Outremer I

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Outremer I Page 109

by D. N. Carter

  “Okay, I think I have taken that all in…but I think I am confused… about the Hyksos and Scythians you mentioned earlier. I do recall that father did mention these in one of his lessons but it also included the Saxons,” Paul remarked.

  “Okay…let me try and explain better about the Hyksos, Saxons, Scythians. For a start, the ancient Egyptian Osiris came from the west according to myth. He was born from the sea. Sea is symbolic of water and spirit. He appeared as a local god in the city of Ded in the Nile Delta. Isis was sometimes called the Goddess of the West too. With the Milesian invasion of Ireland, the ancient records inform us that the Celtic or, more correctly Gaelic Scythians otherwise known as the Sarmatians, Ossetians, or Massagetae, of Europe, were closely allied with the Egyptian Pharaohs of the Delta region, those same Hyksos Kings. The old Irish annals refer to the descendants of the Scythians who had lived in Egypt, as ‘Milesians’. This was a name taken from their great chieftain Mile also known as the Scottish Gathelos as I already mentioned. The vast majority of British chroniclers prefer to deal with the Milesians long after their vacation of Egypt. They concentrate on the Milesian conquest of Spain and avoid dealing with the historical anecdotes that speak of their time in Egypt. The so-called Scythians of Europe were the people that some scholars refer to as the ‘Hyksos’ kings of Egypt. These Hyksos have been related to the Israelites of the Bible, though much of that information has been hidden and I fear it will be a long time before that is rediscovered. But, if the Scythian–Hyksos connection is correct, then we have, from corroborative information and written parchments, a strong confirmation of the West to East transit of the elements of civilisation. As for the word ‘Saxon’ and why some researchers believe Saxons and Israelites to have been one and the same group, some believe the word Saxon to be a derivation of Saca or Saka, Sakai, or Saga denoting ‘Scythian’. Allegedly this word gives us the name Isaac or, more properly, Ish Sac, meaning ‘Man of the Saca’. According to the Bible Isaac was the son of Abraham, who was, along with his wife Sarah, the first ‘Israelite’ to enter the land of Egypt. You have already been taught the component words for Israel. Is Ra El?” he asked. Paul nodded yes in silence. “The name Isaac indicates that Abraham and his descendants were Scythians. The Sakai were among the most distinguished people of Scythia, who settled in Armenia, and were called Sacae-Sani as noted by Pliny the Elder, the Roman Historian no less. So in short, the Saxons were descended from the ancient Sacae of Asia. Even Albinus, the Tutor of Charlemagne, taught this. In any case the base root words and language show clearly that the Scythians were indeed the Hyksos people. Therefore, it follows that the Scythians were the Biblical Israelites. Additionally, the same application shows that the so-called ‘Anglo-Saxons’ were descendants of the Scythian-Hyksos-Israelites. There is no doubt that Gaelic Scythians travelled to Egypt as the ancient Irish records state. Many of them lived near Galilee, called Scythopolis. Many other settlements existed in the region, as well as in the Nile Delta area. Therefore, since the Scythians and so-called ‘Israelites’, the Hyksos of Egypt, were so intimately connected, it is quite correct to refer to Saxons of the Western lands as ‘Israelites’, although not for the reasons given by orthodox Jews, Christians and British-Israelites, who generally believe the Israelites to have been a ragged but God-inspired underclass cruelly oppressed by despotic Egyptian slave masters. That supposition is unsupported by the facts, and has now been openly refuted even by leading Jewish historians. It was an unsustainable concoction from start to finish yet people do, and will continue to, slaughter each other over these issues. Ever since late antiquity, writers have seen links between the Egyptian records of the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt, the biblical tradition of the Exodus, and the Greek legends of the arrival of Cadmus and Danaus. Heccataeus of Abdera, a Greek historian of the fourth century BC…set out his view that the traditions of the Egyptian expulsion of the Hyksos, the Israelite Exodus and that of Danaus’s landing in Arcadia, were three parallel versions of the same story. And this is indeed the case. Not only that, but all the hidden codes contained within the stories were likewise carried over intact. So it appears all has gone full circle, for the Scythians were connected not only to the Hyksos but also to the Cretans, Mycenaeans, Philistine and Amorites of Mesopotamia. The Aryans from the western hemisphere travelled into Eastern Europe and Asia long before the time of the Scythians. In fact, as we have been led to believe and understand from all we have seen and read, the Scythians were themselves displaced to Europe from Britain and Scandinavia.”

  “But are you not now just as guilty of believing in your own truths as you see them? Could you not likewise have been led down a path of knowledge and understanding that is not totally true?” Paul asked, puzzled,

  “Yes…absolutely. But I can only go from my own personal understanding of what I perceive. That unfortunately is the limits we are all bound by.” He paused. “For in truth none of us has any real need for burning bushes, staffs that turn into snakes, nor blazing wheels in the cosmos. But too many of us have been misled into the corners of darkness and into behaviours which have unbalanced our entire world and soiled the places of perfection. We must all find our own truths and turn to that Truth in the days that follow…for we have all put reason and Godly thought to the side and entered into the places of darkness, claiming that we know which that is Truth and living according to that which man has made ‘legal’, but that which remains ‘unlawful’. We have all followed and consumed that which was given and called wonderful and the poisoned our bodies and corrupted our minds and chased madly hither and yon to gain of the lustful, greedy luxuries and ill-behaviours of that which is taught to bring pleasure to the human physical. But instead all we find is chaos, pain, un-fulfilment, restless searching and we find no peace. We have all become diseased and plague riddled souls who stumble hither and yon without direction and bow to those who send us forth in battles for their evil wishes.”

  “I must be tired as I am still not understanding this. Sorry,” Paul exclaimed, frustrated.

  “Okay, here it is as best as I can simplify it. The population of Ireland came from the west, and not from Asia; that it was one of the many waves of population flowing out from the survivors of a worldwide civilisation that had its capital upon a continent sized island many refer to as Atlantis. As I have explained, throughout the Irish origins of civilisation, the symbols and traditions we associate with Judaism, Christianity and Templarism originated in Ireland. They were first employed by the Druid elders of the west, once known throughout the world as the Arya. The name of Ireland was originally Ari or Arya Land. One of the main connotations of this term was ‘Western Land’. Another connotation was ‘Land of the Pure or Noble Ones’. The Ten Commandments of the Druids were practically identical to those given by God to Moses, who we know was in fact the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton. Magnificent temples and megaliths exist in Ireland, Scandinavia, and further afield and entire lost cities are still to be found beneath the oceans, and though the vast majority of words, place and personal names in the Bible are of Irish origin, but most people in general and the Church would rather live with mysteries and unsolvable conundrums than face the truth. In almost every case where a major site exists, or where a great civilisation existed, we find the same refrain from the modern inhabitants. Either we are told that ‘godlike strangers’ erected the sites, or that technically superior semi-divine ancestors, of whom we now suspiciously find no trace, did it. Our scholars doggedly refuse to explain who these mysterious ancestors were. The world over, legends affirm that indigenous forebears were not the builders, astronomers and healers. The land we now call Egypt was colonised…and was originally peopled by fair skinned Celts from the shores of Britain. This was the Exodus of the Aryans, some of whom returned later to their primeval homes. To this very day Christians end prayers with the word ‘amen’. This word is Egyptian, and refers to ancient sun god Amen Ra, worshiped at Thebes. Interestingly, however, the word Amen, from Amentet, meant ‘wes
tern’ or ‘western side’. It also refers to the ‘shadow land’ or ‘Underworld’, that is, to the realms of the dead. This symbolism arose not only from the fact that the sun perceptibly sank into darkness in the west but from the racial memories of what had occurred in the northwestern lands that had once been veritable wastelands of death and decay. So the very name of the chief solar god of Egypt actually signified ancestral lands of the western hemisphere. The hieroglyphic for Amen was a straight vertical pole, like the capital letter ‘I’ topped with a small sun disk with rays. This revealing hieroglyphic of Amen was also known as men, meaning ‘monument’, and ‘mountain’, or simply ‘block of stone’. This glyph referred to the ancestral homelands in the west that housed the great and distinctive megalithic temples of stone that stood vertically in the manner described by the Egyptian Amen hieroglyphic. Like in your dreams no less. As those with an open mind and learned scholars of Celtic history will be quick to discern, the image of the sun rising above a tall ithyphallic stone perfectly describes the spectacle occurring to this day at many solar temples in England and Ireland, specifically at Stonehenge and New Grange. At Stonehenge the sun rises above the famous ‘heel’ stone. The word ‘heel’ comes from hele or helios, meaning sun. The hieroglyph expressed that Amen, the sun-god, and his priesthood, and worship originated in western lands. That these lands were the ‘end place’, where the sun god rested every evening was the reason why prayers ended with the word amen, to signify termination. One of the words for prayer was ‘orison’, which clearly resembles ‘horizon’. Again, the reference is to both geography and astro-theology. That the Amen hieroglyphic should connote the ancient megalithic sun temples of England and Ireland is not so strange once it is realised that Stonehenge and other important British sites have conclusively been shown to be geometrically and geomantically aligned to the Great Pyramid at Giza. Certain prime megalithic sites of Britain are also aligned with Egyptian temples, and that the secret theosophy of Irish Druidism was central to the theology of the Theban Amenists, as well as to the sun priests of Lower Egypt. The Egyptians simply duplicated the solar symbolism and geometric principles of the western megaliths with their great pyramid. Amen, the sun, rose above their ‘mountain’ of stone at Giza in the same way as it did in the original western homelands of Amen.”[25]

  “But you still have not explained to me how and why you had that tattoo done or how my father obtained this sword…,” Paul asked, tired and feeling weary.

  “I was getting to that part.” Theodoric coughed slightly. “I have told you all of what I know about the Emerald Isle so you will understand why it was so important that your father, mother and I travelled to the country. I was not totally honest when I first explained the tattoo and when and how I got it…but I think you are ready to hear the truth now.”

  “What about Firgany…did he not accompany you?”

  “No. He had returned to Mawsil at that time. But your mother…she was a woman who turned everyone’s head. She radiated a warmth and beauty very few possess…and I loved her so,” Theodoric reminisced and sighed.

  “You loved my mother?” Paul asked, puzzled.

  “Oh yes,” Theodoric nodded and sat silently for a moment. Then he realised Paul was looking at him, shaking his head, confused. “Oh fear not…I loved your mother from a distance I assure you…and don’t ever tell Luce or our next conversation will be in the next life. But yes, I make no apology or excuses for how I felt. I loved her with every fibre of my body and soul…but also loved your father like a brother. I would have died for them both in a heartbeat.”

  “Is that why you and my father fell out?”

  “Oh no, Paul…your father and I never fell out. He just thinks me dead.”

  “I do not know what is worse. That he thinks you are dead, or that you deceive him. I know Tenno does not agree with things you say and do.”

  “Paul…do not judge me or take the high moral ground here…you are better than that. But trust me, as I just said a moment ago, sometimes in life you have to make choices and tough decisions, and that may even mean lying to protect yourself and those you love the most. And what I did, there were many times since that I had wished I had in fact been dead. ’Tis why I have signed a pledge and oath to serve with Knights of St Lazarus in Jerusalem, for there was nothing left in this world for me.”

  “I am not judging you. I have not walked in your shoes and I would not presume the arrogance to know better. But tell me this…does Sister Lucy know you are joining them?”

  “No!” Theodoric answered quietly and lowered his head. “Nor shall I tell her…yet. I know how God plays these games…and I suspect that He has other plans for all of us anyway.”

  “Then help me understand you better, for I trust you with everything. You can trust me likewise. That I swear.”

  “I know I can…and that is why I shall tell you this,” Theodoric said as he lifted his head to look at Paul. “I swore a sacred vow to protect your parents and Sister Lucy and her husband at the time…but I failed. You need not know how I failed, but I did. I came to fall in love with Lucy over time, but it was a different kind to that which I felt for your mother. I made no secret of how I felt for her to your father, but I also made it no secret that I would never do anything about it other than watch over them both.”

  “And my father just accepted that and believed you?”

  “Yes…and that is how we ended up in the Emerald Isle, the Land of Aryan. For your mother had the same gift you possess…of foresight and visions,” Theodoric stated and looked intently at Paul to see his reaction.

  “Gift? I have no gift!”

  “Do you not? What about the dreams of past realms, and shared visions with Alisha? And what about the gift you have for sensing danger and dark forces…or the presence of evil within men…Eh? You tell me you have no gift. Feeling sick and anxious just before a terrible event…well, tell me…am I wrong?”

  Paul sat back in his chair and thought for a few moments. The shared dream with Alisha had felt so real, and both recalled it in such vivid detail. And his recurring dream about the devastated world he constantly saw being washed away. And now as he pondered Theodoric’s words, he did indeed realise that looking back upon all the times when things had turned horribly wrong, he had always felt sick and uneasy just prior. He rubbed his head.

  “Tell me more, please,” Paul requested, feeling more than a little confused.

  “Your mother kept dreaming of a lake. Two lakes in fact within a valley. An upper and lower lake…so symbolically similar to Upper and Lower Egypt in antiquity…Anyway, that aside, she constantly saw a dark haired woman beckoning her there and showing her a sword saying that she must accept it…and that if she did, the branches of her seed and your father’s would be restored and grow bountiful and produce many offshoots to spread their roots across the entire world. And that, one day, that bloodline would help balance the energies of the earth itself when a terrible cataclysm would threaten our Mother Earth Goddess again. Oh she tried for months to ignore the dreams and whispers that echoed softly in her ears. Eventually when she could stand it no more, she told your father and I about it. They had been trying to fall with a baby with no luck for two years. At first we thought that perhaps she was having some mental reaction at not being able to conceive…but when your father shared the same dream with her, at the same time, just as you and Alisha have experienced, that is when we knew we had to go.”

  “So you just upped sticks and went…just like that?”

  “Heavens no…not just like that. It took months to arrange and then sail there. It took your father a lot of time to source a map that showed the exact location of the valley that had the upper and lower lake as in the dream. But as soon as we had it, there was no stopping us and we were on our way!” Theodoric started to explain faster and his eyes appeared almost glazed over as he recalled the time and events.

  “And so you get there, find the lake, and just like the King Arthur legend, a wom
an appears out of the lake and gives my father a sword. Just like that?” Paul asked in part disbelief.

  “God, Paul…no not just like that. Tut! But you tell me this. We are limited in our understanding of things we see…limited by our own understanding and what we know…yes?” Theodoric asked. Paul nodded yes in silence. “Well then, what will future generations, hundreds of years from now, make of seeing a bright white ball of light flickering with all the colours of the rainbow descend from the skies and enter a lake? Shortly after which a woman walks out carrying an amazing, almost unbelievable sword? What will they make of that compared to the world they will be living in?”

  “I do not know. How can I answer that?”

  “Exactly. So how could we even begin to answer what we saw for that as I have just explained is what happened. I swear as I stand, okay sit, here before you, that is what happened.”

  “But…but I thought this sword was from Jerusalem,” Paul remarked, confused as he thought about it and could not actually recall if he had ever in fact been told from where it came originally. He looked up. “I am sure my father told me that his father gave it to him.”

  “Hey…if it came from the Almighty himself, then he was not lying was he?” Theodoric quipped back, trying to make light of the matter. But he could see the confusion etched across Paul’s tired face. “Paul…the tattoo upon my shoulders. I had that done as part of a bargain, a deal, so to speak, that I made when we were there.”

  “Just exactly where is ‘there’?” Paul shot back impatiently.

  “Listen, Paul, remember this if nothing else and always tell your children and their children. We, us, all of us, are masters of our own destiny and future. We are the very ones who get to choose and decide what happens to our world, us, people. What we do, how we react, how we behave…it all has a direct effect upon the very earth we stand upon. And ultimately mankind will get just what he deserves in the end brought about by his own actions and desires, good or bad. He has ultimate final control over his last position. And that is the one main thing I learnt that week when we stayed at a place called Glendalough, or Gleann Dá Loch, which actually means ‘Valley of the Two Lakes’.”


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