by D. N. Carter
The high pitched whine and sound of distant singing stopped. All stood still where they were as an eerie silence descended upon the area as dust swirled around everyone. After a minute, a horse snorted again and people began to cough and call out. Paul checked Alisha and Arri were okay, dust covering them. Arri coughed as Alisha wiped dust from around his eyes and lips. Paul could taste the dust upon his own lips. Princess Stephanie looked up and outstretched her hand for Paul to help her up. As Paul grabbed her hand, Tenno released his grip around them so he could move.
“Anyone hurt?” Theodoric called out.
Brother Matthew ran past Paul towards Princess Stephanie’s destroyed caravan not even recognising her as he rushed by. She looked at Paul and frowned. She was covered in a fine powdered dust.
“I think we shall all be requiring a wash after this,” she laughed and began to brush herself down as Sister Lucy helped her. Both looked at the remains of caravan. “Now how shall I travel?”
Guy and Balian, attended by the two riders who had arrived the previous day, walked up close to Paul and Princess Stephanie.
“My lady…’tis good to see you are unharmed,” Guy said as he eyed her up and down.
“I shall source you a replacement caravan. We have two more days here before we depart,” Balian explained as he offered Princess Stephanie a cape to put around her exposed shoulders.
“You okay?” Paul asked Alisha as she looked around shaking her head as the dust cloud started to settle revealing what looked like ghostly figures everywhere. The knights were all covered in the dust.
“Whilst any remnants from my caravan are recovered, I shall partake in a swim in the sea to clean off this mess,” Stephanie commented.
“That is perhaps not wise. Sometimes after quakes like this, the sea can behave unpredictably, My Lady,” Guy explained.
Princess Stephanie looked at Theodoric and raised her eyebrows as if to ask his opinion. Tenno looked at her then Theodoric. Tenno looked even stranger than usual as his entire black outfit and armour was now a pale sandy colour all over from the dust, including his face.
“Guy speaks correct. However…with those sounds…’tis not a usual quake. I think that was a deeper event and why the noise. ’Tis not the first time I have heard that noise,” Theodoric explained as he clasped Sister Lucy’s fingers in his.
“’Twas indeed a strange noise. Sounded almost like singing,” Guy remarked as he looked about at the other knights, now all indistinguishable from each other covered in the dust.
“A choir of angels no less…to protect us…from people like her,” a voice spoke out from amongst the gathering pilgrims group as they all stepped nearer.
Paul shot a look of alarm at Theodoric as Tenno stepped closer to him and Alisha, his hand upon his sword already. A tall and skinny pilgrim stepped forwards, pushed back his large hat and pointed his wooden staff at Alisha waving it as he did.
“Her…the Muslim sorceress who beguiles you all. Even her own people would whip her and then stone her to death for marrying a Christian… she is the cause of this…’tis God’s will!” the pilgrim shouted.
Theodoric rolled his eyes in mock despair. Paul clutched Alisha’s hand tighter and readied his sword. Immediately he could feel a pulse surge through his hand and fingers as he grasped the handle. Alisha pulled Arri to her chest tighter, concerned. Princess Stephanie walked over towards the tall pilgrim and stopped just in front of him and looked him up and down. She shook her head.
“Are you heading for Jerusalem or returning?” she asked him, her tone clipped.
“Heading, My Lady,” he replied courteously.
“Then may I suggest you head back. Jerusalem has little need of people with your narrow mindlessness,” she stated.
“My Lady…you know I cannot do that for I have taken the pledge and sworn the oath. And your words just prove that she,” he replied, pointing again with his staff towards Alisha, “has poisoned your mind and influenced it with the power of the Devil,” he sneered.
Paul stood in front of Alisha as Tenno stood behind them. Taqi moved forwards near to Princess Stephanie as Guy and Balian listened.
“The only evil I see here is what is clearly in your heart. This was but an earthquake,” Theodoric said aloud for all to hear.
“Then explain the holy singing we heard?” the pilgrim shouted back, trying to incite the crowd behind him.
“Holy choir my arse,” Theodoric responded.
“Theo…let me,” Stephanie interjected.
“If, as you claim, that was a holy choir…then perhaps you will agree that the singing noise actually warned us and certainly saved us…most definitely me…would you not agree?” she asked the pilgrim and pointed to her destroyed caravan. “And why did it not crush her caravan instead?”
“Because the Devil protects his own. Have you not seen how she behaves? Have you not seen the effect she has upon the men? The way they look at her and the way they rush to her defence,” the pilgrim shot back.
“As does not the good Lord protect his own too? I would urge you to guard your loose tongue, pilgrim. These people are my guests and as long as they remain with me, they will likewise remain under my protection. Any threat towards them will be considered a direct threat towards me. Is that understood?” she demanded and stared hard at the pilgrim.
“You would protect a Muslim?” he sneered back.
“You are so ignorant it is frightening. ’Tis bigoted people like you that will prove the ruin of Outremer.”
“My Lady…with all respect, ’tis people like you that will hurry that day. Are you not aware that at this very moment, Muslim forces break more truces and Saladin threatens to wage war? Ask your knights if I lie,” he retorted and motioned with his head towards Balian and Guy.
Guy waved a small parchment scroll one of the couriers had delivered the previous evening. Balian stepped forwards sensing the tension in the crowd growing.
“Indeed Saladin does threaten it…but I am afraid to say only in response to truces being broken…by both sides. ’Tis why it is important we return as soon as we can to mediate. If we do not…pilgrims such as yourselves will never reach Jerusalem…alive. And this,” Balian said, outstretching his hands towards all the dust and fallen masonry, “this was a minor quake…and by the grace of God, no one has been killed or injured. So I suggest if you wish to be seen as some kind of spokesperson for all these pilgrims, perhaps you should be thanking the Lord instead of stirring up ungodly feelings and hate.”
“I only answer to the Lord himself. I do not need to justify myself to the likes of war mongering men like you,” the pilgrim replied.
“The problem with closed minded people like him, is that their mouths are always open.” Theodoric said loudly.
The blacksmith suddenly appeared from behind his cart and rapidly approached the pilgrim. Without a word he pushed the pilgrim backwards hard causing him to fall down in the dust. The blacksmith stood over him, his fists clenched, his face full of rage.
“You! You stupid, stupid, stupid man,” the blacksmith shouted.
Alisha handed Arri to Paul and quickly ran towards them before Paul realised what she was doing. Alisha threw herself down between the blacksmith and the pilgrim on the floor. She shielded him and looked up at the blacksmith, his eyes blazing with fury.
“No…no, not on my account,” Alisha said softly and shook her head. Tenno walked towards them rapidly, concerned in case the pilgrim did anything as he lay beneath Alisha. Paul looked on aghast at what she was doing. He quickly passed Arri to Theodoric, who held him out at arm’s length and quickly passed him to Sister Lucy.
Alisha turned her gaze to look down at the pilgrim. Her eyes locked upon his. He pushed himself backwards in the dirt and tried not to look back at her. Alisha shook her head, puzzled and confused at his actions and comments. Eventually he stopped moving and looked back into her eyes. Alisha sensed his fear, which puzzled her even more. She also sensed a very lonely and sad ind
ividual. The blacksmith stood shaking with anger as Paul gently pulled him away. Alisha looked deeper into the pilgrim’s eyes as all about her stared in silence. He flinched as Alisha placed her left hand upon his forehead. He struggled momentarily but then stopped as she held her hand firmly in place and leaned in closer to look at him. The pilgrim stared into her eyes. As he did, he began to feel very foolish, childlike almost, and his entire body started to relax as if for the first time in his life. He felt overwhelmed as if all of his emotions, senses and everything he had ever experienced all surfaced at once. All the hurt, pain, setbacks, disappointments and resentments he had built up throughout his life felt as though they were being taken out of him. Tears began to form in his eyes, which made Alisha feel even more strongly the senses she was getting from him. Her eyes began to well with tears. She smiled at him and he let out a light laugh and tears ran down his dirty dusty cheeks. He began to laugh more as Alisha laughed with him. Quickly he stopped his laugh and fought to control his emotions realising that everyone was looking at them intently. Theodoric looked at Sister Lucy and Princess Stephanie and raised an eyebrow. Balian saw this and looked at Guy, who was looking on bemused. Two Templar courier riders rode into the courtyard pulling up hard just feet away from Alisha and the pilgrim, drawing their attention to them. As the Templars dismounted, Alisha stood up slowly and stood over the pilgrim. He just looked up at her. She offered her hand to help him stand. Tenno stepped even closer cautiously as Paul watched their every move. The pilgrim grasped Alisha’s hand and she helped him to his feet. He stood still in front of her, his head lowered for a few moments just fumbling with his large hat held against his chest. He looked down into Alisha’s eyes and shook his head, the look of tension and anger in his face gone. He looked at the blacksmith and mouthed he was sorry in silence. The blacksmith stepped backwards as Alisha smiled at him too.
“If you are the Devil’s work, then I have been following the wrong god…for I can now see the grace of God doth flow greatly within you. Forgive me I beg of you. I am but a stupid fool indeed,” the pilgrim blurted out emotionally and fell to his knees in front of Alisha and grabbed her hand and kissed it quickly and held it against his face with his eyes shut.
Paul looked on, surprised.
“Master Paul…I see you are as always in the forefront of strange happenings,” Brother Teric suddenly said as he approached holding the reins of his sweat covered horse. Brother Teric’s words broke the silence and attention away from Alisha and the pilgrim as they looked at him. “I am sure you will inform me of what happens here later…but right now I have urgent news to tell you all,” he explained clearly and loudly. The crowd started to mutter amongst themselves as Brother Teric walked up to Balian and handed him a sealed parchment scroll. “People…much damage has been caused along the coastal routes, many ships destroyed at sea and strange storms not seen for years have battered many places. Many of the hospices are either over full or damaged. On top of that, a large Muslim force gathers near Tortosa. I have been instructed by Gerard de Ridefort to escort you all to Tarsus, where you should remain until word is sent that it is safe to continue.”
“But does not he require our contingent of knights to bolster his ranks?” Guy asked, perplexed.
“No. Reynald gave word and order that our priority is the safety of his wife first and foremost. Word has also reached them that the great and notorious ‘bull’s head’ bandit has been dispatched…,” Teric explained and looked at Paul and nodded towards him.
“How come Gerard is already in Tortosa?” Paul asked as he approached Brother Teric.
“We had good winds from Marseille all the way to Cyprus, and then straight on to Tortosa, luckily landing the day before the storms raged!” Brother Teric explained, pulling his horse nearer as it snorted. He looked at Alisha and smiled briefly before remembering that the last time he had seen her was when Firgany had been killed.
“Come…come, we must speak more,” Balian said beckoning Brother Teric to follow him. “And you lot, deal with this mess and see to it Princess Stephanie gets everything she needs. My Lady, if you will excuse us, please,” he finished with a slight bow towards her.
“Everything I need?” Stephanie smiled, still covered in dust. “A swim in the sea it shall be then.”
“Master Paul…I would ask your presence later if I may?” Brother Teric asked as he passed Paul and smiled. Paul just nodded yes and held Alisha’s hand.
“I think the Lord has spoken and made his presence felt to all of us this day, especially me. I pray you forgive me my ignorant and overzealous outburst. I shall never again do or say such a thing,” the pilgrim said, his whole tone and manner more relaxed.
“You do not need my forgiveness,” Alisha replied and smiled at him. The pilgrim simply nodded, placed his hat upon his head and backed away slowly and reverentially. Alisha looked at Paul, who was by now staring at her. “What?”
Paul sat down upon a large stone being used to guard against the waves just outside the castle’s main entrance. The long wooden bridge that linked the castle to the mainland creaked in the sun and groaned as heavy carts wheeled across it. He looked at his sword as it shimmered a pearlescent colour. Sister Lucy sat just behind him gently rocking Arri in her arms shielded from the sun by the large wooden bridge buttress as Theodoric lay flat out sunbathing on the small stretch of sand between them and the sea. Alisha laughed out loud as Princess Stephanie splashed her as they jumped about in the sea just feet away, splashes hitting Theodoric, though he did not move. Brother Matthew stood watching them as he leant against the main wooden side rails of the bridge dressed in his full armour despite the blazing sun above. Taqi and Tenno were practising swordsmanship further along, Tenno likewise still wearing his full armour, Taqi in just a white cotton shirt and short leggings.
“What do you think that noise was earlier?” Paul asked quietly, looking at Sister Lucy.
“I have no idea. But I have to admit, it was scary but also beautiful at the same time. It did sound like an angelic choir at one point,” she replied.
“Earth Song!” Theodoric stated without moving or opening his eyes.
“Earth Song. What is that?” Paul asked as he watched Alisha splash about.
“’Tis the sound our Mother Earth makes when she is about to do something. Not sure exactly how it works, but like the sounding trumpets detailed within the good book itself, and as explained within many ancient sacred texts, the earth vibrates deep beneath us. The very land we stand upon is constantly moving upon great plates of land that float upon a sea of molten rock, lava. It is also connected with water and the underground streams and seas that are there. In the mountains, where I first heard such sounds, the noise was harder, deeper and more terrifying, like a roar, but nearer to lakes and seas, the sound is gentler, more harmonious and does indeed sound like distant singing. All is connected by sound and harmonics,” Theodoric explained matter of factly still without moving. He paused as Sister Lucy smiled at Paul. “You will learn all about it in time. And the new format of music being set down…in levels of seven with an extra eighth pitch,” he finished almost as a throw away statement.
“Earth Song…I shall remember that.” Paul said in response. “Now all I have to do is try and understand what it is, or how Ali is able to do what she does with people…the effect she seems to have upon them.”
“But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, and pray for them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you, and persecute you. Matthew 5:44. Alisha embodies that totally without even realising it,” Theodoric said as he pulled a small cotton cloth over his face to protect it from the sun.
“Stop using Bible bashing quotes…you know how that gets you into trouble,” Sister Lucy said quietly as she continued to rock Arri.
Paul turned his gaze to Alisha and Princess Stephanie still splashing around the sea and laughing together, their white undergarments soaking wet. Brother Matthew shook his head dis
“Master Paul…your indulgence if I may!” Brother Teric called out from the entrance way and waved him to come over.
Paul looked at Sister Lucy.
“’Tis all right…you go. And leave them awhile to enjoy what small pleasures they have,” she said indicating towards Alisha and Princess Stephanie.
“Yes go…just don’t sign us up for anything foolhardy,” Theodoric joked.
Brother Teric ushered Paul past several knights who were still clearing through Princess Stephanie’s ruined caravan as others assessed the damage to the curtain wall. It had been very minimal fortunately.
“So, young Paul…your fame travels fast ahead of you…the ‘Bull’s Head Slayer’ no less,” Brother Teric said, amused almost as he pulled open a heavy wooden door leading into the main Byzantine Keep.
“’Tis not a name I wished for,” Paul answered as he stepped inside ahead of him. It smelt damp and musty inside the wide hallway but it was cool. Two Templars stood on either side of the entrance, another sat at a table reading through some scrolls and paper sheets. Off to a side room was a small makeshift chapel that was being prepared for evening vespers just as several Hospitallers worked upon a large table covered in what looked like medical devices and pots filled with various herbs and spices. “’Tis like another world in here,” he commented as he continued to follow Brother Teric up a flight of stone stairs to a vaulted hall on the next floor.