Love in Disguise (Love & Trust Series Book 2)

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Love in Disguise (Love & Trust Series Book 2) Page 6

by Lyssa Cole

  “Do you have a dog?” My breath puffs out, the night air getting colder.

  Alicia shakes her head. “No. I always wanted one, but my mom’s allergic.”

  “Do you still live with her?”

  “No, but now it’s just me and I work a lot. The poor thing would be alone too much.”

  “I know what you mean. I hate leaving Luna alone for too long. She handles it well, though. Some dogs go nuts.”

  “I bet. It’s nice comfort, I imagine. I’d love a dog to snuggle with at night.”

  We reach the cars a few moments later. I don’t want to part ways yet.

  “Feel like counting some stars with me?”

  Alicia looks up to me, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. Her shy look has me wanting to press my lips to hers.

  “You like the stars?” she whispers.

  I nod. A silent understanding passes between us.

  “I can back my truck in and we can sit in there with Luna. I have a few blankets too.”

  Alicia nods as she turns to grab her telescope and blankets. She stops inside her car first, giving me the opportunity to flip the truck around.

  I hop out, killing the engine and grabbing Luna’s leash and the blankets. I open the door on the back of the truck, Luna jumping in before I do. I set up the blankets and when I look up, there she is, wrapped in a blanket and gorgeous.

  Her cheeks are flushed, her skin glows.

  My cock throbs in my pants as I swallow the lump in my throat.

  Fuck. I’m in trouble.

  Chapter 8


  What in the hell are you doing, A?

  Get the fuck out quick!

  My thoughts scream at me, the warning bells ringing loud and clear.

  But my body doesn’t listen. That whore.

  It wants what it wants and right now it wants Gabe.

  I study him as we sit side by side in the back of his truck. He sets up my telescope in record time, his face eager like a little kid on Christmas.

  “Do you mind if I peek first?” He grins while he rubs his hands together.

  “Go ahead. I’ve used that thing for years now.”

  Gabe sits on his knees, leaning in front of the scope. He bends forward, his sculpted body on show in front of me.

  My eyes follow his broad, muscular shoulders, down his strong back, his fleece jacket hugging every manly inch. His jeans sit on his waist, his ass toned and hot as hell.

  Shit, it’s freezing out, and I’m ready to jump into a pool to cool off.

  “The little dipper, the big dipper, the North Star of course…” Gabe mutters to himself.

  I chuckle as Luna emerges from wherever she was at the back of the truck. She carries a bone in her mouth and drops it next to me, then leans in and gives my face a huge, wet kiss.

  “Ewww, Luna!” I laugh. I wipe the drool off my face.

  Gabe looks back and grins. “She likes you.”

  “Nah, all dogs lick people’s faces.” I rub Luna’s head as she goes in for another kiss. I dart out of the way and end up falling back, Luna jumping on me to sniff my hair and sneak in more kisses. I laugh and try to push her off, but she’s playful and loving it.

  “Luna,” Gabe calls and in a flash, Luna’s off me and sitting next to him.

  I sit up and brush my curls out of my face. “Damn, she soaked me.” I giggle as I fix my hat and blankets.

  “I’m sorry. She gets too excited sometimes. We aren’t always around a lot of people.” He scratches her head before going back to look into the telescope.

  I pat the spot next to me, and Luna comes, snuggling in beside me. What I wouldn’t give to have a dog. Their comfort and unconditional love is unmatched.

  “You want a turn? It is your scope.” He flashes me a grin before stepping back.

  I lean up and take a quick peek. The stars are bright tonight, and I smile as my eyes scan the usual ones I always look for. I try to spot constellations, but I don’t see any.

  Looking at stars has always been a favorite pastime of mine. Whenever life gets too shitty, I come out to this church lot and just stare at the sky for hours. I first fell in love with stars when I was in fifth grade, and we learned about astrology and the planets. That Christmas I begged my parents for a telescope and began reading and drawing the stars.

  Now, it’s more of a comfort to me than anything. My mind can escape and be free, pushing away all of the worry. A sudden craving for chocolate comes over me, and I wish I brought the bag of kisses I’ve got hiding in my middle console. Good job they’ll do there.

  “How long ago have you found an interest in the stars?”

  He looks down at me, and I flush. It’s as if he’s undressing me with his eyes, and I’m suddenly shy, my face growing hot.

  “A while back.” He waves his hand as if it’s no big deal. Like everyone enjoys the stars. It’s nice to meet someone who shares the same interest.

  Gabe sits next to me, and we stare up at the sky in silence for what feels like hours. My eyes are fighting to stay awake, and I need to get home. It’s late and this girl has to work tomorrow.

  I pat Luna’s head, a part of me not wanting to move from the warmth of the blankets and this adorable dog. “Thanks for the company tonight, but I really need to be going.”

  Gabe nods before he rises to his feet, all six foot five inches of pure muscle and sex appeal, my mouth hanging open. Luna jumps up, her tail wagging.

  He offers his hand. I smile, unable to meet his eyes, and slide my hand into his. He pulls, and I stand, my blankets falling to the ground. We both bend at the same time and bump heads.

  “Ow,” I yelp as I stand up, rubbing my head.

  Gabe rubs his own head while he bends down to pick up the blankets. He shakes with laughter, and I can’t help but break into a laugh, his loud and contagious.

  And then we pause and stare at each other, the air falling silent around us. A pulse shoots between us, and Gabe’s eyes darken as he licks his lips.

  He wants to kiss me.

  I want him to.

  Oh, fuck, how I want him to.

  My skin flushes, and I feel hot all over.

  Then it’s broken, the moment gone, his lips moving, but I don’t hear the words. All I want is his lips on mine.

  “Will you? Please?”

  Luna barks. Gabe points at her, and she immediately sits beside him.

  I blink. “Will I what?”

  “Go to dinner with me?”

  “Uh, what? What did you just ask me?”

  “To dinner? With me?” Gabe stuffs his hands in his pockets.

  I flush. A part of me screams to go. He’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen and he’s asking me, me of all people, to dinner. It would be nice to get away from everything. I’m exhausted and lonely and could use a fun night out. But, at the same time, I don’t have time for this shit. I’ve got too much going on right now. He’s a distraction. A good one, but still one nevertheless.

  “I’m not sure. I’ll think about it.” I scratch Luna’s ears and hold my hands out for my blankets. “I have an early morning but thanks for tonight. It was a good time.”

  Gabe nods and hands me my telescope. “Luna and I don’t have much company. It was nice.”

  I smile, my flush growing deeper. He enjoyed spending time with me!

  “See you around.” I wave and turn to go.

  “See you.” Gabe echoes.

  Once inside my car, I throw my blankets and telescope into the passenger seat. Starting the engine, I wait a few while it warms up as I dig my phone out of my pocket. A missed call from Ruby and a text. I shoot her a quick text back and back out, sneaking one last look at Gabe. He’s walking Luna around, his truck running.

  Damn, that dog is adorable.

  Her owner isn’t bad either.

  I clench the steering wheel with one hand while turning up the radio, trying to drown out the thoughts in my head. I’m all over the place. Tiredness gnaws at me, and I
can’t wait for my warm bed. The bed at my mom’s house, anyway.

  Reaching down, I grab my chocolate in the middle console and stuff a piece inside my mouth.

  And then another.

  And another.

  I miss Ruby. I miss my mom being healthy.

  On top of it all, I feel as if I could sleep forever.

  My mind drifts back to Gabe. Why is my body so drawn to him? Feelings rose inside me that have been dormant for a long time.

  I wish relationships weren’t so complicated. Or even sex for that matter.

  Sighing, I pull onto my mom’s street, my mind still on overdrive.

  The weirdest thing about Gabe is the way we met. He’s looking to adopt at the shelter, so is he a single parent? Or is he married and still talks to other women?

  Shit, there’s no way I’m meeting him for dinner.

  It would be a big mistake.

  I think.

  “Can I request someone to cut my hair?” a deep voice rumbles through the salon.

  A very familiar deep voice.

  My head jerks up from sweeping and there he is, staring right at me.

  My stomach somersaults. Seriously, this guy is turning up everywhere I go.

  “Who did you want to request?” Lilly’s voice floats through the air. She’s the new receptionist and she’s too sweet for me. She’s definitely too sweet to be constantly flirting with our boss. Cue the eye roll.

  “Alicia, please.”

  Lilly’s eyes meet mine, and she offers me a tight smile. She turns back to Gabe, who’s still staring right at me. If he wants me to cut his hair, he can wait. I’m tired of these games.

  I head to the break room, the area dirtier than I’ve ever seen it. Dishes and left out food litter the countertop, several of the tables filled with empty drink containers. I flop into a chair in the corner, the cleanest area in the room, and close my eyes, trying to steady my nerves.

  I know they both saw me leave, but I need space to think. This guy is fucking my head up, and I can’t breathe.

  Time ticks by slowly, my nerves building.

  “Alicia?” Lilly’s voice washes over me.

  I look up, a fake smile across my lips. “I’ll be out in a minute for him.”

  Lilly nods, flashing me a fake smile back before turning on her heel.

  I run my hands through my wild curls, wishing I could melt into the floor. If only I were in New York with Ruby things would be better. I’d be away from this small town I’m stuck in. Or maybe jet off to Italy to live near Maddie and Jax.

  I take a deep breath and push myself away from the table. It’s now or never.

  There’s a reason why this guy keeps finding me, and I’m going to find out what his deal is.

  Through the break room and to the front of the store I see him standing near the front windows, his back to me. My coworker, Deanna, smirks at me, and I scowl back. I reach the front desk and check the schedule, seeing the rest of my afternoon is clear.

  Good. I want to get to the shelter early. I promised Kelsey I’d show her how to curl her hair with a hot roller set. She wanted me to show her how to do a perm, but that’s not going to happen.

  I steer my thoughts back to the present and call out, “Gabe?”

  He turns, and a sexy smile crosses his face. I ignore it and signal for him to follow me. When we reach my chair, I wait for him to sit before I tie the smock around him.

  “So, what are you here for today?”

  He chuckles as I spin him to face the mirror, my body directly behind his chair. Our eyes meet in the mirror, and my stomach flips. I break eye contact and focus on his hair. It doesn’t need much of a cut, probably a touch-up, unless he wants the shaggy hair on the top to change.

  I think his hair is sexy as hell. Kept short on the sides, with some hair to play with on top.

  “What are you thinking?”

  I hold back my eye roll. Ball buster.

  “Shave it.” I bite my lip to stop the laughter creeping up my throat. He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head.

  “Nah, not my style.”

  “What’s your style then?” I narrow my eyes and cross my arms.

  He shrugs. “I figured you would be able to tell me.”

  I roll my eyes. “Hmm, how about trim up the top? Less shaggy?” It is on the longer side, but with how sexy it is and the way it falls over his eyes has me wanting him to say no.

  “Just a tad off, I guess. And how about the sides get a trim? I need to look good for our dinner, after all.” He grins, and I want to smack him with my comb.

  “There’s no dinner, Gabe.” I busy myself with getting the supplies I need. I want this over quick. He’s grating on my nerves.

  I can’t get this guy out of my head, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. Since our night with the stars, he’s plagued my thoughts all day and has even crept into a few of my dreams.

  Ruby thinks I should take his offer up on dinner to see what he wants while my mom tells me to steer clear. Shady in the beginning, shady all the time.

  What I want is for him to stop bothering me so I can forget he even exists.

  “There will be.” Gabe smirks.

  I whip around, facing him with the hair clippers. I hit the on switch, the sound loud and distracting. I want to buzz him bald and tell him to get lost. I take a deep breath and trim up the sides, cleaning the edges. The whole time Gabe’s eyes follow me and without a doubt, my flush deepens as the minutes tick by.

  We don’t speak, but a thousand words run between us.

  Go to dinner with me.

  No. Stop asking me.

  I won’t. Not until you say yes.

  I’ll never say yes.

  When I finish with the clippers on his head, I trim up his goatee and mustache, along with the strip of hair that runs up to his long sideburns. His hair is dark, his skin olive and tan, the dark and handsome description fitting him well.

  Lastly, I spritz the top with water before I comb through his hair. I trim the ends off, keeping with the flow of hair. When I’m finished, I take off his cape, brushing the back of his neck to get all the hairs off and finishing with some talcum powder.

  I distract myself with cleaning up as he admires his look in the mirror. He stands and wraps his hand around my arm, pulling me toward him. I close my eyes and breathe in his smell. The woodsy, musky scent tickles my senses and puts my brain on overdrive.

  “I’m going to ask you one more time. Come to dinner with me.”

  I step back, pulling out of his grasp and crossing my arms over my chest. One minute I’m lost in him and the next I’m annoyed. “Why, Gabe? I deserve to know why. If you don’t recall, our encounters have been kind of…I don’t know.” I struggle to think of the words I want to say, his closeness clogging my brain.

  “What? Kind of what?” Gabe towers over me, his stance wide and tense.

  “Look, Gabe. I’m sure you’re a nice guy or whatever, albeit a little too cocky for your own good, but I don’t have time for you and your games. So, if you’ll head up to the desk, Lilly can check you out.” I turn away and grab my broom, sweeping the hair with more force than needed.

  “I’m taking you to dinner. I need to ask you a few questions. It’s nothing bad. Please trust me.”

  My head jerks up. “Trust you? I don’t know you.”

  “Why are you so defensive? We spent hours together watching the stars. If I was going to hurt you, I would’ve done it then.”

  His voice is raised, and Deanna and Lilly dart glances at us. Shit. My boss could be coming out anytime now.

  Deanna points to the back.

  I freeze when I hear my boss’s voice, Deanna giving me the stink eye.

  “If I go to dinner, will you leave me alone after?” I stand my ground.

  I could use a night out…

  “Yes. Here’s my business card. Text me your address, what night you’re free, and I’ll be there for seven.” He grins, his fingers purposely
brushing my own. I look away before he can read my face and go back to cleaning.

  My boss strides to the front to check in just as Gabe leaves, the bells on the door ringing through the air. One crisis averted. Now what in the fuck am I going to do about dinner? Should I go?

  After I finish cleaning, I cash out and say my goodbyes. My boss is nowhere in sight, which is a relief. I throw my purse in the seat, sliding in and starting the car. There’s snow collected on the windshield and already turning to ice. I grab my snow brush, getting back out to clean the car off.

  It’s March already and still snowing like it’s December.

  The ride home is slow and dark. The snow picks up in intensity, the roads quickly becoming slippery. I go slow, the heat on high, the music on low, while I try to work out what happened earlier.

  I know he came into the salon to get a haircut from me when he really didn’t need one.

  Was it just to ask me to dinner again? Why such interest in taking me out?

  His business card doesn’t give me much to go on, his career not even listed. It’s his name, email, and phone number, which again seems odd for a business card.

  His name is listed as Gabe Manley and the area code for his phone number is New York City. Hmm, what’s he doing here in upstate New York then? Family?

  I don’t think he’s dangerous. He would’ve tried something by now. Right?

  I can’t place my finger on it. Maybe dinner is a good idea. To figure out what he wants once and for all so I can move on with my life and focus on my mother, who needs me.

  Or maybe dinner is a good idea so I can simply get out of the house. I’m missing out on all the fun Ruby is having in New York City, and it’s time I do something for myself. I’ve sacrificed so much taking care of my mom and while I wouldn’t have it any other way, I need to have fun, too.

  Chapter 9


  My mom’s house looks dark and empty today, no cars in the driveway like usual. Her car got taken into the shop, something with the timing belt. Aunt Mel was by earlier, but I can’t help feeling sad for my mother. She’s lonely and only growing sicker. The doctors want to try a new drug, one that has proven to slow down the cancer cells but not without its side effects.

  There’re quite a few, including big risks for her immune system. That’s what stops me. I don’t want her suffering any more than she has to. But, at the same time, it pains me to see her worsen as each day passes. I’m afraid she isn’t going to hold out much longer and the thought fills me with so much pain.


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