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Covet the Curves: a Romance Collections Anthology

Page 13

by Morgan, Nicole

“Who was the asshole who made you think you had to apologize for getting excited, or that you can’t have you want.”

  “How – what are you –” I was shocked. How did she know? Was she psychic? Did she know my ex? Maybe that was it. She was a spy for my ex-fiancé. He sent her in to find out what I was doing, and whom I was dating now. That bastard!

  “Honey.” She put her hand on my forearm again. It seemed to be her thing. “It’s okay. We’ve all had one.” She leaned back and adjusted her shirt. “I did, before Ash. He was a major ass. Controlling. Manipulative. He withheld affection if I did or said something he didn’t like. He was a dick, plain and simple.”

  “Eric.” I whispered his name. I didn’t want to say it out loud. I had an unrealistic fear that saying his name too loud or too many times would draw him to me. Like Beetlejuice. And that’s the last thing I wanted. Or needed. Or could survive.

  “How long ago were you together?” Our words converted to a whisper as more people entered the room.

  “Four years.” I bit into another cracker, and then nervously cleaned the crumbs off the desktop. “We broke up almost a year ago.”

  “Good for you.” She smiled, reaching into her backpack. She placed her folder and textbook on the desktop. “Want to get lunch after class? We’ll get some real food. And I need some caffeine.”

  “Sure.” I quickly finished the last cracker in the pack and tossed the wrapper into the trash, saying hello to the professor as he entered the classroom before walking back to my seat.

  I enjoyed having Robin in class with me. I had other friends, but many of them were either too serious, too studious, or overachievers like me. Robin wasn’t. She was fun, and funny. And I felt different around her. I liked it.

  Chapter Three

  “Thanks for buying my lunch.” Robin and I found a spot near the far corner, away from most of the noise. “You didn’t have to do that.” Normally, whenever someone would do something nice for me, I would become suspicious. What did they want? Were they sucking up to me or trying to bribe me? Or what were they trying to make up for? But I didn’t feel that with Robin. She seemed very genuine. And I felt relaxed around her.

  “No problem.” She flashed a smile, taking a bite of a bread stick she had snagged from the food line. Her tray clacked against the table. “I had a gift card that I needed to use up so – two birds.”

  Settling into our seats, the whole situation felt so normal, so routine, as if we had done it a thousand times. Why did I feel so at ease around her? Did she give me some sort of friend-me ruffie? Maybe in the crackers? I smiled at silly thought and took a bite of my burger.

  “We should find a time to get up to the lab and study on the models.” She took a drink of her Coke.

  “We could just stay after class on Wednesday,” I suggested. “A and P lab is my last class on Wednesdays, and I don’t really have anything else to do that day.”

  “Cool,” she said, her eyebrows raising. “Mine, too – well, it is now that I’ve changed classes.” She chuckled. Suddenly, her eyes shifted, looking past me. She clunked her coke can onto the table. “What the hell?” She squealed, stood from her chair, and hurried around the table. “What are you doing here?”

  I watched her. I watched her run all the way into the arms of a cover model attractive man. I assumed it was the boyfriend she had mentioned before – the one who bought her expensive dinners to get into her pants. Holy shit! I couldn’t pull my eyes away. I’d give him my body for Taco Bell, too.

  Suddenly, I felt a pang of jealously nip at my heart. I wasn’t jealous of Robin specifically. Watching the two of them embrace, caress, and kiss, I became jealous of what they had. I could almost feel the heat between them. I wanted that.

  “Oh, babe,” Robin said with excitement. “Come here. I want you to meet someone.” Robin grabbed the beautiful man by the hand and led him back to the table. “Ash,” she pushed him toward me, “This is Lacey. The girl I was telling you about.”

  Ash held his hand out to me. “Hello, Lacey,” he said. Even his voice was beautiful. Addictive. I wanted more after only one hit. Speak. Talk to me. Say my name again. “It’s wonderful to meet you.” I held out my hand to greet him. He took my fingers in his grip and, bending over, he gently placing his lips to the back of my hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.” His touch gave me a shiver. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Do you mind if I join you?” A man with looks and manners. I didn’t think they existed anymore. Robin had already retaken her seat, and they both looked at me. I wanted him to stay, but didn’t want to feel like a third wheel or excess baggage. They obviously had something very special between them and I didn’t want to interfere.

  “No,” I said. “I don’t mind at all.” Where did she find this guy? Handsome, sexy as hell, and a gentleman. Maybe he’s got a brother, or a cousin. “Please.” I motioned to the chair next to Robin.

  For the next ninety minutes, the three of us talked, laughed, and got to know each other. A few minutes after four thirty, my phone vibrated, bringing attention to how long we’d been sitting there.

  “Oh, shit!” Robin laughed. “We have to go, babe.” She gathered her things, tossing her backpack over her shoulder. Ash gathered the trash and used dishes and took care of our trays.

  “I have a great idea,” Ash said, making his way back to the table. “Why don’t you go out with us tomorrow night?”

  “Oh, I don’t –”

  “Yes!” Robin interrupted. “Please! We’d have so much fun! Please say yes.”

  “And it would be my treat,” Ash added. “After all, I invited you.”

  “I don’t want to be a third wheel,” I said, hoping they would reconsider their invitation when they realized that I would be around and interfering with their one-on-one time. “I mean, it is Friday night. I’m sure you guys had planned on going on a date – not entertaining some strange single girl.”

  “First,” Robin said, taking a step toward me. “You’re not some strange single girl. You’re an awesome hot chick.”

  “I don’t –”

  “Second,” Robin interrupted me and continued her persuasive argument. “Just say you’ll come, hang out for a little while, and if you don’t like it, or don’t have a good time you can go home. Neither of us will say anything.”

  “An hour,” Ash moved closer to me. He flashed me a beautiful smile, his eyes practically sparkled. “Stay an hour.” I wanted to say yes. I wanted to blurt out my answer. But I didn’t. I was still hesitant but wasn’t sure why. I could only assume it was because it was my default response. What I had always done. I had vowed to make changes. Why not start now?

  “And if I’m not having fun,” I stood tall, facing them both, speaking firm and direct. “And decide to go home, you guys won’t try to talk me out of it?”

  “Promise!” Robin used her finger and made an X over her full breasts.

  “You have our word.” Ash closed his eyes and nodded his head. The gesture reminded me of the movements given as a sign of respect to a master in a do-jo or in an action movie.

  “Okay.” I smirked and shook my head. “I’ll go.” Robin wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. My god she smells good.

  “Yes!” she said. I could hear the excitement in her voice. “We are going to have so much fun!”

  I hoped she was right. I wanted her to be right. I needed her to be right. I needed to have fun.

  Chapter Four

  I pulled on the long metal handle and the door let out a deep croaking moan. I expected to see a, dark, dirty, hole-in-the-wall dive bar, with cigarette burns on the tables and peanut shells on the floor. But that was not the case. The corners of my mouth slowly slid up my cheeks. I was taken in by how seductive the lighting was. The beautiful artwork on the walls added a sense of class to what I had mistaken for a seedy college bar.

  The clientele was exactly what I expected – and no different from any other bar I’d been to. S
kinny women in barely-there dresses pressing their breasts against young, attractive men. Their presence didn’t bother me. I might not be a size two, but I knew I was attractive – even sexy.

  Pushing my purse strap securely onto my shoulder, I ran my hands down my hips to smooth my skirt. I looked down and smiled, happy with how my new bra showed off my cleavage without making me look cheap or slutty. Walking across the hardwood floor, the heels of my boots clicked with each step. I felt my muscular thighs tighten and relax as I made my way further into the room.

  Glancing to my right, I noticed a man watching me walk by. I winked at him, flashing him a smile. He smiled back. “Okay then,” I said. Straight ahead, I caught sight of Robin and Ash. She was standing, waving her hand over her head to get my attention. “Subtle,” I chuckled.

  Ash stood as I approached the high-top table. He looked great in a pair of dark pants that seemed to hug his body perfectly and a white button-down shirt threatening to pop open and expose skin at any moment.

  “You look amazing,” he said. He reached out and took my hands, lifting my arms, looking me up and down a few times.

  “You do,” Robin said. She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. “And I’m so glad you came.”

  Ash pulled out a barstoolish-like chair for me. I slung my purse over the back and slid onto the seat.

  “What can we get you to drink?”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I said. I wasn’t sure what to order. I didn’t drink beer. Long island ice teas are good, but they have like, seven different types of alcohol in them. Probably not a good idea to drink that much with two people I didn’t really know that well – especially not tequila. I tend to get a little naughty when I drink tequila. “How about a glass of wine?” I said, settling in. “I like Moscato. Pink Moscato is my favorite. But it’s not very common and usually kind of expensive.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Ash said. “Like I told you before, I invited you, so this night is on me.” He raised his hand and motioned toward the bar. A man dressed all in black with a white bowtie approached our table.

  “Good evening, Mr. Anders,” he said. “It’s great to see you again. What can I get you?”

  “We would like two bottles of Pink Moscato, a basket of fries, and an order of deep fried pickles.” Ash spoke with authority and directness.

  I smiled. Fried pickles? That sounded delicious, and the way Ash took charge and ordered for the table, it was sexy. I’d never had a man do that before. Sure, my ex had told me where we were going to eat, or what we were ordering. But this was different. Ash wasn’t being bossy. Or controlling. Or a dick. He was being decisive. And sexy as fuck. I felt a twinge of guilt thinking my friend’s boyfriend that way.

  “Does that sound good to you ladies?” I looked at Robin. She winked at me and I smiled, shrugging shyly.

  “That sounds good to us,” she replied. Robin leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs, revealing just how high the slit on the side of her dress truly was.

  It took several minutes for our drinks to arrive, and our appetizers followed a few minutes later. We spoke very little between the ‘ohs’ and ‘ooohs’ while devouring the delicious food. Once the baskets and plates were empty, Ash reached for the second bottle and refilled our glasses.

  “So, what did you think?” he asked, looking at me.

  “I’ve never had fried pickles before,” I said. “But now I think they’re my favorite thing ever.” Laughing, I wiped my mouth and tossed the napkin on the plate in front of me. Robin and Ash laughed with me.

  “Glad to hear that.” He took a drink of his wine and then leaned toward Robin. “Did you like it, babe?” Robin nodded and leaned in closer. Ash put his fingers on Robin’s chin and their lips touched, a few times. It was sweet. I turned away before either of them caught me watching them.

  Robin added some wine to her glass, and then added some to mine as well.

  “Thank you.” I put the glass to my lips and took a drink. So good. This is better than the stuff I buy.

  “Ash thinks you’re hot,” Robin said, taking a drink.

  I covered my mouth, afraid that the contents would spew out to become Robin’s new accessory. Grabbing the extra napkin next to me, I wiped my lips and cleared my throat. “What?” I said.

  “Ash thinks you’re hot – like dirty hot.” Hearing her repeat the words didn’t make them less shocking.

  “Okay,” I finally responded. “Well, thank you. I think.” I met his eyes. His beautiful, emerald green eyes. I didn’t know if it was the alcohol or his gaze, but I found myself getting turned on. “You’re pretty hot yourself, Ash – but I’m sure you know that as does your girlfriend.”

  He smiled. Robin moved to stand between Ash’s legs and put her arm around the back of his neck. With me still watching, the pair kissed again. Not a peck. Not a short kiss. A deep, tongues thrusting, hands raking in hair passionate kiss. Now I was really turned on. Holy fuck.

  “Want me to leave so you guys can have some privacy?” I chuckled nervously.

  Robin pulled back and they stared at each other for a moment. “No,” she said sweetly. “We definitely don’t want you to leave. Hey,” her head snapped, and she looked directly at me. “You wanna kiss him?”

  My stomach quivered as her words registered through the alcohol coated brain cells. “Kiss your boyfriend? Kiss Ash?”

  “He’s a great kisser.”

  Ash turned to look at me. “I am,” he said. “Are you a good kisser?”

  “I – I don’t – I’ve never – no one’s every complained but, well, I –” I heard myself stumbling over my words but couldn’t seem to stop.

  Robin slid off his lap and moved back to her chair. Ash slowly stood and moved closer. “Why don’t you let me find out?”

  “Robin …” I called out to her. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  She smiled, putting a skinny drink straw between her teeth and biting down. “Mm, hhmm.”

  Ash turned the barstool type chair and stood in front of me, holding me captive with his eyes. I bit my bottom lip in anticipation. One hand slid around my neck, his other rested on the back of the chair. He gently placed his lips against mine, softly at first. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall into the fantasy of this man being mine. He teased my lips until I gave in, welcoming his tongue into my mouth. I could taste a hint of berry from Robin’s lip gloss. The hand on the chair moved to my back, and he pulled me closer. My muscles moved like a wave as a quiver ran alone my spine. The kiss seemed to last forever and end too quickly all at the same time.

  Ash took a step back and licked his lips. “Yep,” he said. “Damn good.” A nervous chuckle escaped from my throat. He motioned to the bartender. “We need tequila!” I turned around and saw the two men watching us at the next table. They both waved and smiled. I laughed and waved back.

  Great. We had an audience. I took a drink of my wine and refilled my glass with the last of the bottle.

  Robin rose from her seat and moved beside me. She slid her hand behind my back and around my waist. I waited for some type of warning about never kissing her boyfriend again or how it was a one-time thing.

  Not even close. “That was hot,” she whispered into my ear. “So. Freaking. Hot.”

  The waiter placed the shots and a dish of lemons on the table. Ash handed me a salt shaker. I licked the fleshy part of my hand at the bottom of my thumb and sprinkled it with salt before passing it to Robin. Ash handed me a shot glass and a lemon.

  “I want to purpose a toast,” he said. He held his glass up. Robin and I followed his lead. “To new friends. May they become the best we’ve ever had.”

  “To new friends,” Robin said, clinking her glass.

  “To new friends.” To sexy, hot new friends. My glass clinked. I licked the salt, drank the shot, and sucked on the lemon. I knew what would happen if I had one too many of those. I would transform from Miss Soft and Sweet to Mrs. Slutty Whore.

/>   The rest of the night was filled with dancing and wine. I don’t remember what time I got home, but Ash escorted me to my door, kissed me on the cheek, and waited for me to get inside before he left. I listened for the car to drive away before turning off the light. Shedding clothes as I walked, I found the way to my bed and the mountain of pillows. Falling face first onto the mattress, I drifted off to sleep, reliving the kiss with Ash as the darkness fell over me.

  Chapter Five

  “Okay,” I said. My backpack slid off my shoulder and thumped onto the floor. “Are you going to tell me why we couldn’t just study at school?”

  “Well, the food is better here for one,” Robin said. “And I wanted to be in a place where we could talk a little more openly and, you know, shit like that.”

  “Shit like that?” I placed my plate and cardboard cup on the table. “Yeah, right. Spill. What’s going on?”

  Robin took in a deep breath and let it in a loud huff. “Fine,” she said. “I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay.” I took a bite of my chef’s salad and shrugged my shoulders. “Talk.”

  Robin bit into her sandwich and placed her elbows onto the table, leaning forward. “First, let me ask you a question.” My curiosity was heightened. I tilted my head and waited for the question. “Did you like kissing Ash?”

  “Oh, um …” Why is she asking me that? Is she mad about it? She said she was okay with it. “I don’t want you to think that I –”

  “No,” she snapped, interrupting me. “I wanted you to like it. I’m hoping that you liked it. Did you?”

  “Robin,” I put my fork down and picked up my cup. “I’m really confused right now.” The nervous energy I felt caused a chuckle in my throat. “I honestly don’t know what to say.” Robin laughed. “I don’t see how that’s funny,” I told her. She covered her mouth and laughed harder.

  Somehow, I caught her laugh. It was infectious. I started laughing along with her, even though I had no idea why she was laughing – or if she was laughing with me or at me.


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