The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6

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The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6 Page 22

by Paula Kay

  Lia went to hug her gently. “Si, bella. We’ll be fine. Can I help you up to your room?”

  “Sheila will help me to bed. You two go on and have Gigi give you one of her delicious scones to try. I promise, Lia—you’re really going to love it.” Arianna made her way upstairs with the help of the nurse, who left her tucked into her comfortable bed.

  Arianna woke up feeling a bit better and ready to tackle the last thing that she had to do before she’d see the others later. She carefully pulled out her notebook that contained the letters that she’d written right before she got so sick in Italy.

  She felt a strange comfort in reading the letters back. She had, oddly, discovered so much about herself these past months. It was amazing the clarity that she’d come to and also the sense of peace that she now had. Her life had more meaning now than it ever had before. She knew now that the things she had decided, the people that she had chosen to spend time with, had meant everything to her. Her decisions these past few months had been wise. The most grown-up decisions that she’d ever made.

  She folded each of the letters, placing them in individual envelopes and carefully writing the name on each before closing them. Then she pulled the small leather box that she’d gotten in Florence out from under her bed. She smiled at the memory of that day, shopping there with Lia and enjoying her first days in Italy.

  She opened the box, pulling out her modeling portfolio, taking out all of the carefully posed pictures from her various modeling gigs. She reached for the stack of fun pictures she’d taken and had Gigi get printed of herself, alone and with the others. She’d never been one to plaster social media with selfies, and that wasn’t why she’d been taking them. She smiled as she thumbed through the carefree, silly poses and then glanced over to the model pictures she’d set aside. Yes, this was her. These quick pictures capturing those moments of fun and pure happiness. This was the woman she wanted her daughter to see one day, not the made-up model in the posed pictures. She pulled out the photos of her with Jemma, with Blu, with Gigi, and with Lia, leaving the copies that she’d had made of each in the pile.

  Looking at the one of her and Lia, she was flooded with the memory of them standing at the viewpoint in Florence, with the beautiful view of the bridges along the river winding its way through the city behind them. But all she saw in the picture was their wide smiles and the light in their eyes. We look alike. My mother and I. Arianna smiled.

  She had a lot to be thankful for. She’d known a lot of pain, but she’d known a lot of happiness too. And she had the party to look forward to later. There’d be one last party in the garden with everyone. She smiled. There’d be music and good food. And her friends. All of them together, admiring the view of the city, smiling and laughing as they talked about their times together in Italy. Arianna knew that she was getting ready to say goodbye. And she finally felt ready for it.

  She put the lid back on the leather box and left it just out from under her bed. She picked up the modeling photos and put them aside on the bedside table. She’d make Blu promise to throw them away. She knew she could count on her, where Lia or Gigi, she felt, might be more likely to want to keep the pictures. Blu would destroy them. Blu would understand. Arianna smiled.

  Chapter 40

  Arianna awoke with a start to the sounds of opera music and Jemma’s laughter down in the garden. She glanced at the clock by her bed and couldn’t believe that she’d been asleep for nearly two hours. She wondered if she could manage to get herself the short distance to the window where the curtains were drawn without having to call for the nurse.

  She slowly sat up in bed, rubbing her head and taking a drink of the water that had been left beside her. She hoisted her legs over the edge of the bed and willed herself to be able to take the weight of her body just the short distance to the chair by the window. God, how was it that she’d gotten so weak, so fast. She hadn’t been prepared for it, really. It wasn’t even so much just the physical toll it was taking, but the emotional one as well. And maybe even more so in that regard. She pulled back the curtain and cracked the window open a bit so that she could hear her friends below.

  She’d lived a good life. As much as she’d complained these past months, she knew the privileges that she’d had, not the least of which was being surrounded by these people that loved her. She had come full circle and she finally felt no anger; and with the anger, the guilt had vanished. She had even allowed herself to feel full forgiveness for her own transgressions. It was time. She’d hated herself enough since the birth of her daughter to last a lifetime. And it almost had lasted her lifetime. But no more. She’d not leave this earth with one more ounce of regret if she could help it.

  She watched Lia playing frisbee with Jemma outside as Blu relaxed in the lounge chair beside them, something her best friend rarely allowed herself time for these days. Arianna loved to see Blu like that—looking happy and content to just be in the moment, watching her daughter laugh and play and have a good time.

  Not far from the others sat Gigi and Douglas. They looked deep in conversation, and Arianna smiled as she noticed Douglas’s hand casually around Gigi’s shoulder. She knew they were going to end up together. If only she’d be here to witness the wedding. That would be a lovely day.

  She could smell something Italian and delicious, and suddenly she was extremely hungry.

  She hobbled back over to her bed and reached for the monitor, used to call the nurse who was standing by while she slept. Sheila came right away to help her downstairs.

  “You’re looking better, Arianna. Rested. How do you feel?”

  “I’m okay.” Arianna smiled. “I think some time in the garden with my friends and some of the delicious food I’m smelling is what I need.” Arianna leaned on Sheila for support while they made their way down the stairs.

  When Arianna and Sheila entered the garden, Jemma made a beeline for her legs, with Blu scooping her up just before impact.

  “Jemma—honey, Arianna’s not feeling so well, so let’s play gentle, okay?”

  Jemma looked at Arianna with the expression of a little girl who knew way more than one gives little girls credit for. “Ari, does your tummy hurt?” she asked, walking over to where Arianna now lay on the lounge chair and gently patting Ari’s stomach with her sweet little hand.

  Arianna motioned beside her. “Jemma, come up here and sit by me for a minute, okay?”

  Jemma nestled in the chair beside Arianna, laying her head on Arianna’s arm as she patted her leg. “I’ll stay with you until you feel better.”

  Arianna’s eyes filled with tears as she pulled Jemma close, kissing the top of her head and whispering to the child. “Jemma, I love you very much. Promise me that you will always remember that, okay?”

  “Okay, Ari. I will.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Arianna noticed Blu, tears streaming down her face, and motioned for her to come take her hand. She squeezed Blu’s tightly, just enjoying being with them—loving them and allowing them to love her back.

  Lia had come back outside from the kitchen, and Arianna smiled at her when she saw her. “Are you the one responsible for those delicious smells? I’m getting hungry.”

  Lia smiled back at her. “Si, just some nice appetizers and a bit of the pasta that you seem to enjoy so much. Would you like some now? I can bring it out here for you.”

  “In a bit. I’m not quite ready yet. Come sit with me, will you?”

  At that, Blu knelt down to give Arianna a quick kiss on the forehead, scooping a reluctant Jemma up out of her chair. “Jemma, give Ari a hug and let’s go see if we can help Gigi in the kitchen.”

  Jemma kissed Arianna quickly and patted her on the head. “See ya later, Arigator.” Jemma giggled at her own joke and Arianna’s laughter.

  “She’s a doll,” Lia said as she pulled a chair up close beside Arianna. “They all are. This lovely little family you have here.” Arianna thought she saw a look pass across Lia’s face that she’d not seen bef

  “Lia, they all adore you too, you know.” She smiled broadly to try to cover up the pain she was suddenly feeling in her head. “Lia—I hope that you will all come together sometimes. That would make me very happy—to know that. I like having you all here. I’d love to think that you would grow close with them and someday maybe…” Arianna’s voice trailed off as she was overcome with another shooting pain in her skull.

  “Lia, I think—I think I need the nurse. Could you get her for me, please?”

  Arianna was taking deep breaths and trying to think of peaceful things as she looked out at the view and the garden. She tried to freeze this moment, right now. This was the best moment yet of her life. Or the best of the series of moments she’d remembered earlier that day. Was it today that she’d had that thought? Every thought was starting to jumble together, and she couldn’t seem to get a clear picture of what it was she had just been thinking.

  Sheila came to her, with Lia right behind her, to check her vital signs. Gigi and Douglas watched from nearby, and Blu was by her side just as soon as she’d noticed the nurse.

  Sheila looked at the small group gathered, saying, “I’m sorry, but I think that Arianna has had enough for today.” Arianna looked at her with a question in her eyes, knowing the answer, but not wanting to know at the same time.

  Finally she didn’t fight it, and let the nurse lead her upstairs half carrying the weight of her. Once tucked in her bed, she whispered to her the question that she’d wanted to say before. “It’s almost time now, isn’t it?”

  When the nurse nodded, Arianna asked her to tell Blu to take Jemma away to the sitter and come back. And for everyone to stay—to spend the night if they were able. She felt in her heart that the time was getting close and she had things that she needed to say to each of them. But for now, she’d sleep. And hang on for just a little longer.

  Chapter 41

  Arianna seemed to be having a hard time getting comfortable. Gigi called for the nurse, who came right away, asking Gigi to give her a moment to check on Arianna. Gigi made her way down to the kitchen where Blu, Lia, and Douglas sat quietly waiting to hear when they might be able to visit.

  The nurse came in looking somber and asked Gigi if she could speak with her for a minute.

  “It’s time now. I’m sorry. It’s time to say your goodbyes. She’s waiting for you,” the nurse said.

  Gigi cried out loudly and the others rushed to her side. “The nurse said it’s time to say goodbye,” she said through her tears.

  Douglas put his arm around Gigi and her body gave way to the strength that he offered her as he led her over to a chair.

  “Blu, you go.” Douglas said, seeing the look of panic on Blu’s face.

  Blu left the room quickly to make her way upstairs to Arianna’s bedroom. She knocked quietly on the door and entered without waiting for a response. The curtains were open and the sun was shining down on Arianna as she lay so quietly on the bed, barely moving. Blu rushed to the chair beside her best friend, taking her hand in her own and talking in a quiet voice.

  “Hey there, rock star.” She reached out to smooth Arianna’s damp hair off her forehead as her eyes fluttered open.

  “Hey yourself, Bluesy.” Ari winced a bit, but then smiled. “You didn’t bring J-bean, did you? I don’t want her to see me like this.”

  “No, sweetie. She’s at daycare.” Blu gulped back a sob. “Ari—” Blu broke down, sobbing, before she could stop herself. “There’s so much I wanna say to you.”

  “Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay. Blu, listen to me for a minute. Alright?” Arianna took a deep breath and Blu nodded.

  “I want you to give Jemma the biggest hug for me. You tell her that I love her so much and that I know she’s going to grow up to be the most amazing woman. Ask Gigi to give you the jellies that I bought the other day for her. They’re in the kitchen.” Arianna coughed and tried unsuccessfully to sit up a bit.

  Blu reached for the water on the nightstand, helping Arianna to raise her head just enough to take a sip.

  “I will. Jemma loves you so much. She won’t forget you. Ever.” Blu couldn’t hold back the tears; they were falling freely now as she reached for the tissue beside Arianna’s bed. “Ari, there’s so much I want to tell you.” More sobs. “I’m not ready for you to go.”

  Arianna looked Blu in the eyes, willing the strength not to leave her body before she finished saying everything that she needed to say.

  “Blu, listen to me. I need you to promise me something, okay?”

  Blu nodded at her best friend as she spoke the final words that Blu would hear from her.

  “I’ve got everything arranged with Douglas, and he’ll help you sort out anything that you need. I’m leaving you the house in San Diego—it’s for you and Jemma. There’s room there for your workspace, and there’s plenty of money for whatever you need to get your clothing line going. Your life will be easier there. And there’s a trust fund set up for Jemma. For college—or for whatever she needs…for whatever she wants.” Arianna stopped for a moment to catch her breath.

  Blu was sobbing uncontrollably, and Arianna wondered if she’d heard her at all.

  “Blu, it’s gonna be okay.” Arianna smiled through her pain. “Do you know how happy it makes me that you’re finally gonna accept something from me? You are one stubborn girl, but I am not giving you a choice here.” Arianna winced and did manage to pull herself up a bit.

  Blu took a deep breath as she looked at her friend lying in bed. “Ari, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. I love you so much. You know that, don’t you?”

  Arianna nodded and smiled. “I love you too, Blu. I do.” She waited for Blu to continue, as she looked like she had more to say.

  “Ari, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s about my past, about—”

  “I know.” Arianna interrupted Blu. “Well, I don’t know, but I know that you have your past—your secrets—and nothing you could say would change how I feel about you. Okay?”

  Blu nodded, tears streaming down her face as Arianna continued.

  “I want you to have the best life. And work it out if you have stuff to work out. I trust you. I’ve always trusted you more than anyone else.” Arianna started coughing again and her eyes closed for a few minutes.

  “Ari? Arianna?” Blu started to cry again.

  “Blu?” Ari’s eyes fluttered open. “I think I should see Lia now.” Her eyes closed again for a moment.

  “Of course.” Blu reached over to Ari, giving her a kiss on the cheek and smoothing out her hair. “I’ll send her in now.”

  Blu turned to walk out of the room, tears streaming down her face.


  Blu turned around at the sound of Arianna’s quiet voice.

  “One last thing.”

  Blu nodded. “Anything. What is it?”

  “My car keys are downstairs in the kitchen. Douglas should have the title for you. Promise me that you’re going to leave here today in that convertible.” Arianna laughed lightly.

  Blu grinned at Ari for the last time through her tears. “I promise.” She turned to walk downstairs, calling for Lia as she reached the bottom and started to sob uncontrollably again.

  It was Lia’s turn now to go upstairs, and she wasted no time when she heard Blu calling for her. Arianna heard her enter the room quietly as she moved to the chair next to her bed, and felt her fingers gently stroking her hair.

  Arianna willed her eyes to open.

  “Lia—Mom.” Arianna gave a weak smile and watched the silent tears slide down Lia’s cheek.

  “Bella, my sweet daughter. Time has been at the same time cruel and lovely for us. I will treasure these past months—our time in Italia, getting to know you…it has truly been an undeserved gift from a God that brought us back together just in time. Lia looked at her and Arianna saw her catch her breath as sobs seemed to overtake the words she had yet to speak.

  Arianna struggled to open her eyes and raise
herself a little. It was her turn to talk now—to the mother she had only just begun to know, but a woman she loved nonetheless. She cleared her throat and asked Lia for her hand.

  Lia reached out to hold her daughter and brought her chair as close as possible to Arianna’s bed.

  “I want you to know how incredible these past months have been for me. To have the chance to get to know you, to spend time in Italy with you. It was truly the dream that has made all of this pain worthwhile.” Ari winced and struggled to continue as she reached next to her to pull her journal onto her lap. “There wasn’t enough time, not near enough, but every moment I spent with you was treasured. I want you to have this.” She placed the thick leather-bound journal in Lia’s hand. “From the moment you called me, I knew we wouldn’t have near the time to spend with one another that you’d imagined. But I wanted you to know my thoughts and everything I was afraid and excited about back then. I wrote them all here for you.”

  Lia took the journal from Arianna and stroked the leather lovingly with her finger. “Bella, I will treasure every word.” Lia could no longer hold back the tears, and Arianna took the moment to close her eyes and collect another deep breath.

  God, it was getting very hard to breathe now. But she still had things to say.

  “Arianna, I need you to know how much I love you. That I never stopped loving you from the moment they placed you in my arms when you were born,” Lia said.

  “I do know that.” Arianna’s eyes met Lia’s and she held her gaze for a beat. “And I love you too. I never imagined I could love so much that I feel my heart would burst for it. But I do. I really do, and it’s as if something that was missing all my life is suddenly in front of me. And for the first time, I’m grabbing for it. That’s what knowing you these past few months has been like for me. So thank you for that—for calling me.” Arianna smiled.


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