by D. N. Carter
Paul immediately felt at ease again with him. Tenno sighed deeply and Paul knew that many things played upon his mind still.
“Is there anything that I can do that will help?” Paul asked just as another flash of lightning lit the night sky.
“What is it?”
“Live…just live and live fully for as long as you can as if every day was your very last.”
“Oh,” Paul said surprised.
“I vowed I would get you and your new family to Alexandria alive and safely. And that is just what I shall do.”
“But Tenno, I know you have a family of your own…surely they must take priority now…especially as we shall cross the silk trade routes and the many caravans that could take you home. Imagine the amazing reception you would get,” Paul commented.
Tenno just stared forwards for several minutes in silence before turning to look at Paul. Even in the dark of the night, he could see and tangibly sense the ache within Tenno for his own family.
“My family think of me as long since departed this world, young Paul. My sons and my daughter have grieved heavily for me years past now. Would it be fair to suddenly reappear only to depart this world again and make them suffer twice?” Tenno explained.
“Of course it is. If it was my father and I thought him dead, I would give everything to see him again, even if only to say goodbye properly,” Paul answered.
“No…my wife is no longer my wife. My children are well looked after. That is enough for me to know to be able to bear the burden that weighs heavy in my soul. It gives me some small measure of comfort,” Tenno explained sadly and slightly bowed his head and closed his eyes.
Paul’s mind raced as he struggled to find any words of comfort and reassurance, but he could not think of any. He pondered how he would react if he were in Tenno’s position. He told himself that no matter how long, he would make sure he got back to Alisha and Arri. He would not be able to stay away. Tenno looked up and opened his eyes again as he turned to face Paul.
“You do not agree or understand my reasons…but understand this, my love for my family only grows and I have to put aside my own selfish desires and wishes for their sakes. I consulted my divination bones and I have meditated long upon this. Just like when we pass over and are reborn to a new life…that is all that has happened to me now save for my actual dying. My path now lies where you go. You are now my family,” Tenno said, his eyes red with tiredness. He looked at Paul intently for several moments before standing up. “That is of course if you will accept me?”
Paul looked up at Tenno. This huge rock of a man clearly had a sensitive and soft side. Paul suddenly felt overwhelmed by the fact that he now seemed to have the responsibility of Tenno’s whole life upon his shoulders.
“I…we…we would be proud and honoured to consider you family,” Paul part blurted out and coughed, his throat dry, and he recalled Theodoric’s same promise.
“The honour is mine alone. This is good news for me to hear,” Tenno remarked and bowed his head briefly. “I have many maps and knowledge I would also be honoured to pass on to you…if you are willing to learn?”
“Yes, I would love to learn from you,” Paul answered and stood up to face Tenno.
Tenno leaned forwards so he was level with Paul and placed his right hand upon Paul’s shoulder and looked him in the eye just as Theodoric ran across the open track towards them, the rain easing slightly.
“Then we have much to do. And I will show you how to use this,” Tenno said pointing to his head, “before using this,” he continued, placing his hand upon his main sword. “A true master warrior knows that he is only truly a ‘Master Warrior’ when he can put his weapons aside,” Tenno concluded just as Theodoric ran beneath their cover, slipped backwards and landed flat upon his back in a muddy puddle. Tenno just looked down at him, raised an eyebrow and stood up straight.
Paul offered Theodoric his hand but he waved it aside and turned in the puddle onto his knees and then stood up next to Tenno. He looked up at Tenno as their faces both lit up as lightning flashed again.
“Well that did not quite go to plan,” Theodoric smiled, brushing himself down.
“Does anything you do go to plan…ever?” Tenno remarked, looked at Paul and nodded and simply stepped out from under the cover and walked away into the darkness of the trees.
“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Theodoric commented as he watched Tenno vanish in a haze of rain in the darkness.
Paul laughed at Theodoric’s comment but he was also concerned at the obvious tension between the two of them, plus their natural competitiveness against each other. Paul hoped this would not cause them problems later on. As the rain began to fall heavily again, Paul looked to where Tenno had gone and sighed. He admired him enormously but also felt terribly sad for him. He wondered how Tenno’s oracle bones could have told him about his family. Paul’s mind was jolted back from his thoughts as Theodoric slapped his arm.
“Come…I must get out of these wet clothes or I will not be travelling far with you all,” he laughed and began to run back towards the caravan.
Paul looked once more in the direction of where Tenno had gone, then quickly followed after Theodoric. Taqi was laughing and joking with two Templars around the fire about some street in Jerusalem.
Paul caught up with Theodoric at the caravan as he was still brushing off mud from his white tunic. Paul stepped past him and leaned up ready to open the door when he heard Alisha and Sister Lucy laughing as Princess Stephanie was speaking. He paused briefly as he listened.
“My Lord no…the very first time, it felt like a whole tree log was being inserted. All blood, sweat and other bodily fluids. Nothing remotely romantic about it,” she explained and joined the laughter.
Puzzled, Paul knocked on the door before opening it and peered inside to see all three of them almost crying with laughter, Arri still being held by Princess Stephanie sound asleep. Alisha waved at Paul, her eyes streaming with tears of laughter. Quickly Paul ushered Theodoric to get inside and stepped aside to allow him in.
Paul shut the door as Theodoric awkwardly stood crouching whilst trying to remove his wet mud covered overtunic. Sister Lucy stood up to assist him, still laughing. Paul was pleased to see Alisha laughing so much as he moved to sit next to her. Princess Stephanie caught his eye. In the dim light of the two lanthorns she looked far younger than her thirty-three years, he immediately thought.
Theodoric bent down as Sister Lucy began to pull his overtunic over his head. As she pulled it, it also pulled up his under garment revealing a large wing shaped type of blue tattoo upon his back stretching across his shoulders with a red shield above. Both Alisha and Paul looked at it as Sister Lucy struggled to pull the wet overtunic off, Theodoric mumbling beneath it as Sister Lucy laughed even more. She fell backwards as the tunic finally came off and landed upon the side bench. Theodoric stood up straight and pulled his undergarment down but it too was wet. He unbuttoned it and looked at Paul.
“Do you have a top I may cover myself with, please?” he asked. “I would hate to inflict the site of my ungainly and hideous old frame upon your eyes this hour,” he joked.
Paul stood up and reached towards one of the locker cupboards nearest to him and pulled out a white cape shirt.
“Here, this should fit you. ’Tis one of Taqi’s…I am sure he will not mind. But I am most interested in seeing that pattern you have upon your back,” Paul remarked as he threw the cape across the table, Theodoric catching it.
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“Oh…you saw that did you?” Theodoric asked.
“Oh no please. Do not ask him what it means or how he got it or we shall be awake all night,” Sister Lucy exclaimed as she rolled up Theodoric’s overtunic.
“Fear not, I have long since ceased explaining what it is and means,” Theodoric replied as he quickly took off his wet shirt.
“Please, can we see it again?” Paul asked.
Theodoric hesitat
ed and looked at Sister Lucy then Princess Stephanie, who nodded he should. Slowly Theodoric turned to show his back. Despite his age, it was evident he still exercised as his body was still toned despite his earlier remarks. Alisha had stopped laughing now and was gently wiping her eyes when she looked up. She stood up and leaned nearer to view the large tattoo. It was mainly blue depicting what at first looked like a pair of wings but was in fact two tree branches formed to look like two wings. On closer inspection Paul noticed the main branch sections were done in a crimson red and black that revealed the shape of two females, one on either side, and a small red and yellow shield image above it.
“I have never seen a tattoo in blue ink before,” Paul remarked.
“Where did you get this done?” Alisha asked.
Theodoric quickly pulled on Taqi’s shirt and sat down before answering as Alisha and Paul also sat back down. Theodoric looked at Sister Lucy. She simply nodded at him he should explain.
“It was a long long time ago…I had this done by what some call Druids whilst I travelled the Emerald Isles,” Theodoric started to explain.
“Emerald Isles?” Alisha said puzzled and frowned.
“Yes…Ireland. Northern Uí Néill to be precise…but also I went on to Tara. I was on a fact finding mission to gather knowledge…and maps from Vikings in the area whom I had cause to deal with. They had taken much from the former high kings of Ireland that I required. I was after a manuscript titled the ‘The Annals of the Four Masters’. I was also after information, maps and lodestone devices that always point north. I am sure Niccolas, Lord rest his soul, must have shown you several more updated versions he had in his possession?”
“Yes he did show me a device or two,” Paul answered. “But what does the tattoo mean?”
“Did Niccolas not educate you on the Dara knots, the oak tree symbolism and Mother Earth Goddess symbolism?”
“He did…but I do not see the connection to your tattoo.”
“Then perhaps at the risk of sounding rude, we must wait a while longer before I fully explain it until you understand the mysteries that surround it,” Theodoric explained and feigned a look of discouragement.
“Oh really, Theo, you do tease,” Sister Lucy remarked as she sat down next to him placing his wet overtunic next to her on the bench.
“I do not tease, I simply guard what I tell people…for their own good, believe me on that point.”
“Please do tell us something at least about it,” Stephanie asked as she gently rocked Arri.
Theodoric paused for a few moments as he thought of a response. He sat back and folded his arms.
“All I can tell you is that much of the history in the Emerald Isles is derived from travellers who arrived from both Egypt and an even far more ancient land now long since lost. They were the ones who built the dolmens and standing stones you will find all across our known world…and further. I was taught and shown how the stones hold knowledge, and can heal.”
“Is that why you were at the stone cairn when we met you?” Alisha asked as she sat forwards intrigued.
“’Twas indeed. Look at the effect it had upon you whilst you were in its vicinity and influence.” Alisha looked at Paul as they recalled the events. “Imagine if you could harness and control that kind of energy?” Theodoric commented.
“Theo…remember what happened last time you tried that?” Sister Lucy interrupted and frowned. Theodoric looked at her before turning back to Alisha and Paul.
“Symbols have a very real affect upon the world we live in. The one on my back was put there by a very wise and extremely old man.”
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“A Druid?” Paul asked.
“Sort of…but not in the sense we are most familiar with shall I say. And as Luce just said, the last time I tried to impart ancient knowledge and wisdom from antiquity, I was accused of being a pagan, preaching heresy and was almost burnt at the stake.”
“I have heard this tale before,” Stephanie said as Arri stretched out his little arm and yawned. “Was it not some white sorceress who stepped in and saved you?”
“Alix…yes. Though she was no white witch for in truth there is no such thing as a black or white witch. Both can harness and use the natural forces of nature…for good or evil. That is purely down to the individual to use or abuse the power at hand,” Theodoric explained as lightning flashed out again shortly followed by a deep low rumble.
“The storm is moving away,” Sister Lucy commented as she looked upwards at the roof of the caravan.
“I have always loved the name Alix,” Princess Stephanie commented.
“Well when you next have a daughter, you can call her Alix,” Theodoric replied and winked.
“But I carry a boy you said yesterday.”
“That you do indeed…but a girl you shall also have,” Theodoric replied with a smile. “And you too also,” he remarked as he looked at Alisha.
“Me…I have only just given birth. I have no intention of having another just yet,” Alisha replied and laughed.
“But you shall.”
“Theo…do not do that with people. You know how it can mess with people’s minds,” Sister Lucy stated and gently swiped his arm with her hand.
“You still have that famous foresight I recall you so often used,” Stephanie remarked as she started to lean over the table to pass Arri back to Alisha as he was stirring.
“Sometimes. I try not to use it these days.”
“So when we first met, did you know then that we would meet again?” Paul asked Theodoric quizzically.
“Honestly, no I did not. But I saw much potential in you. You have the blood of the ancients in your veins…as do you,” he replied turning to look at Alisha. “And to have two parents with the same blood of the ancients is truly rare.”
“Rare…but not dangerous I hope?” Alisha exclaimed as she took Arri and sat down with him cradling him protectively.
Theodoric paused before answering, which unsettled Alisha.
“Only dangerous by what others may think and try to do to you,” Theodoric finally answered. Sister Lucy immediately hit his arm hard.
“Theo! For Lord’s sake…you will scare the pair of them,” she remarked shaking her head.
“I keep saying…and will keep saying…’tis best they know the truth… sooner rather than later. Be always upon your guard for there are many out there who would wish to see your lines ended…forever!”
“Theo…honestly. Ignore him,” Sister Lucy said, annoyed.
“Luce…I love you more than my own miserable life is worth, but these two must be made aware of the very real dangers they may face. I made that mistake once before of shielding the very people I loved the most from the truth thinking it would help them…and look what happened.”
Sister Lucy went to reply but hesitated and shrunk back upon her seat in silence. Alisha looked at Paul, concerned, as he squeezed her hand reassuringly.
“How does simply having a certain type of blood make any difference?” Alisha asked.
“That I cannot answer exactly…but I can say that we know there are several different types of blood that flows in the veins of different peoples. One in particular seems to have a connection that can directly influence the material world we live on and see…and those that we cannot see. In time mankind will again rediscover this, but I learned it from ancient manuscripts and the wise old man I mentioned earlier,” Theodoric explained.
“Does this somehow make us different bad, or different good or special… or what?” Paul asked, perplexed, as he then looked at Arri.
“To a degree yes…good that is! Not special, exceptional perhaps, as we are all uniquely special, but different in being able to tap in and access feelings, emotions and even thoughts of both people and the earth itself. It can be a gift or a curse depending upon how you use it. Arri having been born of parents both with that blood will be pure and so much more intuitive and able to access and utilise his abilities fully. We all can to a poi
nt, even those without the same pure blood of the ancients, but it takes so much more self discipline and training. Also, the blood acts as some kind of signature marker that certain tools, weapons even of antiquity, can recognise and allow the person to use them. The blood somehow attracts energy from the paths of the dragons,” Theodoric explained.
“Dragons?” Alisha said, puzzled again.
“Yes…but not as most people understand dragons of myth and St George. Dragons are a symbol that represents a very real phenomenon and an energy system that covers our world,” Theodoric explained.
“We have many days’ journey ahead of us. Plenty of time for you to educate them of what they need to know,” Stephanie said softly, seeing and sensing the concern in Alisha and Paul. “I think it is time I retire. We have many miles to cover tomorrow. It is a long arduous stretch.”
Theodoric looked at Princess Stephanie then Alisha and Paul in turn. He nodded in agreement with her.
Paul awoke to the sounds of Theodoric snoring, his arm wrapped around Sister Lucy as they balanced themselves upon the bench covered in blankets. He had no idea where Tenno and Taqi had slept the night. The storm had finally ceased in the early hours. Arri had woken for his feed and thankfully gone back to sleep almost at once much to their relief. Paul looked at Alisha as she lay asleep next to Arri on the main bunk. Gently and quietly he eased himself down from the bunk. Many thoughts were still running through his head on what Theodoric had said the night before. He looked at his sword hanging next to the bunk. ‘Perhaps I had better get used to wearing this’ he thought to himself and took it down and began to tie the belt around his waist.
Outside the sun was shining brightly causing him to squint as he stepped down from the caravan. The main track was awash with puddles reflecting the sunlight. He looked to see if he could see Taqi and Tenno but could not. All the knights from both Orders and several other Confrere Knights were lacing themselves up in full armour. Several bowmen were stringing their bows. Prior to now, the bowmen had left them unstrung to maintain the tension within their actual bows and strings, plus the knights had travelled in light armour only, the remainder of their equipment being carried on pack horses. Paul turned around as he heard footsteps run towards him from behind. It was Taqi.