tells me that I’m doing something right.”

  Hunter sighs out loud. Yes, the grown man fucking sighs before one of his hands leaves the steering wheel and he places it on my exposed thigh. His fingers grip my flesh and I almost yelp in surprise.

  “You’re fucking testing, Kat. But let me assure you, it will only be you who makes those noises from now on. And when you make them, I will know that I was the one who made you make them.”

  This time I growl, out loud, and viciously.

  I pry his fingers from my flesh and place them back on the steering wheel before turning my body back to the front. He thinks I’m testing, well...wait until he gets a hint of how fucking testing I truly can be.

  “I think we need to discuss some rules,” Hunter says, turning onto the main street. “No more running away. I need to keep you safe when you’re in my care.”

  “Oh please, I’m not a fucking child you idiot. I’m a grown freaking woman.” I crossed my hands over my chest, and pout like one, however.

  “I know, but rules are rules. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you breaking those rules to begin with. Just listen to me.” Hunter lets out a noisy breath. “You are mine for thirty days; I will punish you, and teach you everything I think you can handle. I want you to succeed, Kat, despite what you think. After thirty days, you can go back to your life and do whatever the fuck you like, but right now, this is happening.”

  “I belong to nobody.” I scream at him, getting really fucking pissed.

  “Shut the fuck up and listen to me, for fucks sake.” Hunter’s voice roars over mine. I cower a little, before rolling my eyes and agreeing to shut my mouth. “Thirty days, that’s it. I have never failed a challenge and you’re not about to make me, so listen up. You work for me, and I will teach you and train you properly. I want to know where you go, if you decide to run off. I need you safe. It’s my duty to Sailor.”

  “Whatever, Hunter”

  “Hard limits,” Hunter starts but I cut him off.

  “I don’t have any; I’m as strong as they come. Anything.” I say, throwing my hands in the air. “Do whatever the fuck you like.”

  I see the palace in front of us. I hate to say it, but it’s a welcoming sight and I’m looking forward to locking my bedroom door and hiding.

  “Anything is a very dangerous game, Kat.”

  “I laugh on the wild side of danger, ha ha ha.” I put on my best Simba voice from the lion king.

  “You are one fucked up person, you know that?”

  “Sailor tells me every day.”

  We pull up at the palace and jump out before the car has even stopped. Hunter calls my name at least four times before I make it to the large wooden doors. I enter without looking back. I pull the blanket tightly around my body as I climb the stairs two at a time. If not for anything else, I’m fucking impatiently waiting the use of B.O.B. after the whole growling thing moments ago.

  I enter my temporary room, slamming the door hard behind me. Dropping the blanket, I make my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before finding an old t-shirt I brought of Sailors to wear for a nightie. When I lift the hem to my nose I can smell him, it’s comforting even though right now, I hate him. I climb into bed flicking on the nightlight beforehand.

  The fifty or so pillows that cover my bed make a nest around me. These pillows are the one thing I have seen so far that I am departing with when I leave. A knock on the door sounds, startling me slightly. I should have known he wouldn’t give up. I stay quiet in hopes he would leave, after the entire door is locked.

  “Kat, open this door.” Hunters voice booms through the door.

  I stay quiet and listen to the sound of the wood splitting under his hard fist.

  “Katie, open the fucking door.”

  I almost choke at the sound of my real name. It’s fucking hideous and instantly I want to kill him for using it, and string Sailor up by his balls for revealing my secret. I jump out of bed and storm to the door making sure the stomping of my feet echoes. I reach the handle and pull the door hard, before letting it go so it smashes back on its hinges.

  “You ever, ever, call me Katie again and I will slaughter you in your sleep,” I say, pointing my finger into Hunter’s chest.

  Amusement shows on his face; it infuriates me to no fucking end.

  “You piss me off, you know that?”

  Hunter steps forward which makes me step back.

  “We are going to play a little game you and I.” Hunter takes another step, and I follow suit by stepping back again. “I’m going to tie you up and tell you each rule I have. I will spank you every time you forget my rules, when I ask you to repeat them back to me.”

  “You’re going to punish me?”

  My pulse starts to race at the thought, but it’s when Hunter produces a crop from behind his back that my pulse moves quicker and the smile I had been hiding comes to play.

  “Yes, I’m going to punish you.”


  “Now,” Hunter clarifies smugly.


  “Here.” He repeats.

  “Can we play truth or dare too?”

  Hunter steps towards me again, but this time I don’t move. Our chests are pushed together; at the contact I inhale his sweet, domineering scent.

  “If you’re a good girl, we will play that next time.” As he speaks, his head leans into mine. I hear him inhale, and know he smells me just as I smelt him. “You will call me, Master.”

  “No,” the word is evil, I hate it.



  Hunter grabs the back of my neck with his free hand; my face is brought millimetres from his.

  “My rules remember, Kat.” His mouth is so close to mine when he speaks.

  “I won’t do it, please don’t make me say it.” I practically beg him.

  The look he gives me tells me he picked up on the begging part.

  “Why, Kat. Are you begging already?”

  “No, merely asking you in the nicest way possible that you don’t make me call you that. I can go without punishment for thirty days, but I ask you, can you go without punishing me for that long?”

  I lean in removing those tiny millimetres that separate us, and lick Hunter’s parted lips.

  “You disobeyed my orders. You want to know how I feel about that." There's a dangerous tone to his voice.

  "Hard?" I reply, smiling against his mouth.

  Hunter growls deep in his throat before letting me go, and putting some distance between us.

  “Take your shirt off, now.” He demands.

  “I’m totally naked underneath this, Hunter.” I indicate to my shirt, and then lift the hem revealing my naked, smooth sex underneath.

  When my hem comes up, Hunter’s greedy eyes widen, and the cards are in my hands for mere seconds.

  “Take. It. Off.” He sounds each word out, slowly.

  I finally take my shirt off.

  ` He indicates for me to turn around, and I do as he asks, but not before rolling my eyes. I hear another voice and make to turn around, but a firm slap on the ass, tells me not too. The scraping sound of wood on wood hits my ears.

  “Thank you,” Hunter says to whoever is present; the one that I can’t see.

  “Yes, thank you.” I reply, earning yet another, slightly painful sting on the ass.

  "Lesson one is fucking simple." Hunter bites. "I give you an instruction, you follow it, and if you do as you’re told you will get rewarded. If you disobey me, you will get punished."

  I don't think he realized how much I enjoyed his threats.

  "Maybe I want to be punished, Hunter." I smile to myself as I speak, but I sense he can hear it in my vo

  I hear his sharp intake of breath, and then I feel his hands on me seconds later. The atmosphere in the room changes the instant he touches me. I feel a bolt of electricity run through my veins. Movement out the corner of eye causes my head to turn. Sitting on a table that wasn’t there before, are various crops, floggers and whips. Hunter fingers each handle before he brings his eyes to meet mine.

  "Turn around."

  It's a simple and quick order, which I obey. Hunter makes various noises before he says “ah ha.” Like he finally found what he was looking for all this time. His shoes make a tapping noise on the floor, as he gets closer to me. I shiver in anticipation. His fingers tighten around my neck slightly and I know the hit is coming. I brace myself for it. I don't wait long. It comes hard and fast. Biting pain lashes across my back. I cry out the instant it strikes again.

  “Count, Kat," Hunter commands.


  “That is for being late.”

  He hits me again and the pain radiates throughout me.

  "Two." It feels good.

  “For running away.” His tone is harsh. "How many do you deserve?"

  I don't answer.

  He doesn't ask again.

  "Three." It cuts into my flesh.

  “For your smart assed remarks.”

  “Four." I moan this time.

  “Running from me.”

  I'm getting more fucking turned on with each hard hit. I continue to count as he continues to dish out my punishment for disobeying him, running from him, not listening and locking the door. I make it to seven before he stops. The object he handled hits the ground with a thud and he lets me go. I can hear his breathing, rugged and edgy. I turn to face him.

  My skin burns slightly. I have no doubt in my mind that the red marks will stick for a few hours. But I don't mind. It will remind me to do everything he just told me not to. Hunter reaches out and grabs my hand, shocking me slightly when he places it on his chest. I can feel his heart beating wildly against my palm.

  "Undress me," he orders.


  "Because if you don't, I won't let you come. And trust me, for what I have planned, you'll want to." Hunter steps forward closing the tiny gap that formed. His body up against mine, my palm firmly on his chest.

  I am way too excited for this. As my tiny fingers work at the buttons Hunter leans in and showers kisses on my neck. When the buttons were all undone, I took a few seconds to admire his hard body under my fingertips. His skin was hot, his stomach so ripped, I was mildly afraid to touch him. His taught stomach flinches at first but rested after.

  “You are drooling.” He whispered before latching onto my lobe.

  “No, your fatness makes me sick. “I say, swallowing my overload of saliva.

  “Go stand by the bed, and hold onto the end.”

  Hunter’s hands leave my body and I step back. Watching as he removes his shirt; I smile at the thought that crosses my mind. It involves Hunter tied to a chair, unable to control, surrendering to me...


  I shake my head and walk towards the bed and stand in the position I was instructed. The sound of metal rattling brought on a smile. Handcuffs. When he positioned my hands around the post of the bed and produced handcuffs, I couldn’t hide my smile any longer.

  “Tell me, Kat; are you a moaner or a screamer?”

  “Fuck me right, and you’ll find out.”

  Hunter uses his feet to spread my legs wide. I watched as he walked to the bedside table and open the top draw. Oh, my god. Smiling, Hunter pulled out my red vibrator before closing the draw again.

  “What the fuck are you doing with that?” I asked, pulling slightly on the cuffs.

  “I’m going to make you come.”

  Hunter came to stand behind me. The feel of his jeans rubbed against my bare skin and the feel of his erection struck me hard. I knew by the look this morning that Hunter was one well-endowed man, and actually couldn’t wait to see it for myself. Or feel it, whichever came first.

  The feel of two fingers entering me made me tense momentarily, before I relaxed. I was fucking wet from the spanking I received earlier, and Hunter had just found that out. The satisfied sound of a groan proved it. As his fingers worked their way in and out of my body, my head fell back, falling onto Hunters shoulder. I squeezed my eyes closed when the soft feet of the silicone rubbed my swollen clit. The buzzing started seconds later.

  “Tell me what you like about this toy of yours.”

  I hold back a moan as two fingers become three, and the speed on the vibrator is turned up a notch.

  “It’s reliable, and knows how to find the spot.” I pant.

  “I’m sure when I fuck you, my cock will find that spot and hit it better than anything you have ever had or will have.” His rough voice spoke in my ear.

  “Promises, promises ....”

  Hunter works his fingers wildly, making me wetter than I could have imagined in this situation. As my hips begin to rock against his rhythm, the vibrations rattle me, sending goose bumps over my skin. Hunter’s mouth licks at my becoming sweaty skin, and I can almost taste the sweet bliss that’s forming.

  But it all stopped suddenly, halting the urges that were so close, yet so far away.

  My body was empty seconds later and the buzzing noise ceased.

  “Patience.” He spoke quietly.

  Fuck patience, I wanted an orgasm.

  Hunter slid his wet fingers up my body until he was cupping my breast with his free hand.

  “Spread your legs wider.”

  I did as he asked; opening my legs as much as I could without falling.

  Instantly I felt the cool tip of the vibrator enter me from behind. In and out, in and out it went a few times before the vibrations rattled me. Hunter began to thrust it harder into me while he pinched and rolled my nipples.

  “Can I make you come like this?” Hunter licks, sucks, than bites my neck.

  My neck is the one place that gets me every fucking time, and he found it. I let out a moan, that’s deep and throaty. I sense Hunters grin of achievement against my skin, before he repeats his action, once again gaining another throaty moan from me.

  As he continued to fuck me, hard, with my own pleasuring device I rocked my hips with it. The light began to flash and I wasn’t far off the prize and I’d be fucked if he was taking it from me second time around. I needed something more, something just a little harder...

  “Are you going to fuck me?” I question just as the speed is accelerated.

  “No,” it was simple.

  But I wanted it.

  And I always got what I wanted.... Well, most times.

  “Why?” as I spoke, I made a moaning sound.

  My orgasm rocketed through me sending spasms of pleasure throughout my body. I love my toy, but it takes more than ten seconds to get me off. As I ride the first waves of the explosion, I’m left empty.

  I protest instantly.

  I shut my mouth the instant Hunter’s tongues enters me. It darts in and out quickly, flicking the right spot over and fucking over. He continues to lap at the wetness that’s formed. The last of my orgasm is ridden out on Hunter’s face, and fuck me, I love it.

  “If this is the reaction I get out of you with this, imagine what I can do with almost eleven inches.”

  His words ring in my ears as I close my eyes and sigh in satisfaction. I’m aware of the cuffs being removed and being picked up and placed into bed. I open my eyes just as Hunter leans down and kisses my cheek before he retreats out the door. I was a little confused and a lot lost as he walked away. The feelings of now sleeping alone haunted me a little and I wished Sailor were here to comfort me if the dreams started.

  Closing my tired eyes, I prayed to god that tonight, those monsters were just as tired as I was.

  Chapter Five

  The sound of drilling woke me.

  I sit up quickly when a loud thud and the word “fuck” gets thrown into the air
. I rub my eyes to make sure I’m not dreaming or seeing things. Some guy in an orange shirt is removing my door, unscrewing it from the hinges and walking away with it. The curse happens when he dropped it on his toe, and straight away I wanted to scream karma.

  As he walks around the corner, Hunter enters looking at the frame where the door was then back at me. He looks as tasty as ever in his black jeans and shirt. He smile gets wider as he walks closer.

  “Where’s my door going?” I ask, as Hunter sits on the bed next to me.

  “New rules.” He says, taking a seat on the bed. “I have this theory, and I want to try it out.”

  “I’m not an experiential project, Hunter.”

  “I know, call it a series of lessons that will also teach you new things for when you leave here.”

  A series of lessons? Hmm...sounds interesting and I’m intrigued. At the end of the day, I know I’m the one with the power in this little arrangement and that’s what matters overall.

  I put out my hand for Hunter to shake; he looks at it before meeting my eyes and placing his large hand in mine. Flashbacks come to life and I remember those skilled fingers inside me, moving, feeling...

  Hunter pulls my hand, making me fall forward and turn onto my back. His hard body covers me seconds later, his breath in my ear.

  “Are you thinking about last night?”

  I wriggle, and then remember I won’t get away from his strong grip. His hands are huge; they cover my dainty hands easily. Instead, I manoeuvre my body under his, so his hips rest upon mine. Hunter is dressed, and I am naked but the evidence of his arousal digs into my thigh.

  “You haven’t kissed me yet.” I say, smiling sinfully.

  “Do you want me to kiss you, Kat?”

  “No, just thought I would point it out.”

  “Are you always this...?” Hunter trails off, allowing me to finish his thought.

  “Charming? Sexy? Crazy hot? Oh, I know...Perfect? Yes, yes I am.”

  My charm and wit earns me a smile and a shake of his head. He has, by far, the sexiest smile I have ever seen. With his perfect white teeth, and his delicious lips...I’m grateful he’s holding me down; otherwise I would probably bite him, just for a simple taste.


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