The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6
Page 34
He looked at her intently and she wondered what he was thinking.
“Yes, I think that you are right. As much as I’d like to pick you up and carry you to that lovely bedroom you showed me on the tour…” He laughed.
Lia’s heart quickened, and she couldn’t help the image that raced through her mind. It had been so long since a man had looked at her with such longing. She’d forgotten what it felt like to feel wanted like that. And she did want him. They had to go slower, though. Too much had happened. She couldn’t bear for things to end badly with them if it didn’t work out; and she did know from experience that intimacy could get in the way of any type of reason when it came to relationships. For now, they’d take the time to get to know one another.
“What is this music, by the way?” Antonio said, interrupting her thoughts.
“It’s La Boheme.”
“Ah, so do you like opera?”
Lia waited a few seconds before answering, wondering if it was odd that she had to think about such a question. “I never really did, no. But it—it was Ari’s favorite. It reminds me of her so much.” Antonio nodded as if he understood exactly everything that was said in that short sentence.
Lia went on to tell him about going to the opera with Arianna and how the young woman loved to drive her convertible through the city, with the top down and opera music blaring. She was so thankful that she’d had those memories with her—with their daughter—to recount to him now.
They spent an easy couple of hours together, Lia serving them a nice salad out in the garden for lunch before Antonio had to be on his way. They made plans to talk soon and arrange their first official date. Lia was incredibly happy as she kissed him goodbye, hardly believing her good fortune, and willing herself to just be in the moment, something that she had learned from her time with her daughter.
Chapter 23
Lia came out of the dressing room to show Rebecca the very fashionable long red gown that was one of several she’d picked out as a possible purchase for the opera. She had told Antonio that she was planning a surprise weekend for him; she’d booked two nights at the Four Seasons in Florence and purchased opera tickets for La Boheme.
She knew that it would be bittersweet, being back in the luxurious hotel where she’d last stayed with Arianna, but ever since she’d shared her daughter’s pictures and that first kiss with Antonio, she had pledged to herself and to her daughter that she was committed now, determined to set aside her grief and guilt and live the life that Arianna would have wanted for her. Her big villa, the opera tickets, the reservation in Florence, and even this fancy dress were all things that Arianna would have wanted her to have, and she was trying her best to honor her daughter and all that she had left her.
“What do you think?” Lia asked Rebecca as she gave a little twirl.
Rebecca hesitated, eyeing her thoughtfully. “It’s nice.”
“But?” Lia laughed. “You don’t think it’s a good color on me?”
“No, it’s not that. The dress is lovely. And you look gorgeous as always.” Rebecca smiled. “It’s just—I don’t know. I’m not used to seeing you so dressed up. And it’s a lot to spend on a dress, yes?”
Lia looked down to glance at the price tag. “It is. You’re right. But it just feels like I need something special for the occasion. I want everything to be perfect for the weekend, for Antonio.” She felt her face blushing.
“Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about?” Rebecca teased. “Are you saying that the two of you haven’t slept together yet?”
“Well, no. We haven’t. Well, not as adults, anyways. We’ve been taking it slow. And quite frankly, I don’t know that anything will happen during our time away, either. Antonio has gotten pretty old-fashioned with his thinking and I—well, I think it’s refreshing, really.” She could definitely feel her face growing hot. She and Rebecca had grown very close but they hadn’t had a lot of discussion when it came to such intimate details of their lives.
“Well, I think that’s nice,” Rebecca said. “You and Antonio have waited a long time to be together. There’s no reason to think that you might not be getting your fairy-tale ending.” She winked at her friend. “And honestly, when he sees you in that dress—which I think you have to have—I’m not sure that he’s going to make it through the weekend sleeping apart.”
Lia laughed as she turned to go back into the dressing room. “Well, I did book us separate suites, so that’s not really my agenda.” She turned back to wink. “I just thought it would be fun to take him away and share the opera with him. Something that Ari had shared with me. Does that make sense?”
“It does.”
Lia couldn’t quite put her finger on what she was detecting in her friend’s voice today, but Rebecca seemed to be biting her tongue about something. She tried to put it to the back of her mind as she got dressed, excited to purchase the gown and take her friend out to a restaurant that she’d heard a lot about. They had flown down to Rome for the night, and Lia was enjoying treating Rebecca to a few things for all of the support that she’d given her. She had tried to get her to try on a few dresses herself, but she’d insisted that it wasn’t her style at all and she had no place to wear anything quite so fancy.
The two women enjoyed a delicious lunch of fresh pasta and a lovely bottle of the nicest wine. The conversation with Rebecca was easy, and Lia tried to put her earlier thoughts out of her mind. She had only been to Rome a few times since she’d been back, and she enjoyed the city even though she much preferred her quiet life in Castellina. It was hard to imagine Antonio here though, working in the city, wearing a suit and tie. He seemed so at home in his new vineyard, and it reminded Lia of the young man she’d fallen in love with, tanned skin from working out in the fields, calluses on his fingertips.
They had been spending quite a bit of time together ever since their kiss that morning at Lia’s. Mostly it had been good. They’d been for a few walks and enjoyed several coffees and meals at the local restaurants around town. But if she was being honest with herself, something seemed to be not quite right. She couldn’t put her finger on it, and she was trying so hard with him. She wondered if it would help to talk to Rebecca about it and decided that she had nothing to lose.
“Penny for your thoughts.” Rebecca was laughing, snapping her fingers in front of Lia’s face.
“Oh, sorry. I guess I have a lot on my mind.”
“Yeah, where were you just now?” Rebecca teased.
“I was just thinking about Antonio. About the last dinner that we shared together.”
“And…? What about it? Happy thoughts?” Rebecca winked.
“Well, no—not exactly. I can’t quite put my finger on it and I almost don’t want to say it out loud. Something just feels kind of awkward. I’m really trying, though. So hard. And I think he is too.” She sighed.
“Well, maybe you just need to give it some time. I mean, you did hit him with a lot of information. I’m sure it’s a lot to process along with a new relationship. Time will tell. Just be your lovely self,” Rebecca said.
That’s what I’m afraid of. That I won’t be good enough. That he will see all of this ugly guilt and shame inside of me. Lia couldn’t seem to squash the thoughts that were always in her head, no matter how much she tried to push them aside, to stay focused on seeing Arianna’s face and her words instead.
Lia felt great being back full-time at the restaurant—almost like herself again. And for the first time in a long time, she felt hopeful. She still had her moments, feeling a lot of grief about Arianna and the mistakes of the past, but she’d really been trying to commit to her new life here, a life that included Antonio. She knew that would be honoring to Arianna, that it would have made her daughter happy, and she was trying her best to respect her wishes.
“Lia.” Sofia popped her head in the kitchen. “Antonio is here for you.”
“Thanks. Tell him I’ll be right out.” Lia went to the restroom to check her h
air, feeling her heart race just a bit as it often did when she thought about Antonio.
He rose to embrace her and give her a warm kiss on the lips, which Lia reciprocated with ease. Sofia let them know that Carlo was preparing lunch for them; she served them a glass of wine to sip while they waited.
“How are you, my darling?” Antonio said, reaching for her hand across the small table.
Lia felt her smile broaden. “I’m well, thank you. And you? How is everything at the vineyard today?” She had only been to his new place a few times and was already in love with the property. She could see the draw to the lifestyle, and Antonio seemed perfectly at home there.
“Oh, good. You know, lots to do.”
“Are you looking forward to a little time away this weekend?” Lia could feel her face growing slightly warm at the mere thought of spending an entire weekend away with this handsome man sitting in front of her.
“I’m looking forward to spending time with you, bella.” Antonio winked. “But I do wish you’d let me in on what the big surprise is. The fact that you’ve told me I need a tux is making me a bit uneasy.” He laughed. “I don’t really have much occasion to dress so fancy these days, you know.”
“I know. But it will be nice. Trust me.” Lia studied him carefully for a moment. “Shall I order you a tux? I’m certainly happy to do so.”
“Oh, no. I do have one. Don’t worry about that.”
Lia knew that it was probably the tux he’d purchased for his wedding that never happened. They really hadn’t discussed his previous relationship. There were so many hurdles to get over, balancing the many conversations that they still had to wade through, that she wondered how much it even mattered. But of course it did, and it should be talked about.
“Is it—was it the tux for your wedding?” Lia had learned that it was best to talk about what was on her mind, rather than to hold it in when she was speaking with Antonio. It was the only way they were really going to get to know one another again.
“Yes, it was. And I’m okay wearing it, if that’s what you’re wondering.” He always seemed anxious to put her mind at rest, and Lia did love that quality about him.
“We’ve not really talked about that relationship. About why it ended?”
“Is it important?”
She could tell by his tone of voice that to him, it didn’t feel important for her to know.
“Well, ending an engagement seems like a pretty big deal. Was it you or her that called it off?”
“It was me.”
She didn’t know if this was a better or worse answer. Down the trail of questions she continued.
“Why did you call it off? Did you decide that you didn’t love her?”
Antonio looked thoughtful as he waited a few seconds to respond. “No, it wasn’t that exactly. We were in love.” He squeezed Lia’s hand. “And now that love is only a memory. I’ve since made way for someone new. For you, my darling.”
Lia breathed a sigh of relief that they were able to have these serious conversations without its being too uncomfortable. But they had a long way to go yet.
“So why did you end it, then?”
“Well, I felt that Bianca—my ex—had changed. I had the realization that my life was becoming something that didn’t really feel like me any more. In the beginning, she was happy when it was the two of us together, doing simple things. Then her career started taking off and her father gave me a position at the company that he owned. All of a sudden my days consisted of wearing a suit and tie, going to fancy lunches and big events in Roma most evenings. I started to really hate how pretentious everything felt.”
Lia couldn’t put her finger on exactly why, but his words were making her feel uneasy. Maybe taking him to the opera and making him wear a tux was going to be a mistake. But she felt it was about Arianna and a way for him to know his daughter better through the things that only Lia could tell him—share with him.
She nodded to Antonio. “Yes, it is hard for me to imagine you dressing in a suit and tie every day.” She smiled broadly. “Although I bet you look very handsome dressed up.”
“Well, hopefully you enjoy looking at your man just as much in my jeans, t-shirts, and work boots.” Antonio winked.
“Are you my man?” Lia laughed lightly, feeling her face grow hot.
“I sure do want to be.”
Lia looked down at the pasta that Sofia had just placed on the table for them and then back up at Antonio. “I’m pretty sure I’d like that—for you to be my man. And yes, I very much enjoy looking at you in whatever attire you have on.”
They were both silent for a moment, and Lia guessed that the same thought was going through Antonio’s head as her own. Or whatever you don’t have on. She tried to push the image aside as they focused on their lunch, and the conversation turned to less serious topics. There would be time. They needed to be patient with one another and their relationship. She felt the importance of not rushing things no matter what her heart—or body—told her. She’d waited this long for something that she never even thought was possible. She could let their relationship develop naturally. At least she hoped that she wouldn’t do anything to mess it up.
Chapter 24
The air was cool as Antonio drove the car with the windows down through the Tuscan countryside. Lia laid her head back against the seat as she watched him drive, admiring his profile. He had a strong nose and chin that any Italian man would be proud of. His hair was as thick as she remembered it when they were younger, with only a hint of gray beginning to show at his temples. She thought the gray made him look all the more handsome.
Antonio glanced over at her as he pulled up to a stop sign, reaching out to grab her hand and flash her a grin. “What are you thinking about?” he asked, bringing her hand up to his lips to give it a quick kiss.
Lia smiled back at him, feeling completely content in the moment, continuing to remind herself to try to relax and enjoy the drive—and the entire weekend—with Antonio. They hadn’t discussed it specifically, but she felt that this weekend was going to say a lot about their relationship and where it was headed. She had spent so much time worrying about it—thinking that Antonio was going to change his mind, remembering his earlier anger at her for all of the things that she’d kept from him over the years. She wouldn’t blame him, really. But he had assured her over and over again that he did forgive her, that she had to let it go if they were truly going to have a chance at making something work between them.
She felt Antonio tugging on her hand playfully as he continued driving along the road to Florence.
“So you don’t want to share with me what you’re thinking about?” He glanced at her and winked.
Lia laughed. “Sorry. I guess I was distracted.”
“By you.” She tapped him lightly on his thigh, trying not to notice his muscles through the perfect fit of his jeans.
“Me?” The tone of his voice teased her with the insinuation that maybe he wanted to know exactly what she was thinking.
“Yes, you. You look so handsome.” She felt her face growing warm, a sure sign of the red creeping onto her cheeks as it seemed to do so often these days around Antonio. She wondered if she would ever feel completely comfortable around him and not quite so overwhelmed.
“Well, if you think I look handsome then it’s a perfect compliment to your beauty. You look so beautiful today. In fact, I can’t wait to stop this car and take you in my arms.” He teased her with his hand moving to caress her bare leg just above her knee under the skirt she wore.
She reached down to place her hand over his, just in case he had the intention of moving farther up her leg, but enjoying his touch nonetheless. She breathed deeply, allowing herself to feel the pleasure that just the simple touch from him brought to her. And he didn’t go further, but looked just as intense as she felt.
“You do drive me crazy, you know.”
His voice was a bit husky, and at once Lia imag
ined him whispering it in her ear. They really needed to either pull off the road or stop this nonsense immediately. She wasn’t at all sure if either of them could handle it for much longer. As if reading her mind, Antonio moved his hand back to the outside of her skirt, patting her leg gently as he did so.
She knew what he meant without more words. And they continued on for the remainder of the drive mostly in comfortable silence, Lia lost in romantic thoughts of the weekend to come and guessing that Antonio was having some thoughts of his own that, hopefully, he would share with her later.
They arrived at the Four Seasons, and Lia was surprised at the shock of emotion she felt as they headed towards the front desk to check in. Watching Antonio look around at the magnificent lobby, she was instantly reminded of being there with Arianna and her own wonder at being in such a place. Tears stung her eyes as she thought about the irony of being here now with Antonio while feeling the rush of emotion that always threatened to overtake her with memories of her—of their daughter.
“What do you think?” She smiled at him as they stood at the front desk waiting for their room keys.
“I think it’s beautiful.”
The funny look on his face as he responded did not go unnoticed by Lia.
“But nothing. It’s beautiful. And so are you.” He reached over to brush her lips with a quick kiss.
“You’re going to love it here. I promise.”
At least she hoped that he would love it as much as she had. She caught him glancing at the well-dressed couples coming and going throughout the lobby and wondered if he felt out of place in his jeans and white t-shirt. She certainly wasn’t bothered by it, although she couldn’t wait to see him in his tux the next night; and she was pretty sure that he had packed appropriate clothing for the restaurants that they’d be dining in. If she was being honest with herself, she hadn’t felt at all comfortable when she first arrived with Arianna, either. Her daughter had been living a lavish lifestyle that was so foreign to Lia. But she had been so generous with her and tried to make Lia feel so comfortable that she’d quickly forgotten the financial divide that made such a big difference between them.