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Punished Into Submission

Page 13

by Holly Carter

  A lipstick stain shows on the collar and I remember seeing that colour on that stupid whore, America’s lips. I don’t hate many people without knowing them first, but her, I couldn’t stand. She was out to ruin my fun and I wasn’t going to have any of it. She can come in and save the day when I’m done, I, Kat, do not share. And right now, Hunter is my play toy just as much as I am his.

  I look at the clock and realised I was running late for my date with Shiloh. I quickly picked up the phone next to my bed and called her, explaining that I over slept and I would be there soon. I could tell by the way she spoke, she wanted to ask questions but I blew her off for now. I got into the shower and washed the events of last night off myself. The hot water was just what my back needed to heal. It burnt at first, but relaxed me in no time.

  I took a few extra minutes to wash my hair and shave my legs. By the time I was done, I smelled of cherries and felt silky smooth, just the way I liked it. I decided to wear a cute white baby doll dress and my black knee-highs, they were so comfortable and comfort for a woman was everything.

  I put on minimal make up and put my hair in a messy bun. It was long and I normally had it down more times than not. But with the headache I was sporting I needed it up and not my heavy locks down. When I was set I grabbed my purse and headed out to meet Shiloh for coffee. I was starving and coffee was my friend.

  I sprinted down the hallway and took the stairs two at a time. There were people everywhere cleaning up from last night’s party. The place was a mess. Angel wasn’t wrong about his parties being ‘all out.’ When I walked past the open bar, there were bodies everywhere, some naked and some dressed. I obviously missed all the fun....

  “Where are you off to this morning?”

  I jumped slightly at the sound of his rough voice.

  “I’m running away, can’t you see my suitcase is packed.” I say sarcastically.

  I turn to see Hunter sitting on the stairs with a mug in his hand. The first thing I think about is how those skillful hands had me in knots last night, and the second thought was coffee... I could smell it. Without thinking or asking, I walk over and take the cup from his grip. I lift the mug to my mouth and drink the slightly hot liquid, relishing in the taste of sanity. It doesn’t last long.

  “Did you ask?” his tone is demanding.

  I stop drinking and hand the cup back.


  With that I turn and leave. I know I will pay for it later, and right now, I don’t give a fuck. I need to get out of this place and try forgetting about Hunter and his hands for an hour.


  Shiloh sat in the corner booth and was reading a magazine when I arrived. I hit the cover of the magazine and burst out laughing when she jumped six feet in the air because I scared the fuck out of her.

  “You’re a bitch, you know that right”? She barked at me.

  “You tell me everyday sweetheart.” I smiled sweetly, before leaning down and kissing her cheeks.

  I sat down as the waiter approached. He was the same young guy that served us every time we came here. He was a looker for someone who was just fresh out of school. He must be about nineteen or twenty tops. His dark locks are a mass of curls on his head, and his brown eyes are to die for. He has these dainty little lips and when he smiles, his cute dimples show.

  “What can I get for you ladies today?” His voice is gentle.

  “Ah, I’ll have a plate of pancakes with bacon and syrup. And a latte.” Shiloh leans forward showing her cleavage when she speaks.

  “I’ll have the same. Thanks honey.” I watch as he blushes at my referral.

  When he turns and walks away we both piss ourselves laughing. It’s cruel tormenting these young ones, but if you have it, flaunt it right?

  “Who was that god gorgeous man you were basically fucking against the wall last night? May I say how freaking hot he was.” Shiloh picks up her magazine and begins to fan herself.

  I giggle like a schoolgirl at her antics. I have to admit though; he is too hot for his own fucking good. I can still feel his body up against mine and the touch of his finger penetrating me. I draw my thighs together in memory. Now is not the time to get wet panties... “That’s just some fucker Sailor has sent me to for punishment and nothing more.” I shrug, before pulling the magazine out of Shiloh’s grip and flicking through it.

  “So was it good? And what do you mean, Sailor sent you to him for punishment?” I knew what was coming next; it was just a matter of seconds. “And what do I have to do to get that kind of punishment?”

  And there it was....

  “I’m not allowed to discuss it with you.” I look at her pouting face.

  “Size wise?” Shiloh starts to draw her hands apart while I stare blankly at her. She can’t be serious?

  I put her out of her misery by showing her with my hands how “long” it was. I don’t tell her I’ve only had it in my mouth but hopefully by the end of the day, I will have it in other places. I have a new formulated plan and I can’t wait to use it. She giggles loudly and resumes fanning herself. I sit there shaking my head. This woman is bat shit crazy. But I fucking love her guts. Before long the waiter comes back with our meal. I am famished. I swear I start to eat before the plate hits the table. That man had me all hot and hungry last night and I still never managed to eat anything. Shiloh glances at me sideways with a look that resembled disgrace crossed with concern.

  “What? I’m fucking hungry alright.” I attempt to say with a mouth full of food.

  “You’re a disturbing women.”

  I nod and continue to eat.

  Ten minutes later I am full and couldn’t possibly eat another thing. I ate the whole serving and then pinched a pancake off Shiloh’s plate.

  Considering I hardly get through my meal alone... that makes me little miss piggy today. My latte was so good; I decided to order another one when the little hottie came back to take our plates.

  “You must have worked up one hell of an appetite last night.”

  “I did, now shut up and leave it alone.” I sat back in the booth and rubbed my now full stomach.

  Shiloh holds her hands up in defeat. I’m looking forward to the moment when Hunter does the same thing.

  I change the subject to something a little more accommodating for the both of us. Sex toys! There are so many on the market these days; some good, some bad, some just plain fucking nasty and some that satisfy one’s needs without even taking it out of the packaging. I was due for some new items to add to my box of treasures and I couldn’t wait to be back at Sailor’s so I could dabble a little. Not to mention Hunter still had my red vibrator.

  The clearing of a throat brought us back to reality. Waiter boy puts our cups down before clearing the ripped pieces of napkin off the table that we so kindly decided to shred during out intense conversation about orgasms.

  “What’s your name?” Shiloh blurts out before the poor kid has a chance to run away from us crazy people.

  “My... my name is Thomas.” He said, clearly nervous.

  His hands moved faster as he clears the rest of the paper off the table. When he more or less bolted away from the table I laughed, then slapped her arm.

  “That was rude.” I giggled.

  “He’s cute. Not my type, but still cute.” She leaned around to catch an eye full of his ass.

  I had to admit I was a little curious to see how old he was. My eyes scanned the room looking for him. The café was pretty quiet apart from small groups of people having lunch like we were. As I watched where pretty boy went, I saw a familiar face staring back at me. The table a few rows away hosted five guys. And they were all looking at me strangely. That face...I could never in my wildest dreams forget that face. My head snapped around when Shiloh hit me.

  “Isn’t that him?” she all but yelled, looking around me.

  I slide down in my chair, for what reason I don’t know. He clearly saw me looking. How the fuck did he know where I was?

sp; “I think so.” I tried to play it cool, once I composed myself a little.

  He is just so freaking sexy and annoying. No women alive would miss a face like his.

  “Go say hello to Master or something,” she said, starting to push me out of the booth.

  “What! Are you smoking crack? I need time away from him. He’s annoying and obnoxious.” I know I say it a little too loud, but I don’t give a fuck. He’s fucking stalking me I know it. “And I don’t call him master; I’m not his stupid sub.”

  “Drink up, and we will go.” Shiloh picks up her drink and slowly starts to sip.

  I don’t even check the temperature of mine; I down the contents in one go and stand as the waiter delivers the bill. We look between each other and split it like always. Shiloh is a dodgy bitch that won’t pay for anything. She is saving up to buy some new car and saves ever spare penny she has. Within a few months, she will have over eighty grand and can afford to buy one outright.

  “You take the money and pay the bill. I have to run to the toilet before we go.” I place my money on the table and head to the bathroom.

  I’m mindful not to look behind me, even though I can feel people staring at me. Of course the female toilets are all the way down the end, so it’s a hike just to get there. You wouldn’t want to be busting or anything.

  There are several young girls talking about last night’s adventures. I do my business and listen as they rave on about “Jacob Ryan” man whore. I have no idea how old they are, but it somehow makes me think of the life I missed out on. I never got to do the kinds of things normal girls did. I was always too embarrassed to go out, worried that I would be made fun of because my clothes were dirty, or that people would realise it was my mother who was the whore sleeping with their daddy.

  I shake my thoughts just before the moment of no return hits me. Nightmares, all of it are nightmares.

  I exit the cubicle and wash my hands. My hair has started to dry, so I have bits sticking out all over the place. I take my hair out and attempt to redo it but it doesn’t co-operate with me. So I decided to leave it down since my headache has somewhat subsiding. Fuck me; I drank way to much last night. I do a quick once over before I leave. I decide I look good enough to go spend some money.

  I’m looking down as my feet when I run into a hard wall. My hands instantly grip onto a shirt to stop me from falling on my ass or my face. Two large hands grab my hips to steady me as I gather my wits.

  “I’m so sor...” I trail off as I look up and see his face.

  “No need to apologise.” Hunter says smugly.

  “Are you fucking stalking me?”

  His eyes are deep green today. The clouds of mystery have returned.

  “I guess I could be.” He smirks playfully before backing me up against the wall.

  “Why are you here? I’m trying to get the fuck away from you.” My chest is rising and falling quickly as he starts to lean into me.

  “You called me obnoxious.” He whispers softly. “And you never told me where you were going. This is a chance meeting, but since I have you in my grip, I want you home in an hour so I can teach that fucking mouth of yours a lesson or two.”

  I don’t know whether to knee him in the balls or fucking kiss his sweet lips. He knows his way with words and when he speaks it sends a message straight to my near damp panties. I can feel his fingers digging into my hips; he brings his body harder into mine so his erection rubs against my core.

  “You have an erection in public”? I try to act shocked, but I’m not.

  “You make me hard and angry when you don’t listen to me.” He chuckles in a throaty tone leaning into my ear.

  “Why don’t you tie me up and fuck me, Hunter?”

  He rubs himself a little harder into me, enough to make me gasp softly. But of course he heard me. He decides to take it upon himself to do it again, but harder this time. He leans in closer; I can feel his breath on my neck.

  “Why don’t you call me, Master? Even Sir will suffice for now.”

  “Not a fucking chance, Hunter.” I say breathlessly. I’m actually panting a little despite my own disgust with myself.

  “No? Well, we will see about that.” He bites my ear softly and I close my eyes.

  Before I get the chance to say anything else, my body becomes free of his. I open my eyes and see him rearranging his erection that is obviously dying to come out and play. I bite my lip thinking about how well my lips wrapped around it last night. When I finally brought my eyes up to his, he smirked.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and I like it.” He stepped into me in one quick move.

  I open my mouth to disagree, but his mouth comes down on mine, hard. His tongue dives straight between my lips seeking my own. He tastes like coffee and chocolate. I’m surprised I’m somewhat hungry again. My hands come up and find his hair bringing him closer, deeper. I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t help myself. This would be the last time I let him affect me like this, and I wanted to make it good. As my fingers work through his hair, his hands cup my ass, pulling me into his erection. I moan softly.

  “Excuse me, stop swapping tongue and let’s go.” Shiloh yells down the hallway.

  I come back to reality in an instant.

  “Fuck off now, you got what you wanted.” I say letting go of him, slightly pushing him away.

  He stepped back and allowed me to move past him.

  “Oh, Kat. I want a lot more than that from you. I want you to submit to me. And I will eat you... I mean see you later.” He says, slapping my ass rather hard as I walk away.

  Fuck I was in trouble........ And I kind of liked it.

  “See you in five hours.” I smile to him over my shoulder as I continue up the hallway.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. You will see me in an hour; even if I have to drag you home myself.” He threw back, loud enough for the whole café to hear.

  As I walked out of the hallway, everybody’s eyes were on me. The group of guys at his table all spat out their coffees when he spoke his words. I think I actually blushed a little. And trust me that doesn’t happen to me very often. I noticed a few of them from the party at the palace last night. It was weird seeing them with clothes on.

  I saw a laughing Shiloh waiting for me by the door; I grabbed her arm and literally ran away from the café. After today, I don’t know if I will enjoy lunch there anymore.


  Half a dozen shops, four hours and almost two thousand dollars gone, I am satisfied...for now at least. Nothing beats a little retail therapy after a hot night of floggings and an encounter with Hunter in public. I brought a new yellow lace bra and panties set, along with Espiral Lingerie Top, Garter Belt with G-String. I didn’t like it to start with, but I decided to buy it just in case someone I would be entertaining did. I remember Hunter commenting on my lingerie when I unpacked my bags and... well I’m sure I can feed someone’s hunger if he’s not interested.

  Shiloh has not stopped questioning me about Sailor, Hunter, and my thirty days at the palace. I gave her small details, but I think it made it worse. All I’ve heard throughout our shopping trip is crude comments about my night, then about my stupidity this morning. I still can’t believe he cornered me like that. I curse myself over and over. You would think I would be satisfied after last night, and the truth be told I’m not. I want more, and what’s worse is I want it with him...

  “Stop thinking about him,” she says, slapping me playfully on the arm.

  “I’m not thinking about him.” I dismiss a little too quickly.

  “You are, I can tell with that look on your face. And look your drooling.” She wipes my chin with her finger.

  “I am not drooling. You’re hallucinating.”

  “I was drooling watching you two for Christ sakes. It was hot.”

  “It was not.”

  “It was so.”

  I roll my eyes and shake my head. I am not going to win this argument. “Fine. What the fuck ever,
Shiloh.” I throw my hands up in frustration.


  End of conversation.

  We stop at a freestanding coffee stand. My two lattes weren’t enough this morning. As much as I would enjoy a shot of tequila right now, funny enough, it’s not available. I order my large extra strong cappuccino to go, while my weird friend orders some strange coffee blend.

  I grab my phone out that I’ve been hiding from Hunter in fear he will take it from me. I check my messages; Sailor has called me twice, but never left a message. I feel a little guilty for some reason and I’m not sure if I should or not. The whole situation is mind fucking and I hate it. It makes me want to drink again. Or whip the shit out of someone.

  The coffee man shakes my cappuccino in my face and I take it. Rude! I wait another few minutes scrolling through my other messages while Shiloh sings loudly. Of course her choice of song is “Sex is on Fire” by Kings of Leon... nice choice. In the end I give in and sing with her, everyone around us looks as we sing suggestively to each other. After we finish, we continue to walk back to the palace like nothing ever happened at the café stand.

  “Can you imagine how cute your babies would look?” she says, like it’s something harmless.

  Whoa! Where the fuck did that come from... “Excuse me?” I spit a mouthful of coffee.

  She chuckles helplessly.

  “You’re fucking nasty. And I don’t want kids. Especially not with him. Like what the fuck are you thinking about in that tainted head of yours?” I wipe my chin as I speak.

  “I want babies, lots and lots of babies. But I have to find the right one for that first I guess.” Shiloh looks as though she has just figured the world out.

  “Well yes, you normally do need a male input for that kind of stuff.” I say, uncomfortably.

  When I first met Shiloh the thing that came to mind was Legally Blonde. Seriously, that movie should have been about her. But, I love her the way she is. She’s a total crack up, and always knows how to make me feel better when I’m having a tantrum or feeling depressed. We all need friends’ like that in life.


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