Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance

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Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance Page 41

by Lux Miller

  Kyle narrows his eyes at me before brushing past Noemi and disappearing into the room. I hear a strained grunt from somewhere inside the room and moments later, Kyle reappears with the box in question loaded in his arms. He’s clearly straining from the weight of the box, but when Mike makes a move to offer assistance, Kyle shakes his head. “I got it.”

  I raise my eyebrow questioningly as Kyle stumbles past, his biceps and forearms bulging from his effort. Though the box is clearly too heavy for him, his back is ramrod straight, and he refuses to show any weakness, despite the fact that his brow is beaded with sweat.

  He stumbles down the hall as Mike watches him, sadly shaking his head. “Young people these days are so stubborn. And they do incredibly stupid things for incredibly stupid reasons.”

  I nod blankly at Mike. “Uh huh.” I agree with what he’s saying, but while his attention is focused on Kyle teetering back and forth down the hall, mine is focused elsewhere - on a young girl with saucer-wide eyes who’s watching the same scene as Mike.

  She’s trying to be discreet about it, but it’s obvious to anyone who’s paying attention that her gaze is focused squarely on Kyle’s ass. As Kyle disappears down the hallway and out of sight, I elbow her hard and whisper hoarsely, “Does your brother know that you look at your personal guard the way a hungry animal looks at a steak?”

  Noemi blushes softly and shakes her head, “I wasn’t… I do not…”

  Chuckling softly, I brush past her and count the boxes on the floor and on her bed. As I’m cataloguing the contents in my head, she approaches me from behind. “I wasn’t meaning to…oh, God... please don’t tell Luca…”

  I shake my head softly and motion at the box at my feet. “This one is full. And do you think I’m insane? There’s no way in hell I’m telling Luca his seventeen-year old sister is undressing one of his men with her eyes.”

  Noemi pouts at me as she crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m not doing anything wrong. Have you seen the man? He’s gorgeous.”

  I blink at her in surprise and shake my head. “Have you met your brother? For that matter, I should say brothers… They’re fucking crazy!”

  Noemi nods quickly, making a wild motion at me to keep my voice down. “I’m aware. It’s not like I’m trying to seduce him, Emily. Besides, it’d be a total waste of my time. I’ve purposefully dressed provocatively around him dozens of times, and he’s never so much as flinched. I could stomp out there in my underwear, and he’d still look straight through me. Hell, I could prance around naked, and he’d ignore me and my trivial attempts at seduction. He’s about as interested in me as I am in having my brother give me another one of his freaking lectures.”


  It takes everything in my power to not barge into the bathroom where Luca’s showering and demand ten minutes of his time. Over the last week, we’ve spent maybe ten hours together, not counting the half a dozen hours of fitful sleep each night. Luca’s been getting up with the sun, and he’s gone the whole day, arriving home long after the sun has set, and often after everyone else in the house is soundly sleeping. And he’s not the only one.

  Though Mike and Kyle have been present at the house at all hours of the night and day as promised, Dante’s presence has become as scarce as Luca’s They’re no doubt embroiled in something serious, but it doesn’t make it any easier for me to accept the fact that Luca’s been neglecting his relationship with me. I know I sound like a spoiled brat that’s whining, but accepting the complete secrecy of both my boyfriend and best friend’s business dealings is taking its toll on me.

  Luca refuses to discuss anything about what’s going on, and I’m clueless as to why he’s suddenly adamant on radio silence. Sure, what he does is not something one should flash on billboards, but he’s shared important details with me before regarding business matters. Suddenly, it’s imperative that I’m kept completely in the dark. All of the women under close guard at the house have been kept on the fringes of what’s happening. We haven’t even been able to piece things together as none of us have been told anything.

  I’ve gotten into the habit of toiling away the hours preparing traditional Italian meals under the tutelage of Bianca for the family. Though Bianca, Noemi, Mike, Kyle, and I have fallen into the habit of dining together like a normally dysfunctional family, the obviously open chairs around the table are a sore subject that none of us mention. After the first night of Luca and Dante not returning in time for dinner, I began leaving them covered plates in the stove.

  Every morning, I’ve woken to find a cold bed and two empty plates in the sink, so despite the fact that Luca and Dante are coming home, they’re in and out as quickly as possible. I haven’t even kissed Luca in a week, and he’s yet to see the little surprise for him. It was hiding under the bandage the last time we had sex, following me making good on the promise associated with the strand of beads he draped around my neck. Though he showed an insane amount of curiosity in seeing it that night, he hasn’t asked again. It’s now been three weeks since we’ve done anything naked, and it’s the longest stretch of time since we became intimate that we haven’t had sex.

  And right now, the man is buck-naked in a shower that’s hot enough to push steam under the closed door. It’s billowing out into the bedroom and making me extremely uncomfortable as I attempt to picture him on the other side of the door. As I close my eyes and lay down on the bed, I let my hand wander down my body, plucking at my taut nipple as my hand crosses over the flimsy t-shirt of Luca’s I wore to bed last night.

  I moan softly, biting down on my lip as I try to imagine Luca’s hand on me instead of my own. As my hand slips further down along the curve of my stomach, I moan and tilt my head back. I slip my hand into my panties and inhale sharply as my fingertips make contact with my clit. It takes the slightest effort to slip my middle finger between my folds. As I do, I find that I’m already damp with a carnal need that I can’t satisfy, though I can try.

  After several minutes of deftly working my finger inside of my slit, I find that I’m just more frustrated than I was before. I grunt softly and yank Luca’s shirt off, tossing it aside as I stand up off the bed. I shove my panties down my legs and kick them off, not even bothering to pay attention to where they land. Honestly, right now, I couldn’t care less.

  I stalk over to the bathroom and grab hold of the doorknob, relief flooding through me when I find it unlocked. Pushing the door open, I wince as the steam swells around me and rushes out into the bedroom. I quietly push the door closed behind myself and let my eyes drift across the bathroom to the enormous doors that take up nearly half of a wall. The man spared no expense when building this bathroom. It’s luxury defined, and I’ve grown accustomed to its size and splendor.

  The frosted glass does little to obscure the muscular figure standing in the stream of hot water, nor does it disguise what he’s doing. My breath catches in my throat as my eyes follow the languid curves of his taut muscles. The outline of his figure shows that he’s tense as one arm rests against the wall of the shower. The other, well, at this very moment, I can see for myself that I’m not the only one hot and bothered by lack of physical contact. Except Luca very much seems to be enjoying himself. It’s obvious, even from my vantage point that he’s jerking himself off.

  After a moment of standing there watching him like a voyeur, I snap my mind out of its lust-filled haze. I squeeze my legs together for a moment to stave off the moisture threatening to seep from my center. Then I tiptoe as silently as possible toward the shower. I open the doors just enough to slip my body inside and press myself up against the wall opposite where Luca is immersed in his own private rollercoaster ride, his primal noises fueling my fire even more.

  With nothing between us except a cascading waterfall of hot water, I stand there and stare at his taut back. The muscles ripple across his broad shoulders with each movement, and it’s taking everything I have not to join in on his pleasure. I inhale a shaky breath and cross the distance, s
liding my hands slowly onto his sides.

  He freezes the moment I touch him, a staccato moan sounding from his lips. I smile and press my lips to his spine, right between his shoulder blades, as I slide my hands across his stomach and down to the program already in progress, wrapping my own hands around his and encouraging him to continue what he was doing.

  “Don’t stop on account of me, Luca,” I murmur against the back of his neck as I press my breasts against his back. I can feel his heart thundering against my own chest as I edge my hands underneath his so that I have direct contact with his cock. It’s thick and hard in my hands as Luca lets a guttural growl escape his lips.


  I don’t stop, but I do acknowledge him by wrapping one hand around the base of his dick, stroking in long, fluid motions that make him shudder. He grinds out words in between groans of pleasure, “What… are… you… doing? I’m going to come…”

  Nodding softly against his back, I murmur, “I know.”

  He moans loudly and yanks his hands away from himself. He braces them against the shower wall as the muscles in his abdomen tighten. I smirk and speed up my hand, intent on bringing him over the edge. I get in a dozen tugging strokes, but he suddenly shakes his head quickly, “Not like this… please…”

  He gently pushes my hands away from his dick and turns to face me, capturing my lips in a fierce kiss before I can utter a single word of protest. He tugs me against his body, underneath the spray of hot water as he devours my mouth, his tongue tangling with mine as he fights for control of a situation of which he clearly doesn’t consider himself to be in command.

  I pull my lips from his with a sigh, and he growls like a beast that’s been starved. I smirk in response and slowly lower myself to my knees before him in the shower. He jerks his gaze down to mine as the water beats down on me, soaking my hair and plastering it to my head and face. Luca opens his mouth to say something, but his words die on his lips as I slide mine along the length of his cock.

  He slams a fist into the wall, throwing his head back with a savage sound that’s nothing short of feral. I smirk around him as I bob my head in a syncopated rhythm that his knees shaking within moments. He twists one hand into my hair, his whimpers begging for me to keep going. I slide my tongue along the underside of his dick, hollowing out my cheeks as I suck softly along his length.

  Luca makes a sound somewhere between a moan and complete abandon as a familiar warm saltiness fills my mouth. I push through it as I swallow down his offering, pushing my lips as close to the thick base of his cock as I can manage. Though I gag slightly, I manage to hold him there for several moments until the corded muscles inside my mouth stop pulsing and the thick ropes of cum stop flowing into my mouth.

  I let his length slide from my mouth and stand up again in front of him, a smirk playing across my lips. He groans and stares at me with his own mouth hanging open just slightly. After several heartbeats, he shakes off the stupor and closes the gap between us, wrapping one arm around my waist and tugging me against him. He swipes the thumb from his other hand across my bottom lip, a shudder ricocheting through my body as he murmurs, “You missed a bit…”

  To my surprise, he pops his thumb into his own mouth and pulls it out slowly, his eyes watching me intently for my reaction. I bite down on my bottom lip as he slides his thumb out of his mouth with a soft ‘pop.’ He leans his face down to mine, the tip of his nose brushing against my cheek and whispers, “Mmm...salty…”

  My eyes flutter shut as he slides the hand from my waist to my stomach and then gradually up along the curves of my body until it rests against my ribcage, in between my breasts. Groaning softly, I let my head loll back slightly, and he glides his hand up to my throat, then back down into the valley before leaning over me.

  His breath is hot against my neck as he leans his head down and huffs into my ear, “Somebody has been a very naughty girl. Whatever should I do to punish her?”

  My own breath hitches in my throat as he slides his hand to the right and cups my breast in his palm, his thumb flicking over the nub that pebbles instantly at his touch. I groan in response and arch my back so that my body presses into his firmly.

  His voice is calm, but dangerously dark as he nips at my earlobe. “I’m not supposed to be allowing myself to be enamored with distractions, but there are things in this world that even the most stoic man cannot resist. The woman he loves, naked and soaking wet, at his beck and call is one of those things.”

  I exhale a ragged breath as he pries his left hand between our bodies and slithers it down mine until his palm is cupped against my pussy. I bite down hard on my bottom lip as he slips a finger between my folds, pressing the pad of his fingertip against my clit as he withdraws his hand. He repeats this motion half a dozen times before unexpectedly plunging a finger inside me. I keen in response to the sudden intrusion, and I can feel my walls tighten as he inserts a second finger.


  He presses his hot mouth against my neck and scrapes his teeth along the vein there. My heart is racing as he languidly circles my clit with his thumb, keeping two fingers seated as deeply inside me as he can manage. With the other hand, he massages my breast, paying attention to mound of flesh while purposefully avoiding the sensitive nub in the center.

  “Emily, as much as I want to, I simply don’t have the time to make love to you like you deserve. To maintain both of our sanities, can I fuck you now and make it up to you when the shit storm at work has passed?”

  I nod and he growls, standing up straight and yanking his hands off my body. He steps against me, obliterating any personal space remaining between our dripping bodies. He pushes the entirety of his weight against me until I’m forced to step backwards. Despite the large size of the shower, it’s only a couple of backward stumbles before I feel my back hit the cool marble tile with a thud.

  Luca slides one hand onto my hip, dragging it down the side of my body until his hand curls around my thigh, yanking up on it so that my leg is wrapped around his waist. He presses his body tightly against mine and repeats the gesture down my other side, pulling my other leg around his waist as well.

  He’s fully supporting my weight against the shower wall as his hands find their way to my ass, clawing into the flesh possessively as he pushes me up the wall and positions his body underneath mine enough that I can feel the crown of his dick pressing against my entrance. I nod at him, my eyes silently begging him to just do it already.

  He grunts and lowers me down onto him. I clench every muscle as he pierces my body, sliding the full length of his cock inside me until I gasp with surprise at the fullness. He digs his fingers into my ass cheeks and pushes my body up against the slicked wall. My breath hitches as I feel the emptiness of him leaving my body, but I exhale sharply as he yanks me back down, his dick plunging inside me with the definitive slap of skin against skin.

  Luca’s body moves fluidly as he repeats the motions, filling me with a gratification that I have to admit I’ve missed. Despite the pure carnal need that’s fueling our actions, fucking in the shower is scratching an itch that’s been driving me crazy. Screw romance. Right now, I need the pure physical pleasure of having my body used the way Luca is using it.

  The dirty sounds of skin smacking echoes around us, and Luca’s fingers continue to dig deeper and deeper into the rounded globes of my ass. He’s dug his nails in so deep, I’ll likely have marks for weeks.

  But right now, I don’t give a damn. I keep my eyes tightly closed as I howl his name is response to the pleasure coursing through my body. I’m about to come, and it’s no secret because my body is reacting to his violently. There’s no way he can’t tell that my cunt is spasming in preparation for an orgasm to wrack the rest of my body.

  As I open my mouth to tell him so, he mutters, “I know.” He pulls me down hard onto his dick and captures my mouth with his, his tongue desperately stroking mine as every inch of his body tightens. His moans are muffled as he fights
for control of the tango happening in our mouths.

  He pulls out of me with a dissatisfied groan and lets go of my ass. Stepping back from me slightly, he lets my body slide down the wall until my feet are back on the tiled floor. When I open my eyes, I find him staring hard at me, an unfamiliar look in his eyes. I gulp nervously and motion between us. “I’m on the pill, Luca. Remember that first time you jizzed inside me without a condom? I didn’t want to take chances. We’re protected, so it’s okay.”

  He narrows his eyes at me and shakes his head with a laugh, “Not what the look was about, but… hey, wait… why didn’t you tell me sooner? We’ve been fucking with condoms for no reason?!? I hate condoms now that I know what you really feel like inside…”

  I shrug a little. “Didn’t come up really and then, well, we haven’t exactly been fucking lately. Looks like you could’ve given up sex for Lent after all.”


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