Punished Into Submission

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Punished Into Submission Page 11

by Holly Carter

  “I think I need to get you new shirts, they are a little small don’t you think?” Hunter rubs his chin with his free hand as he speaks.

  “Oh, fucking bite me, Hunter.”

  “Any preference as to where?”

  “Yeah, my arse.” With that, I walk out thinking I may have won this round.

  “Back up on it baby, make me believe you want it and maybe I will.” He calls behind me.

  “I don’t want anything from you; I just want to enjoy my night and maybe have some fun with a little subby bitch.”

  “You will not touch anyone, you understand me?” Hunter says, following me.

  I grab my black fuck me boots from the wardrobe and pull them on. I like my red ones, which still haven’t come back from Sailor’s yet, and I really miss them. But, luckily I have twenty pairs with me.

  “Kat, answer me.”

  I ignore him. Even if I did open my mouth it would be a fucking lie and because I would not be able to keep my hands to myself.

  “Kat, goddamn it, listen to me.” Hunter pulls my arm and I fall into his chest.

  “Let me go, the boss will ride my ass if I’m late.”

  “I am the boss.”

  “Well, guess he won’t ride my ass than. You’re not into that are you?”

  “Are you challenging me, Kat?” Hunter leans into me and his beauty catches my breath.

  “Maybe I am.”

  “Hands to yourself, all night...Don’t even think about playing with anyone. You’re in my house now.”

  “Not by choice, and I think you keep forgetting that.” I bite back.

  Hunter pushes me against the wall. My back hits it with a thud and the aching in my muscles starts to protest.

  “I’m not the kind of man you take home to meet your mother and I sure as hell don't go fishing with your father. I'm the kind that scares the shit out of her that daddies fear for their precious daughters. The kind that makes you moan at inappropriate times, makes you scream to god when your shuddering beneath me, the kind that will restrain you, train you, tease you and please you. I’ll collar you and cuff you, hold your fate and body in my hands... I am your master.”

  “Not fucking likely.” I push Hunter’s chest but he doesn’t budge. Just hearing those words, mother and father make me wildly angry.

  Instead, he grabs my hands and pins them against the wall above my head. He brings his knee between my legs so I’m basically my legs are wrapped around his. Hunter leans his body weight into me making me gasp.

  “Twenty seven days, than you can return to who you think you are. But, right here, right now,” Hunter brings his lips to my ear when he speaks. “You. Are. Mine.”

  Hunter lets me go when he finishes speaking and steps back. He straightens his suit and holds out his hand. I look from him to his hand and wonder what the hell he’s thinking? Hunter reaches out and takes one of my hands and places it in his, before practically dragging me out of the room.

  “You piss me off, Hunter.” I snap as I follow his strides.

  “The feeling is mutual, trust me.”

  The party downstairs is pumping hardcore. From the time I went upstairs an hour ago, the place was basically empty. But now there are bodies everywhere. Angel wasn’t fucking wrong when she said all types of people would attend and that Hunter knew how to throw a party. We step down the last step and suddenly the sounds of clapping start. I look out and everyone’s eyes are on Hunter. I automatically get the point to the whole thing.

  He wanted everyone to know I was his.

  And I’m not fucking happy about it.

  I smile sweetly when we hit the bottom step and yank my hand free. Hunter growls, but I ignore his noise. As I walk towards the flocking people, they surround me and hands are thrown in my face. I try walk through the crowds, half pushing, half swerving my way through. When I get to the end of flock, a blonde woman stands in my way. I go to step around her, but she steps in my way.

  “Do you mind?” I say, pushing her body out of my way.

  “Are you always this pleasant?”

  “Yes.” I say, walking away.

  When I get behind the bar, Angel throws me a smile and I return a fake one. Rows and rows of people line the bar, waving their money in the air and shouting out orders. I start to the side and make my way across, serving various shots, beers and spirits. I look up a few times and note the blonde has taken a seat at the end of the bar and her eyes are set on me. She is about the same height as I am, blonde hair and from what I caught, clear blue eyes. She is stunningly beautiful in her long black gown. She stands out like dog’s balls mainly because everyone else is either in fetish wear or casual clothes.

  Arrow makes an appearance and helps us serve for almost an hour before everything starts to settle. I see him eyeing the strippers doing their things in the hanging cages and join in a staring competition with one. She is fucking hot. Arrow bumps shoulders with me when the stripper smiles at me and I wink in return.

  “Throw her this way when you’re done, Kat.” Arrow says playfully.

  “You’re in love. Shut the hell up and let a girl have some fun.”

  “You’re going to use that against me now, aren’t you?”

  “Of course, every rifleman needs ammunition.”

  Arrow slaps me on the shoulder and keeps walking. It’s time for him to join the party and of course he stands over the other side of the bar in my area. I pull out the Gin and pour two shots, handing one to him and keeping the other for myself. I bring the glass to my lips and open enough to pour the strong booze in. It burns slightly but warms the belly. When I straighten, I see Hunter standing with the blonde who was eyeing me earlier.

  “Who is that?” I ask, leaning over the bar towards Arrow so he can hear me over the music.

  His eyes follow my out-reached hand and he practically spits his shot on the guy next to him. The guy wipes his shirt and looks at Arrow sending daggers through the air. I pour another shot and slide it to the angry man and tell him to calm the fuck down. When Arrow recovers, I prompt him with another drink.

  “So,” I say, pouring another shot.

  “That’s America.”

  I look at her again and see Hunter’s arm wrapped around her waist. People take pictures as they both smile. Her hand comes up and rests on his chest; the whole act makes me sick. I watch as she looks up at him with a smile. As if he can sense me looking, Hunter’s eyes meet mine, I hold his stare for seconds but look away when Angel calls my name to help serve. I give Arrow a wink and get back to work.

  I work my ass off for several more hours and the place keeps getting busier and busier. One of the security guys had told Angel that over three thousand people had entered the building since it opened. A few more girls join us working behind the bar and I notice their shirts all say MASTERS & MISTRESSES. They try to make small talk with me, but I’m being a bitch, I only answer with grunts and one in particular, got a smart assed remark. She looks like a fucking Barbie doll and I don’t do Barbie.

  The music stops suddenly and moments later, Hunter appears on the large stage. The lights come on and seas of people flock forward in a hurry.

  “Good evening everyone.” Hunter’s rugged voice fills the speaker system. “How are we all this evening?”

  Three or more thousand people all yell at once and I cover my ears to drown the whistles and catcalls along with responses to his question. The blonde in front of me yells out “horny” and I stop myself from decking her as she laughs like a hyena.

  “I want to thank you all for coming out to the opening of Masters and Mistresses Palace and I hope you all continue to have a good time.”

  More catcalls and whistles sound, along with “Hunter you sexy mother fucker.” And “I want to suck your cock Hunter.”

  “I want to declare the rooms open for play and remember to keep it safe, sane and consensual people.” Hunter says before putting the microphone back on the stand.

  I watch Hunter disappear into th
e sea of people and then return back to work. Angel comes over and hands me a shot. We clink glasses, she says, “Cheers to a mother fucking good night.”

  I put my shot glass down on the bench before returning to serving. The blonde and her friends continue to sit at the bar and talk obnoxiously loud and about random shit. And I mean random. The last topic was a conversation on pepper and salt. Why is one black and why is one white? I watch the bimbo half-slip; half fall off the chair when she returns from what I presume was a toilet break. She recovers herself with a laugh.

  It irritates me more when her friends howl with laughter like a pack of wild dogs. When she finally sits her ass on the chair, I notice she starts to look ill. Just what I fucking need, vomit.

  “If you vomit, I’ll make you clean it.” I say, leaning over the bar and gripping her arm to steady her.

  She tries to pull her arm from my grip but I only grip it tighter.

  “Who the fuck died and made you boss? She slurs, swaying.

  She looks like the type to be tough in voice but scared in person and I can’t help myself. I lean in close and smell her. When my nose grazes her throat I hear her gasp and feel her pulse accelerate under my hand. I find the sensitive spot on her neck before my lips find her ear.

  “He’s not dead yet, but it only take a second.” I whisper, noting her body shivers.

  “Kat, stop scaring my guests.”

  I turn to find Arrow grinning just as evil. I let the girl go and give her my best seductive look. I watch as she swallows hard and note the confused look on her friend’s faces. The bimbo nods her head at me and I walk away, patting Arrow on the shoulder as I pass. Angel stands at the end of the bar with the woman known as America and I can’t wait to say hello. I’m in a fucked off mood right now and my customer service skills are in fine form.

  I stop in front of America and watch her eyes narrow at me. I’ve noticed the stares all night and I’ve let them fly for this long; I wasn’t going to let it go much longer.

  “Are you staring at something in particular or jealous that my tits are real?” Great way to start Kat, great way...

  “I’m actually wondering what Sailor sees in you, but looking at you now I think I know.” She waves her hands towards me when she speaks.

  “And what’s that?”

  America leans in and Angel tries to push her back.

  “He feels sorry for you.” America says, and the smell of expensive wine reeks on her breath. “He has always had a thing for the needy.”

  “If that is all you have, then maybe you should think again.” I lean a little closer closing the gap between us as Angel calls to Arrow behind me.

  “I give you one thing; you are as pretty as he said you were.” She brings her hand up and sweeps my hair off my face, which makes me see red.

  I hit her hand out of the way but hold her wrist in hand.

  “Don’t you dare touch me, unless you can afford it, haven’t you ever heard of not touching what you can’t afford, America?”

  “I don’t need to pay to be fucked. Hunter fucks me regularly. Unlike you, trying to get the man to play your game. He won’t you know, he’s better than that.”

  “You have no idea what you are talking about, America.” Arrows charges in, removing my grip on America’s wrist. “Get the fuck out before I throw you the fuck out myself, or better yet, I’ll let Kat beat the fuck out of you.”

  “She would probably like both, Arrow. Your hand on her, me beating the fuck out of her until she screams.” When I speak I’m aware of Hunter’s presence before I see him.

  “America, you have to go.” Hunter grabs her by the arm as he talks.

  “We were just getting to know each other, Hunter. Don’t spoil the fun.” I step back and run into Angel who grabs a hold of me.

  “Hunter, we need a break.” Angel says, dragging me out onto the dance floor, which is packed with people dancing and couple basically having fully clothed sex with each other.

  Angel swings me around and grabs me by the hips and starts dirty dancing with me. My arms come up around her neck and we start to sway to the music. Several guys come up behind us and join in the dirty moves as we rub up against each other quiet, nasty, and raunchy. Angel’s hands roam my back, as the guy behind me rakes his hands up my front. A set of hands do the same to Angel as we all move against each other to the music.

  Song after song played and we dance until our bodies are covered in fine layers of sweat. Angel and I have been through numerous dancing partners and it’s back to just the two of us. When Bossy by Kellis finishes playing, Angel excuses herself and heads to the bar to help the useless girls. I turn around and head towards the toilets but stop just short when I see a woman I served earlier tonight talking to Hunter. She leans in close and whispers in his ear. His arm wraps around her body as he pulls her close. He nods, smiles than whispers something in return in her ear.

  Within minutes they are hand in hand and walking towards the rooms that were declared open only hours earlier. I make my way to the bathroom and listen to the bimbo from earlier vomit while her friends hold her hair back. I go into the cubicle and do my business before coming out and washing my hands. The bimbo is now lying on the floor with her friends crowded around her, asking her if she is okay.

  “Obviously your friend is very intoxicated and needs carbohydrates and a ton of water.” I walk over to the girls and pick the intoxicated women off the floor. I help her to her feet and walk out into the club in search of Arrow.

  When he sees me coming, he indicates for the security guy to give him a hand. Having taken the girl off my hands, I head back towards the bar. I take two steps before I’m stopped.

  “I hope you’re behaving tonight.” Hunter reaks of scotch.

  “I’m always behaved. It’s just that my good and you’re good are two different things.” I turn in Hunter’s forming grip and place my hands on his shoulders.

  “I’m going to be busy for a bit. I have some entertaining to do. Will you be a good girl without me?” He leans in close and I push him away.

  “Go get laid big boy.” I say, patting his chest and heading away.

  I turn around when I am half way through the crowd of people and see Hunter and the girl, I call skanky bitch walking up the stairs. The playrooms aren’t up there, but we all know what’s going to happen.

  Having seen Hunter leave the room with some skanky bitch, I decide it’s time to have some fun of my own. I wasn't going to be caught tonight; with Hunter out getting his rocks off, it was time for me to do some rocking myself. In the form of inflicting pain. I run to my room and get changed into a short skirt, I leave my bar top on, but I change my knee-high boots from black to leopard print. This place is packed and I was going to enjoy being free. When I found my whip, I tucked it into the side of my boots before exiting the room.

  Downstairs the club was even more crowded than before. I made my way once again through the crowds of people, my body being pushed from back to front as I made my way to the bar and continued my shift. Angel nodded her approval when she saw me coming and I winked in return. I had no intention of staying here long, just long enough to get my prey for the night and leave. No one would know.

  It didn't take long before I was face to face with Martin. He was one of the subs I had met when I arrived; I’m surprise he recognized me without any clothes on. He was charming, young, handsome, slightly innocent, but loves a little pain from the stories being told around the table the first night. He is a good submissive, I saw the way he listened to his mistress, and he can take what's dished.

  "Ma’am,” Martin responds to my wave. “Been let off the leash tonight?" He continues to say, eyeing my outfit.

  “You could say that," I leaned over the bar. "Wanna get out of here for a bit."

  I leaned back after I spoke, I didn't want to give too much away, I had no doubt Hunter had eyes and ears since he wasn't present tonight.

  "I don't think that's a good idea." Martin said, loo
king nervous.

  I crocked my finger so he would come a little closer.

  "You're not scared are you? Because I think you may enjoy what I'm thinking about."

  Martin swallows hard, his Adam's apple moving when he does. He's so turned on right now, and I'm getting anxious myself. I give him my seductive smile as I pick up his hand. I lift his hand to my mouth and I slowly suck one of his fingers, he moans. Just to make sure he gets me, I gently bite the pad of his finger.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck...Kat I want too," he pulls his hand away quickly. "But I can't. Hunter will kill me and I have a mistress who expects me home at a decent hour."

  "Fuck Hunter, and your mistress I can handle." I snarl.

  I round the bar and grab Martin by the shirt, pulling him through the crowd. Several people are watching but I couldn't care at this point. I need to dominate someone. My need to hurt someone is strong, and since Hunter isn't here, the next best thing is innocence.

  Chapter Eleven

  We reach the stairs and I choose to go down instead of up. I look around quickly and don’t see anyone looking, so I open the door that states “staff and management” and realise that I am indeed both despite what anyone else may say. I open the door and pull Martin through with me. The door closes with a bang behind us as we descend the stairs two at a time. It’s so fucking dark down here, only minimal light shines from candles lit outside each door.

  “Kat, I don’t think this is a good idea, not for me but for you.” Martin sounds scared when he speaks and he should be.

  I count the doors until I come to the one I’m looking for. I try the handle holding my breath, praying it’s still open. And what do you know... it is. I push the door open and pull Martin through before pushing it closed behind me. I watch Martin as he cautiously looks around the same way I did yesterday. It’s like being a kid again and stealing from the candy store, except the manager isn’t old and wrinkly, he’s hot and vicious.

  I walk over the wall and pick up the red and black crop. Holding it in one hand, I use the other to run my fingers along the patterns. In a quick motion, I hit the crop against my leather boots and the sound of leather on leather barking fills the air. It’s a nasty cracking sound that sends shivers down my spine. When I look up at my new subby bitch, he’s following the movement of the crop I’m now tapping every so lightly on my thigh.


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