ZetaTalk: Density

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by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Density

  Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Density

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  The Zetas talk about Physical Density; how this is what allows aliens to travel Faster than Light; how they are actually

  Coexisting with us while using Density Crossover anchors; how they can occupy the Same Space and are living in an

  Ocean Habitat here on Earth; how it doesn't hurt to Switch Density but there are Dangers in Shifting so Density

  Merging is done with care; why the Shift Mechanism will not be explained fully to humans; how visitations are sometimes arranged via Transporting; how the strange behavior of plants at Landing Sites is in fact a residual from density switching; how there are Vibration Variables; why things disappear in the Bermuda Triangle; and how this relates to Wormholes.

  The Zetas talk about how the Spirit Form does not change or die but is an Eternal Soul; what constitutes the Spirit

  Substance; how Life Began and if Space Dust Alive; how 3rd Density worlds foster Forming Entities which are often

  Aborted Entities at first, and causes them to Spark; how Incarnations occur natually but Being Conscious is a necessary ingredient; the age of Old Souls and Why Incarnations are done; what happens When We Die and goes on

  Between Lives before our Next Incarnation; whether Crowded Incarnations can occur and what determines the

  Incarnation Focus; and how the Soul Senses and can speak to all densities through the Mind/Spirit Connection or

  Spirit/Body Connection. The Zetas talk about the Percentages on worlds that can support life; how Other Worlds might not be what we would expect or want to visit; what constitutes a Habitable World; how Intelligent Insects evolve;

  Who Came First and began the practice of Genetic Engineering; where the Missing Link might be found and whether man was Earth's First intelligent species; how the God Concept develops; and the spiritual lessons Intelligent Carnivors

  can learn.

  The Zetas talk about how there is Spiritual Density as well as physical density; how Many Incarnations it takes to

  Graduate to 4th Density during the Transformation, the Earth Switch from 3rd to 4th Density; what will be Left

  Behind during the shift; what the Next Stop is for those not graduating and how the Homesick can return to Earth; why UFOs make Volcano Visits; how higher Density Lessons are before us; how aliens in higher densities can do

  Levitation at will; how we will eventually spend more time Disincarnate than incarnate; whether the Pleiadeans will guide us through the Photon Belt; why the New-Age term Vibes is descriptive of the era; whether The Findhorn

  Garden described density switching; and whether our Intuitive Pets are tuned in.

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  ZetaTalk: Physical Density

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  ZetaTalk: Physical Density

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Objects in 3rd and 4th Density occupy the same space, as when humans are moved through walls. What you call sub-

  atomic particles move at different frequencies or vibrations. They do not collide or even recognize each other. Their

  motion does not put them in the same place at the same time, anymore than if you were to walk through the forest. The

  trees are more dense in this instance, in that from your view they aren't moving at all. You guide yourself past the

  trees. Sub-atomic particles in 4th Density in essence flow past those in 3rd Density, as water does to obstacles in its

  path. Molecules in 3rd Density and 4th Density simply slide by each other, and do not interact. Thus, they can even

  occupy the same space. Space, in fact, is more empty than full. A planet, likewise, can and is both 3rd and 4th Density

  at the same time. Regarding the issue of how we travel, or move a human through walls. We are not allowed to explain

  fully. Suffice it to explain that we make a reservation in the vibrational density we wish to move to, and then move.

  If we are moving into a density already occupied, we ensure a safe move by first freezing the objects in the reserved

  area so that no molecular action is occurring. It is in essence a dead stop, similar to what the soil at landing sites is exhibiting when plants fail to grow there for some time after the landing as the mineral nutrients are frozen for a time.

  After objects in the reservation area are frozen they are taken into the density we are shifting from, still in their frozen state. The receiving point is essentially in the middle of a vacuum, to minimize molecular encounters. When the frozen

  portions from the reservation area are at hand, we step into this same area, arrange ourselves around any object

  temporarily taken from the density we are moving to, and all is then quickly returned to the target density. Horrors

  such as occurred at the Philadelphia Experiment are not possible with this procedure, for if the target density is so

  crowded that we cannot step into the arena, we return the objects and select another spot.

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  ZetaTalk: Faster than Light

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  ZetaTalk: Faster than Light

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding how we move through space faster than the speed of light. We are allowed to explain this to you within the

  limitations of your ability to understand and what you are allowed to know at this time. Things are not as they seem to

  you. Travel is done in a different density. Where the speed of light seems the fastest to you, in 3rd Density, this is not

  nearly the fastest in, say, 4th Density. In 4th Density the speed of light is over 17 times as fast.

  Regarding how far we have traveled. Measuring in light years or some measure that makes distance comprehensible to

  you would not describe the situation to you. There is a quantum leap in the speed of travel for each density leap. In

  addition, there are other forms of travel which we are not allowed to explain to you. Suffice it to say that if you

  compare the Universe as known to us, the Zetas, to your local neighborhood, then the Universe not visited by the Zetas

  is your Solar System. Using this comparison to show you our range, as compared to yours, you, in all the knowledge

  you have of the galaxies around you, have never left your house.

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  ZetaTalk: Coexisting

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  ZetaTalk: Coexisting

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding whether 3rd Density and 4th Density entities can be in the same room at the same time. This indeed can and

  does occur. How is this possible? These entities in fact do not see each other, because the one in 4th Density has its

  molecular structure moving faster than the other. In all cases where aliens are contacting humans, there is some of this

  occurring, for instance, when space ships are in 4th Density in your atmosphere but are not seen by humans. When the

  alien entities wish to be seen, they move their space ships into 3rd Density, zip about, and then return to 4th Density to

  disappear. Another instance is where aliens are in 4th Density, whether in their space ships or in residences near Earth.

  When they wish to be visible to humans, they move into 3rd Density for the conference. Then, as soon as poss
ible, as

  they wish for their comfort to be returned, they return to 4th Density.

  Your planet is entirely 3rd Density now, but will move over the next century into 4th Density. However, there may be

  parts of the planet, for administrative reasons, that still function in 3rd Density spiritually. These areas would need to

  be physically quarantined, as in underground structures, for a partial 3rd Density spiritual planet to exist.

  Those alien groups visiting the Earth are almost without exception from the 4th Density. Some higher density entities

  are here on Earth, but in doing so interact with humankind in the same manner as 4th Density entities, so the

  description we will be giving to you applies. We are not, in this discussion, referring to 4th, 5th, or 6th Density entities

  who have chosen to incarnate into human form in order to assist in the Transformation. These entities are in 3rd

  Density, however heavy this might feel to them. Those in 3rd Density, who have experienced existence in a higher

  density, have returned to a time in their past. They are used to higher frequencies, more motion and greater allowance

  for movement and thought. To return to a lower density is commensurate with a human going into the water, to assist

  dolphins, even though the pressure of the water would feel weighty upon one. Now, these visiting higher density

  entities, who are here to contact humans as The Call might be given, prefer not to be in the heavier 3rd Density

  anymore than necessary. They move into 3rd Density to be visible to humans, and then get the heck out. Thus, humans

  perceive them to be disappearing.

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  ZetaTalk: Density Crossovers

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  ZetaTalk: Density Crossovers

  Note: written Aug 15, 1996

  We have mentioned that the stuff of souls, the substance spirits are composed of, transcends all density levels as it can

  interact with what humans call the physical world on all density levels, simultaneously. Most humans are at best newly

  formed entities incarnated into an intelligent body native to the Earth. Both the entity, or spirit form, and the human

  body newly emerged into consciousness are aware only of the corporeal world around them. They naturally think this

  predominant. It is not. Those formed entities who have experienced thousands of incarnations and have begun to

  interact with entities from other worlds are aware of the spirit world also. But until an entity has arrived at higher

  density levels and themselves has been at the helm during density shifting, they are only superficially aware of how

  vast the Universe actually is.

  Corporeal existence is but a layer in the total strata, and there are more substances than the stuff of souls that can transcend the corporeal layers. Thus, when we switch ourselves and our ships and our contactees between 3rd and 4th

  Density, we can remain anchored to the spot where we wish to return. These anchors are so accurate and certain that

  we can even remove a contactee from their clothing, examine them in the nude, and return them back within their

  clothing with narry a strap askew or sleeve rumpled. Likewise, our 4th Density underwater residences on Earth and our

  4th Density dome homes on the surface of Mars are firmly anchored to their locales on these planets. Density cross-

  overs are not substances humans are aware of, but coexist everywhere in the Universe along with corporeal substances

  and the stuff of souls.

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  ZetaTalk: Same Space

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  ZetaTalk: Same Space

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Different densities means that simultaneously, in the same spot, several realities can occur. We have spoken of 1st

  Density through 6th Density, and inferred that there are higher densities humans really need not be concerned with at

  this time. 1st Density through 3rd Density occupy the same plane, i.e. reside in the same reality together. 1st Density is

  rock and water, without life. 2nd Density is life without conscious intelligence, such as plants and animals, even such

  intelligent animals as chimpanzees. 3rd Density is intelligent, conscious, life, such as humans have. 1st and 2nd

  Density are referred to as densities not because they are truly of differing density states, but because they indicate

  different levels of spiritual potential. Density is a term that refers not only to the physical state, but to the spiritual.

  Thus in 1st Density the spiritual potential is nil. In 2nd Density, the spiritual density potential is possible, and in fact at times incarnations into 2nd Density life occurs, as a lesson. In 3rd Density, spiritual potential is realized, etc.

  In densities higher than 3rd Density, co-existence can occur. Thus, it occurs that on the planet Earth, where 3rd

  Density humans are living and walking about, 4th, 5th, and higher Density incarnations are living and moving about,

  occupying the same space, as it were. This occurs because of a higher vibration rate of the sub-atomic particles. Were

  one to travel rapidly through the densities occurring in a single spot, one would see first the 3rd Density existence on

  the 3rd Density Earth, with say a human standing in a field of corn; then, moving to 4th Density existence one might

  see, for instance, a Zeta standing in a forest, where the forest and the Earth it grows upon are both in 4th Density;

  then, moving to 5th Density, one might see yet another scene. When we state that the Earth is scheduled to move to 4th

  Density Service-to-Others, we are describing what is to happen to humans. There will still be a 3rd Density Earth, on

  the same plane as the future 4th Density home of humans, as a portion of the Earth will be left in 3rd Density.

  Much confusion reigns on the issue of density. Humans, for instance, were used to the concept of matter and energy

  being discrete and separate. Matter could not be energy, and energy could not be matter. Then Einstein shook things

  up and humans, after much painful denial and agony, allowed their concepts of reality to change. Density

  understanding is just such a quantum concept leap. In all fairness, the concept of density differences is difficult for

  even your scientists to deal with. The layman should be excused and granted a little confusion.

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  ZetaTalk: Ocean Habitat

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  ZetaTalk: Ocean Habitat

  Note: written Aug 15, 1995

  The Earth has 17 different species, who are visiting Earth during the Transformation, living either within or under the

  seas. These alien species are not living in 3rd Density - spiritually or physically. They occupy the sea floor or the

  waters in 4th Density, so essentially, as far as humans are concerned, they do not exist. Why the seas? Because the

  depth of the sea floor places them closest to the center of a formulated center of the Earth, in 4th Density. We say

  formulated, as the Earth today is not in 4th Density, and thus these species are essentially floating in space, connected to each other in a sort of mesh or web. Why not simply occupy what would be the center of the Earth, or create a 4th

  Density space station, or perch on the Moon? Where 3rd and 4th Density substances do not interact, attempting to live

  within the hot, heavy, molten core of the Earth would be, shall we say, a drag. I
t places a burden on the 4th Density

  substances, and results in something like a chronic headache.

  Being in or under the seas makes for an easy transition to and from 3rd Density, during visitations or contact in the

  form of sightings. Coming in from outer space is more complicated, especially as your governments consider this an

  arrival and departure. In the seas, these alien species are simply having one long stay.

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  ZetaTalk: Switch Density

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  ZetaTalk: Switch Density

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding what it feels like to move from 3rd Density to 4th Density. This will be scarcely perceptible. There is no

  pain. There is no sensation. The impact is not from the entity's physical body, which moves as a whole to the other

  density, but from the surroundings. Bear in mind that we, the Zetas, move ourselves between densities often in our

  work. We also move humans between densities frequently, during our endeavors. Humans sometimes recall these

  instances, and state with amazement that they moved through walls or the like. They are adjusting to their

  surroundings. The move between densities is graduated, so that a move is not necessarily complete. If physical barriers

  are to be overcome, we, the Zetas, can alter our or human densities slightly, so that communal passage between what

  would be considered solid objects is possible.

  Let us state simply that in changing to 4th Density, as the Earth will, shortly, humans will not be aware that anything

  has happened. Spiritually the humans may feel more aware of other's feelings, as though spirituality increased in all

  those around one. This will not be understood to be a density change in most humans, who will ascribe the change to

  other influences.

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