Finding My Mate

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Finding My Mate Page 7

by Rylee Winters

  And that shit was just unacceptable.

  ‘He gets it – he gets it because he is wounded physically as you are mentally, Linne. It is good… you will be good together.’ Sneering at the crow, I barely managed to hold back the snarl that curled my lip. The damn bird bopped his head, his black eyes sparkling with merriment. ‘See! He gets defensive as do you! Perfect!’

  “Fuck off before I step on you, bird.” Muss hopped back at my irritated snap, flapping his wings even as he tossed his head from side to side.

  ‘I am trying to help you, stupid Derek the Lion. If you do not want my help, I will go. I promised to tell the human Chad when Linne wakes up, anyway. He will be more than grateful for my assistance.’

  Shimmering and fading in the light that streamed through the window, Muss disappeared within the blink of an eye. Heaving a rough sigh, I ground my teeth together as the bird’s words rolled in circles in my mind. Rocking back on my heels, my body thrummed with tension, and I reached to rub and squeeze my discolored arm out of habit.

  “I am sorry about Muss – he does not understand boundaries.” Speaking up from the foot of her bed, Linne offered a smile tinged with the guilt that swirled in her eyes, and I pursed my lips under furrowing brows.

  “It’s not that…I learned a long time ago that my skin has advantages and disadvantages, and that I have to live with it.” Linne shot me a quizzical look, almost as if she didn’t believe me, and I frowned deeply. “What?”

  “You are not happy, though…” Stiffening as she trailed off, I narrowed my gaze on her as she also tensed, and my heart stuttered in my chest at whatever she’d realized. “Do you like me but are not happy? Do I not make you smile as you do when you are happy?”

  For fuck’s sake. Resisting the urge to groan and rub my palms down my face, I only clenched my fists at my sides and ground my teeth hard. Concern and unease flittered across Linne’s expression, and my thoughts raced trying to find a way to fix this fucking mess.

  “Some people just don’t smile, Linne.” Surprise replaced everything on her face, and her brows shot up at my declaration. “Or they don’t smile often. Some people smile all the time, and others, not so much. It depends on the person.”

  “Oh.” Accepting my response, Linne didn’t seem keen on continuing the conversation, and she climbed off her bed to stretch her arms high above her head. “I am happy you do not smile not because of me.”

  My chest tightened with affection at Linne’s lack of grasp on the English language, and she flashed me a toothy grin.

  “I smile when I am happy.” She was so fucking cute – but so fucking frustrating at the same time. Forcing my shoulders to relax, I only nodded at her declaration before she wandered past me and out of her bedroom. Exhaling slowly through flared nostrils, I turned to follow her as my mind whirred at a comfortable pace.

  Getting Linne to understand certain parts of my world was going to be the problem, I realized. She could make the decision to accept or deny, but getting to that point wasn’t going to be without its challenges.

  How in the Hell did Chad get her this far? The human must’ve been some sort of saint to deal with this shit; that, or he just had experience with children.

  “Why do you not have parents? How did you come into existence if you were not conceived or birthed?” Flinging the question over her shoulder, Linne walked into her bereft living room and up to her little, makeshift workstation. For just a second, I ignored her question; she literally owned nothing but a bed, a small, old tv, and the rig in her living room. Even her clothes were stacked neatly on the floor against the wall, and I let the sheer bareness of how she lived distract me from her probing.

  “My parents abandoned me when I was born because of my skin. I don’t consider them my parents, but they are out there somewhere.” Reaching to rub my left arm, I grimaced automatically despite having come to terms with this reality long ago. Soft, hazel eyes caressed the discolored side of my body, and Linne hummed quietly as my heart thumped hard in my chest.

  “But you are beautiful.” My heart nearly stopped at her casual declaration, and my gaze flew from the floor to connect with hers. Linne’s expression alone told me that she thought her words were obvious, and she cocked her head with the most ‘duh’ look in her eyes. “You would be the most coveted man in my realm because of your skin. If you were Unseelie, you would be very powerful. Just even now – you are very powerful because of your skin.”

  My brows shot straight up, a bark of harsh, humorless laughter choking me as it lodged in my throat. Covering my mouth with the back of my hand, I coughed hard, and an almost unfamiliar feeling wiggled to burrow deep in my chest.


  “Thank you…but this realm – here – doesn’t see this like that.” Clearing my throat roughly, I lifted my arm to stare at the blotches that stretched over thick muscle. Distaste coated my tongue, and I flexed absently as a frown curved my mouth. “I remember wishing I had never been born because of the ridicule I got about my skin.”

  “If you were never born, you couldn’t wish you were never born.” Honestly, I had no fucking idea what Linne meant by that, but she smiled at me as if she’d said something wise and encouraging. Nodding silently, I watched her turn to her work station; she was so obviously happy with herself that I didn’t even try to open my mouth. Instead, I focused on what she was working on, and I made my way to the table to watch her pick through materials.



  Walking beside Derek down the street, I wrung my fingers absently as I watched my feet move in and out of my field of vision. Rolling my lips between my teeth, my jaw ticked while my mind circled over and over again.

  “But I don’t eat human food – I am invited to your victory feast, but I do not eat your food. That is rude. I should not go.” Blurting out the thoughts that crowded my brain, I tore my eyes off the concrete to watch Derek shrug carelessly.

  “They’re throwing this feast specifically for you, Linne. You helped keep the clan safe – they want to thank you for that help. You don’t have to eat the food, but you do need to show up. Otherwise, they’ll be…sad…” Pursing my lips tightly, I heaved a sigh as Derek settled his palm against the small of my back. “It’s much more rude not to go than to just not eat anything. And you don’t know if you won’t like human food. Chad said you tried it and liked it, didn’t you?”

  “W – well…yes, I suppose so.” Turning my gaze back to the sidewalk, my chest tightened at the idea of trying different food again. “But it serves no purpose. I am not like human magic wielders, Derek – it does not strengthen me.”

  “It’s not going to stay that way, though, Linne – you’re becoming more human the longer you stay in this realm. That means that, eventually, you’ll need to eat human food to sustain your body. Don’t you think that it’s better to try things now so you know what you like when you have no choice but to eat?” Surprise shot through me like a lightning bolt, and I paused mid-step to suck in a sharp breath.

  “You are right! I did not realize that!” My high-pitched voice rang out down the empty street, and I stomped my foot down to grin at Derek. “You are right – I will eat the human food.”

  The walk to Derek’s pack grounds was surprisingly short; he only lived five blocks from my home. All of the structures lining the streets turned from houses to apartments, and I craned my neck to take in the tall, well-maintained buildings. Each one was colored different, but the style in which they were built was exactly the same. Some had yards, but others did not. Windows on the second or third floors had flower boxes hanging out of them, but most of the first floors didn’t.

  “There’s the pack house – ” Pointing to the largest house I’d ever seen, Derek wrapped his arm more firmly around my waist as I stumbled slightly in surprise. Lights shone from windows that stretched ten feet tall and ten feet long, and they didn’t even reach the edges of the house.

  “It is the same as the
one of the human entertainment on the television.” Fumbling over my words, I licked my lips heavily, and Derek grunted in acknowledgment.

  “Yeah – it’s a little much if you ask me…” Grumbling to himself, he kept me moving forward, and my gaze shifted to the well-manicured lawn that covered the vast expanse between the house and the sidewalk. My heart pounded hard at the pretty flowerbeds that lined either side of the walkway leading to the door. In the golden light of late afternoon, the buds shimmered attractively, and I couldn’t help but wonder who’d planted them.

  “Just tell me if you want to get some air – the clan can be…a lot to handle.” Slowing to turn onto the walkway, Derek glanced down as I glanced up, and apprehension slithered into my veins. His expression was tight, almost uncomfortable, and I sucked in air through flared nostrils before nodding firmly.

  “I will. You do not like your clan?” My question caused Derek to grimace, and he cleared his throat roughly as the sounds coming from inside the house tickled my ears. People were laughing, talking, and having fun – and that caused nervousness to settle in my belly.

  “I don’t dislike them, but I’d rather not spend time with them like this. I hate parties and making small talk and shit.” Nodding again, I stepped closer to Derek as we reached the wide, heavy front door. The barrier was made of oak and colored glass, and I nibbled on my bottom lip as I silently debated using my magic to cloak my wings. “You ready, Linne?”

  “Yes.” Answering automatically, my breath caught in my throat when Derek reached for the shiny, brass handle. My hands flew to his, panic threading through my veins, and I gulped audibly before speaking up again. “N – no…not, I’m not ready.”

  Holding Derek’s hand, I closed my eyes to focus on the tingles that spread up my arm just beneath my skin. The sensation calmed my heart beat and aching lungs, and the twisting in my belly loosened slightly. Flipping his palm over to grapple both my wrists in his long, callused fingers, he tightened his grip on my hip to hold us more firmly together.

  And I liked it – the warmth of him seeping into my skin from where we touched.

  “Just relax.” Nodding a third time, I took a deep breath heavy with his smell, and Derek released my wrists to grab the handle.

  The noise became incredibly loud incredibly fast, and I tensed even as I walked into the house. My eyes widened at the splendor that met me, flooding my sense of sight with light and marble that swirled with a dark orange color that made up the floor and the walls. Two sets of curved staircases led up to the second floor, and my neck ached as I struggled to take it all in.

  “Welcome!” Loud and abrasive, the greeting rattled my spine, and the weight of dozens of eyes rested on my shoulders. Twisting to watch Alpha Jackson stride confidently towards me and away from whoever he was previously talking to, I held my breath. My wings bristled and ruffled, stretching slightly with the urge to grow and spread and relieve the tension thrumming through me with magic.

  “Alpha Jackson.” Returning the greeting, Derek shook hands with the Alpha male, but Jackson’s gaze never left me. Gnawing on my inner cheek in uncertainty, my eyes darted around at the shifters around me, taking in their unchecked curiosity.

  “Linne…” Snatching my attention, Alpha Jackson smiled while his eyes sparkled in amusement. “I’d like to introduce you to some people, if that’s okay.”

  “Yes.” Speaking slightly, my answer was overly loud, and I winced as it bounced around the room in an echo. Turning on his heel, Alpha Jackson led us through a high archway and away from prying eyes before I heaved a breath of relief. My shoulders slumped heavily, and I rubbed my palms together to get rid of the tingling in my fingertips.

  “I won’t keep you if you’re uncomfortable, but I thought you would want to meet the people that would’ve fought if you hadn’t intervened. We would’ve had no choice but to fight in a situation like that.” Talking over his shoulder, Alpha Jackson led me into a room that was small compared to the house, but still bigger than my own living room. Peeking around his broad shoulders, I pursed my lips at the many people idling and talking. Women sat on couches, conversing with familiarity, and men stood rigid, with keen eyes that missed nothing.

  They certainly didn’t miss me, and I laced my fingers together when quiet swept the room.

  “Everyone – this is Linne, the cause of events that most likely saved your lives.” Strong and commanding, Alpha Jackson’s introduction sent heat up my neck even as he stepped to the side. All eyes were once again on me, and I shuffled closer to Derek while the silence stretched in both observation and discomfort.

  “Are you sure? She doesn’t strike me as a murderer.” The first voice to speak up was soft, obviously feminine, and my eyes widened as they whipped to one of the long, lounge couches. Skepticism spread across the faces I saw there, and I clenched my jaw as the other women murmured in agreement. “We don’t even know how she supposedly saved our lives. I find it hard to believe she’s so nervous, but could wipe out a pack of wolves as the rumors say.”

  “Are you not grateful? Is that not the point of this feast? Why do you ask such questions?” Confusion coated my tongue thickly, and my slow questions only reflected my slow mind. Turning to Alpha Jackson, I frowned deeply at the annoyance splayed across his expression. “I do not want to be here, and yet – your people are interrogating me. Maybe I should not have intervened. I only did so for the miniature humans – I would not have otherwise used such magic. Certainly, I did not do it for you.”

  “Don’t listen to her, Linne.” Derek’s harsh rasping caressed my brain, and I turned my attention to him as he lifted his lip in a snarl, his eyes blazing with offense. “She’s just jealous because her place as the top female has been threatened by you.”

  An involuntary bark of laughter burst from my throat, and Derek glanced down at me to crack a smirk – the first, closest smile I’d seen thus far.

  “I do not understand – she is not competition. I am much stronger.” Turning back to the woman to find her face red and pinched angrily, I furrowed my brows. “You are just a shifter. You are no match for me even without my magic – especially with my magic. Do not try to compare yourself when we are not in similar affiliate.”

  “League – when you’re not in the same league, Linne…” Mumbling in my ear, Derek squeezed my hip as his pride laced his voice, and I nodded firmly. “Besides, she’s not in the pack, Rachel. You’re being a bitch for nothing.”

  “It’s perfectly acceptable to want a damn explanation, Derek…” Disgust dribbled from Rachel’s voice, and I stiffened as she glared hotly at him. “No one knows what happened, and we’re all curious to know how someone afraid of small talk could do what she supposedly did. I honestly won’t believe it unless I see it.”

  “You want to fight me?” Amusement replaced my confusion, and I finally felt that tickle of confidence that had I lost until now. Fighting – I could do that. It was much easier than small talk. “I will fight you, and when you lose, I will kill you.”

  “Linne, please don’t kill her…she’s my only avian shifter.” Resignation lay heavy in Alpha Jackson’s tone, and I glanced at him as he ran both his palms heavily down his face. “Alright – round everyone up. I guess I should’ve expected this.”



  “This is a damn disaster. I thought it’d be a good idea to introduce her to other shifters.” I couldn’t hide my smirk at Alpha Jackson’s grumbles, but my gaze stayed glued to Linne as she stripped out of her clothes. Her scarred back glimmered under the lights of the grand foyer of the pack house. Leaning heavily on the bannister, I clasped my hands together as she flexed her beautiful, raven wings.

  “It’s not a disaster. Linne was a slave, Jackson – she was forbidden from talking to anyone ever unless it was a report to her master.” Honestly, I thought it was hilarious that Rachel thought she could use brute force to get the answers that Alpha Jackson had denied everyone. Of course, people wanted to
know what happened, but our considerate leader didn’t want them to get agitated.

  Which was an entirely accurate worry on his part because this clan was used to being the best. Knowing there was someone in their immediate vicinity that was so incredibly more powerful than them would mess with some minds.

  “I’m sure I spared Linne discomfort, but this confrontation won’t do me any good. Either I end up with a bunch of shifters that want her dead, or I end up with a bunch of lazy assholes that grow complacent under those tiny wings of hers.” Grunting absently, I shuffled on my heels as my cock strained against my jeans. Only barely did I managed to process what Alpha Jackson said, too focused on watching Linne’s tits tighten when she arched sharply in a stretch.

  “I am curious as to why you believe you can beat me.” Humor laced Linne’s voice, and I clenched my jaw as she wagged her ass in those infuriating booty shorts. She only owned five pairs of jeans – one for each day of the work week. Saliva pooled under my tongue, and she glanced up at me to flush pink. Blood rushed in my ears at the lust that threatened to ignite the air around her and which sparkled brightly in her eyes as they scanned me slowly. Maybe it was from the fight, or maybe it was me; I didn’t care which because at least it was there.

  Oh yeah – she felt the fucking bond alright.

  “It’s not about beating you – it’s about proving a point. Either you did what you’ve said to have done, or you didn’t. And I, personally, don’t think you have it in you to kill.” The entire clan was gathered, and Rachel’s grave misjudgment bounced off the columns holding up the stairs on either side of the foyer. People lined the balcony of the second floor, and a wave of murmurs, ranging from disbelief to agreement, surged to converge on Alpha Jackson and I. Down on the first floor, Linne cocked her head without looking away from me, and a muscle in my cheek twitched.


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