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The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6

Page 10

by Paula Kay

  “I will. Thank you, Gi. I was thinking maybe if things go well tonight, I might invite Lia over here. You know, to meet everyone. A small party. You, Blu and Jemma, and maybe Douglas. What do you think? Will it work next week?” Arianna saw the look on Gigi’s face and laughed, because she guessed at her discomfort before Gigi could even speak. “Don’t worry, Gi, you won’t have to cook. I’ll hire someone to come in to do the meal. It will be fun. I promise.”

  Gigi laughed. “Si, yes, that’s sounds great, bella. I would love to meet her.”

  Chapter 17

  It was a beautiful evening for driving with the top down, and Arianna had her opera music playing loud in her speakers as she made the drive over the bridge. As she continued the drive to Lia’s apartment just south of the city, she was surprised at how calm she felt. She still didn’t know what to expect from their visits but she was looking forward to getting to know her mother better. And if she had to guess, she thought that Lia was going to cook her a delicious meal tonight. She loved Italian food, and being with Lia just reminded her of all things Italian.

  She pulled up to the apartment complex, following the instructions Lia had given her as to where to park. She took a quick glance at her face in the car mirror, grabbed her handbag and the wine from the back seat, and headed for Lia’s apartment.

  Lia answered the door after the first ring of the doorbell, greeting Arianna with a big hug and a kiss on each cheek.

  “Oh my God. It smells amazing in here,” Arianna said as she made her way into the small dining area off the entry. “What are you cooking?”

  “Tagliatelle bolognese. It’s my favorite thing to make.” Lia smiled and reached for Arianna’s hand to pull her behind her into the small kitchen. “Come talk to me while I finish the pasta.”

  Arianna handed Lia the two bottles of wine. “I hope you like red.”

  Lia examined the labels. “Ah, very nice. Thank you so much. We’ll open a bottle now, yes?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Arianna sat on a stool by the kitchen counter while she watched Lia pour two glasses of wine and assemble a plate of bruschetta for them to have before the main dish was ready.

  Arianna reached for one of the perfectly done pieces. “Mmmm. This is my favorite. I love bread so much.” She laughed.

  “You are Italian after all.” Lia laughed too.

  Lia moved around to finish preparing the pasta, and Arianna noticed that she was using a pasta maker.

  “Homemade pasta. Yum.”

  “Of course. It is the first appliance that I bought when I arrived here. An Italian woman needs her pasta maker.” They both laughed.

  Arianna watched her put the dough through the machine until it was perfectly flat.

  “I wish I knew how to cook,” Arianna said, watching Lia. “Who taught you how?”

  “My mother. And my grandmother.” Lia smiled. “In Italy the kitchen is always filled with all of the women of the house. Well, the men also know how to cook pasta, but for the women it is part of life growing up. You never cooked with your—your mom?” Lia asked.

  “No. Not at all, in fact. I can’t even ever remember seeing my mom cook anything other than breakfast, and even that wasn’t often. We had Gigi, and for special dinners she would always hire a chef to come in.”

  “Gigi is Italian, yes?”

  Arianna nodded and laughed. “She is, yes. And she would be the first to admit to not being the world’s greatest cook. We order out a lot.”

  “I’ll be happy to teach you to cook.” Lia looked up and smiled. “If you like.”

  Arianna’s response caught in her throat as instant and surprising tears came to her eyes. “Yes, I’d like that.”

  “For tonight, I’ll show you a few things about the meal that we’re having. Let me get this pasta going on the stove.” Lia finished preparing the dough and dropped the delicate pasta into the pot of already boiling water. She opened the lid to the other pot and scooped out a small spoonful with the ladle, blowing on it gently as she brought it over to where Arianna sat. “Here, bella. Taste this.”

  Arianna smiled, taking the spoon from her and bringing it to her mouth. “This is the best bolognese I’ve ever had. What’s in there?”

  Lia showed her the herb that was lying on the counter. “Timo.”


  “Ah—in English, thyme. One of my favorite herbs in Italian cuisine. The trick is in the timing of the sauce. You must put the thyme in early. It will get the full flavor that way, and then when the dish is prepared, you can also add a few sprigs on top.”

  “I cannot wait to eat that. My mouth is watering.”

  Lia laughed. “The pasta should be done in about ten minutes or so. Enjoy your wine and I will finish with everything in here. Shall I turn on some music? Do you mind?”

  Arianna shook her head. “No, not at all.”

  “I love to listen to old rock music when I cook.”

  Arianna laughed. “I love to listen to opera when I drive.”

  “Really?” Lia laughed, unable to contain a look of surprise. “I wouldn’t have expected that.”

  “Yes, all my friends make fun of me and think it’s kind of weird, but I guess I grew up with it—it’s actually something very nice I think I got from my mother. My parents took me to the opera a few times when I was younger and I was mesmerized by it. I find it relaxing.” Arianna felt herself blushing a little.

  “I don’t know much about opera,” Lia said with a wide smile. “Maybe it’s something you can teach me a little about?”

  “Yes. I actually have season tickets for the opera here. Two seats, so we’ll go for sure. I’d like that.” Arianna felt a bit shy all of a sudden, in disbelief that she was making all of these future plans with her mother, of all people.

  She went to sit on the small sofa in the living room, with the dining area between her and Lia working in the kitchen. She could see Lia humming along to the music, strands of long curly hair escaping the loose bun at the nape of her neck. Arianna thought she looked perfectly happy and content with her apron on, working in the kitchen, and a lump caught in her throat. How different would her life have been, growing up with this woman as a mother? Would she have learned to cook? Learned Italian? Avoided some of the negative influences that had come into her life…some of the mistakes she’d made? She sighed. No use dwelling on the past or what could have been. All she had was right now. This moment. And this time with Lia was better than she ever could have imagined it.

  Lia looked up and smiled when she saw Arianna looking at her. “How are you doing in there?”

  “I’m great. How are you doing in there? Can I help with anything at all?”

  “No, no. I am just about ready to serve, actually. If you want to come have a seat.”

  Arianna got up and made her way to the table as Lia placed a steaming plate of pasta down in front of her. “This looks and smells delicious. I can’t wait to try it.”

  “Dig in.” Lia smiled.

  Arianna took her first bite and was immediately transported in her mind to what she imagined a perfect Italian restaurant experience must be. “This is seriously the best pasta I’ve ever tasted.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

  “Do you cook often?”

  “As often as I can. But I love cooking for others especially.”

  “Is that why you do the work that you do? And do you enjoy it?”

  “Well, if I’m being honest, I don’t like the housekeeping part of the job as much, and it’s unusual without formal education to get a job strictly as a private cook. So mainly the types of people that hire me want everything. The housekeeper that can also cook as a big bonus.” Lia laughed.

  Like when my parents hired Gigi, Arianna thought. They had wanted the housekeeper and nanny all rolled into one position.

  “But I don’t mind so much, really. I love cooking for the families because they do seem to appreciate it. I mainly love to cook I
talian, but I’m quite happy to experiment with any recipe.”

  “It’s good that they appreciate it,” Arianna said.

  “Time will tell with this next job. It’s always a little nerve-racking at the beginning, getting to know one another. I have high hopes for this one, anyways. The people seemed nice when I met them and there aren’t any kids, so it will be strictly housekeeping and cooking for just them. I think they do entertain a fair bit, so I’ll do small dinner parties as well.”

  “Speaking of small dinner parties…” Arianna chimed in. “I was thinking that I’d love to have you over to meet Gigi and my best friend. She’ll bring her daughter Jemma, who is six and adorable, and then I’ll also ask Douglas, who I know that you’ve spoken with before. Maybe later this week. Say, Friday if that works for you?”

  “Oh, that sounds wonderful. I’d love to come. See where you live. Oh, and I’m happy to cook—”

  “Oh no, not at all. I wouldn’t dream of asking you to cook. I’ll hire someone to come in and do it. It’s no problem, and I’d rather have you enjoy yourself.”

  “Actually I would love to do the cooking. Honestly. To help you do a little dinner for the people that you’re closest to—that sounds like pure joy to me.”

  Arianna laughed. “Are you sure?”

  Lia nodded. “Completely sure. I’ll come up with a menu this week and we can go over it together beforehand. Does that sound good?”

  “Yes, I’m good with anything you want to do; and you can send me the shopping list to give to Gigi. She’s happy whenever the cooking doesn’t fall on her.” Arianna laughed.

  “Great, then Friday it is.”

  They finished their pasta and then Lia excused herself to clear the plates and get the dessert out of the refrigerator. She came back to the table with what Arianna thought was the most amazing-looking panna cotta that she’d ever seen. She dipped her spoon into the fresh berries on top, scooping up the delicious creamy dessert. “This is decadent.”

  “I’m glad you like it. You are very easy to please.” Lia smiled.

  “And you are an incredible cook.” Arianna smiled too. “I’m impressed. With the smells, the wine, and this delicious meal, I feel like I’ve been transported to Italy tonight. And it’s been so lovely. Really.”

  “It’s been my pleasure Ari.”

  They chatted a few more minutes before Arianna realized how tired she was feeling. It had been an exciting couple of days, and the busyness was catching up to her. She stood up to collect her bag and say goodbye.

  Lia said, “So I’ll call you about the menu and if you’d like, I would love to see you before then too. Anytime—but I don’t want to be pushy or anything. I just want you to know that I’ll take as much time as you’ll give me.” She smiled, and Arianna realized how much she was appreciating Lia’s honesty.

  “Yes, I’d like that too. I come into the city quite often, so we can meet for lunch or coffee—or I’m happy to come back down this way too.”

  “That sounds great. I’ll call you in the next few days then.” Lia went to give Arianna a big hug. “Drive carefully, okay? You are okay—to drive, I mean?”

  “Oh yes, it was good that we just had the two glasses of wine.” She laughed thinking of all the times she’d had to get a cab after too many drinks in the city. But she suddenly felt much older than that young carefree girl that partied too much and didn’t care about anything important. “I’m fine to drive. Honest.” She hugged Lia back and headed out to her car, feeling completely happy and hopeful for the days ahead.

  Chapter 18

  Arianna couldn’t remember a time in her life when she’d felt so content. Since Lia’s dinner at her apartment, she’d gotten together with her several times throughout the week, and the two had spent hours on the phone together. During their many conversations, Arianna had finally brought up her travel plans and although Lia did seem disappointed that she was planning to leave so soon, she’d said that she understood and was excited for her to be able to travel and see the world.

  Arianna wasn’t sure exactly why she had felt so nervous about introducing Lia to the others, but the small dinner party was going along without a hitch, and she was positive that everyone felt as good about Lia as she did. The wine was flowing and the conversation was easy. She felt that Lia had gotten a good glimpse of her life here…with the people she loved so much. Lia excused herself to go to the kitchen to get the dessert she’d prepared. Arianna followed her, offering to help.

  As she watched Lia by the counter, carefully laying out the dessert, Arianna was overcome with emotion in a sudden and unexpected way. She loved spending time with Lia, and cooking tonight with her had been the most fun she’d had in a long time. Arianna hadn’t expected to feel this way, and she didn’t allow herself to edit how impulsive she was feeling at this moment.

  “Come with me, Lia.”

  Lia turned around at the sound of Arianna’s voice. “What, bella?”

  “Come with me. On this trip. We’ll go to Italy. To Tuscany together.” Arianna shocked herself as the words came pouring out. This was how she wanted to spend her time the next few months. With her mother. Not partying her way across Europe…like the young girl she once was. None of that mattered to her anymore. All she wanted was to get to know this woman standing in her kitchen.

  “Lia, please say yes. You won’t have to worry about any of the expenses. It will be my treat. And my pleasure,” Arianna said, unable to keep the excitement from her voice.

  Lia was quiet for a moment, and Arianna could guess the questions in her mind. It was sudden, she knew.

  “I don’t know, Ari. The idea of it—to be back in Italia, in Tuscany—it’s been so many years, so much has probably changed. To be there with you—I never even allowed myself to think of that—”

  “Say yes. Please, Lia.” Arianna felt like a young child begging her mother for the doll that she’d spotted in the shop window, and she giggled at the irony of it.

  “What about my new job—the apartment—” said Lia. “I don’t know if it’s smart for me to take off right now when I’m just getting on my feet here. But the thought of spending all that time with you—”

  “Don’t worry about any of that. I’ll help you until you get on your feet. And if that job doesn’t work out, you’ll find another one. Please don’t worry about the money. That’s the easiest thing in the world for me to take care of.”

  “Ari, are you sure?” Lia grinned and crossed the kitchen to where Arianna stood.

  “Yes, I’m sure. Say yes and we’ll plan everything next week. It will be incredible.”

  Lia reached for Arianna and pulled her in for a big hug that Arianna did not resist. She was scrapping her round-the-world trip of a lifetime to be with her mother in Italy, and she couldn’t feel more pleased. It was a better idea. It was the best idea. She hugged Lia back and noticed her quickly wiping at the tears in her eyes before bringing her attention back to the dessert.

  “Are you ready to serve these?” Arianna asked. “I’ll help you. And I want to tell the others about our plans.”

  Arianna noticed a concerned look on Lia’s face.

  “Lia, they’ll be happy. No one has been overly excited about my travel plans and they’ll be delighted to know that I’m not going alone any more. Or traipsing around the whole globe with partying on my brain.” Arianna laughed. Partying was the last thing on her mind these days.

  Lia nodded and gave Arianna a quick kiss on the cheek. “Alright then. Let’s serve this to our guests, shall we?”

  Arianna smiled broadly. “I think this calls for a little celebratory drink of champagne.” She grabbed the chilled bottle out of the fridge, anxious to tell her friends the news.

  After dessert and with the champagne poured, Arianna lifted her glass in a toast. “Everyone, thank you for coming tonight. It’s been so wonderful having you here in my home and I want to thank Lia for the Italian feast that she’s prepared for us.”

nna waited while everyone nodded in enthusiastic agreement, thanking Lia for what had been a spectacular meal. Arianna continued. “And I have an announcement to make about something that you’ve all been patiently listening to me talk about nonstop for this past month or so. My around-the-world solo trip has hereby changed to that of a trip to Italy—to Tuscany, to be more precise—and I’ve got a willing partner in crime. I’ve asked Lia to come with me and she’s agreed.” Arianna grinned.

  Lia looked slightly embarrassed but had a big smile on her face as everyone clapped their approval.

  “Oh, that’s fantastic,” Blu called out. “Tuscany is going to be unbelievable. Especially for you two, going together.”

  “Blu, my invitation to you still stands, of course. I want you and Jemma to come for as long as you’re able.”

  Arianna turned towards Gigi. “And Gi, you’ll come too? I’ll find a nice villa with plenty of room and we’ll cook and drink wine and enjoy the views—and Douglas, you too? Say you’ll come. It will be fantastic.” Arianna looked around the table at the people that she loved. They had been there by her side through so much already. And she wanted them with her in Italy.

  They all raised their glasses and in near unison toasted to Arianna and her invitation.

  Douglas spoke first. “That does sound lovely, Arianna. Thank you for the invitation, and I will do my best to see if I can clear my schedule to meet you all for a few days.”

  Arianna noticed the slight blush that seemed to be creeping to Gigi’s face as Douglas looked at her while speaking.

  “Bella, what a wonderful idea. And to go home after all this time.”

  Gigi’s family was from southern Italy, but Arianna had already thought about either having them come up or helping Gigi to organize the additional time that she should take to visit her sisters and the rest of her family.

  Arianna felt completely at peace as they finished their champagne and enjoyed the easy conversation that wound up the perfect evening.


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