The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6

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The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6 Page 13

by Paula Kay

  “Yes. It does feel like home to me. There’s nothing like it really. I feel different when I’m here. More of myself, I suppose. Before everything bad happened. If that makes sense?”

  “It’s funny. I almost think that’s part of what I’m feeling here, now that you mention it. Like more of myself. I haven’t particularly embraced my Italian heritage even though it has intrigued me so much; and having Gigi around has helped, I suppose. But I was never really sure of who I was. To find out now that both my mother and my father are full Italian. Well, that’s kind of amazing to me.”

  “Bella, are you so surprised, what with your love for Italian food, wine, and opera?” Lia laughed. “And you are one of the most gorgeous Italian beauties I’ve ever seen. And I’m not being biased.”

  Arianna felt herself blushing. “Thank you. And I think you are biased. Well, you can’t say that to me without also acknowledging your own beauty, now can you?” She winked.

  They came upon one of the prettier of the many bridges that crossed the Arno River throughout the city. “Look, bella. It’s so lovely, isn’t it?”

  “It looks like something from a postcard. Magical.”

  They found a bench near the water and chatted for several minutes before they were both yawning and decided to call it a night. Arianna texted their driver, who was there to retrieve them within minutes; they were back at the hotel, saying goodnight, thirty minutes later.

  “Now for that hot bath,” Lia said with a yawn and a big grin.

  “That sounds like the perfect way to end a great day.” Arianna reached over to give her a hug. “So tomorrow should we get an early start? I’m thinking we can head towards the museum with the statue of David and find a nice little cafe to have some coffee and a bite to eat first. I’m dying to see it. It has been so high on my must-see list for years.”

  “Sounds great. Enjoy your bath and sleep well.”

  Chapter 23

  Arianna woke the next morning feeling so restful and happy. She waited until what she hoped was the reasonable time of eight o’clock before ringing Lia’s room to make a plan for the day.

  “Good morning.”

  “Someone sounds wide awake and cheerful this morning,” Arianna said.

  “I’ve been up since five o’clock and am well into a first cup of coffee already. Sorry, I couldn’t wait once I smelled the strong coffee brewing near the garden cafe.”

  Arianna laughed. “If you’re ready, you’re welcome to come up here while I do the same. It won’t take me long, and I’ll have two coffees delivered right now.”

  “I was hoping you’d invite me to your suite. I’m dying to see it. I’ll be over in ten minutes?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Arianna clicked off the phone and then called room service. She was really looking forward to the day. Another chance to spend time with her mother. The thought still seemed rather foreign to her but she was getting used to it, and she definitely was enjoying her time.

  She let Lia in a few minutes later and gave her a quick tour of the suite before carrying their coffees out onto the expansive terrace.

  “Wow. This is so pretty. I love it.”

  “I know it’s bigger than the one you’re in. But I thought you would enjoy it more—”

  “Ari, I love my suite. There is nothing to explain.” She leaned over to hug her. “You’ve been so wonderful to me. Really. I’m still pinching myself for being on this trip with you.”

  “Me too. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking a similar thought about having you here with me. I guess it was meant to be. Now, let me go put some clothes on and freshen up these tired-looking eyes. I won’t be long. Make yourself at home.”

  Arianna went to get dressed, opting for a simple but elegant summer dress, with her favorite sandals. She grabbed one of the knit shawls that she’d brought with her, stuffing it into her oversized bag with her sunglasses, phone, and keys. She was back downstairs within ten minutes, ready to go.

  “You really are pretty low-maintenance in terms of how much time it takes you to get ready,” Lia said.

  “Good genes. And little patience.” Arianna laughed. “Alright then, let’s head out. I’ve called the driver and he should be waiting for us outside.”

  Their car was waiting; Arianna instructed the driver to take them near the Accademia. It looked to be another gorgeous day, with not a cloud in sight. According to the weather forecast, their time in Florence was shaping up to be full of sunshine and reasonable temperatures.

  They thanked the driver and had him let them out near a small cafe that they spotted near the museum. They went inside and ordered one more coffee, and did not resist the beautiful-looking pastries that were being showcased near the register. “Oh, this is a fine start to the day.” Arianna laughed.

  “You can say that again,” Lia said, wiping a bit of raspberry filling from her lip.

  “Have you been to the Accademia before? To see David?” Arianna asked.

  “I have, but it was a long time ago.” Lia had a wistful expression on her face. “It was when I was little and with my father. For some reason, and totally out of the ordinary, he’d taken a day off from work and brought me into the city to see David. I remember him saying it was important. That he wanted me to know art and culture. Funny, because I haven’t thought about that for a very long time.”

  “Do you remember the day with him? Was it nice?” Arianna was curious to know more about this man that Lia was talking about. This man that had been her grandfather.

  “Yes, it was very nice actually. I remember going to the museum and not being totally taken with everything, but the statue of David was mesmerizing to me. As I was pretty young it might have had something to do with the fact of the anatomy I was seeing, even though my father had explained to me that it was true art and not for making jokes about being naked. And I remember we went for huge gelatos afterwards. Way bigger than anything my mother had ever let me eat.” Lia laughed. “Yes, it was a good day. Just like today will be.” She wiped her mouth again and finished her coffee. ‘Shall we go?”

  “After you,” Arianna said as she grabbed her bag to leave.

  They headed over to the Accademia Gallery, where they were able to bypass the long lines of people because Arianna had had the hotel concierge get them advance entry tickets. They walked around the museum, enjoying the art and sculptures, before they came to the famous statue of David.

  “Wow. Seeing the sculpture in my art history books really does not even compare to the real deal at all, does it?” Arianna asked Lia.

  “No, nothing compares to seeing Michelangelo’s work in person. It is all so beautiful. I never tire of looking at it.”

  The two stood near David for several minutes, taking it all in, before swarms of tourists flooded the room. “Okay, I’m ready to move on. You?” Arianna said.


  They walked around the whole gallery for a few hours before deciding it was time to head to another famous part of the city. “Arianna, are you ready for some shopping?” Lia said with a teasing nudge.

  “I’m always up for some shopping,” Arianna said. Although not as much these days, she supposed. It didn’t seem to be all that big a deal to her anymore, although of course she did want to check out the leather in Florence—it was supposed to be some of the best in the world.

  They decided to walk to the San Lorenzo market to check out the popular spot for shopping for Italian specialties. There were stall upon stall of souvenirs, clothing, and leather. Lia was looking at a beautiful leather wallet and talking to the shop owner in Italian. “Is it a good deal?” Arianna asked.

  “No, it’s too much,” Lia said as she grabbed Arianna’s hand to walk away, winking at her as she did so.

  “Miss, miss, come back. Okay, okay,” the shop owner said. He came down in price closer to what Lia had been asking.

  “You should have it. I’ll get it for you,” Arianna, said taking out her own wallet to pay.

No, no, Ari. I won’t have it. You’ve done enough for me as it is. I love it and I’ll buy it. It’s okay. The price is good, and surely I can splurge on at least one souvenir.” She laughed, paying the man and tucking the wallet into her purse.

  They continued walking along the stalls, and Arianna became very taken with a little leather box that she’d found. It was rectangular and looked like a cigar box, only deeper. It was lined with deep red velvet, and Arianna couldn’t stop touching it. She knew that she had to have it, and with the realization came the seed of an idea that she’d have to accomplish once she got back home to Sausalito. “I’ll take it,” she said to the woman running the shop, without even bothering to ask the price first.

  Lia shook her head, laughing. “Ari, you’re a terrible bargainer.”

  Arianna laughed. “Oops. I totally forgot. I guess I don’t bargain that much where I shop in San Francisco.”

  “I guess not.”

  Arianna was pleased with her purchase and suddenly very hungry. “What do you think about finding a cafe for some lunch?”

  “I know just the place, and it’s right here. How adventurous are you feeling?”

  “Go on,” Arianna said with a narrowing of her eyes.

  “There’s a Florentine dish that you must try. There’s a great spot that serves it here at the Central Market, and it’s very popular among the locals. Follow me, I’ll show you.” Lia took Arianna by the hand to lead her through the stalls to the indoor food market, which was bustling during this time of day and a great display of what lunchtime looked like in Florence.

  Arianna grinned as she followed behind Lia, letting her weave them both throughout the tourists and locals on the crowded street. “So what’s this dish that I need to try?”

  “You’ll see soon.”

  As they entered into an eatery, Arianna could see something that she didn’t recognize hanging over the counter. It didn’t look like meat exactly, but she wasn’t sure what she was in for.

  “It’s called panini di lampredotto, which is fresh bread rolls stuffed with hot lampredotto and topped with salsa verde. It’s something you will only find here in Florence and it’s delicious. I promise.”

  “Lia, what exactly is lampredotto?” Arianna tried not to wrinkle her nose as she asked the question, but she had the feeling it was going to be unlike anything she’d ever eaten before.

  “Well…maybe you should try it first.” Lia laughed, getting closer to the counter to order. “Shall I get us some Chianti also?”

  “Yes, most definitely, to the wine; and I promise you that I will try whatever it is you’re ordering, but I think I would like to know what I am eating.” Arianna laughed.

  “Lampredotto is the fourth stomach of a cow.” Lia looked at Arianna to see her reaction.

  Arianna laughed. “How many stomachs does a cow even have? Okay, honestly it sounds a bit disgusting to me, but I promised. You only live once, right?” Arianna laughed. Wow, she really was taking risks these days and being quite the adventure girl.

  Lia ordered everything, and within minutes they had found a little table in the crowded seating area and Arianna was biting into her first lampredotto sandwich. Lia watched her curiously as she devoured her own. “Well? What’s the verdict?” she asked, noticing that Arianna was going in for a second, bigger bite.

  “I kind of can’t believe that I’m saying this, but it’s actually pretty tasty. Go me, being Miss Adventurous with my cow stomach tasting and all.” They both laughed and lifted their glasses for a toast.

  “To Ari’s adventurous tastebuds.”

  “Cheers to adventure,” Arianna said.

  They had finished the rest of their meal and polished off another half liter of wine, when they looked at each other and both yawned at the same time.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Arianna turned to Lia.

  “That a nap sounds really good about now?” Lia laughed.

  “We have reservations tonight at the hotel restaurant, which is supposed to be one of the best in the city, so I’m thinking it makes sense to go back and have a rest and kind of chill out there for the afternoon. After we both have a little nap, you’re welcome to come join me in my suite if you like.”

  “That sounds perfect, and I’m anxious to try the restaurant too.”

  They called for their driver, who was waiting nearby, and made their way back to the Four Seasons, where they could relax a little bit before dinner. Arianna felt like the two days that they’d had in Florence had already been so incredible, and there was yet so much more to do. And the villa. She couldn’t wait until they’d arrive at the gorgeous villa she’d rented for them just outside of Siena.

  Chapter 24

  Back in her suite, Arianna pulled out the journal that she’d brought along to get caught up with all of her thoughts and reactions to Florence. And her time with Lia. She wasn’t exactly sure why she continued to write, but it made her feel better and she was starting to get an idea of something she could do with the journals that she’d been keeping. She smiled even as a lone tear snuck its way down her cheek. There was no time for crying now. She’d shed more than enough tears these past few months and now it was time to let go. She’d been doing a great job of that lately. Largely thanks to Doc, who had given her some great tools for dealing with all of the crazy emotions since the accident.

  She finished writing in her journal and decided to take a hot bath before she crawled into her luxurious sheets for a nap.

  She awoke to a blinking light on the room phone alerting her that she had a message. It was Lia, letting her know that she was up and ready whenever Arianna was. She phoned her back to let her know that she’d get dressed for dinner and that Lia should come up to have some wine with her. The hotel staff had left her a bottle of her favorite Chianti, and she couldn’t wait to try it. She reminded herself that she wanted to be sure to check into the winery tours once they got settled in the villa. This was something that she thought they’d all enjoy, and she was really looking forward to it.

  Dinner that night would be a more formal occasion, and Arianna was looking forward to dining in the hotel’s Michelin-starred restaurant. The classic Florentine menu was supposed to be amazing, and they had a wine list that compared to nothing she’d ever had before. She stepped into the sleek fitted black dress that she’d brought and then eyed her jewelry carefully. She chose some small elegant diamond-drop earrings and a matching diamond necklace that hugged her neck. She laid out her favorite black heels and Chanel handbag, placing her lipstick and other essentials inside the bag.

  Her doorbell rang and when she greeted Lia, she was taken aback by how lovely she looked. “Wow, you look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you very much, as do you,” Lia said, twirling as she walked in the door. “I’ve only had one occasion to wear this splurge of a dress, so it feels pretty wonderful.” Lia had on a dress equally as body-hugging as Arianna’s, in a beautiful deep red that perfectly accentuated the curves of her body and the olive color of her Italian skin.

  Arianna stepped back to admire her and called over her shoulder as she left the room, “I’ll be right back, don’t move.” She returned with a perfect strand of pearls in her hand. “May I?” she asked Lia as she moved to put them around her neck.

  “Oh, they’re beautiful. Yes, I’ll borrow your jewelry any time,” she said with a big grin.

  The two women moved into the living room and Arianna went to retrieve the bottle of wine and two glasses. They sat and chatted for a good hour or so before it was time to make their way downstairs for their dinner reservation. “I’m famished, and so ready for what I think is going to be a gorgeous meal,” Arianna said.

  “Me too.”

  They entered the restaurant, and Arianna was immediately taken with the elegance and decor of the place. There was a beautiful chandelier that hung in the center of the room from the vaulted ceiling. Paintings lined the walls and the tables were set with the finest white tablecloths. At
each table was a centerpiece of bright-burning candles in the prettiest shade of pink.

  They sat down and Arianna examined the wine list that the waiter handed her. After asking his recommendation, with anxious anticipation she ordered the finest bottle of Chianti that they had. Sipping her wine, Arianna looked around the restaurant, taking in her surroundings. The clientele was a mix of international, which she assumed were mainly hotel guests, and also many Italians. There was a reason that this restaurant had won so many awards, so she’d assumed it would be pretty busy and it was. She loved hearing the Italian chattering around her and the life that seemed to fill up this room.

  The two woman opened their menus and listened to the waiter explain the specials of the day and his recommendation. For their appetizers, Lia ordered the seared scallops and Ariannna the foie gras, which she only ever ordered on special occasions. They each chose a first-course pasta dish, and Arianna chose the sea bass fillet, while Lia went with roasted pigeon. Arianna read out loud, “with Vin Santo and Caramelized Fruit with Thyme—ah, I know why you chose that dish,” she said.

  “Well, you know, that thyme with caramelized fruit sounds like something I have to try. It sounds amazing, doesn’t it?” Lia said, her eyes shining in anticipation.

  Arianna nodded. She loved how excited Lia got about Italian food. She’d mostly witnessed it in relation to the rustic and authentic dishes that Lia loved preparing herself. But now, sitting with her in one of the finest Italian restaurants, as the two of them tasted first their appetizers and then the delicious dishes of home-made pasta, Arianna could see that she was the best dining partner that she could ever hope for, appreciating every mouthful of the food.

  Arianna had grown up frequenting expensive restaurants and was used to the highest quality when it came to dining out. Now she realized that this was something that Lia and her adoptive mother did have in common. They both thoroughly enjoyed a good dining experience. But she doubted that Lia had many opportunities when it came to expensive restaurants such as this. Arianna could not be happier to be able to give that to her now.


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