by D. N. Carter
“Ali…I do not profess to understand or know what happened last night, but I do know that I will stand by and protect you and our child no matter what comes at us,” he said as he studied her face from the side. She smiled and faced him.
“I know you will. But just remember what your father once told us… that the best things in life are unseen, that is why we close our eyes when we kiss, laugh and dream. I shall keep that in mind always as we cannot see or know what comes next, not even from those parchments,” Alisha replied.
“I remember…but it concerns me that people think our child is to be somehow special…unique and different and that expectations will be placed upon him…and you.”
“Paul…our child is special…to us, and I truly believe we are indeed spiritual beings as our fathers have taught us, so I must trust to that force that seems to be guiding us now. Remember also what they said once? That we are not human beings having a spiritual experience but are in fact spiritual beings having a human experience,” she answered and placed her hand upon his face. “Do as Sister Lucy said last night and worry yourself not, we are in good hands.”
A burst of sunshine lit up a whole section of the small island ahead of them with such a contrasting brilliance, the island reflected a bright white.
“And I feel that it is here that our son shall come into this world,” she said softly looking at the hillside lit up brilliantly.
Paul’s heart almost missed a beat as she said this. He was not ready and despite Tenno’s words last eve about being ready, his mind was flooded with panic as he feared they were in the wrong place, the baby would be too early and what if he were to lose her in childbirth. His mouth went dry and he went to speak but he could not force any words out. He simply stood behind her and put his arms around her.
Tenno appeared by their side and held the railing as he looked ahead at the small harbour. After a few moments standing in silence he looked at Paul.
“Paul…smooth seas do not make experienced sailors. Only rough waters test and teach them. You are both being tested but I shall be your navigator until you are experienced enough to guide yourself,” Tenno stated without blinking. Alisha looked up at him and smiled at his comment.
Theodoric came and stood on the opposite side of Paul and Alisha. He shot Tenno a cursory glance.
“And so I find myself here again in Chorio,” Theodoric said and looked ahead and up at the abrupt rocky hill now drawing nearer. “’Tis the capital of this island of Halki. Up yonder there stands a great and wondrous ancient acropolis. Our Hospitaller friends have designs of setting a large castle upon it. In time I am sure they shall,” Rick explained as he leaned forwards and looked at the crystal clear waters passing beneath the vessel.
“You have been here before?” Alisha asked.
“Yes. A long while ago. I came to help set three chapels and their foundations. Did I not explain this before?”
“Probably,” Paul answered. “But I fear we were too preoccupied with other concerns.”
“I helped set the path that leads to the acropolis at the top where I have sat in the seats of Zeus himself, for their still remains much of the temple to Apollo,” Theodoric smiled as Tenno looked at him and frowned. “’Tis true and I shall show you all. The back side of the hill is rough and its slopes lead to the sea but at the foot of the acropolis, you will now find three small chapels dedicated to the Virgin Mary, to Saint Nicolas and to the Holy Trinity. I can tell you they have been set to reflect three important stars.”
“Then I must see them so I can see just what exactly you got up to whilst away all those years…dead!” Sister Lucy suddenly interrupted as she approached from behind. She stood next to Theodoric and looked at him quizzically.
Paul looked at her expression and he knew that she had a thousand questions to ask of him still. All turned to look starboard at the rows of delightful pretty houses scattered around the picturesque harbourside, fishing boats at anchor with the backdrop of the rugged mountains. Chalki village, called Emborios by those who lived there, was settled around an almost completely enclosed bay, a beautiful, natural harbour of crystal clear, opalescent turquoise water, reflecting the muted pastel shades of the elegant classical buildings that lined the water’s edge, all the way round to the small bell tower of a beautiful Byzantine church. Behind, more houses in various stages of construction, arranged in tiers on the sunbaked hillside rose almost to a ridge, silhouetted against the deepest blue sky as the clouds blew away. In the distance, remnants of the ancient acropolis perched on the far hill were just visible. The harbourside was barely 1200 feet long, and the Genoese sailors ran back and forth shouting orders at each other as they guided the vessel towards the only flat section of sandy beach.
“Listen to me when I say there is more to this island than perhaps one would suspect. That light we all saw last night is nothing compared to some of the lights that appear here. And I was being serious when I said I have sat on the seat of Zeus and Hecate. I will take you there myself this very day if you are all up for a light walk? “Theodoric stated as Tenno still looked at him suspiciously.
With Theodoric’s last comment the front of the Tarida gently slid over the sand of the small beach bringing the vessel to a stop. Within moments the two main ramp doors were unhinged from inside by the knocking loose of the holding pegs and bolts. Alisha leaned forwards as the ramps fell down under control onto the beach.
“I could do with a walk,” she said softly and looked at Theodoric.
The smell of blossom hit Alisha instantly as she began the walk up the side of the old village heading for the ancient acropolis. Theodoric led the way and Sister Lucy had to slow him down as he was going too fast. Paul held Alisha’s arm as Taqi and Tenno followed behind them talking about Tenno’s journeys.
“Did you know that Chalki got its name from the ancient copper workshops that were once here? They used the copper for healing bracelets and the like as the copper was unique,” Theodoric said enthusiastically.
“Is this to be another one of your history lessons?” Tenno asked tersely.
“Of course. Listen and you may learn something,” Theodoric replied as Sister Lucy hit his arm disapprovingly. “You know the Titans, according to Greek mythology, were the first inhabitants of all the surrounding islands. The Pelasgians lived here for a long time, leaving several constructions behind, before they were succeeded by the Carians, the Dorians and later the Phoenicians. Good old Phoenicians, they get everywhere. Aretanassa, the illustrious Queen of Halki, lived here once, before being exiled in Karpathos, where she committed suicide after her husband’s death. And there are in fact the remains of three temples of the god Apollo preserved at the location of Pefkia, further along the coastline. The god was worshipped here with exceptional honours. During the period of the Athenian state, Chalki regularly paid their alliance taxes. In the seventh century it was conquered by the Arabs, until AD 825, when it was liberated. Venetians and Genovians are beginning to arrive nowadays to help with repairs on the ancient acropolis but also to prepare for the new Hospitaller castle that will dominate this island,” Theodoric explained as he half dragged Sister Lucy along.
After a half hour walk, the sun beginning to burn away the earlier cloud cover completely, Theodoric stopped them at a large piece of stonework. It was several feet across and had two recesses cut into it. Alisha took in a deep breath as she smelled the various blossom fragrances that were wafting in on the warm air. The view was stunning as she looked out across the harbour, several Cypress tress dotted here and there. Theodoric sat himself down in the left hand cut out section of stone and beckoned Sister Lucy to sit in the other to his right.
“Last time I was here I never dared dream I would one day again return, let alone with the only woman who ever had my heart,” Theodoric said as he looked at Sister Lucy. She playfully slapped him as she sat herself down. “This is known as the thrones of Zeus and Hecate.”
“’Tis just a block of cut stone,” T
enno remarked dismissively.
Alisha held her hand across her tummy and looked at Tenno and tilted her head and feigned a look of sadness but then smiled at him. Theodoric quickly grasped Sister Lucy’s hand together and looked at her as she squinted her eyes from the sun.
“My Lucy…to love you more than you can understand is an honour. To love you unconditionally is the only way for any of us. To wrap one’s heart around another person’s soul is how we must love, and to give of the heart until it hurts, then give a little more again…for that is love being lived!” Theodoric exclaimed, looking at her intently.
“Theo…honestly. Must you say such things out loud and not in private?” Sister Lucy asked, uncharacteristically embarrassed.
“Yes I must. For I spent far too long in the shadows of our love hiding it. And look where that got us,” he replied.
Alisha squeezed Paul’s hand tightly as sweat began to rivulet down his temples. He clasped the sword next to his thigh and repositioned it further to his rear. Taqi looked at him. puzzled. for a moment as Tenno raised his eyebrows in apparent indignation at Theodoric’s display of affection. Alisha noted the look on Taqi’s face and she quickly looked at Paul, concerned. His face had drained of colour and was a very pale white. His eyes were wide and his pupils extra big.
“Paul…Paul…are you okay?” she asked, alarmed, as he just stood still as if mesmerised. He blinked momentarily before swaying and staggered backwards. “Paul!” Alisha shouted in alarm as he began to fall backwards.
Instantly, Tenno lunged forwards and just caught him as he was about to hit the stone path. Gently he laid him down and shielded his face from the sun as Alisha rushed and knelt beside him. Theodoric jumped up and ran over and knelt opposite Tenno directly as Alisha ran her hand across Paul’s head. She looked at Tenno and Theodoric, alarmed.
“Fear not. ’Tis just the heat. He needs shade, water and some salt I suspect,” Theodoric explained as Tenno held his weight still.
Paul’s eyes began to open slowly and he blinked from the sun sparkling around the three silhouettes surrounding him. He coughed, his throat dry.
“Was a bad idea to walk this far just to see a rock,” Tenno stated and looked at Theodoric.
“Stop arguing you two and pick him up. We need to get him out of the sun and into some shade,” Sister Lucy interrupted.
“There is a small chapel just a short walk further on. We can go there. Taqi, can you run ahead and make sure it is open…please,” Theodoric asked as Taqi stood staring at Paul.
Paul tried to sit up but Tenno held him down. Taqi instantly ran off up the stony track towards a small whitewashed chapel, the small dome of its roof just visible above the ridge. Alisha held Paul’s hand. She looked at Tenno and Theodoric, concerned. Paul started to mumble some words but incoherently. Tenno pushed his arms beneath him and then stood up, in one go lifting Paul off the ground. Theodoric looked at him, bemused, but secretly impressed by his obvious strength. Tenno turned to look where Taqi had gone. Through the haze of the sun, he saw him waving his arms. Immediately Tenno started to walk up the path carrying Paul as Sister Lucy ushered Alisha along as she bit her thumb nail nervously.
When Tenno reached the small square white building covered by a dome, the doors were shut and bolted. A small Cypress tree next to it cast a long shadow on the doorway, a large bell hanging from one of its main branches.
“I was waving to say it was shut,” Taqi explained as he set about trying to ease the metal bolt open but it was stuck fast having not been opened in years. Alisha was getting more concerned as Paul just lay unconscious in Tenno’s arms. Theodoric tried in vain to push the bolts after Taqi but it was not budging. Tenno shook his head in disbelief almost, looked at Theodoric for a moment then stepped forwards still carrying Paul and kicked the door very hard with his right leg, the door bursting open as the hinges holding the bolts sheered off, the door hitting the sides of the entrance and banging back loudly making Alisha and Sister Lucy both jump. Tenno looked at Theodoric and raised an eyebrow. Quickly Theodoric held the door back so Tenno could enter with Paul.
Inside, the small chapel was cool and dark, its windows covered with shutters locked from the inside. Five rows of wooden benches and a single small statuette of a blue-dressed Madonna stood at the end of the chapel. Quickly Tenno laid Paul down on the floor opposite the small altar on the cool stone floor as Alisha rushed to kneel beside him grabbing his hand tightly. Tenno stood up as Sister Lucy knelt the other side.
“We need water for him,” Tenno said as he stood looking down upon Paul.
“Taqi and I shall go and get some,” Theodoric said and ushered Taqi back towards the door.
Paul was dreaming again lucidly, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. He could sense the presence of Alisha but could not see her. This added to the sense of panic he was feeling. He felt sick and could see himself pushing his way through deep snow in the dark. The small voice of a young boy calling out “Father” kept echoing through his ears as well as Alisha calling his name. He had dreamt this so many times before but this time he was nearer the boy. But then he saw himself kneeling face down in the deep snow up to his elbows sobbing uncontrollably. A blonde woman knelt beside him and pulled his chin to make him look at her. Her eyes were a deep blue, far deeper than Alisha’s blue eyes. She stared into his eyes with an intensity he could not look away from. Without speaking actual words he could nevertheless still hear her saying words at him. “You live…and you keep on living…do you understand me?” he heard her say, yet his heart felt ripped out. He heard Alisha calling him in the distance. Frantically he looked around but could only see falling snow.
Alisha looked at Sister Lucy as Paul shook his head from side to side as he lay on the floor. Tenno offered down a padded kneeling cushion to place behind his head. As Alisha lifted Paul’s head to place it beneath him, he opened his eyes instantly fixing upon hers. His eyes were wide and full of panic.
“’Tis okay Paul…’tis okay,” she said softly but with tears welling in her eyes.
“Ali….that dream. I had that damn dream again…where am I?” he asked and tried to sit up.
“No, you lay there for a while. You fainted,” Sister Lucy said and placed her hand upon his chest. She could feel his heart beating very fast as sweat still fell from his forehead. “I do not think this was just a fainting fit from the heat though?” she remarked seeing the rivulets roll down his temples.
“Is it a fever?” Alisha asked instantly.
“No…I am not sure what this is. But his skin is neither clammy nor burning up…just sweat,” she replied and sat back upon her heels on the floor.
“Ali…that dream. The one with the boy. Was so real and…and there was this woman,” Paul exclaimed as he held her hands tighter.
Tenno frowned, puzzled. He walked over to the end window behind the altar and started to unbolt the wooden shutter. As he opened it, a breeze instantly blew through it and over Paul, Alisha and Sister Lucy and out through the main door. The breeze hit the bell that hung in the tree causing it to clang and ring out. Paul forced himself to sit up, looked at Alisha, her eyes darting from side to side searching his. He pulled her close and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around him and they sat like that for some moments, their eyes closed just holding each other as Sister Lucy and Tenno looked at each other, puzzled. Tenno sighed heavily not sure what to make of it.
Alisha held Paul for several minutes before he felt strong enough to stand. Tenno helped him to his feet and led him to the nearest bench. As he sat with his head resting upon his hands, still feeling sick and light headed, he looked up at Alisha stood before the small altar, her hands placed across her tummy. Suddenly her eyes widened with a look of shock but she let out a small laugh instead.
“Oh my! Oh my!” she said, half smiling but looking tense as she held her tummy tighter with her left arm and bent her knees slightly whilst grabbing the altar with her right hand.
Paul stood up quickly but just as quickly fell back onto the bench.
“What is it?” Sister Lucy asked as she moved to help her.
Paul looked at Alisha, worried, as liquid spread out on the floor next to her feet. She doubled over in pain but laughed nervously. Tenno looked at the water as it began to spread out in an ever larger puddle.
“Quickly, Tenno…her waters have broken,” Sister Lucy said and helped Alisha to sit down.
Paul tried to stand up again but Tenno held him still with his hand upon his shoulder. Alisha let out a slight yelp and knelt down, squeezing Sister Lucy’s arm tightly as her legs almost gave way beneath her. She looked at Paul.
“Our baby…he is coming,” she said excitedly but anxious.
Taqi came running through the door carrying a small leather water bottle. He rushed down the small aisle and looked at Paul then Alisha perplexed.
“So who gets this?” he asked, short of breath.
Paul pointed to Alisha but she waved him no as she sat herself down on the hard floor, Sister Lucy moving to kneel down behind her and easing Alisha to lean back against her. Paul shuffled himself off the bench and crawled on all fours to Alisha outstretching his hand for hers. Nervously and shaking, she grabbed his hand hard. Paul moved himself to part lie beside her.
2 – 9
“Well?” Taqi asked again puzzled.
“Taqi, go back to the ship. Get my large travel satchel…the light coloured one. Notify the captain to get Adrastos up here so we can get these two back. But I need my bag now!” Sister Lucy ordered as Alisha grimaced in pain.