Punished Into Submission

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Punished Into Submission Page 8

by Holly Carter

“You will tell me, if not now, tonight.” Hunter leaves my marked skin, and sinks the vibrator into my core while his finger finds that magic spot.

  Within minutes, I have reached five and that rolls into six when Hunter takes my nipple into this mouth. Sucking and biting sends me into another thrilling pleasure wave. My body is tired. My mind is tired. My fucking body aches, but I dare not say a word about it.

  “How many more?”

  “I’m sated. Give up while you can.”

  “Never, I want you to remember what I tell you.”

  My eyes grow heavy and my body finally relaxes after the last wave has gone. It’s just as heavy as my eyes feel but I pull my strength to keep standing.

  “I think I can get a few more out of you before you pass out, what do you think?”

  “I think you’re trying to big note yourself, Hunter.”

  “I told you earlier I could find the spot, and I have several times even without a map so to speak.” As Hunter speaks he drops to his knees in front of me. I look down and watch as he runs his nose along my inner thigh and then along my cleft. It’s erotic, and dangerous. It’s a game. This whole thing is a game. And one, I am going to win.

  “You smell as good as you taste.” Hunter’s tongue licks my core after he’s spoken the words. My knees try to buckle but I hold my front.

  My head goes back as he sucks and licks my clit, while his fingers make their way into my soaking sex. After six orgasms, I thought I’d dry up a little, but my body fails my mind and the wetness I feel is just as much me and as it is him. His fingers work like magic; he fucks me hard then soft with them and leaves me internally begging for more. More pressure, more pace, more sucking, more licking. If I had my hands I would thread them through his hair and use him to fuck myself, but I don’t have control and as much as I hate the situation, I like the sensations.

  When Hunter hums while sucking my clit I fucking lose it and explode around his fingers and mouth. I moan out loud, unable to stop it and the pleasure curses through my veins. Its explosive, Hunter makes me explode over and over.

  “Fucking perfect.” Hunter mumbles against my sex.

  “I, I am.” I stutter as I speak, because I’m slightly incoherent.

  “So vain.”

  “Confident, there is a difference.”

  My shutters finally stop when Hunter removes his fingers. I feel him place soft kisses on my thigh before he stands. I couldn’t wait to feel those lips on mine; the thought is easily forgotten as my exhausted body basically collapses against Hunter. The feel of his wet skin against mine turns warm as I struggle to stand. Hunter wraps an arm around my body for support, while the other starts to undo my wrists.

  “Do you have something to tell me?”

  “If you want a thank you gift, it’s in the mail.” I reply, trying to pull my wrist free.

  That smart assed remark earns me a spanking, and I like it.

  “Greed, Kat.” Hunter stops his movements and backs away. I pout for a second and but something registers.


  Greed; Excessive or rapacious desire, especially for ones possessions. It hits me like a ton of bricks and I get the punishment.

  I open my mouth to spit out the words but nothing follows.

  “Eight orgasms it took for you to remember that, hopefully next time it won’t take so long.” Hunter says, as he reaches out to touch my face. I pull my face from his grip and turn my head. I don’t want his touch right now. The motherfucker has just played me like a fucking mind game and my body is aching, which reminds me of his talents I hope to forget soon enough.

  Hunter’s fingers run down my skin which is covered in sweat. Down my throat, between my breasts and stomach and when his fingers reach my pussy, I go stiff. Surely he can’t be thinking.... Just as the thought comes to me, Hunter plummets his fingers back into my aching tissues. The wetness I’ve built makes them side in easy; his grin tells me he’s satisfied.

  “Why do I sense this is a game to you?” I say, coming way down from my mini Hunter high.

  “Everything in life is a game, Kat. A game of pleasure, pain, restraint...” Hunter says, removing his fingers from my too sensitive core. “A dangerous game mostly.”

  “Why dangerous?”

  “The danger of love. People like us don’t love.” Hunter’s words are spoken with answers I have questions for. “And if we do, it’s a dangerous love, a heartbreaking love, an unsatisfied love. The only way to play is dirty.”

  Hunter has been in love and had heartbreak. My subconscious is smiling with a newfound weapon and maybe I feel a little sorry for him. But what he says is true. People like us don’t love. It’s dangerous. Heartbreaking... the thoughts of only one person comes to mind and as soon as I see his face I cringe. My heart hurts and my eyes start to burn. Tears; I have cried enough of those for him, but no more. I am better than that, stronger than that now. I am indestructible. When I look at Hunter, he is staring at me, his brow is wrinkled and I think he can read my mind for a moment but the creases smooth and I know it’s all thoughts for him now.

  Gaining my composure I smile. It’s a game. A dirty, dangerous game. Hunter is my game and I will play him because I know, I will win.

  "I love danger.” I say confidently. “You wanna play dirty Hunter?" I pull the restraints and enjoy the pain it causes.

  "Dirty is the only game, Kat." Something wicked flashes through his eyes, and I like it.

  "Game on," I whisper, laughing gently.

  “Game on, Kat.”

  Hunter’s smile is contagious at times and this is one those times. He has the cutest, I mean the sexiest dimples when he grins, it melts through those muscles and makes everything relax. But enough of the complements. He’s still a major asshole and it’s all a game from here on out. We are both very clear on that level, so why not enjoy the game and play the player?

  “Anymore tricks up your sleeve today? Or is it finally time to fuck me?” I try to sound patient as I speak, but I think I fail a little. Hunter stares directly into my eyes, before turning his head to the side like he is weighing up his options. His lips twitch a little, then he straightens himself. The sweat glistening on his chest catches my eye, and my hands tug on the restraints. I want to touch him. Violently, I want to touch him. Temptation is too strong.

  Hunter steps forward so his body is almost flush against mine. Closing my eyes I swallow hard at the same time. In my mind I am chanting, “keep it together Kat.” This man does weird and wonderful things to my libido and while I didn’t mind the first four orgasms, the last four nearly gave this old girl a heart attack. But I cannot show weakness. Weakness shows defeat, and I will not be defeated.

  “Look at me.” Hunter’s voice is demanding and strong when he speaks.

  I keep my eyes closed when I feel Hunter’s lips graze my cheek.

  “Open your eyes.” It’s now a warning.

  “I like you better when I don’t have to see you.” I say, smart assed.

  I sense Hunter shift, than feel the sharp sting across my ass.


  “Do that again, I liked it.” I say, wishing I could rub my ass cheek. That little tap had quite a bite and I wonder what he actually hit me with.

  The sharpness bites again. And again. And again...

  I lose count after eight. I exit this world and enter another. A world where pain is endless yet numbing. Numb; such a good word when all you do in life is feel. Feel the pain from the past and the present. I guess the difference is one you want and the other you wish you could delete from your mind and the memories from your body. Memories haunt me every day and as much as I try, I can’t stop them. I have tried. But inflicting pain helps, it’s kind of like my anger management. I get satisfaction out of it and it numbs me from the memories. Those bad experiences that will always be there and never leave. I can control my reaction to them, and I am grateful for that. Because I am strong, confident, and amazingly good. I am better than that life
. I am powerful.

  The world goes blank and I’m back to the here and now. I hear voices but not words. I squeeze my eyes closed tighter, not wanting to be here just yet; I want a little longer. Being in this moment is easy, and now a memory. I want something that numbs me for eternity.

  “Are you even listening to me?” I open my eyes and turn my head towards Hunter, who is breathing heavy, similar to me. I can feel the dampness soaking me. The burning from my ass just adds to the feeling.


  “You have been with me for a day and a half and already you’re pissing me off.” he says, dropping the leather strap.

  I watch it fall to the floor and rest there. When my eyes return to Hunter's, they are filled with hunger and something resembling want. His body is so close to mine, but since I can’t touch him I am a little irritated. It makes him that much more desirable in this moment so much more desirable in his moment. When he licks his lips I almost whimper. I want those lips on mine, to feel his kiss if only for a moment.

  As if he can read my thoughts, he steps so close pushing our bodies together; his hands come up and he grips my face. His mouth comes so close to mine, I actually think he’s going to kiss me. Something he said he would never do. He doesn’t kiss his subs, but am I really his submissive?

  “Kiss me.”

  Hunter groans, before sliding his wet lips along mine. I want to retaliate, but I choose this moment not too. I want nothing more than to clamp my teeth down on his soft flesh than lick the wound I caused.

  “I want too, but I can’t.” He whispers as he continues to tease me.

  “You can, you just want to be an asshole about the whole thing. Fine, whatever. I don’t want to kiss you anyway.” I pull my face away from his and turn my head to the side. I try to fill my mind with other thoughts, like where my bloody door is.

  “Hunter, where’s my door?”

  “You won’t give up will you?”

  “Nope, give it back and I promise to call you Master.”

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “Of course I am.” I say rolling my eyes. “I wouldn’t call you master if it was the last thing I did.”

  “See that’s where you are completely wrong. You will, Kat.” Hunter starts to undo my wrists.

  As soon as they are free, I rub them against each other to restore the blood flow. The reddened marks don’t hurt but I can tell they will be there for a while.

  “You need to have a shower and get ready for your shift at the bar. Your clothes are on the bed in your room.” Hunter says, picking his shirt up off the floor.

  “The bar isn’t even finished yet, is it? And what the hell, I told you I’m not your bar bitch.” I shake my head but stop when I see the truth in Hunter’s eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “Meet me in the bar in half an hour, and don’t be late. You have some training to do with the new manager I appointed. I think you may need to work on your customer service skills.” Hunter walks away as he speaks. I watch his ass of course. It’s so sexy; I just want to spank the hell out of it. “And Kat?”

  “Huh, oh yeah.” I shake my head to bring myself back to the conversation and not the thoughts of his ass reddened from my paddle.

  “Stay the fuck out of this room; it can get dangerous in here.” Hunter smirks as he speaks but walks out the door leaving me naked, fucking drenched and smiling like a fucking idiot.

  Chapter Eight

  My shower is hot, quick and fucking fantastic. I felt so sticky and violated in a good way, but I needed to get the feel of Hunter off my skin. Unfortunately, I can still feel him as I am getting dressed. My uniform is lame. Black pants, and a tight black shirt that says, wait for it.... BAR BITCH in bright fucking pink. Hunter obviously didn’t listen when I told him pink didn’t suit my eye colour. I throw a disgusted “yuck” into the wind as I pull the fucking shirt over my head. The shirt is so long that it looks like a fucking nightdress. Of course I get an idea that will get me fired or flogged, maybe both if I’m lucky.

  I walk into the bathroom and pull out my scissors before cutting my shirt about an inch under my bra line all the way around my body. When I’m done, I look at my handy work and smile. So much more sexier.

  “Now it suits my eyes.” I say, laughing out loud with a hint of sarcasm.

  I pick up the brush and smooth my knots out before flicking my hair forward then back to get the messy look in the front. I tie it up in a bun quickly, before adding eye liner and lip gloss. I pucker a few times just for good measure before leaving the room and heading down to meet the man of the hour. Yes, that’s how long I took to shower and get ready. Oops.

  I walk into the bar area and notice Hunter talking to a brunette. His back is towards me while she is facing me, but her eyes don’t meet mine as I stare. She’s tall and looks like she works out, a lot. I make my way over to them and straight away notice the artwork of ink down her exposed arms. Her eyes meet mine when I get closer and a massive smile spreads across her face, which makes Hunter turn. I stop and look behind me wondering if she was actually aiming that smile at someone else. Unfortunately, I am the only one here apart from them.

  I notice the bar is actually finished and Hunter wasn’t wrong when he told Barry to hurry up and get it done. Several stacks of chairs line the walls of the room on one side; tables are on the other. I haven’t lifted weights in weeks, so I’m not in top form to be doing it, just in case anyone expects me too. I stop about a meter away from the two and eye the room, checking out the excellent taste of colours. Red, black and silver are the theme round most of the palace here and strangely enough, it seems to suit.

  A picture grabs my attention and I straight away notice the biblical reminder. Mary holds her son wrapped in cloth close to her body as she looks lovingly into her child’s eyes. Looking at the picture, it feels real. Like the person who painted it was there and saw the whole meaningful act take place. I hear my name and turn towards Hunter.

  “You decided to grace us with your presence? I must remember to get you a watch.” Hunter says, looking down at his wrist before looking back to me. “And I’ll get you another shirt.”

  “Sorry, I was dirty.” I smile as Hunter’s eyes flash wicked signs. “The shirt was too long. I’m a bar bitch now, needs to be a little slutty, don’t you think?”

  I do a little twirl to show off my form. The brunette claps her hands and giggles while Hunter’s face stays passive. I know he’s pissed, but I couldn’t care less. I look good and be-fucked if I am hiding what I have. I am confident and proud of my body. Hell, I’d walk around naked if that were the uniform, which gave me an idea...

  “I have to go to a meeting and I will leave you in the capable hands of my friend.” Hunter looks to the brunette and nods before he walks over to me. “I will be back to check on you later. Behave yourself.”

  Hunter gives me a quick, yet hard swat on my ass as he leaves. The brunette giggles and heads behind the bar, gesturing for me to follow.

  “We will start stacking all the clean cups and setting everything up for the party tomorrow night. It’s going to be a massive event and everyone who is somebody will be here.”

  I follow behind her and watch as she slides the trays of cups towards me on the bar. She stops suddenly and produces two shot glasses placing them both on the counter. I watch her walk to the shelf and sort through the booze, pushing them aside to grab a bottle way at the back. I notice she stands on her tiptoes to do so, and wonder what kind of special grog it was.

  When she produces a bottle of seventy-year-old scotch, I know I’m in for a burner. She waves the bottle and giggles before opening the cap and pouring two shots. The speed she places the lid on and puts it back on the shelf tells me it’s not hers to drink. I like this girl already. I pick up the shot when she does and we clink glasses. I watch her shoot the amber liquid, and lick her lips with pleasure. I bring the glass up to my lips...

  “Oh, how rude of me.” she says, putting out her hand. “Hi,
I’m Mistress Angel. But you can call me Angel.”

  I practically spit my shot before I can swallow it. Is this chick for real?

  “Your fucking name is Angel?” I wipe my chin as I speak. “What the hell were your parent’s thinking?”

  “Obviously they weren’t.” the brunette, that is now named Angel, shakes her extended hand in front of me again. I wipe my hand on my pants before I decide I really should show some team spirit and I take her hand in mine and shake.

  “Well, I’m Kat. Hear me roar... meow.”

  Angel laughs so loud, I fear the windows may break. I loosen up a little and join in her laughter. I’m a funny fucker sometimes. I let go of her hand and put my shot glass on the bench next to hers.

  “You, Kat, are my new best friend.”

  “For the next twenty eight days anyway.” I pull the trays of glasses towards me and open the doors underneath the bench. I’ve done bar work before, but I would never tell Hunter that.

  “You’re seriously counting?” Angel speaks in a surprised voice that makes me look towards her. “You’re probably the only women who can’t wait to get out of Hunter’s hands. The line-up for him when this place opens is going to be massive. You’ll be fighting for attention if you’re not careful.”

  I laugh out loud at her comment.

  Me, fight other women for Hunter?

  No way.

  “You obviously don’t know me. I will never, ever fight for him. He is a game for the next twenty-eight days and after that, I’m walking out of here and back into my land where I am mistress Kat. If you want to see a line up, come to my house.” I add a wink at the end just so she gets me, and when she smiles, I know she does.

  Three long hours later my back is aching, my feet hurt, and the bar is finally set up and fully functional. Barry and his bitches have been setting up the tables and chairs for the past hour and the place is finally starting to look like a party palace. Several different companies have approached us in the past two hours, ranging from cleaners to painters. Even interior decorators and party planners. Angel wasn’t wrong when she said, “When Hunter throws a party, he throws a fucking party.”


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