Forgetting Yesterday

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Forgetting Yesterday Page 9

by Meg Jolie

  Dad chuckled. “You sound excited. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that things are falling into place. Claire, she’s always been such a sweet girl. You two are a good pair. I’m glad she was able to take you on.”

  “Well, that’s part of the reason I haven’t been able to make it back to town. The problem is that right now is her busy season. Most Saturdays are especially crazy. She’s closed on Sundays though, so I was thinking maybe pretty soon I could make a quick, day trip.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” he said.

  We spoke for a long while. The entire time, I was overcome by a mixture of emotions. I felt guilty for how I’d avoided my dad for so long. But it felt good to be taking a step in the right direction.

  We ended the call with a promise to keep in touch.

  It was a promise that I was absolutely going to keep.

  Chapter 10

  “Go ahead,” Sean said, “get another. I’m driving you ladies home for a reason. What more do you need for an excuse?”

  I thought that over for just a second.

  “Besides,” he said with a grin, “I’m sure you both deserve it. I’m sure Claire’s been working you hard.”

  “Oh, yeah, she’s real hard to work for,” I said with a laugh. I’d been helping out at the shop for almost a month now. I’d straightened out the books, for the most part. I’d also been running deliveries to their destinations. I was quickly coming to know the town inside and out.

  Dottie still came in on a daily basis and it was easy to see why Claire kept her around. Her arrangements were beautiful and she made it known regularly just how much she loved her job.

  I loved the gingersnaps she brought in.

  Alex had called a few more times over the past few weeks. I blew off the messages both times but was now regretting it. The last time he’d called had been earlier in the week. And now, I wished I’d called him back immediately because it felt like too much time had passed to finally pick up the phone.

  Yeah, I could use another drink. Not to drown my sorrows but to maybe drown out the feeling of frustration I felt with myself.

  I glanced at Claire with a questioning look.

  She held up her nearly empty glass. “Count me in.”

  We were at The Bear’s Den Tavern. It was a Friday night. Claire and Sean had talked me into joining them. I had declined at first. No one wants to be the odd girl out. But they’d been persistent. Finally, they won me over when they told me the burgers were the best in town. After trying one, I thought they were probably right.

  Not to mention that Claire was right, I wasn’t doing myself any favors by hiding out at home, wallowing.

  Sean had offered to be the designated driver. Since he didn’t seem to mind in the least, Claire and I had gladly accepted. Now we were both on the verge of feeling pretty damn good. I realized I should listen to Claire more often.

  The girl gave good advice.

  I glanced around. Our waitress hadn’t checked in on us for a while. A long while. Too long, I decided.

  “I’ll just go up to the bar and order,” I said as I slid out of the booth. “Otherwise we might be waiting awhile.”

  I gingerly moved through the crowd. The place hadn’t been too packed when we’d first arrived. It was sure filling up now, though. I assumed it would only become more crowded as the night wore on. I skirted around the mob near the pool tables and edged my way to the bar.

  The bartender was in the middle of mixing a drink. I perched my elbows up on the countertop, patiently awaiting my turn. Occasionally I was jostled by the ebbing mass of people behind me.

  After sliding a pair of drinks to the patron directly in front of him, the bartender glanced at me. He held up a finger indicating he’d be a moment. I nodded and he turned to someone whom I assumed had gotten there before me.

  I already knew I was ordering an amaretto sour but as I waited, my eyes scanned the bottles lining the shelves. There wasn’t much else to do. My subconscious must’ve latched onto the glimpse I caught of Alex moments before it registered in my brain. My heart began thrashing and it took me a split second to figure out why.

  I caught a glimpse of his tan skin, dark eyes, and serious expression as he worked his way through the crowd. I noted the intense way his eyes were narrowed, the stubborn way his jaw was set. I noted all of this in the mirror on the back wall as he quickly worked his way toward me. I was trapped, really, with the bar in front of me and people on each side. The only direction that led anywhere was straight behind me, the direction Alex was coming from.

  My immediate thought was to flee. I thought about it a few seconds too long, trying to formulate an escape route out of nothing. Then it was a moot point because he was there, directly behind me.

  His firm body was pressed into mine. He slid one arm around my waist and used his other to brace against the bar. I was trapped for real now, held tightly in a cage made by his arms.

  I shivered as his hot breath hit my ear.

  “I didn’t peg you for the kind of girl that was into random hookups,” he said, keeping his voice low.

  Though my back was to his front, our gazes tangled in the mirror straight ahead. I instinctively tried to lurch forward, out of his grip. Not that I had anywhere to go. The bar was inches in front of me. It wouldn’t have mattered. He had a steel grip on me with the arm that was wrapped around my waist. It was obvious he had no intention of letting me go.

  I turned my head slightly, hoping for at least minimal privacy. Not that anyone was paying any attention to us. Not in this crowded place. But still, this wasn’t something I wanted to discuss in public. Apparently it hadn’t been something I wanted to discuss in private either. If it had been, I would’ve called him back.

  Right then, I was wishing I had called him back. Then I could’ve avoided this unexpected encounter.

  “I’m not that kind of girl,” I truthfully told him. Hell, that was the reason I’d left that morning. My humiliation led the way right through the front door. “I don’t do random hookups, either. That was a first for me.”

  “Is that so?” he asked.

  I nodded as my gaze dropped to the floor.

  “Don’t start being shy with me now,” he whispered. There was an edge to his voice. One I wouldn’t have guessed him capable of. “It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” His mouth moved in, close to my ear. I felt his lips brush against my earlobe. “It wasn’t that long ago that I was buried deep inside you. You had your legs wrapped around me. And you were screaming my name. Now you can’t bother to talk to me?”

  He raised his eyebrows at that. It was surreal to watch him as he stood behind me, speaking quietly so that only I could hear. And to see myself as I listened to his words, the way my cheeks heated and my eyes had gone wide. I blinked rapidly at our reflection but couldn’t conjure up anything worthwhile to say.

  Or maybe it was simply that having Alex’s body pressed to mine had taken my breath away. Leaving me too dazed to speak.

  “Should I feel lucky that I had the honor of being your first?” Before I could answer, he went on. “To tell you the truth, I don’t feel lucky. In fact, it kind of pisses me off. I don’t do random hookups.”

  The fiery look in Alex’s eye had me believing he was telling the truth. It snapped me back to reality. He was good and pissed. I tried to blow him off because more than anything, I just wanted this moment to be over with. I had expected him to be a lot of things but mad wasn’t one of them. I wasn’t sure what to do with that so I chose to be defensive, probably the worst possible option.

  “Sorry,” I told him. “I thought all guys liked random hookups.”

  His eyebrows shot up and he scoffed. “What kind of guys have you been dating?”

  The question shot a prickle of fire down my spine as I felt my body become rigid.

  “Sorry,” he said, his arms loosened. He backed off just a bit when he noted my discomfort. He didn’t let me go completely. If he had, I wou
ld’ve surely bolted and he seemed to know that. “But here’s the thing. I don’t appreciate being used. Not even for sex,” he said with a smirk. But there was something in his eyes, something like a combination of astonishment and disappointment. “So I think you need to make it up to me.”

  A surprised laugh tumbled out of my mouth. “Oh, do you?” I took advantage of the way he’d freed me. I twisted my body around so that I was facing him.

  It may not have been the best idea. At least his reflection in the mirror gave me the illusion of having some distance. Now, I felt more intoxicated than ever and it was almost entirely due to his scent.

  His rock hard chest was pressed against mine. Those deep brown eyes were cutting into me. His now-familiar cologne hit me hard, almost knocking me to my knees.

  “I do,” Alex smugly told me.

  I shook my head and futilely tried to step out of his grip.

  “Hey,” he said, the tenor of his voice rumbled through me. “If this had gone the other way around and I’d used you and walked away and refused to answer your calls…I’d be the bad guy, wouldn’t I?”

  “We were both consenting adults,” I tried as my excuse. I would have to thank Claire later for putting that thought in my head. But heaven help me, his persistence was wearing on me. Or perhaps it was his nearness that was wearing on me. “And I didn’t hear any complaints.”

  He leaned in again, making sure his words were heard by only me.

  “It’s not sex on the first date I’m objecting to. I’m objecting to you sneaking out. And not calling me back. I didn’t hear any complaints from you, either. So I really don’t get it.”

  I bit my lip a second, trying to figure out what to say. I finally decided on short and simple. “I’m sorry.”

  This earned me a smile.

  “Really?” he asked. “I think you should prove it. Otherwise, I’m probably going to think you don’t mean it.”

  “And how would I do that?” I wondered as I tried to fight off my own smile. Oh, he smelled so good. He was standing close but I suddenly felt myself wanting to lean in to him. I did without thinking and he let me. In fact, he held me tightly for a moment as he rubbed his cheek against mine. Then he pushed me back just a bit.

  “A date. A real date this time,” he said. His tone had morphed back to the tone I was familiar with. Deep, friendly and knee-melting. “Let me take you out. Dinner out and whatever else I come up with.”

  I didn’t bother trying to hide my smile this time. “So the way for me to make my inconsiderate behavior up to you…is by letting you take me on a date?”

  “Yes,” he said with shrug, as if that should be completely obvious.

  I hesitated. What would it hurt? Maybe I’d been acting ridiculous, avoiding him like I had been. Truthfully, I didn’t want to avoid him.

  “A date,” I repeated as I tossed the idea around.

  “That’s what I said.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  He reached for his wallet, tugging it out of his pocket. He pulled out a business card. “Home and cell are both listed. I’m heading out of town in the morning. A buddy and I have a fishing trip planned. I’ll be back for work on Monday. So you’ll call me then?” he pressed. “So we can set something up?”

  Despite the awkward moment, a sudden wave or relief trickled through me. I hadn’t really wanted to avoid Alex. I’d hated the idea of never seeing him again. I was an absolute coward for deleting his voicemails before calling him back.

  But here he was, right here, giving me a second chance that I probably didn’t deserve.

  I was going to take it anyway.

  “Yes,” I agreed. He gave me a look of comical uncertainty, as if unsure if he should believe me. I laughed before saying, “Yes, I promise I’ll call.”

  “Good.” He smiled and leaned in. I reflexively closed my eyes, my hands going to his shirt to clench the hem in my fists. When the kiss came it wasn’t what I’d been expecting, hoping for. It was a short, sweet kiss on the cheek. My eyes fluttered open, my hands fell to my sides and he took a step away from me. “I’ll be waiting to hear from you.” With that, he took off, melting back into the crowd.

  “You ready?” the bartender said, redirecting my attention.

  I turned to him and ordered drinks for both Claire and me. As he was mixing them up, I turned, my eyes scanning the crowded bar. There were so many people in here now, I couldn’t see past the first cluster in front of me. I wasn’t sure whether Alex was still around or if he’d left. I wondered if he’d been there a while—the whole time I’d been visiting with Sean and Claire. Or had he just come in and happened to spot me? And had he left just now? I felt warm just thinking that he was still around.

  When I returned to the table, I was surprised to see two unfamiliar faces.

  “Zoey, this is my friend, Dane and his girlfriend, Morgan,” Sean explained. “I went to high school with Dane. He and Morgan have just moved back to town.”

  Since I had a glass in each hand, I simply smiled. “It’s nice to meet you both.”

  “You too,” the couple chimed in together.

  “Thanks,” Claire said as I placed her glass in front of her.

  “Claire was just saying you’re new in town?” Morgan asked as I slid back into my seat.

  I gave a little nod. “Yeah.”

  She raised her eyebrows and grinned. “It sure didn’t take you long.”

  I had my glass halfway to my lips but I stopped, lowering it again. “Excuse me?”

  She vaguely motioned toward the bar. “I saw you up there. With Alex? It sure didn’t take you long. To catch his interest, I mean.” I wasn’t sure if I should be offended by her statement or not. Morgan’s soft smile made me decide not to be. “I know girls that have been trying to catch his attention for quite some time now. You’re in town, what a week?”

  I nodded again. I had actually been in town a month now, but I didn’t think she needed me to correct her. “Something like that.”

  She smiled again. This time it looked strained and didn’t sit right with me. “I’m surprised he’s dating again,” she said.

  Before I could ask for further explanation, Sean jumped back into the conversation. “Morgan,” he said, his tone firm but obviously teasing, “I hope now that you’re back, you don’t keep Dane all to yourself.”

  I wasn’t paying attention to Morgan’s answer. Instead, I shared a questioning look with Claire, who simply shrugged to indicate she didn’t know what Morgan’s comment meant anymore than I did.

  I decided I’d ask her to ask Sean about it later. He’d gone to school with Alex and had grown up in the same town, so maybe he’d know.

  Then she gave me a look that let me know she was dying to hear what Alex had said to me. But she had the good sense not to ask with Morgan sitting right there. Instead, she gave me a smug look and then turned her attention back to Sean.

  My mind drifted away from the conversation as I surreptitiously checked out the bar, wondering if he was still around. After a thorough scan, I gave up. It was just too crowded to tell.

  I pulled myself back into the conversation—or at least tried to. My mind was elsewhere. My hand rested at the top of my pocket where I’d tucked away Alex’s business card. I ran a finger over it, smiling to myself, knowing that even if I’d lost track of him tonight, I’d be able to hear his voice again soon.

  Chapter 11

  “You called,” Alex stated. His tone was smooth and teasing. “I was beginning to worry.”

  “I didn’t want to call you while you were working,” I admitted. I had waited until after dinner. Claire was out with Sean, at another softball game. She’d invited me along and I’d been tempted to go this time. However, I had a matter that was more pressing. I had a phone call to make.

  Knowing he was gone had made the weekend drag by slowly, even though Claire had kept me plenty busy. I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt at all the same.

  I eased myself onto a patio
chair, settling in for what I hoped was a long phone call.

  The evening was gorgeous. The gentle breeze washed over me even as the sun’s last rays of the day warmed me. I tried to envision him, wondering if he was out on his deck as well. Or if he was sprawled out on the couch, a sports channel muted in the background.

  I couldn’t think of a casual way to ask so I just let my mind wander, picturing him.

  “I wouldn’t have minded if you called while I was working. I would’ve taken a break to talk to you,” he said easily.

  I couldn’t stop my smile from spreading across my face. What had I been thinking avoiding him? Oh, right, I’d felt humiliated beyond words. But maybe I was getting over that. Now that I had him on the phone, I couldn’t get enough of the sound of his voice.

  “Well, maybe I couldn’t take a break,” I teased back.

  He was suddenly serious, but sounded pleased. “Oh, hey, did you get a job? I’ve been wondering how that was going for you.”

  “Kind of.” I explained to him that I was now working with Claire. Other than seeing him at The Bear’s Den, it had been weeks since we’d last talked. “It probably won’t be permanent,” I said of my new job. I didn’t get into the details of our financial arrangement. “But she needed some help with the bookkeeping. She’s really busy right now, of course. And I had a whole lot of free time.”

  “Oh,” he said, sounding disappointed again.

  Was he expecting something better out of me? Maybe a managerial position at one of the local resorts or something?

  “Too bad it’s not more permanent,” he said.

  That’s why he sounded disappointed? My smile crept back into place.

  “Well, who knows,” I admitted. “I have a few ideas and Claire’s been pretty receptive to them. They could really help expand the business so we’ll see.” I didn’t want to get my hopes up but Claire had been the one to say she’d love to be able to keep me around. It was no secret that I’d love to stay.


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