Love in Disguise (Love & Trust Series Book 2)

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Love in Disguise (Love & Trust Series Book 2) Page 14

by Lyssa Cole

  The paramedic only nods and rests a hand on my arm. “We’ll do our best to help her. Do you want to ride with us or call someone?”

  “I’ll ride with you and call someone to meet me there.”

  She nods, pats my arm once more, and takes off down the stairs behind the men with the stretcher. I move behind them, bringing up the contacts on my phone. My mother’s cries of pain clench at my heart, and I stop for a moment, needing to breathe.

  I scroll until I find Gabe’s name and hit send.

  Gabe? Shouldn’t I be calling Aunt Mel?

  My heart ignores my inner thoughts. Gabe is who I need right now, whose comfort I need.

  He answers after two rings. “Alicia? Are you okay?”

  “No. My mom…” I sob harder, unable to get the words out.

  “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  “Ma’am? We’re leaving now. Are you coming?” The paramedic interrupts me as she calls to me from the doorway.

  “Alicia? What’s going on? Are you hurt?”

  “It’s my mom. Can you meet me at the hospital?” My words fall out in a whisper, and I quickly slide shoes on and grab my jacket. My purse and keys are on the table, and I reach for them in a haze.

  “I’ll be there.” Gabe hangs up, and I rush out the door.

  Chapter 19


  I spend the whole night by Alicia’s side at the hospital. We wait and wait, drinking cups of coffee and pacing around the floor before the doctor finally comes out.

  “I’m so sorry, but her cancer has spread. It’s now terminal.”

  Alicia gasps, her hands flying to her mouth, the tears already falling.

  “She only has months to live. The chemo isn’t doing anything to slow down the cancer. It’s spread into her breastbone now. In fact, it’s only making her more weak and sick. With her low immune system, she caught an infection a normally healthy person would easily fight off, but she’s unable to.”

  Alicia leans on me, and I wrap my arms around her shoulders. My heart breaks for her. I can only imagine her pain. Is death worse when you know about it ahead of time or when it jumps into your life out of nowhere? Either way, it sucks. Either way, you’re losing someone you love.

  The doctor continues, “Right now, we have her hooked up to an IV, getting antibiotics, fever reducers, and also fluids. I’m going to keep her until the infection clears. I have her in insolation for the next twenty-four hours, which means no visitors. I’m sorry, but her body can’t be exposed right now.” He pats her shoulder, and his sad eyes look between us. “I’d suggest it’s time to look into hospice care.”

  Alicia’s face crumples, and I know this must be killing her.

  She nods in response, and the doctor walks away. Alicia cries harder, and I walk her over to a bench where she crumples in my lap. I rub her back and let her cry. She needs to get it out, to mourn her mother.

  I don’t know how long we stay like that, but I hold her until her sobs subside and only hiccups remain. And then I take her to my bed where I wrap her body around mine, running my hands along her back until her breaths even out and she’s fast asleep.

  The next morning, I leave Alicia sleeping quietly, coffee and muffins waiting with a note. I need to head into the office for a while and then plan a special night for the two of us. I want to be there for her while she’s grieving and help keep her mind off it.

  What are you doing, Gabe? She still wants answers. Answers you can’t give her yet.

  She needs me right now. That’s more important than the damn answers she wants.

  I want to wine and dine her tonight, make her feel special.

  My phone beeps with a text an hour into work.


  I smile and finish my work so I can get back to her.

  When I arrive back to the townhouse a few hours later, Luna is happily chewing on a meat filled bone, and I find Alicia soaking in the huge bathtub, her gorgeous curls frizzy and damp.

  My pulse picks up as I drink in her naked body under the water.

  Her eyes are closed, and she has headphones in, not even realizing I’m standing here.

  I decide to strip and join her in the tub. As soon as I dip my leg in, her eyes fly open, and she jumps back in surprise, her headphones popping out.

  “Shit, Gabe, you scared me.”

  I climb inside and pull her naked body toward me. I run my hands down over her breasts, my thumbs flicking over her hard nipples. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to.”

  She leans her head back against my chest and pushes her breasts into my hands.

  “Any word?”

  “Only one call, letting me know I can visit in the morning.”

  “Good. You’re all mine tonight.” My hands run down her stomach, my fingers lightly grazing over the top of her pussy. I reach over with one hand, flipping the switch for the jets to come over. The tub lights up with movement as the water pulses around us. Bubbles form and soon fill in around us.

  “Mmmm,” she whispers, spreading her legs.

  I take that as an invitation to slip down further, and I do, pressing my fingers against her. I slide one inside, flicking her clit with my thumb. She arches her back in response, a groan escaping her lips.

  I slip another finger inside and move my hand faster as I pull my thumb away, pressing my palm against her. I rub in circles as my fingers pump in and out, and a few minutes later, Alicia explodes around me, her legs shaking.

  I suck on her neck as she cums, milking her orgasm while she rides its waves. I focus on her clit, rubbing and massaging it until another orgasm builds and she cries out, my name spilling from her lips on repeat.

  Pulling my hand away, I grasp her waist and twist her around. I press her naked body against mine, her soft breasts to my hard chest, my cock poking her belly.

  She grins and gets up on her knees, sliding a bit closer, but not on me.

  I growl and pull her closer. “I need you. Now.”

  I lift her hips and in one swift motion, she sinks down on my cock, her pussy sucking in every thick inch. We both moan as she begins to move and within seconds, she’s gliding up and down like a pro, her pretty breasts bouncing in my face.

  We fuck until we both cry out, the water and bubbles splashing around us.

  We fuck until we can’t fuck anymore, our bodies spent.

  And then I carry her to my bed where I take her again and again until we fall asleep.


  I call the hospital from Gabe’s bed while he’s downstairs ordering Chinese. He wanted to take me to dinner tonight, but I’m spent after the long night with my mom last night and our busy afternoon.

  My brain hounds my heart today, screaming at it to listen.

  Question him, make him give you answers. You need answers.

  But then my mind drifts to how he comforts me and makes me feel on top of the world. His support is invaluable and unlike any other I could get.

  So why does it feel wrong?

  Does Gabe not care to tell me? Does he not want me to know something?

  He tells me to trust him but how am I supposed to? When he won’t even answer my questions?

  The doctor lets me know Mom’s fever is under control, but she’s very weak. I tell them I’ll be in in the morning and hang up.

  Still naked and still in bed, I wait for Gabe, my thoughts running wild through my head. Is it too much to ask to know the real him? He’s barely told me anything about his past, his childhood, or anything else. He says he has no family, it’s just him and his dog.

  No parents? No siblings?

  None of it makes sense. I try to push it down, to ignore it, but it’s like a monkey on my back, constantly nagging at me.

  I type out a quick text to Ruby to update her on the latest. She’s been busy and we haven’t had much time to video chat.


bsp; Ruby quickly replies.

  I laugh.


  Ha, too late, sister. I can’t resist him. What can I say?



  Gabe walks into the bedroom, carrying a tray with a bottle of wine, a couple of glasses, and a plate of fruit.

  He sits next to me, placing the tray between us. “The Chinese won’t be here for another half hour, so I figured we could use an appetizer.” He grins as he pops a grape into my mouth, offering me one.

  I watch him as he pours us wine, his gorgeous chest covered in colorful ink. He’s only in boxer briefs, and I can’t help but drop my eyes down to his package, the bulge generous.

  “Admiring something?”

  Damn it, this man always catches me.

  “Nope, not really.” I smile, taking my wine glass from him.

  He winks, but his face turns serious. “How’s your mom?”

  “Her fever is under control along with the infection, but she’s really weak. My heart aches for her.”

  “I’m so sorry, A. I hate seeing you in pain, and I feel for your mother. I’m here if you need me.”

  We finish off our wine and fruit. Luna barks like crazy, and Gabe heads down to grab the food.

  I flick through Netflix, deciding on what to watch when Gabe’s work cell starts to buzz.

  An itch to grab it comes over me, but I ignore it. It stops but then starts again. Gabe enters, a bag of delicious smelling food in his hands.

  He sees his phone lighting up, and his face tightens. Dropping the food on the bed, he grabs it. “Yeah?” He listens intently, his body posture tense. “Right now? Are you fucking serious, Joe?”

  Who is Joe?

  “Fine. But it better not take long.” He hangs up the phone, tossing it on the bed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I have to leave after we eat.” He sits next to me on the bed, unable to meet my eyes. “A work thing.”

  “A work thing? On a Friday night?”

  “Yeah.” He offers me a carton of lo mein before digging into some general’s chicken.

  “What the fuck, Gabe?”

  “What?” he snaps.

  “You’re taking off to work and again I get no explanation.”

  “Can’t you just trust me a little bit longer? My hands are tied. I can’t say more than that.”

  I roll my eyes. I stew in silence, wanting to say more, but I don’t.

  Gabe doesn’t seem to want to speak more as he quickly shovels food in his mouth. I press play on the movie, and we eat in silence. What the fuck?

  When Gabe’s had his full, he’s up and throwing on clothes. “I’ll be as quick as I can. Luna ate. I’m going to let her out and then back in and I’ll lock up. I’m sorry. I’ll be back soon, though, okay?”

  I only have time for a nod before he’s out the door and down the stairs.

  Guess it’s me and Luna tonight. I sigh and stuff more food in my mouth.

  At least, there’s always chocolate.


  Alicia’s face is flushed as we slow dance across the floor. I found a cute restaurant with a dance floor after a quick Google search. I hated leaving her last night, not coming back until late. She and Luna were fast asleep, Luna’s body being used as a pillow.

  She didn’t seem to be mad, but I’m afraid there are issues bubbling under the surface that will soon explode if not taken care of. I know she wants answers to all of my mysteries, and I haven’t been able to give them yet. I hope I can soon. She deserves to at least know about my job.

  As far as my past, no one needs to know that shit. It’s dangerous.

  I need to figure out what I’m doing with her. I’m leaving as soon as this case is finished, and she won’t be able to come. She would’ve been in New York City already if it wasn’t for her mom. Besides, she shouldn’t be involved in my home life there.

  I need to protect her from it. From me.

  From everything.

  I stare at her soft complexion, her beautiful curls, swaying to the music. She melts my heart, chipping away at the ice around it. She could do me in, bring me to my knees.

  And I want every fucking second of it.

  But I know I can’t.

  I won’t. I need to keep her away from my life back home. Far away from it.

  Alicia’s face lights up as I spin her, and I’m thankful I can bring her some happiness. I spent the entire day at the hospital with her, sitting by her mom’s bedside. It broke my heart to see Alicia so sad, her mom small and weak, a fragile feather in the bed.

  I brought her here in hopes to distract her, and it seems to be working.

  The song ends, a fast one beginning, and I show off my non-existent dance moves, Alicia half-smiling. At least I got one smile from her tonight, or an almost one.

  We talk, dance, and eat our way through the evening, forgetting our troubles for the time being. They can wait. For now, we have this moment and each other. That’s all we need.


  I enter the dark room, his hot breath caressing my bare shoulder. Luna barks in the distant, making her presence known. I squint my eyes as they adjust to the darkness, but before I can make anything out I’m pushed up against a wall and caged in his hands on either side of my head.

  I inhale sharply, the quiet of the room deafening.

  “You know how bad I wanted to fuck you right there in the middle of dinner?”

  My insides clench as his words wash over me.

  You and me both.

  “Why didn’t you then?” I challenge him.

  Will I ever get sick of throwing him sass?

  I don’t think so. I love this shit, and I know he must too.

  His warm breath tickles my face. “I was being a gentleman.”

  I snort.

  His lips trace across my jaw and down my neck before he grabs my waist and pulls me right against him.

  A groan escapes my lips as they part for air. His hands move up and down my sides and over my ass. Gabe licks and sucks my neck softly, pecking and nipping at the skin.

  I gasp in surprise when Gabe’s strong arms lift my ass up, bringing my feet off the ground and my legs instinctively wrap around him. My hot core presses against him, his hard cock easily felt through his pants.

  Gabe walks us toward his bed as his mouth finds mine, covering it with his own, and we both moan from need for each other.

  He drops me down onto the bed, and I scramble to my knees. He reaches for me, but I shake my head and back up toward the headboard.

  His eyes flash, and I know in a minute he’ll be reaching for me.

  I lift my shirt over my head and toss it at him, which gets me a smirk before his eyes glaze over again. I shimmy out of my skirt and throw it to the ground. I kneel before him in a matching purple lace panty set and throw him a shy look, my hands traveling over my stomach and up to my breasts.

  Gabe’s eyes darken more, and I swallow as I watch him watch me, his thick erection straining his pants.

  His shirt and pants are off a second later and before I blink he’s on the bed grabbing me and sweeping me into his lap. I straddle him and rub my wet hot center along his cock, a deep groan coming from his throat.

  We grind against each other as we kiss, our mouths and hands full of need. I never thought dry humping could be so damn erotic. We both moan and cry out, and I feel my climax coming already.

  Next thing I know my bra is off, and his hot mouth is on my breasts. I throw my head back and arch my back, giving him better access to my breasts. I lean back on my hands and grind my pussy along his hard cock, feeling the thickness rub up and down my slit.

  Without warning my orgasm crashes over me, making me shake and go weak all over. Gabe’s hands wrap around my back and pull me up, and I grip his shoulders hard as I ride out the rest
of my orgasm.

  “Holy shit,” I mutter.

  “Fuck, you’re hot when you cum. I want to see it again.” He flips me onto my back and rips my thong off, his mouth finding my pussy a second later.

  Goddamn, my skin is on fire. Every nerve ending is alive and tingling.

  When he brings it home, I know it’s not fucking anymore.

  It’s something more.

  Something deep.

  And I know I’ll never be the same.

  My heart is his to keep and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

  Chapter 20


  After a few blissful days with Alicia, it’s back to reality. We have a few leads, a couple of reliable ones at that, and should be able to come to a conclusion soon.

  It’s bittersweet, to say the least.

  A part of me doesn’t want to leave Alicia, but a part of me knows it’s for the best.

  My personal cell phone buzzes as I head to the station, Blake having called yet another meeting. My aunt’s name flashes on the screen, and I quickly hit accept.


  “Oh, look who it is. The good brother,” Mason taunts, his voice filling me with unease.

  “Mason? Where’s Aunt Maria?” My pulse picks up speed. What did Mason fucking do now?

  “Now, now, older brother. You know I don’t like a lot of questions.” He sneers, causing my blood to boil.

  “Then, put on Aunt Maria.”

  “She’s fine, not to worry. But Uncle Lenny is looking for you.”

  “Why? I’ve got nothing for him.”

  “Yes, you do, you know what you fucking did.”

  I pull over, unable to concentrate on the road. I grip the steering wheel. “Who the fuck cares. I’m done dealing with your foolish games. Put on Aunt Maria. Now.”

  Mason laughs, and I hear Damon’s distinct voice in the background. My two younger brothers couldn’t be more different yet alike in so many ways. I often wondered if I was a milkman’s baby.

  “Fuck off, Gabe. I don’t have to listen to you. Besides, Aunt Maria isn’t here.”

  “Where is she?” I grind out.

  “Again, fuck you, Gabe. But if I were you, I’d get here quick or you’ll be hurting when more of your family dies. Murdered in cold blood. How does that sound?”


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