by Paula Kay
Within a few more minutes, Arianna could spot the villa in the distance. It looked regal atop a small hill in the middle of the countryside. There was a gorgeous landscaped garden, a tennis court, and a large swimming pool. Beyond the immediate grounds was an olive grove. The villa had nine bedrooms and ten bathrooms, so there was more than enough room for everyone. Arianna smiled to herself as she thought about the fun that Jemma would have outside in the garden and playing in the pool. She was definitely ready to see the little girl that she was really starting to miss.
They pulled up to the front walkway, and immediately the staff was there to greet them and collect their bags. They stepped out of the car, taking in the incredible view of the olives groves and Siena beyond. “Wow,” Lia said.
“You can say that again.” Arianna felt quite pleased so far and was anxious to check out the inside. “Let’s go in and check out the house. We’ll have a wander around outside here in a bit. Sound good?”
Lia nodded her agreement and they followed the housekeeper inside.
The foyer immediately inside the front door was simple but charming. There was a huge bouquet of flowers which gave off a lovely scent that was perfection. The foyer opened up into a huge living room with a big fireplace and comfortable-looking sofas and chairs. Beyond the living room was a formal dining room, and beyond that a sitting room that opened to the outside into a courtyard with big tables. There was also a wood-burning stove and everything one would need for some great evening dinners outside.
Arianna and Lia peeked their head into the kitchen, which had been converted to a full-size chef’s kitchen, while still retaining its original charm. Arianna heard Lia catch her breath.
“About that cook we just met…” she laughed.
“I was wondering about that. I don’t want you to lift a finger if you don’t want to; if, on the other hand, you’d like to cook while you are here, the kitchen is yours.” Arianna winked.
“I can’t wait to get in there.” Lia laughed.
“I figured as much and will look forward to it.”
There were three bedrooms on the first floor, four bedrooms on the second, and another two bedrooms in the unattached pool house, all with their own en suite bathrooms, so there was going to be more than enough room for everyone. Lia chose one of the bedrooms downstairs that overlooked the garden flowers and gave a magnificent view of the rolling hills beyond.
The housekeeper showed Arianna to the master suite upstairs, which she admired with a smile. It was so gorgeous. There was a small terrace and a huge bathroom with a big old-fashioned bathtub. Arianna immediately noticed the high-quality towels and the lovely assortment of soaps and powders. She’d be enjoying a soak in the tub soon enough. She opened the door out to the small terrace and caught her breath at the view. For as far as she could see were rolling hills and olive groves. It looked so magical, and she smiled to herself as she thought about the exploring that they’d do once they were settled.
After Arianna had thoroughly examined her sleeping quarters, she wandered through the rest of the house to check out the remaining bedrooms. There was a set of two bedrooms with an adjoining door that would be perfect for Blu and Jemma. Blu’s room was extravagant and exactly what Arianna wanted to give her, and the other room was done up for a child, including a sweet little playhouse villa with little dolls and furniture that she knew Jemma would love.
Arianna felt very happy for her choice with the villa. The travel agent had done a great job choosing the property. She wandered down to the kitchen to get a drink and see what Lia was doing. Lia was already in the kitchen examining all the gadgets and the fully-stocked refrigerator and pantry. “They’ve thought of everything,” she said with obvious delight. She pointed towards a bottle of wine on the counter. “The cook showed me a cheese platter prepared in the fridge for us. Shall we take it and this bottle out to the front terrace for a little snack?”
“That sounds amazing,” Arianna said, taking two wine glasses from the shelf near her. “You grab the cheese and I’ve got the wine.”
They took their food outside and got everything organized on the large table that overlooked the garden, pool, and olive grove beyond. “I feel like I’m dreaming. This is so exactly how I pictured it would be that I can’t believe it. I mean, look at the view.”
Lia nodded her head in agreement. “Being back reminds me of how truly beautiful it is. And it is magical, isn’t it?”
“That’s exactly what it is.” Arianna was thoughtful for a moment. She wished that the magic she was feeling would rub off a little on her now. If only. But she had to just keep living in reality and enjoying the moments with Lia for what they were—and they had been special so far. She felt such a bond to her that it was surprising, even though she knew how much she’d wanted that deep down from the moment they first met a few short weeks ago. It was surprising how much had happened in such a short time. And there was still a bit more time. They’d enjoy the remaining days of their vacation together before, as Arianna knew, she’d have to have a serious talk with Lia. She dreaded it, but at the same time she felt that the time was coming.
“Penny for your thoughts,” Lia teased.
Arianna laughed, getting out of her own head and back to her conversation with Lia. “Oh, sorry.”
“Where were you just now?” Lia pressed. “Anything you’d like to talk about?”
Arianna could sense that Lia was feeling more comfortable now about her and about their relationship. She probably felt that they were past the point of not being able to ask more serious questions or talk about things that really mattered.
“Oh, nowhere. Just thinking about how wonderful this is. How great the trip has been so far, and what I think remains to be another adventure. I’m excited to check out Siena and also to see where you grew up.”
“Yes, I’m excited to show you, bella.” Lia smiled.
“We have some time before the others arrive, so I say we start with a little tour tomorrow. Does that sound good?”
“That sounds perfect.”
Arianna poured them each another glass of wine while they discussed what they’d do the next day and for the remainder of their trip.
Lia agreed, at Arianna’s insistence, to let the cook prepare their dinner for their first night. Arianna felt that Lia should relax and enjoy a home-cooked meal to get the full experience of their first night at the villa. They’d noticed that the pasta maker was out in the kitchen, and good smells started wafting through the house by late afternoon.
Arianna could hardly believe how great their stay at the villa had already been after only their first day. She couldn’t wait to explore a bit the next day and decided to retire early, taking some time to have a nice bath in her deep tub and write in her journal, which had been a little bit neglected lately.
Chapter 28
The next day Arianna was up early and feeling good. She made her way across her room to pull back the curtains and let in some early morning sun and fresh air. The weather looked lovely and the rolling hills of the olive groves out her window were breathtaking, with the morning sun causing the most incredible colors.
Arianna made her way downstairs to find some coffee already brewed and fresh scones laid out on the table. She didn’t see or hear Lia up yet, so she assumed that it was the cook that had been up early preparing the little feast. She made a mental note to be sure to commend her on the impeccable service.
She had brought her journal downstairs with her and decided to have a seat out by the pool for a bit. It was so relaxing. She could already feel any tension and anxiety that she’d had melting away with each glimmer of sun shining down on her. Why hadn’t she learned how to rest and relax earlier? She thought of a time not so long ago when all she cared about was shopping and partying. All of the wasted days she’d spent being hung over, with not a thought to her future or what would truly make her happy. But there was no use worrying about it now. The important thing was that she was making the
most of her time here in the place that she had dreamed of for years, and with her mother—the mother that she had given up hope of ever knowing. So there were a lot of blessings to count. That was for sure.
She spent the next thirty minutes or so writing in her journal. She was trying hard to capture her initial impressions and feelings about the place, and more importantly the insights she was learning about the progression of her relationship with Lia, which seemed to peel back a new layer every day. She smiled as she thought of Lia now. She really did seem as though she belonged here. Not back in San Francisco at all. Just as Arianna was contemplating that thought, she heard the door opening from the house.
“Morning. Mind if I join you out here?”
Arianna closed her journal, looked up, and smiled at Lia.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize that you were writing. I can leave you if you’d like some time to yourself,” Lia said.
“Oh, no. Not at all. I’m finished and I’d love some company. You’ve found the scones, I see. Word of warning. They’re delicious.” Arianna laughed.
Lia laughed too. “I’ve already nibbled one and definitely agree with you.” Lia pulled up a chair next to Arianna by the pool and got situated with her coffee.
“So, I was thinking…”
Lia looked up. “Yes.”
“What if instead of doing Siena today, we visited Castellina in Chianti? I’m dying to see where you grew up, and I figured that we could go to Siena another day this week. I guess I’m kind of craving a quiet pace today, and from what I’ve read, I think we’d find less crowds there, don’t you think?”
Lia was thoughtful for a minute. “Yes, I suppose we can do that today.”
Arianna thought that she detected some hesitation from Lia. “Or if you’d rather wait. We can do that too.”
“No, I guess I have to get a bit of courage up—or not courage, really. Just that it might be strange being back. I want to show you, though. And I do love it there, so yes, we’ll do it.” She smiled broadly to show her approval of the change in plans.
“Great. If you’re sure?”
Lia nodded her head in agreement again. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Super. I’ll let the driver know that we’ll aim for going around ten o’clock. Does that sound good to you?” Arianna said.
“Yes, perfect. The place is not so big at all. We’ll have him drop us in my old neighborhood and then I can give you the basic tour. That should take us right up to lunch, and I’m sure there are some new places that would be fun to try. God, when I lived there, the food was magnificent. I used to dream of opening up a restaurant there. To have my own business, just like my father’s bakery.”
“That must have been pretty fun growing up with a father as a baker. I can’t imagine having access to all of those delicious breads and pastries.” Arianna laughed.
“Oh, it was very nice, really. I worked in the bakery when I was young, and even before that I spent almost all of my free time there. I knew all the regular customers and my father would have me take deliveries out on my bicycle during the week. It was a fun time.”
Arianna noticed the change in Lia’s face as she talked. She seemed to light up, and it was beautiful to see. She’d noticed that a lot on their trip so far. It was part of what had her thinking about Lia and San Francisco and what her own reasons were for being there. Arianna would maybe make a different decision later. After they’d been back from their trip. Time would tell. She reminded herself not to worry about the future or anything right now. Just be in the moment. In Tuscany. With her mother.
They finished their coffee and scones and went inside to get dressed for the day. Lia told Arianna to dress casually, so she was going to wear her designer jeans and a plain white blouse, simple earrings and her normal light dusting of make-up. Lia had a simple skirt and short-sleeved top on with super-cute red sandals that made Arianna smile when she saw them.
“Love your shoes.”
“Thanks. They are actually quite comfortable, and I figure we might be doing a little bit of walking today,” Lia said.
They collected their handbags and let the cook know that they would not be home for lunch but planned to be back for dinner. Lia had enjoyed the meal so much the night before that she’d agree to forgo cooking herself for one more night, which made Arianna very happy for some reason. Nevertheless, she loved to see Lia bustling about in the kitchen and very much looked forward to the meals that she’d be preparing in the villa soon.
Arianna’s first impressions of Castellina in Chianti were that it was just how she’d pictured a quaint little Tuscan village. The homes had the old Italian charm, and she loved the feel of the hustle and bustle of the locals going about their daily lives.
“I can’t believe that this is where you grew up,” Arianna said. “It’s so charming. And so unlike where we live.”
“You can say that again,” Lia said. “Being back here makes me realize how different my life has become in the U.S. Not bad really, just different.”
“Would you ever want to come back here?” Arianna was curious about this after seeing Lia in Italy. To her, it seemed that Lia belonged here.
“I don’t know. I mean, I guess I’ve never really let myself think about coming back. With my parents gone and—well, finances have been tight for me. I’m not complaining—” She glanced at Arianna, who got the feeling that Lia really wanted her to believe this, that she was careful when it came to talking about her financial situation with Arianna. “—And I make good money in the states, doing what I love, for the most part.” She laughed.
Arianna knew this was in reference to the cooking part of her job and not the cleaning, which had to be hard work as far as Arianna was concerned.
“So, would I come back some day?” Lia said, as much to herself as to Arianna. “Not as long as you are still in San Francisco. That I know for sure.”
Arianna looked away for a brief moment so that Lia couldn’t see what was in her eyes. “And if I weren’t in San Francisco?”
“Then I would beg you to let me move near you.” Lia laughed. “I’ve waited so many years to meet you, to know you, Ari. I would never give that up. Not for Italy, not for anything. So unless you’d be coming back here with me, I guess my answer is an emphatic no.” Lia laughed.
They’d been walking along the old stone-paved road through town as they talked, and Lia stopped in front of a bakery. The smells wafting out into the morning air were undeniably tempting.
“Is this it?” Arianna asked. “Your father’s bakery?”
“This is it.” Lia smiled. “God, I have so many memories of this place, this street.” She peered through the window. “My mother sold it right after Papa died. I know the owner. He’s an old family friend. Shall we go in?”
Arianna grinned. “Do you even need to ask?”
The little bell above the wooden door clanked to announce the arrival of customers.
“Buongiorno.” The man looked up from behind the counter to greet them. He squinted his eyes as if trying to remember something. “Lia?” His face broke into a wide grin of recognition. “Sei tornato. Buono a vederti.”
They continued for a few seconds in Italian and then Lia gestured towards Arianna. “Questo è Arianna…lei è mia figlia.”
The man looked genuinely surprised, but delighted, as he kissed Arianna on each cheek. She knew enough Italian to know that Lia had introduced her as her daughter. Arianna grinned as she told him in Italian that it was lovely to meet him. They ordered one of the delicious-looking pastries and took it to go so that they could continue walking in Lia’s old neighborhood. Arianna was anxious to see more and was enjoying her time in the sweet village so far. She knew from their earlier conversation that the bakery was not far from the home where Lia grew up.
Chapter 29
They meandered their way through a few more roads, then came upon the sweetest little square. There were a fountain and benches along each side, forming another little in
terior square. Arianna walked over to one of the benches and Lia followed, but Arianna noticed the strange faraway look on her face. “Penny for your thoughts,” Arianna said.
“Oh, sorry. I guess I was a little lost for a moment there.”
“Memories?” Arianna asked, suspecting as much.
Lia nodded, looking slightly sad.
“I take it they aren’t good memories?” Arianna asked, not feeling that she should pry but knowing that she could now with Lia, at least just a bit. If she was fully invested in their relationship, she had to press at times. And she supposed that she should allow Lia the same privilege. Her attention turned back to Lia, who seemed a little better.
“They aren’t bad memories, no.” Lia smiled slightly. “This was the place where I last saw Antonio. Before I left for America. We’d had such a great day together. We’d gotten gelatos and brought them here to enjoy and say our goodbyes.”
Arianna leaned over and gave her a slight hug. “I hope you’re okay. Being here, I mean?”
“Yes, I am. I really am. I want to be here with you. I guess it just hit me all of a sudden, but I’m okay.” She looked up as if to convince Arianna with the grin plastered on her face as she reached for Arianna’s hand. “Now, let me show you my house. It’s right over there.” She pointed to one of the small lanes jutting out from the square.
Arianna followed and they walked around Lia’s old neighborhood, carefully peering into the windows at the house where she grew up and giggling at the prospect of getting caught by the new owners, whom Lia said she didn’t know. Lia pointed out Antonio’s old house, saying that it too had been sold when his mother passed away long before the death of Lia’s own parents.