by Paula Kay
“I think you’re teasing me.” He was smiling, but she didn’t know where he was going with the statements.
She took a step toward him, allowing him to pull her close again and feeling the length of his body up against her own. He put his hand at the back of her head, pulling gently on her hair as he kissed her hard again on the lips, his tongue strong and forceful in her mouth.
“Come with me.” He’d taken her by the hand and was leading her to the boat.
“Some place a little more comfortable.”
He kissed her again, and the shivers she felt weren’t from the kisses. Something in the back of her mind restrained her. She wouldn’t go with him. Not tonight.
“No, I can’t. Not tonight.”
“See. I told you.”
“You’re a tease.”
“I’m not, but—”
“But what?”
“You should know that I don’t sleep around.”
She wouldn’t tell him that she was a virgin—way inappropriate, and she had the feeling that it would only make him more interested.
“I don’t want you to sleep around.” He was smiling at her again. “I just want you to sleep with me—to be mine while you are here.” He kissed her again, and again she removed his hand from her breast and then from her thigh.
“I gotta go.”
She wanted to have some fun but she didn’t want this—fighting off a guy she hardly knew who seemed to have a hard time when it came to the concept of hearing a girl say no. What she wanted was a party—to lose herself to a few drinks for an evening.
“Okay. How about tomorrow night? I’ll take you to a party.”
He let go of her and he seemed a little less intense.
“What kind of party?”
“A fun kind of party. You’ll see. Pick you up at ten o’clock.”
“I think ten is too early. I need to be sure everyone is asleep. Not before eleven thirty.”
“Okay. Eleven thirty.” He leaned over to kiss her, much more gently this time—almost sweet.
She smiled, her fears eased, as she kissed him back. Then she walked back to her place in the dark.
Chapter 21
Jemma opened the door quietly and slipped into the small foyer.
Her heart practically jumped out of her chest for being startled as she looked toward the kitchen, where Rafael’s voice had come from.
“God, Rafael. You scared me.”
“Sorry.” He was eyeing her carefully as she made the few steps into the kitchen.
“What are you doing?” She was annoyed that he’d startled her and even more annoyed that he’d caught her sneaking back into the house.
“I’m getting a drink of water. What are you doing?”
She purposely looked him right in the eyes, daring him to say more than he should. “Nothing. I was just out getting some fresh air.”
She knew he didn’t believe her and she didn’t care. It was none of his business. But she also didn’t need him going to Gigi and Douglas about anything. She eyed him carefully. She doubted he’d rat her out, but she couldn’t be sure.
She reached for a glass in the cupboard. Rafael took it from her, filling it with water before he gave it back to her. Always the gentleman.
“What, Rafael?” He looked like he wanted to say something, and Jemma would just as soon have it out right now so that she didn’t have to think about having another run-in with him later about it.
“Well, I’ve never seen you with make-up on since you got here.”
She just stared at him. He knew. She didn’t really care.
“Well, I guess that’s really none of your business, is it?”
She saw him flinch. Her words sounded harsher than she’d meant them.
She was daring him to continue.
“Be careful.”
She glared at him.
“He’s no good. He’s not good for you.”
Jemma felt her heart beating a little faster. It was Rafael. The way he was looking at her. She knew that he cared about her—and that she’d been such a jerk to him ever since that night. When they’d gotten so close—when she’d shared so much with him. Too much.
“Just mind your own business, okay? You don’t know what’s good for me.”
Jemma picked up her glass of water and turned to walk away.
“I just care about you, Jemma.”
She pretended that she hadn’t heard his quiet words as she walked down the hall to her bedroom.
She did a good job keeping to herself all day, just like she’d done pretty much every day since her arrival at the orphanage. She was a little surprised that Gigi and Douglas had left her alone as much as they had. She knew that they’d been very busy with things going on at the orphanage, but she would have thought that she’d have gotten a lecture or two by now. Aside from the short talk she’d had with Gigi the other morning, neither of them had pressed things with her. She had a feeling that it was coming, though—Douglas had tried on more than one occasion, but so far Jemma had managed to escape it with mention of a headache or something else that required her to spend time alone in her room.
Now, though, she’d asked Douglas if she could make a phone call from his office. It was the best place on the property to do anything that required an Internet connection, and she had been popping in there occasionally to catch up on e-mails and make phone calls. She’d done her best to avoid talking to her mom and grandma as much as possible, but she didn’t want to do the same with Kylie. If that meant the occasional chat with the others, so be it.
She checked her e-mail while she waited for Douglas to leave the room, giving her the privacy that he’d promised. Nothing from Dex, as per normal. She sighed and noticed Douglas looking at her from behind his desk.
“Everything okay?”
“Jemma, you know that you can talk to me, right? About anything, I mean.”
“I know.”
“I’m a good listener and I’ll try very hard to understand where you’re coming from.”
Jemma gave him a smile. Douglas was one of the kindest men she knew. It was a little funny, really, if she thought about it. She kept choosing loser boyfriends, but she’d only had the best male role models in her life—Douglas and Chase. She should know better, and maybe one day she’d go to therapy like her mom was always suggesting to figure out what the heck was going on with her.
Douglas was now standing beside her and she let him hug her on his way out.
“I know. I promise I’ll talk to you if there’s anything going on with me.”
When had she become such a good liar?
For now, she needed to focus on a phone call with Kylie, and that probably meant getting through her mother first. She took a deep breath and dialed the number.
Finally, it was time to meet Eduardo at the dock. Jemma thought the day would never end.
She’d had a hard time getting Kylie on the phone earlier. As predicted, her mom had wanted to talk; apparently she and Chase had had several conversations with Gigi who was, in fact, expressing concern about Jemma and how much time she’d been spending alone.
After convincing her mom that she was spending good time alone to really think about her life and where it was going, she was finally able to talk to Kylie for a few minutes before the younger girl had had to leave to go to one of her friend’s birthday parties—most of the call had been spent with Kylie crying when Jemma had not been able to give her an answer as to when she’d be coming home.
Now, though, Jemma was just excited about the prospect of going to a party and having a few drinks. She knew when she’d first met Eduardo that if there were any fun to be had around there, he’d be the ticket. Even though he’d been a bit over-the-top last night, she knew that she could handle him—and besides,
the idea of a night out sounded too good to pass up.
She carefully closed her bedroom door and made her way down the hall. She’d taken care to put on a bit more make-up tonight and she was wearing one of the casual cotton dresses she’d brought with her. She was feeling good and ready to party.
God. She could see that there was a light on in the kitchen—there was no way that she could get out of the front door without Rafael seeing her if he was in there. As she got closer, she could see that he was sitting at the table.
She stopped for a few seconds in the hallway. She was already running late and didn’t know how long Eduardo would wait for her, so she’d just risk Rafael’s knowing and count on the fact that he’d keep it to himself.
She tried to just keep walking past him.
“Hey yourself. Sneaking out again?”
“I won’t be late. Don’t wait up,” she added, hoping it sounded as sarcastic as she meant it.
She heard Rafael getting up from the table as she opened the door to step out unto the porch.
Please don’t follow me.
She heard him calling out but pretended not to as she hurried down the path toward the dock. At least he’d not been shouting at her. She was thankful for that. He probably didn’t want to get her in trouble. She didn’t really doubt Rafael’s motivations for being concerned for her. She had to be honest with herself about that.
She smiled as she saw the now familiar light of Eduardo’s cigarette as she walked out onto the dock.
He grabbed her in a hug, giving her a slight kiss compared to the ones she’d received from him last night. She was thankful for this, as it made her feel more at ease about leaving with him in the boat.
“Hi. I might be being followed, so we should go—as in quickly.” She grinned, ready to get the party started as she caught a glimpse of the beer in Eduardo’s boat.
“You’re my kinda party girl, babe.”
Eduardo threw his cigarette in the water and helped Jemma into the boat. Once she was settled, he opened up one of the beers, handing it to her.
“You go ahead and start on yours. I’m going to paddle until we’re out just a bit before I start the engine. Come here.” He motioned for her to lean forward, and she was definitely noticing how sexy he was in his jeans and black t-shirt, the moonlight catching that look in his eyes—the look that promised just a hint of danger.
Jemma obliged, leaning forward carefully to give him a full kiss on the lips. Tonight Eduardo seemed more in control of his desires. But she did still see that look on his face. She’d do her best to encourage his drinks along with her own, hoping that enough alcohol in his system would mellow him out when it came to any thoughts other than just having a good time together.
She leaned back now, watching him down a beer as she started in on her own, more than ready to get the party started.
Chapter 22
Jemma rested her head back against the sofa, allowing herself to feel the buzz after several beers and the last of two shots of tequila that Eduardo had talked her into. She opened her eyes, taking in the party around her. She laughed lightly because it could have been any party she’d been to back home—were it not for the Latin music playing and the fact that she was the only light-skinned girl around. It was all the same, really. A bunch of young people sitting around getting drunk, smoking, and every once in a while disappearing into some secret room in the back in which Jemma could take a good guess about what was happening. Either drugs or sex—or both, more likely.
Eduardo had been able to dock the boat at a place where they could then walk to his cousin’s house. It was a small village, and he said that the party would be packed—that everyone from miles around knew about it. It was how things worked around there—also similar to back home, Jemma thought.
Jemma looked up as Eduardo sauntered back into the living room where she was sitting. He’d disappeared for nearly thirty minutes, and Jemma guessed he’d been to the back room for a little something extra himself. He’d not invited her to join him and she’d been content at the time to just sit and enjoy her beer, chatting with a few of the girls who seemed quite interested to learn more about her and what she was doing there.
Now Eduardo was back, and Jemma wasn’t sure how she felt about the look in his eyes as he pulled her to her feet. He was definitely stoned, and the smile that was so sweet earlier now resembled more of a leer. She laughed, feeling a bit dizzy as she stood up. She’d lost track of how many drinks she’d had and now Eduardo was handing her another shot. A little voice inside her head—quite possibly the good doctor’s—was telling her that one more might be too much, but she took it anyway. Last one and then she’d be feeling no pain.
Eduardo was kissing her now, pinning her up against the wall with his strong body. She didn’t mind. His tongue felt good in her mouth, his touch exciting to her. She did notice a few of the girls whispering on the couch as they stared at her, and she did wonder for a moment what that was all about.
“So, do you make out with all the young American girls like this?” she whispered in his ear.
“Only the really cute ones.” He lifted his mouth just enough to speak the words, and just as quickly she felt his deep kiss again as his hands found their way under her dress from where they’d started on her thigh.
She grabbed at his hand to stop him, laughing as she did so.
“No. We have an audience.” She looked over at the women on the sofa and Eduardo’s head turned just a bit to see what she was looking at.
“So, you don’t like an audience? I thought you might secretly be a naughty girl?”
He was laughing, being playful with her, and in her drunken state she was loving the flirtation.
She reached around his neck and pulled him to her for a kiss to which he obliged, letting out a slow moan inside her mouth. He pulled away to look at her and when he grabbed her hand to lead her down the hallway, she knew that she might be in trouble. But she didn’t have the wits about her to care—or to do much about it once they reached the door to what appeared to be an occupied bedroom.
Eduardo said something to the guy in Spanish. He laughed and the woman he was with got up to grab her clothes by the side of the bed, shooting Jemma a look that was anything but pleasant.
As the two left the room, Eduardo grabbed her by the hand, pulling her down on top of him on the bed. Even with her foggy brain, Jemma knew that things were going too far, but she didn’t have the strength or the desire to stop him—not yet, anyway.
In one quick motion, he’d flipped her over so that he was now on top of her, kissing her hard as his hand found its way up her skirt. She could feel how strong he was, and his kisses weren’t playful or sexy anymore. She could feel the bruising of her lips, and her face felt sensitive where his whiskers were rubbing against her.
“Hey. Hey, Eduardo. Not so hard. You’re hurting me.”
He stopped to look at her, his hand slowing to a gentle rub of her thigh. He continued to stare at her intently, the stalled intensity confusing Jemma a little bit. He wasn’t hurting her now but she knew the look that she saw in his eyes. She’d do well to get them out of the bedroom—even in her drunken state, she knew that much.
“Do you like that?” He was watching her face intently as his fingers found their way closer and closer to the elastic of her underwear.
He thought he was teasing her in a way that would turn her on, but inside she was starting to feel nervous, wondering if she could turn the situation around and get back to the living room where they could enjoy a few more drinks.
She gently placed her hand on his with some firmness, causing him to stop the motion of his fingers on her thigh, and he looked at her with a question on his face. “Eduardo, let’s just kiss, okay?” She pulled him toward her so that his lips were on her own again. “I like your kisses—the gentle ones.” She laughed, trying to keep things light.
“Oh, you’re gonna
get a lot more than kisses from me tonight.” His mouth was rough against hers again, his hands pulling her underwear down, and she couldn’t stop it. “I’m gonna give you what you came here for.”
“Get off of me.”
She was crying now, aware that things were going bad but not sure how she was going to be able to stop it. She saw the anger flash across his face and just as his hand was reaching for the button of his jeans, the door swung open.
Jemma tried to scramble out of the bed and adjust her clothes all at the same time as Rafael preceded to land a couple of good punches to Eduardo’s face after he’d pulled him off Jemma.
She didn’t know what to say, but she had never been so grateful to see someone in all her life. She watched him land another punch square to Eduardo’s eye before he muttered for Rafael to stop. Rafael brought his arm back and Jemma gently stopped him from taking another punch.
“Stop. That’s enough.”
Rafael looked at Eduardo, who was now cowering on the floor, his face bloodied, his drunken body curled up into a fetal position.
“Don’t come near her again. Do you understand me?”
Jemma was slightly shocked at the intensity of Rafael’s rage. When he reached for her hand, she didn’t resist and let him lead her through the house and out the front door toward the dock where she’d been only hours ago with Eduardo.
“Rafael, I—”
“Don’t talk.” He helped her into the small boat docked next to Eduardo’s and she could see that he was still very angry.
She got in and sat down where he directed her, not saying a word as she watched him untie the boat and start the engine. As they sped away, she put her head in her hands as she leaned forward, suddenly feeling very ill.
“Raf—I-I’m gonna be sick. Can you stop the boat?” She was doing her best to be sick over the side even before he’d had a chance to cut the engine. Her body convulsed as the tequila had its way with her stomach. She felt Rafael’s hands gently pulling her hair back as his arm went around her waist, helping her to lean further over the edge of the boat.