by D. N. Carter
Paul was shrouded in darkness. He outstretched his hands to feel in the inky blackness. He banged his foot down and could feel he was standing upon firm but dusty ground. Quickly he felt for his sword. It was not with him.
“Paul!” he heard Alisha call out but sounding happy.
Puzzled he turned around. In the far off distance he was just able to make out a tiny pinprick of light sparkle like a little star. Instantly he started to run towards it. Several times his feet hit rocks or stones and he fell. As he was forced to slow down and walk across what felt like the rubble of a ruined building, he stumbled nearer to the light. When he got closer he started to make out the silhouette of a woman as light danced all around her. Her long flowing dress was an almost luminescent blue and purple. The female raised her hands as if playing with the light. Only when Paul was almost upon her did she turn and look in his direction. It was then that he saw it was in fact Alisha. She smiled beautifully at him and beckoned him nearer.
“Ali…what is this?” he asked, confused, as he took hold of her outstretched hand.
As soon as Paul held her hand, huge beams of sunlight suddenly cascaded down from up above to their left through what appeared to be large holes in the roof of a ruined cathedral.
“Is it not truly amazing and beautiful, Paul?” Alisha asked softly and smiled, pulling him close to stand by her side.
Alisha’s face lit up and appeared to almost glow as the light fell upon her. She smiled broadly and looked up and then around as more and more detail of the inside of a large cathedral type structure started to be revealed out of the darkness. As more light shone, both Paul and Alisha looked on in awe. Huge stone columns and buttresses seemed to soar to unbelievable heights but they were surrounded, almost strangled, by large vines and branches of different trees. Another even brighter light then pulled their attention to the far end of the huge cathedral interior as it shone through the biggest rose window they had ever seen, sending off a full spectrum of rainbow colours.
“Ali…what is this? Is this real…or are we dreaming this?” Paul asked as he held her tightly.
“We must be dreaming…but how can we both be dreaming this…at the same time? ’Tis not possible surely,” Alisha replied but carried on looking around in utter wonder.
Leaves began to fall gently with blossom flowers and they could both smell a scented fragrance. As they looked up at the part collapsed vaulted ceiling, both felt overwhelmed by a sense of peace and calm and a silence unlike anything they had ever experienced. Suddenly but slowly, the old vines started to recede down the buttresses and columns, the broken parts of the walls and roof started to reappear as repaired just as the multi coloured lights streaming through the large round rose window grew ever brighter. Alisha held onto Paul and squeezed his hand tightly as the vines began to wither and die to reveal even more white stone columns. Alisha looked at Paul intently.
“This cannot be a dream,” she smiled and looked incredibly happy.
The light grew more intense until they could no longer see any of the cathedral or trees nor vines. They both stood surrounded by pure white light and nothing else.
“Are we dead?” Paul asked.
Alisha’s face changed to one of alarm.
“Arri,” she called out.
Paul jumped and tried to move upon the bench but Alisha was still on top of him. She suddenly let out a cry and sat up fast holding her chest in panic, her eyes wide with fear.
“Arri…Paul, where is Arri?” she asked, alarmed, and jumped to her feet and frantically looked around the caravan.
Quickly Paul stood up, felt dizzy, but managed to grasp Alisha’s arm.
“Where is he?” she almost cried as tears began to well in her eyes.
“Theo has him. It is okay; do you not recall he took her?” Paul explained, still feeling dizzy.
Alisha looked at him as the colour in his face drained suddenly and he fell backwards into the bench seat. Quickly she sat next to him and held both his hands as his eyes struggled to focus through the black and white shapes that shot across his vision.
“Paul…Paul…are you hurt?” she asked concerned.
Slowly Paul began to see again properly and focus upon her.
“Yes…I think so. Ali, Arri is with Theo…do you not remember?” he asked as he shook his head clear.
“No I do not.” She paused as she recalled her dream. “Paul…I just dreamt…dreamt that you and I were in…in,” she hesitated.
“A huge cathedral?”
Fig 26:
Alisha looked at him puzzled and alarmed at the same time.
“Yes,” she replied in a dry whisper.
“Was it a dream?” Paul asked as he sat up straight and looked into her eyes as the caravan rocked gently as it travelled along one of the better roads in the region.
“I want Arri back now…and please…do not let him leave us again,” Alisha said as she stood to open the small door. “And we shall talk more on this…this dream, whatever it was, later,” she finished as she opened the door and stepped out before Paul could say any more.
Paul felt himself fall backwards against the bench as his vision again blurred, his head spinning inside. He raised his arm to reach out for Alisha and he tried to call her name but no words came out. He fainted and collapsed on the bench. Paul could hear someone calling him but he could not see anything. What was happening to him, he wondered, frantically trying to orientate himself.
“Paul.” He suddenly heard his name being called out by Firgany. “Paul…do not be afraid. Know that I am here and will be here for them.”
“Paul!” Theodoric said loudly filling his ears with noise and a high pitched whistle at the same time.
Paul could smell something strong and tried to wave away what he thought was smoke. He blinked and tried to open his eyes but could see only darkness. His heart began to beat faster and harder as he felt hands touching him. Then as his eyes began to register light, he could see the outline of a man’s face but it was blurred.
“Take heart…for I am with them always,” Firgany said.
Paul opened his eyes fully and tried to sit up as the face looked down at him. Paul became aware that he was lying upon sheets in a wide comfortable bed but he was being held down.
“Paul…it is okay,” Alisha whispered softly to him.
As her words registered, Paul tried to sit up again as his vision cleared. It was Theodoric he was looking at directly who was holding him down and Alisha to his right waving a small incense bowl near to him smoking off some scented oil to wake him. He was inside Princess Stephanie’s caravan. Sister Lucy and Princess Stephanie were standing to his left looking on, concerned. Through the windows he could see it was early evening from the orange and crimson hues of the sky.
“How am I here?” Paul asked, alarmed, and tried to sit up.
“Stay where you are. You collapsed,” Theodoric explained quietly.
“We are not moving. How long have I been like this?”
“Paul…Tenno went to fetch you when we arrived here…and found you unconscious,” Alisha explained softly and held his hand. “And that was four hours ago. I left you alone an hour before that to fetch Arri…and he is fine,” she smiled, trying to reassure him, seeing the obvious confusion in his face.
“Where is here?” Paul asked and again tried to sit up but his arms were weak and he could hardly move.
“Kizkalesi Castle,” Alisha answered as Taqi moved to stand in his view.
“You were lucky. You got spared the history lesson on the way down,” he joked.
Paul looked down himself. He had been changed into an undergown for bed and washed.
“’Twas me and Sister Lucy,” Alisha smiled.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before,” Sister Lucy commented, grinning, as Princess Stephanie raised an eyebrow and smiled at him.
“I do not understand. You left the caravan…and I fell backwards. But that was just moments ago!” Paul exclaimed confused. �
�And Firgany… your father…he…he…”
“Five hours, brother. Five hours you have been out of it,” Taqi explained and folded his arms.
“What about my father?” Alisha asked, concerned, wiping sweat from his brow.
“I heard him. He spoke to me.”
Taqi looked at Alisha and frowned as Theodoric stood up and released his grip on Paul’s arms.
“Paul. You were delirious saying many things whilst asleep. You have a fever. The mind can play tricks when one is poorly. We checked you over. You have a small cut where the arrow that pierced Tara struck you also. ’Tis a little infected. Fear not, we have treated it…but it could be the cause of your infection,” Theodoric explained.
“Would it make two people dream the same dream together?” Paul asked and forced himself to sit up. Alisha struggled to assist him as Sister Lucy placed a large pillow behind him.
Theodoric looked at him then Alisha and then at Sister Lucy.
“You dreamt the same dream?” he asked Paul and Alisha.
“Not the same dream…we shared one…at the same time,” Alisha replied as Sister Lucy looked at Theodoric and Princess Stephanie in turn. “But I am not unwell.”
“That’s because women are stronger,” Sister Lucy stated and shrugged her shoulders and smiled.
Paul noticed the serious look Theodoric exchanged with Sister Lucy as if they knew something.
“You need to rest. You shall remain here and that is an order…by Stephanie. Is that understood?” Theodoric said as Princess Stephanie nodded it was so. “As for your dream…we shall have to talk more on that later.”
“Where is Arri?” Paul asked, alarmed.
Almost instantly, the caravan side door swung aside as Brother Matthew unbolted it and opened it to reveal Tenno stood holding Arri, cradling and rocking him gently.
“Arri seems to drop off instantly as soon as Tenno holds him,” Alisha commented with a reassuring smile and squeezed Paul’s hand.
“Five minutes in his company is enough to send anyone to sleep,” Theodoric joked quietly.
Tenno almost smiled as he stepped up inside, stooping so as not to bang his head on the roof.
Paul relaxed back into the large pillow, sighed briefly and closed his eyes. Instantly he fell asleep again. Alisha kissed his hand and held it against her face as Tenno nodded at her. Theodoric guarded his look of concern as Sister Lucy looked back at him in the same manner. Princess Stephanie saw this and knew there was more to Paul’s apparent illness.
Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191
“Please…I do not wish to doubt you or offend you, but I find it difficult to believe that two people can share the same dream,” the farrier remarked.
“I wanted to hear the history lesson from Theodoric…well…you explaining as him of course,” Simon interrupted.
“About what?” the old man asked.
“Well…this Kalkakalazy Castle whatever it is called,” the farrier replied and smiled knowing he had pronounced it wrong.
“Kizkalesi Castle,” the old man corrected and laughed slightly. “I can tell you more of the castle if you wish. And its effect upon Paul…for the whole area had an effect upon him…physically as well as mentally.”
“How so? I mean how can the land have an effect upon someone?” Ayleth asked, confused.
“Believe me when I say it can…and it does. ’Tis what our ancient forefathers knew only too well. ’Tis why we find those dolmens and standing stones across the world,” the old man explained and sat back in his chair for a moment. “I could tell you now that Paul had a previous connection to the whole area…but a very long time ago.”
“As in a previous life you mean…like he saw in his dreams?” Gabirol commented.
“Yes…exactly that. Coupled with his body’s reaction to using the sword,” the old man explained as he looked at the sword.
“Nope…sorry I don’t believe that part,” the farrier retorted dismissively.
“You do not have to believe it for it not to still be true. But let us not dwell upon that point too long. And if you wish, I am more than happy to explain about the castles,” the old man answered quietly.
“Aye…why not as we have time on our side this day, it being a Saturday,” the Templar stated and looked at the others for their agreement. As they all nodded yes, the old man closed his eyes briefly before continuing.
“But just for you, Master Farrier…I would ask you to ponder this. Know what you want, ask the right questions and don’t allow others to limit your horizons. Also, don’t harm anyone or take revenge on those who harm you for the universe will settle things without you having to lift a finger.”
“What? I do not even know what universe means,” the farrier replied and shook his head.
“No matter, your mind will still understand in its own time,” the old man commented and paused to check his drink. “The old name of the island where Paul found himself staying was originally Crambusa. Kizkalesi Castle itself was often called the Maiden’s Castle, also known as Deniz kalesi, and is situated on a small island literally a few hundred feet offshore, 950 feet to be exact. Korykos Castle is opposite but on the mainland. From Kizkalesi Paul’s caravan would head for Tarsus…which according to orthodox history is where St Paul was born…apparently.”
“Why do you say apparently?” Simon asked.
“Because as I said earlier, there are some who claim that Paul and Jesus were in fact one and the same person. It is why Paul was recognised in Jerusalem and granted audiences. But that is for later,” he paused. “From Tarsus the caravan route was planned to take them on through Antakya, or Antioch as it is known these days, in Syria on the border where followers of Jesus were first called Christians. But as for Kizkalesi Castle, the total area of the island is about 160,000 square feet and the castle covers most of this area. The island was once used as a base for pirates in antiquity, but the actual castle was commissioned by Alexios I Komnenos of the Byzantine Empire after the First Crusade. It is presently in need of repair and that is why the Templars wished to stay there in order to assess it. But also because it afforded them greater protection to rest up for a couple of days before the really hard part of their journey would begin. But…a long long time ago…there was once a great building on the island…the very last remnants from a great empire that has long since faded into the mists of time. Much of the building material of that former building was used to build Kizkalesi. But stone can hold memories…and Paul picked up on that. It was the place where he had last stood as he had seen within his dreams.”
“Truly?” the farrier asked.
The old man paused as he just looked at the sword without blinking for several minutes as they all sat patiently before he continued. “Truly…Now the total length of the rampart is 630 feet with the south and the west walls being perpendicular to each other. The north and east sides are surrounded by a curved rampart. The main gate is on the north side and there is a minor gate and a gallery on the west side. There are eight bastions each with a unique shape. That may mean nothing to you all here…but it does have great relevance and is directly connected with the legend of Kizkalesi.”
“Oh great…I just knew there would be a legend about it,” Simon said excitedly and rubbed his hands together gleefully.
“Are you taking the piss?” the Genoese sailor remarked, looking at Simon hard. “There is a legend for I have been told it many times myself.”
“No…no I am not. I am eager to hear,” Simon replied, still smiling disarmingly at everyone.
“According to the ‘legend’ of Kizkalesi, a fortune teller told the king that his beautiful daughter would be poisoned by a snake. Just remember the snake symbolises knowledge… He adds that even the king is unable to change her fate. Shocked by the fortune teller’s words, the king tried to change her fate by building a castle on an island where no snakes lived. He sent his daughter to live in the castle. But a snake hid in a fruit basket, though so
me say grape basket and even a basket full of apples, sent from the mainland and it poisoned her, killing her. The castle on shore, which is the Korykos one, was originally built by the Romans as an entrance to the sea but Kizkalesi, the Maiden’s Castle, was actually designed in 1104 by the Byzantine admiral Eustathious. It is located on the small island at the entrance to the harbour. It is connected to the mainland by a land bridge. Here, you can find watch towers on its walls, a reservoir and in the courtyard you will see a Byzantine basilica.”
“And this place had an effect upon Paul somehow you say?” Gabirol asked.
“Yes. Just as his father Philip had experienced himself when he visited Scotia. When you are bound to the land, connected to it on a level few will ever understand for another thousand years at least, only then can you start to comprehend the very real effect that we, as a people, have upon the land also. It is a two way power. The ancients and some Druids knew this,” the old man explained.
“Huh…can we stop wars then…and disease?” Peter asked.
“Yes. Yes we can is the very simple answer. If enough people believe in something and want it and pray for it, they by their very actions can cause it to be so,” the old man replied. “I do not expect you to believe that now…but perhaps by the end of what I tell, you may just go away with a different understanding.”
“So why did Paul’s father, Philip, not go with them? I mean what work could be so important to warrant him leaving them after Firgany was killed? I do not understand that part…and his connection with England and Scotia,” the Hospitaller asked.