Discover Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

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Discover Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Page 8

by Maryann Jordan

  “What did she look like?” Monty prodded. “Was she Asian or Caucasian?”

  “Asian,” she answered definitively.

  “Can you identify her?” Monty continued to ask, but frowned as Charlie shook her head.

  Swallowing hard, she waded in again, “No…I just saw…she fired. I saw…I saw he was dead…and I ran. I made it back down the street to where I had parked and drove away.” Pinning her gaze on them again, she said, “It’s easy for you to sit here and think that I should have called the police. I should have done something. All I could see in my mind…besides Eli getting shot…was that badge on her belt. I made it back to my apartment, brainstorming the whole way. I knew he was supposed to meet with the FBI… what if that was them? What if one of them got to him first to keep him from talking? Or, if it was someone else, then the FBI would find him when he didn’t show up.”

  Her face crumpled as she dropped her chin to her chest. “But they didn’t look, did they?”

  Fat tears slipped down her cheeks, spearing Luke’s heart. Tucking her into his arms, he pulled her face into his chest. One hand slid around to cup the back of her head and the other banded around her waist. His eyes caught Jack’s over the top of her head and he knew his expression gave off mixed signals. On the one hand, he wanted the interview to be over…to take her back to his home, let her sleep in a real bed. After she had confessed last night that she had moved around for months, his heart hurt for her. But he knew they could not stop. They had to know everything.

  “Jack?” Bethany’s quiet voice called out. He turned his admiring gaze toward her. “Why don’t I fix some food? Maybe have some of the others come?” A quick smile and nod was his only answer, but the only one she needed. Turning, she left the room.

  After a moment, Charlie lifted her face from Luke’s neatly pressed shirt, realizing she had made a mess of it. “I’m sorry—”

  He shushed her, giving her waist a squeeze. “Can you keep going a little more?”

  Blushing as she looked around, she said, “Gentlemen, I really am sorry. I know you need this information. I’ll try to be less emotional now.” She appreciated their murmurs of accommodation and heaved a deep sigh once more before continuing. Wiping her eyes, she continued, “I got back to my apartment and immediately pulled up everything on my computers that he had sent. I was terrified and figured I’d better get out of there before someone used his computers to figure out who I was. But the file was incomplete. It was as though he was sending it to me when…when…” she gulped air again, shutting her eyes for a few seconds then shaking her head to clear her thoughts before continuing.

  “I had a small, furnished apartment that I rented monthly as I tried to save money for a possible condo, so it was easy to move out. I loaded all my clothes, belongings, and computer equipment into my car and left. I lived in hotels for several weeks, never staying in one more than three nights in a row even though I was paying cash. Then I saw an ad where an older couple were selling a camper van, not much bigger than an old VW van. I paid cash and hit the road. I moved around to different states as I tried to figure out what to do and how to stay alive. Once, I rented a place for a month, just to throw off anyone who might be following me, but…well…that didn’t work out so well.” Her eyes darted around the room, hoping no one would question her about that, at least not now.

  Cam leaned forward and asked, “Could you ever tell that someone was after you?”

  “Yeah. I had ways to set up alerts on my bank account and once it was triggered, I pulled everything out and set up an overseas, off-shore bank account.” With a wry smile, she said, “Eli was brilliant at encryption. He taught me a lot and then I taught myself even more. I had enough saved up to keep moving around and taking jobs as they came along. But I always had to be careful.”

  “And how did you find Luke?” Jack asked.

  Inhaling sharply, she wondered if Luke was going to be angry. We didn’t get to this subject when we were at his house. Glancing to the side, afraid of what his expression might hold, she let out her breath when she saw his curiosity.

  “It’s okay, Charlie. We need to know. I need to know.”

  “Eli had created a lot of security programs and never had them copyrighted. They were just out there. One night, I saw where someone had managed to discover one of them and I had a way to get in and see what they were doing. It was you.” She hastened to say, “I didn’t know anything about you or what you were trying to do at first, but I knew of an easier way to use his program so I sent that first message. When you answered and were not a jackass about it, I found that I wanted to keep helping you. And by then, I had you located so I could see what you were working on.”

  Shaking his head, Luke said, “Hell, Charlie, I hope no one else can!”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “Nope, not from Eli’s programs. Only me.”

  “You helped us on the case we had a couple of months ago, where we were investigating terrorists,” Jack stated, staring at her pointedly.

  Sucking in her lips, she nodded. “I had been contacted by what I knew was a bogus company, so I played along in an attempt to find out what they were doing. I had no idea they were terrorists or I would have never tried to interfere.” Ducking her head for a moment, she added, “That was the one time I tried to rent an apartment…and of course, a couple of you showed up.”

  Cam jerked back, his eyes darting between Blaise and Luke’s. “You used the name Lester Wyant…I remember that! I was there!” His expression turned to one of admiration. “You had us fooled. How did you know we were coming?”

  “Uh…it was all Eli’s programs that allowed me to be able to see what you were working on. That’s how I knew. By that time, I was following what Luke was doing fairly regularly…I just wanted to help.”

  “Fucking hell,” Cam said, leaning back in his chair, wonder in his eyes.

  Looking up at the frustration pouring off Luke, she said, “Maybe when this is all over, I can show you Eli’s programs. It would make some of your work easier.”

  “We’ll talk about that later,” Jack interrupted curtly.

  Luke shot his boss a quick-look, knowing Jack was not about to have someone get into their business unless he had vetted them.

  Jack continued, “Ms. Trivett, we need to continue this interview to find out what you have learned about Eli’s fears and findings, but,” he paused and looked toward the kitchen, “it’s after twelve and we know you’re exhausted. Bethany and a few friends have prepared some lunch and I suggest we table the conversation until we’ve eaten.”

  Grateful for the reprieve, she nodded. As she stood, she said, “Please call me Charlie, if you will.”

  “All right, Charlie,” Jack said, smiling at her. “Let’s eat.”

  Luke stood and once more linked fingers with Charlie, earning a shy smile and sending her one in return. The electricity jolted straight to his heart once more and a fierce protective urge engulfed him. Walking to the kitchen, he hoped he did not stumble again. Rounding the counter corner, he felt her slam into the back of him instead, hearing her gasp.

  Charlie bounced off Luke, staring at the people who had joined Bethany. Standing in the kitchen were three other women, all as beautiful as Bethany. Bart walked over to the one with long dark hair and bent to place a sweet kiss on her lips.

  Luke felt Charlie stiffen beside him and knew she felt overwhelmed as the crowd of strangers grew larger. He shot Bethany a worried look over Charlie’s head. Hell, this scene is so familiar; it happens every time one of the Saints shows up with a woman. His breath caught in his throat as his fingers flexed against hers. Mine? Oh, hell, who knows? I just know I want to protect her. “These are just a few friends. They’re good people,” he assured her.

  His words washed warm against her ear as she took a deep breath. Everyone was filling their plates with sandwiches, chips, potato salad, and an open box of the most delectable cupcakes covered in pink, purple, and teal icing.

nbsp; “Hi, I’m Angel,” a stunning blonde whose hair was streaked with pink, purple, and teal stripes greeted, her smile matching the twinkle in her eyes. “I’m Monty’s wife.”

  “And she’s the owner of Angel’s Cupcake Heaven,” Bethany added with a nod toward the dessert on the counter.

  “They look delicious,” Charlie acknowledged, remembering Luke’s comment about the cupcakes when she had met him at the diner. Just then her stomach growled loudly. It had been hours since the toast she had eaten at Luke’s house.

  The dark-haired beauty left Bart’s arms and walked over, greeting Charlie with a shy smile. “Hi. I’m Faith, Bart’s wife.”

  The last woman of the newcomers walked over, wearing nursing scrubs, her smile wide. “I’m Miriam, Cam’s wife.” Seeing Charlie glancing at her scrubs, she added, “I work part time at a nursing home. We’ve got a baby so I leave at lunchtime. My mom’s got her right now, so when Bethany called, I wanted to come over.”

  Luke had walked away to get his plate as soon as he saw that Charlie was in good hands. Offering her a wink, he grabbed some food before moving over to where the Saints were congregating in the dining room. Walking up, he heard Jack ask Bart, “Do you think Faith can help?”

  Nodding, while chewing, Bart finally swallowed. “It can’t hurt.”

  Luke knew what Jack was implying. Faith worked part time as an artist for the Charlestown Police Department, as well as having special skills. She never claimed to be a seer, but would at times have visions that assisted with a few cases.

  “If you want, Miriam can check her out as well, considering she’s been living on the run for months,” Cam offered.

  Luke’s mouth paused as he was about to take a bite of one of Angel’s confections when he realized all the Saint’s eyes were on him. Clearing his throat, he said, “Uh…you asking for my permission?” Seeing the grins, he chuckled. With a glance into the kitchen to see that Charlie was safely ensconced with the other women, he felt the jolt to his heart again. I’ve been in her presence for only twelve hours and yet…I’ve known her for a lot longer. Mine? Grinning, he watched as she smiled while chatting, her hands nervously fluttering about her sides. Yeah, if she’ll have me.

  Chapter 10

  With lunch over, the Saints and Charlie settled back onto the sofas after Miriam and Angel left. Luke noticed that if Charlie wondered why Faith stayed in the kitchen with Bethany, she said nothing. He also noted the dark circles underneath her eyes, showcasing her fatigue. Leaning over, he whispered, “You okay?”

  She twisted her head around and offered a tight nod.

  Jack, taking charge as usual, said, “Charlie, we need to understand how the past five months have gone for you. Where you’ve traveled or, I should say, where you’ve hidden. What you’ve done…in particular with the information Eli sent to you.”

  Revived, with food in her belly, she plunged ahead. “I can tell you what I know and what I have discerned, but I’ll warn you that the data is very incomplete. Almost as soon as I began to try to check on things, the information was immediately changed and scrambled. New encryption was placed and I haven’t been able to determine what was going on. Plus,” she offered a little shrug, “I had to be extra vigilant so whoever killed Eli couldn’t find me.”

  Realizing she was somewhat nestled in the crook of Luke’s arm, she allowed herself the brief fantasy of wanting to stay there, her breath hitching as she felt his fingers caress her shoulder.

  “All I can tell you is that the client was a Chinese based medical company and it appeared they were taking orders for organs. What Eli told me is that he discovered there was a clinic here in the United States that was supplying them…and not legally.” Twisting her head around, she watched the expressions change as the Saints began processing what she was saying.

  She held up a thumb drive and said, “This is what Eli sent to me, but I’ll let you know the information in here doesn’t definitively prove anything. I know because I’ve tried. It lists the first name of the contact he was working with and spreadsheets of information but that’s all.”

  “And that name?” Jude asked.

  “Jun,” she replied. For a moment, the silence in the room unnerved her as the Saints continued to type into their tablets. Shifting her gaze toward Luke, she noticed his eyes were still on hers. Offering him a little smile, she leaned over and whispered, “I’m okay.”

  Returning the smile, he said, “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “I’m not sure…we’ve only been in each other’s presence less than a day, but I just knew you were wondering how I was holding up.”

  Nodding, he agreed. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

  Jack interrupted, “You mentioned a camper van. Is it at Luke’s house?”

  Shaking her head, she said, “No. I didn’t want there to be any evidence of it where he lived just in case someone was following it. I registered it with a fake name but I was always terrified that I’d be discovered. It’s parked about two miles from his house.”

  Realizing she must have walked to his house in the middle of the night from her parked van, Luke startled. Jerking around, he accused, “You didn’t tell me how far you walked last night!”

  Blinking rapidly, she replied, “You never asked!”

  “I was too busy trying to figure out how you got into my house,” he retorted.

  Leaning away from him, pulling out from underneath his arm, she glared back. “What? You think little ol’ me can’t walk a few blocks in the dark to get somewhere? I’ve been taking care of myself for months now! That was why I ended up at your house to begin with after the two men came.”

  The silence thundered in the room as Luke’s face turned red. “What men?”

  Sighing heavily, her shoulders slumped. “I never got around to telling you what happened before I ran again last night.” Seeing all eyes on her once more, she said, “I was awakened by two men who were prowling around my van.”

  “How’d you get away?” Bart asked.

  “I slipped outside and eliminated the threat.”

  No one spoke. No one moved…until Luke growled, “Eliminated the threat?”

  “I’ve been taught a little karate, or rather a combination of karate and self-defense.” she explained. “I took out the one in the back, knocking him unconscious before doing the same with the one in the front. Then I duct-taped their hands together and left them under a tree.” Pinching her lips together in defiance, she added, “So you see, I can take care of myself.”

  Jack, ignoring the growing irritation coming from Luke and Charlie, looked over at Bart and Cam. “I want her van taken somewhere safe. Completely hidden. Get rid of tags and anything identifiable.”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed as her attention swung back to Jack. “Excuse me? That’s my home!”

  “Not anymore,” Jack declared. “It may be bugged or have a tracking device. Either way, it’s no longer considered safe.”

  Charlie opened her mouth to protest again when she felt Luke’s fingers flex on her shoulder.

  Luke leaned over and whispered, “That old VW van is too recognizable and someone has already found you once. You want help, so now you need to give us some trust.”

  Refusing to look at him, she let his words move over her for a few minutes while several of the Saints were discussing her van. The realization slid over her that Luke was right. I am tired of doing this alone. But the knowledge that she would need to find a new apartment or hotel was overwhelming. Her shoulders sagged in resolution as she nodded slightly, keeping quiet as Bart and Cam left the room.

  Glancing out the windows, she could see the sun had moved lower over the mountains in the background. Exhaustion threatened to drown her as she once more slumped back into the deep cushions of the sofa.

  “Jack,” Luke called out softly, gaining the attention of his boss. He cut his eyes down to Charlie’s head and Jack understood the silent message.

  “Charlie,” Jack s
aid. “We’ve done all we can today and realize you’re very tired. I’m going to move my men to our conference room and ask that you stay with Bethany and Faith for a little while. Then Luke’ll take you home.”

  “I…” she sighed, “I’ll need to find a place to stay.”

  “You’re staying with me,” Luke stated, ignoring the grins from his fellow Saints. Seeing Charlie about to protest, he added quickly, “I’ve got room and the ability to go over your computer programs with you. It will be easier than you traveling from a hotel where we’d have to assign security.”

  Not knowing how to answer, she simply twisted to look into his face. His dark eyes were warm, melting her. The need for control began to slide away as she desired to turn it all over to him. All control…everything. Jerking as she realized her thoughts were turning sexual, her face blushed with a hot glow. Giving a slight nod, she looked away, hoping he did not notice.

  Luke grinned, watching the heat rise from the top of her shirt to her hairline. Giving her shoulder a squeeze, he whispered, “I’ll take care of you.” With that promise, he rose and followed the other Saints downstairs, leaving her in the capable hands of Bethany and Faith.


  Thirty minutes later, Charlie laughed at another Saints’ antic, told by Bethany. “I can’t believe that he trapped you, thinking you were an intruder to his super-secret lair!”

  Tossing her long braid over her shoulder, Bethany laughed. “Oh, at the time I was furious! And then I was intrigued but, by the time we got back to my place with Gram, I looked in the mirror. Tangled hair, my shirt had a rip from the brambles I ran through, my jeans were dirty, and I had leaves stuck to me. Yeah, I was a real prize catch!”

  The women laughed for a few more minutes and Charlie reveled in the newfound feeling of female camaraderie.

  Faith leaned forward, her voice soft and hesitant. “Charlie, I want to be honest with you. I never want you to feel as though I took advantage of you.”


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