The Dead World (The Dead Room Trilogy Book 2)

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The Dead World (The Dead Room Trilogy Book 2) Page 18

by Erickson,Stephanie

  “Morning.” Clint was a big man, tall and broad. He wasn’t dressed for work yet, and wore sweatpants and a t-shirt down to breakfast. His brown hair was pointing in several directions, characteristic of him at that early hour.

  They’d only had a handful of flights together, and in fact they would be parting ways again in Orlando. Clint was just finishing his seven-day stint, but Gary still had four days to go.

  Clint didn’t strike Gary as the friendliest fellow, and took a very minimalistic approach to conversation – limiting his responses to as few words as possible to get his point across, and only asking questions or initiating conversation when it was absolutely necessary.

  They parted ways after breakfast to get cleaned up, and met in the lobby less than twenty minutes later. The walk out to the crew car was silent, and in fact, the entire ride over to the airport was quiet, save for the classical stylings of Philly’s 101.7 FM. Luckily the airport was only a few miles away.

  Really, Gary didn’t mind Clint’s quiet side. It was a hell of a lot better than some of the other yokels who talked non-stop while he was running checklists and trying to concentrate on charts. Given the choice, Gary would pick Clint any day. He was a hard worker and kept to himself. Really, Gary could do worse.

  They stopped to get coffee and donuts for the passengers on the way, and then headed to the airplane to get set up.

  The Hawker was a small business jet that seated nine people. Gary wasn’t expecting that many people for this trip, but they could take them if they had to. Usually, they only had a handful of some of the wealthiest people in the country occupying the seats.

  After cleaning up, running checks, and restocking the bird, they were ready for the passengers to arrive so they could get going.

  Gary figured it was a good time to say good morning to Molly, so he sent her a text.

  Morning beautiful! Can’t wait to see ya in four days! Have a wonderful day!

  She responded right away. Morning handsome! Be safe today and can’t wait to see you too!

  It was quickly followed by a picture of Dug with bedhead, and the caption: Dug says good morning. Haha!

  Gary smiled. Haha, morning Dug! Gary typed. It was a classic picture, with Dug bleary-eyed, his hair going in every direction imaginable.

  Clint walked up and nodded as he made eye contact. “Any word from the passengers?” Gary asked, locking his phone and jamming it back into his pocket.


  “Well, I guess we wait.”

  Clint harrumphed at that. Flying wasn’t really the biggest part of the job, even though Gary thought it was the best part. The majority of the workday was spent waiting, a smaller percentage collecting whatever was requested, and an even smaller part actually flying.

  So, they waited.

  The Blackout is available now on Amazon.


  Number ten. Four years ago in November, I published my very first novel. The Blackout took off in a way I never dreamed possible. Now, ten books later, I’m so thrilled for not only what we’ve accomplished, but also for the path before us.

  First, and foremost, I must thank God for everything. This journey is His doing, and I’m so humbled by it, as well as grateful.

  Really, there is no possible way I could do this without my husband. He does a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff you guys don’t know about, that frees me up for more writing time. He’s such an amazing teammate, and I know I wouldn’t still be running without him by my side.

  To the rest of my family: Dad, I finally got this written for you. I hope you like it. And of course, my mom is an amazing supporter, editor, and babysitter when I get behind on my word count (which happens a lot, unfortunately). This wouldn’t be coming to you today without their support.

  My friends, Mary, Dannie, Christian and Joanna, your advice along this four year, ten-book road has been invaluable. You’ve stuck by me the entire time, and I’m so glad you did. These books wouldn’t be what they are without you.

  My colleagues and team: JC, whoa. You morphed this book into something plausible. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for that! Shannon, your encouragement along the road keeps me writing. Seriously. Cynthia, what can I say? I was early getting this to you the first time, and then SUPER late the second time, and, still, we pulled it together. You’re a force to be reckoned with, and I’m very proud to have you shape my books into something amazing.

  Also, I have to add my street team in here. I really have an amazing team of people behind me, and it’s such a boon to see them want me to succeed just as much as I want it. I’m so grateful for each and every one of you guys. #streetteamlove

  Lastly, I have to apologize to you, dear reader. I promised this book a year ago, and I didn’t deliver. And so, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your patience. I do hope this one was worth the wait.

  See you in 2017 with Alive.


  About the Author

  Stephanie Erickson is an English Literature graduate from Flagler College. She lives in Florida with her family. The Dead World is her tenth novel.

  She loves to connect with readers! Follow her on Facebook at, Twitter @sm_erickson, or stop by her Web site at

  You can also get the latest news on new releases, contests, free books, and author appearances by signing up for her newsletter here.

  Stephanie’s Books

  The Blackout

  The Cure

  The Unseen Trilogy:




  The Dead Room Trilogy:

  The Dead Room

  The Dead World

  Alive — Coming February 2017

  The Children of Wisdom:

  The Fate

  The Reaper

  The Human




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