My Valentine

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My Valentine Page 2

by Kori Hart

  I went to take my seat but Raoul pulled my chair out for me. I was a bit surprised and yet appreciated the gesture all the same. I gave him a smile and then watched as he sat down across from me.

  “You know you don’t have to butter me up, right?” I asked.

  He lifted an eyebrow in question.

  I chuckled and looked down at the empty martini glass I was still carrying around. I rubbed my finger over the stem before I look back at his eyes.

  “This is for charity. You don’t have to try to win me over,” I finally explained.

  It was Raoul’s turn to shrug his shoulders. “I wasn’t trying to win you over. I was being polite. My mother raised me to be a gentleman.”

  “Is that so?” I asked.

  Raoul nodded. I could tell that he was thinking about something. Perhaps it was his mother or a memory of his childhood.

  Not wanting the moment to become awkward, I reached for the menu. We were up against the wall so the food and drink menus were propped up nicely. Both had been conveniently left over, trying to lure us in.

  I read over the different options and my stomach grumbled. I realized that I should have snacked on something before I had left the house.

  “Do you want to get something to share?” Raoul asked curiously.

  I read over the last few items on the menu before glancing at him. “That wouldn’t be a bad idea, especially if we order another drink. It’s never a good idea for me to drink on an empty stomach.”

  “Not a good idea for anyone to drink on an empty stomach,” Raoul pointed out with a smile.

  I laughed. “You’re right. It won’t end well for anyone. So what are you in the mood for? They have typical bar food. Wings, nachos, chips & queso, wood fire pizza.”

  Raoul leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. He was watching me closely. “What are you in the mood for?”

  The way he spoke gave me chills. It felt like he was asking a question and the answer had nothing to do with food. So many thoughts went through my mind and I had to push them away. This was my neighbor. The guy that drove me crazy with his loud music. And the girls. All those girls that went in and out of his house. I had to say something though. I looked back at the menu before glancing back at him.

  “Let's get one of the pizzas,” I decided. “It will be easy to split, and there's no way I could eat a whole and by myself.”

  Raoul moved forward, resting his elbows on the edge of the table. He’s studying me. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Then again, did I really want to know? Deep down, I couldn’t help but hope that he was thinking something naughty. Maybe undressing me with his eyes.

  “Pizza sounds good,” he replied. “Whatever toppings you want is good by me. Well, except for anchovies. Life is too short to waste it on eating little fishes on their pizza.”

  He laughed at his own joke, and I found it pretty amusing. The way he laughed was so carefree. His smile lit up his entire face. For a man I didn't think could look any hotter, Raul seemed to do so. I had to shake those thoughts from my head as well. Thankfully, a waitress came by to take our order.

  After we both ordered new drinks and or pizza, we were left to ourselves. An uneasy silence fell over us and it was weird. Normally, I could talk to anybody about anything but with him, I was at a loss for words.

  “Let’s start off with something simple,” Raoul suggested. “What do you do for a living?”

  “I work in marketing,” I replied. “What about you?”

  “I work as a mechanic, but I also do a lot of photography on the side. I specialize in photoshoots. Thankfully, my house is big enough where I can dedicate the basement to my side gig,” Raul explained.

  “Oh,” I muttered, realizing the reason why he had so many people over. “Is that why you have so many girls over?”

  Raoul chuckled. He then nodded his head and went back to studying me. I shifted in my seat, not knowing what to think.

  “So you’ve been watching my place?” he asked with a smirk.

  “You say that like I’ve been stalking you,” I retorted. “Which I haven’t been. It’s just, when you blast music all the time, I can’t help but look over to see what’s going on. For all I knew, you’re over there having a party like a frat boy.”

  Raoul laughed. “I’m a little too old to be having a rager. The music is on because it calms the clients. They pick the genre and set the volume. Sometimes they are required to wear unusual outfits or need to pose in certain ways so if it relaxes them, I see nothing wrong with it.

  I shook my head at him.

  “Don’t give me that look. I don’t know why my clients send over specific instructions with the models. I just take the pictures,” he laughed.

  The more Raoul spoke about photography, the more I could see his passion shining through. It was very interesting to have a tough guy, with all his tattoos, have a softer, artsy side to him.

  “Well, regardless of what pictures you take, it seems like you are in high demand. That’s pretty cool. I took a photography class my freshman year in college. It’s not as easy as people think it is especially if you go old school,” I said with a bit of a shrug.

  Our new drinks were dropped off and we were told our pizza should be out in another ten minutes or so. We both said thank you to the server before we looked back at one another. We stared into each other’s eyes before we both picked up our drinks and took a sip.

  “I think I’m going to buy you some soundproof material for Christmas,” I said with a smile. “Maybe I could get the other neighbors to chip in.”

  Raoul laughed once again. His eyes met mine, and I felt my heart flutter. He really did have to stop looking at me like that. I took another sip before I put my glass down.

  “I’ve been meaning to soundproof my studio,” he said. “I just haven’t had the time. Between work at the shop and my photography clients, there really hasn’t been much time to do other things other than sleep. Lord knows, I need my beauty sleep.”

  “I think you look good as you are,” I confess, brushing some hair away from my eyes.

  “I think that might be the martini talking,” he replied.

  I shook my head. “I’ve only had one. It would take a lot more than that for me to be tipsy enough to spill my secrets. Tipsy isn’t my goal this evening.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s your goal?”

  I held my breath for a second, shifting in my seat. I didn’t know what to say. Did I tell him the truth? Offer up a lie? I bit my lower lip and looked back into his eyes. The way he gazed me, waiting for me to say something, made my whole body tingle.

  “Honestly?” I said before taking another sip. “I don’t have a goal. This all started off as a way to help charity. I thought it would be a fun way to spend Valentine’s Day and get me out of having to sit at home eating bon bons. I’d get to know some people, drink a little. I wanted to get out of the house and not be on an awkward date. All I’ve done lately is work and study for school. I should have read the fine print though because I didn’t know I was getting matched up. I also didn’t know you were going to be here, but here you are.”

  “Here I am,” Raoul repeated.

  We sat there in silence, staring at each other. Another flutter of butterflies washed over me. They landed in my stomach and I did my best to ignore them. But he smiled at me and the flutter moved south and I shifted in my seat. One look from him and I was practically melting out of my seat. This couldn’t happen. Not with him, but the more we talked, the more I realized he wasn’t as terrible as I had imagined.

  I opened my mouth, ready to say something, when our pizza arrived. It was a welcomed distraction and my stomach was more than pleased to have something other than alcohol in it.

  We both got dished up and ate in relative silence. Now and then, I would steal a glance at Raoul. He seemed to enjoy his food, and that made me happy for some reason. Maybe it was because I suggested we order pizza and he sat back to let me order basically w
hatever I wanted.

  I took another bite and savored the flavor. I was amazed that this hole in the wall had such good food. The company I had wasn’t so bad either, but now all I could think about was dessert.

  We went back to eating our pizza in silence. Both too busy chowing down to really say much more. When we finished it, a server took the plate away and brought us new drinks.

  “This is my last one,” I announced before taking a sip.

  “Mine too. I might head home after this. People are getting too drunk and will probably start embarrassing themselves,” Raoul said after a glance around the bar.

  I did the same and noticed women sitting in men’s laps, some grinding against others and lots of whispering in ears.

  “I think a few will have a very happy Valentine’s Day,” I remarked.

  Raoul chuckled and took a sip of his drink. “It appears so.”

  “Did you drive here?” I asked curiously.

  “Nah. I took a cab.”

  “Me too. When you head out, I might tag along so we can split the fare.” I realized that I invited myself to go with him. “That is if you don’t mind and had planned ongoing home.”

  Raoul smiled at me and gave a nod. “That was the plan.”

  My heart skipped a few beats.

  Chapter 4


  When we turned onto our street, I noticed Raoul turn his head to look at me. I kept facing forward but watched him from the corner of my eye. I wanted to know what he was thinking.

  The cab driver pulled up in front of my house and I reached into my purse to retrieve my wallet. I was grabbed a few bills, but by the time I was going to hand them over, Raoul had already paid. I gave him a soft smile.

  “Thanks for getting that. You didn’t have to,” I said once we were standing on the sidewalk. The yellow cab drove away, and I glanced back at my house.

  “I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” Raoul put his hand on the back of his head, rubbing the short hair a moment before he smiled. “Would you be interested in coming over? I have a few pictures you might be interested in. We can get another drink and not worry about getting home.”

  I nodded my head before I gave it any thought. The more time I spent with him, the more I felt drawn to him. There was a pull I felt towards him.

  Raoul smiled, reached out and took my hand then led me down the sidewalk to his place. As we approached the door, my heart started to beat rapidly in my chest. I wasn’t nervous to be alone with him in his house. I was excited.

  “Oh wow,” I said in surprise the moment I walked inside. I looked around at all the pictures on the wall, the decorations and the overall concept of a house.

  I never would have thought he would have a home look like the inside of Better Homes & Garden. I’ve seen glimpses of the interior whenever I would come over to ask him to turn down his music, but it was much different to see it up close.

  “Something wrong?” he asked.

  “Oh no,” I chuckled. “I just assumed you had a typical bachelor pad.”

  Raoul smiled. “I’m a little old for empty beer cans with a Guns & Roses poster.”

  “I don’t think kids today know who that is,” I said with a laugh.

  Raoul laughed with me as he took a step closer. I took a deep breath. He took another step. His body was inches from mine and I felt like I was buzzing. The smell of him was intoxicating and my skin was itching for his touch.

  We were supposed to get a drink and look at his pictures but I wanted him to push me against the front door, have his way with me and hopefully disturb the neighbors.

  I didn’t know what was coming over me. I’ve never thought about him like this. The man was extremely handsome. His body firm from working under cars all day. His hair short but long enough for me to grab onto. Those eyes. So mysterious and yet, it felt like he could undress me with them and know exactly what I looked like without me ever having to take a shred of clothing off.

  How did all of these women stand being in front of the camera with him looking at them? I would melt into a puddle and beg him to put me back together with his tongue.

  Get a grip! I scolded myself. Two martinis or was it three… however many I had wasn’t an excuse to be thinking about him like this. This was the guy that kept me from getting my thesis written.

  But…I tried to excuse everything he had done. He was an artist. A soft, sweet, gentle soul with a body that made me want to climb him like a tree.

  We stood there for a minute or two, just looking at each other. His eyes went to my lips and then back to my eyes. My eyes did the same.

  The space between us got smaller before we were standing so close, we were almost touching. I could feel his breath brush against my cheek and I wanted him to do something. The tension was growing so thick, I could cut it with a knife.

  And then, in an instant, Raoul’s lips were against mine. My arms went around his neck and I didn’t hold back from returning his kiss.

  His hands moved to my back, sliding down over my butt and then grabbed my legs. I jumped a little and Raoul pulled me into his arms.

  I barely noticed him heading to the stares as we kissed. I needed him more than I needed anything else.

  We made it to his room where I slid to my feet. Our kiss kept going as we pulled off as much of our clothes as possible. We broke our kiss only long enough for the last few items to be tossed against.

  Raoul pulled me to him, pressing his naked body against mine. I whimpered against his lips. The sensations I was feeling, the firmness of his body, drove me insane.

  He led me over to his bed. Everything was automatic now. I was so lost in him, his kiss and the way he touched me. We made it under the covers and Raoul hovered over me. I pulled him closer to me and he eased himself in.

  “Oh Raoul,” I moaned.

  He moved his hips, and I moaned again. My hands ran over his back and then through his hair. I had to touch him. I had to be close to him. The feeling I had, the love I knew we were making, it wasn’t like anything else I had ever felt before.

  Raoul moved one of my legs and wrapped it around his waist, encouraging him to drive deeper and go harder. Each thrust made me moan.

  We worked together, touching and pulling, thrusting and kissing. I did everything I could to make him feel as I did and sometimes I was consumed by him. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t speak. All I could do was enjoy the pleasure that I felt.

  Our bodies moved as one and I knew that he felt the same way I did when our eyes connected. Things would be different after this. I needed them to be. There was no way I could go back to how it was.

  “You feel so good,” he groaned before kissing a sensitive spot on my neck.

  I clung to him as I wrapped my other leg around his waist. Raoul was going hard and fast, driving himself in deep. I whimpered for him to keep going and he obliged.

  He gave me more, pushing my arousal to new heights until I couldn’t take it anymore. I called out his name as my orgasm shook my body. I kept my arms around him as he moved his hips a few more times and then groaned out as his own release took over.

  Raoul collapsed on top of me, taking a deep breath before he rolled to his side. He pulled me to him as we both tried to calm down.

  “Wow,” I mumbled against his chest.

  “Wow is right,” he replied, rubbing my back.

  We stayed there for the rest of the night, curled up together, and then sleep finally took over.

  Chapter 5

  The Next Day


  I woke up with the sun shining directly in my face. I groaned my complaint and rolled over, reaching my arm out. I discovered that the other side of my bed was empty. Opening my eyes, it was confirmed, I was alone.

  Rolling to my back, I tried to listen to the rest of the house to see if there was anyone else there. Silence.

  I sighed. I should have figured that Hannah left. Part of me wanted to believe that she would stay, but I had a feel
ing that she’d take the first opportunity to leave.

  With my hands resting on my naked chest, I smiled as thoughts of the previous night came back to me. By some miracle, we were at the same charity event and got paired up together. I know fate was involved but my heart was trying not to read too much into it.

  If Hannah didn’t feel the same way, I don’t think I could take the pain if I let myself believe something between us was possible.

  I checked the time and realized that I had to get moving. Even though it was Saturday, I had to prepare for a photoshoot at one of the local parks. When that was over, I had to make my way to the local museum. They were going to put a few of my photographs on display as part of the local artists exhibit. It was a huge honor since I felt like a complete nobody when it came to photography.

  After a quick shower, I got dressed and ready to go. My “to go” bag was already packed and waiting for me by the door. I grabbed it and headed outside.

  As I was locking up, I glanced towards Hannah’s place and saw her leaving as well. My heart ached for a moment and I watched her pull on her doorknob to make sure it was closed.

  “Hey,” I called out, getting her attention.

  She paused for a moment and then finally turned her head to look at me. A smile that I could tell was fake appeared on her face and mine disappeared.

  “Can we talk?” I asked, stepping off my porch and taking a step in her direction.

  “I can’t right now. I’m late for something,” she said. It felt like a lie, but I wasn’t going to call her on it. I gave her a nod and a soft smile.

  “Another time then,” I said. I felt extremely uneasy but decided to leave her alone. There was work for me to do and whatever she might say could set me back mentally and emotionally.

  When I reached my car, I looked over just in time to see her back up and drive away. I sighed to myself and got in my car before heading off to the park.


  It was unusual work on Saturday’s but this was a big push for the company that we had landed a month before. Our first campaign had been running, and we would see if all of our hard work had paid off for the company.


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