Jaider's Desire (Cosmis Warriors Book 1)

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Jaider's Desire (Cosmis Warriors Book 1) Page 2

by Ruby Winter

  “This can’t be happening,” I said, walking over to the other two women who sat down at a long table.

  “Which part, the one where we were abducted by aliens from Earth, or the part where they want to mate with us?” Amy asked dryly.

  “All of it,” I replied.

  I sighed. The long hours of waiting in here are going to be excruciating.

  Chapter 2

  Commander Jaider Katon

  These human females were starting to annoy me. They were always so weak and soft, and constantly needing to be looked after. They weren’t like the strong females of my own race.

  It shouldn’t be up to me to look after them.

  And of course, when the human female had fallen on the grass field, I knew I’d have to be the one to rescue her. She would not last another second without a Revian at her side. I did get a good look at her though.

  She was wearing long pants that hugged her body, and shoes made from a soft kind of material. A thick and tight top hugged her breasts and curves, while her hair was brown and bound in a ponytail. There was a glint of defiance in her large brown eyes, and a pride in her stance.

  For some reason I was aroused by it…but only for a second.

  Her weakness as a human would always turn me off.

  Now that I have gotten rid of her, I can focus on my duties. I was making my way to my Captain, who also happened to be my father, Captain Kleat Katon, to report to him about what happened. I was thinking about the Compiers when that damn human female’s face popped into my head again, with her defiant brown eyes just lingering.

  “Damn human…,” I muttered to myself.

  “What human?” a voice said, and I sneered as I recognized it immediately.

  “Karah, what are you doing out here?” I asked as I turned around. She was a strong Revian female, someone I have known for many years growing up, and one of my mother’s students, and her friend. When my mother died, I swore to protect Karah at my mother’s request during the Compier Wars, and I have done so ever since. We dated briefly as teenagers, but I broke it off when I realized Karah’s jealous nature, and she has never really let it go.

  “I was looking for you,” she answered as she attempted to put her arms on my chest but I backed away. “Now what human do you speak of?” she asked again, and I shook my head.

  “It is nothing. Just some damn humans that needed to be rescued, as always.” I replied.

  “Good. I don’t want to hear you have abandoned me for a human female my love,” she said. “Karah, please go find yourself a Revian warrior, all this flirting and games you play are very tiresome. We are not together and you know it.” I rebuked her.

  “I am for you and you only.” she whispered.

  I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her away from me. “I am on my way to see my father now. I came across a battle I must report to him, so I have to go,” I told her.

  “I understand,” she said, nodding. “Will you find me later?”

  “No, Karah, please stop!” I said, as she attempted to kiss my cheek as I moved past her.

  I made my way to the outside of the village where the military barracks were located. They encircled the entire village, serving as the ultimate barrier to the outside, and the Compiers. Most of the warriors without wives resided in the barracks. The rest of the complex was comprised of artillery, training grounds, and the quarters of the high-ranking officers like my father.

  “I am here to see Captain Katon,” I said to the guard at the door of the building. He nodded his head and stepped aside, letting me through.

  “Son, what news do you have for me?” my father asked as I walked inside his meeting room.

  “I came across a battle when I was returning to the village,” I reported.

  “Yes, I have already heard the Compiers attacked the supply convoy. I already have the list of those lost. I’m sorry you came across that, but I’m glad you have returned safely,” he said.

  “I would have stayed and fought, but I came across something that forced me to return to the village,” I told him, and he frowned.

  “What is that?” he asked.

  “Leruk and Axon had returned from Earth, and on their way back got caught in the crossfire of our battle and were shot down. They had four human females with them, and I helped them get back to the village safely,” I explained.

  “Good work,” my father praised, nodding his head. “It was the right choice to make. Where are the four humans now?”

  “There are only three now. One was taken during the rescue by the Compiers, but I did not see it, only Leruk did. He reported as much to me before we left the attack.”

  “What do you know about the human taken?” he asked, his brows furrowing in concern. I shook my head.

  “I know nothing,” I answered truthfully.

  “Not even a name or where on Earth she is from?” he probed further.


  “Then go find out. We need to know as much as possible about this human before our enemy learns the truth of our people,” he ordered. “I want you to speak with one of the females with her, and find out all she knows.”

  As soon as he said it, the human female I rescued earlier popped into my mind. Damn it. I would to have to speak with her after she called me a coward for not pursuing her missing friend. I could already imagine her reveling in the fact I suddenly showed I cared now.

  I sucked it up and nodded, bowing my head slightly in a show of respect.

  “Yes, Father. I will gather the information and report back to you.”

  “Speaking of humans…,” he trailed off, and I closed my eyes, already knowing where this was going. “Have you thought more about what we spoke of in our last meeting?” he asked, turning to me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

  “I have, and my answer is the same,” I answered, annoyed he is still badgering me about it.

  “Jaider, you must mate with a human female and take her as a wife,” he pleaded.

  “No, I refuse. I have told you already I intend to take a Revian female as my wife,” I told him.

  “No, you cannot. You must create offspring. All Revian women on Harpo are barren, and you know that. I will not have you contribute to the extinction of our race. You need to create offspring with a human to help guarantee our survival. I have ensured it,” he said, and my eyes widened.

  “Ensured it?” I repeated. “What do you mean?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him and filling up with dread. I doubt I was going to like his answer.

  “I have already put in a request for a human mate for you to the Council,” he said, shrugging as if it was no big deal. “You are a Commander now Jaider, and because of that, they will be approving it very soon.”

  “Father! How could you do such a thing?!” I cried. “I will refuse her. I am marrying a Revian. You and the Council will have to deal with that,” I spat, storming out of his room.

  I was beyond angry. He didn’t control me! I don’t want a human. I want a Revian woman! They are all I know, and there is no one else in the galaxies for me. We had been having the same argument for an entire year, and I was tired of it.

  I would be with a Revian woman of my choosing, and I didn’t care what I had to do in order to secure it.

  Our females were in the best of health, except for contracting a virus that made them barren. After almost fifteen years of trying everything we could to cure them, we had no other choice but to turn to another species to continue our existence—humans.

  But I was not ready to give up and go that route. I love my people and our women, and I was going to be with one no matter what.

  I was ready to take out my anger—too bad for that human female.


  “Unlock the door. I’m here to question one of the humans,” I ordered to a guard standing outside the building. He unlocked the door, and I poked my head inside, looking around until I finally spotted her

  “You,” I said, and she raised a delicate eyebrow. “Come with me,” I ordered, standing in the doorway. She crossed her arms and huffed.

  “I have a name, you know,” she said, and I gritted my teeth to keep myself from snapping.

  “Alright, what is your name?” I asked, playing along.

  “Molly Sandrian,” she answered.

  “Molly Sandrian, come with me,” I said, and she tilted her head.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, and I growled, nearing my limit.

  “Do not ask questions and just come with me now,” I ordered, annoyed by her never-ending queries and willful defiance.

  “Fine,” she grumbled, following me out the door. I grabbed her arm and led her across the village to an outside meeting area in the courtyard where I could question her.

  “Sit,” I said, pointing to a large table.

  “What is this about?” she asked.

  “I want you to tell me everything about your friend. The one missing,” I told her.

  “Emma? Why? Have you found her?” she asked, rattling off a series of questions again.

  “No, we haven’t even looked for her, but the Captain wants a full report. He wants to know her name, what she looks like…any information you can provide about her, or your talks with her,” I said as I pulled out a glass writer and began to take notes. “What is her full name?”

  “Emma Bradford,” she answered immediately.

  “Where on Earth did she live?”

  “She lived in Houston, Texas, but she was visiting a place called San Francisco. That’s where she was taken by you ruthless aliens,” she sneered. I looked at her with a flat stare, and she just grinned mockingly at me. I rolled my eyes and kept going.

  The interview went on for about an hour. I got the description of the human female, and everything else Molly knew about her. It wasn’t much since they only met each other on the ship, but I think I had enough information to file a report.

  “That will be all. I will return you to the living quarters,” I said.

  “That’s it? What about my questions?” she asked, standing up and walking towards me. She stopped directly in front of me, and tilted her head all the way back so she could look up at my face. She was very small and curvy, and her large brown eyes looked at me with fire in them.

  “What about your questions?” I asked back, taking a step toward her, and putting only a couple of inches between us. She couldn’t intimidate me even if she tried.

  “Why am I here? Why did you take me and the others? When can I go back to Earth?” she asked rapidly, and I sighed.

  “You can never return to Earth. You were taken for a reason, and that reason is to mate with us Revians. There, your questions have been answered. Now come on,” I said, grabbing her arm as I led her out the door.

  “You can’t just use me for breeding! I’m not an animal,” she seethed, pulling her arm out of my grasp. She was a strong little thing, much more than I thought, as she proceeded to stand in front of me, pressing her finger into my chest to make her point.

  “I can use you for whatever I want,” I snarled. “You are a captive here. Have you not figured that out yet?” I scoffed, shaking my head. “Of course not. You humans are too stupid to figure out the obvious, aren’t you?” I said, mocking her and moving forward, allowing her finger to press deeper into my flesh.

  “You know nothing about me, you asshole!” she shouted.

  “I will do whatever I want with you,” I whispered.

  “And what is it you want to do to her?” I heard Karah’s voice say. I turned to see her walking up behind me from across the courtyard, and judging by the look on her face, she looked pretty annoyed. She stood beside me and looked Molly up and down. “Go ahead, Jaider. Continue what you were telling this human. What is it that you want to do to her?” I clenched my jaw as a vein in my cheek ticked, my frustration growing over the challenge in Karah’s voice.

  “I want to take her back to her living quarters and never see her again,” I stated, grabbing Molly by the arm once more and pulling her forward. I dragged her across the courtyard and back to the guard in front of her building, pushing her into his arms. “Put her back inside with the others,” I said sharply.

  He nodded his head at me and unlocked the door. As I turned to go back, I saw Karah standing across the way. Her arms crossed over her chest, and her face looking troubled. As I tried to walk away, she confronted me, putting her hands on my shoulders and squeezing them lightly.

  “What do you want, Karah?”

  “You always make it known publicly that you will never betray us Revian females for humans, but it looked like you were in a heated, or should I say passionate argument with that human female.” she said.

  “That human is far too defiant for her own good. It is nothing,” I told her. “My father asked me to get a report from her, and I was questioning her, that is all. Now I must return to him and give him the report. “Don’t worry about that human. She is nothing.”

  “I will find out the truth,” she said, before walking away.

  I made the report and turned it over to my father, and then finished with the rest of my duties.


  It was only after dinner when I ran into Karah again sitting with a few other Revian females, enjoying an after-dinner drink of Leepa, a strong beverage.

  “There you are, Commander. I’ve been waiting for you,” she said, slurring her words slightly as she stood up, trying to throw her long arms around my neck.

  “I’m glad you came looking for me Jaider. You always say you want a strong Revian female, and I’m the only one constantly here for you, so I say let us get out of here, yes?” she said, giggling and trying to place a kiss on me.

  “No, you have to leave and go back to your living quarters, Karah” I said firmly.

  I grabbed her arm and led her away for some privacy. We walked across the village toward the South End where her living quarters was situated.

  “Mmm… I have been waiting for this all day,” she moaned.

  “Karah, I have told you so many times before that there is nothing between us. You have to get over the past. Yes I want to be with a Revian female only, but it cannot be you. I do not love you that way. What we had before was two kids pursuing their youthful curiosity, and nothing more. I have done my part to keep you protected all of these years, but it is time move on. You are an adult now, and you must live your own life without me needing to be in it anymore. Do you understand? I scolded her.

  She just nodded glumly and walked away, not saying a word.

  I went back to my living quarters to rest up, preparing for the long day tomorrow. If it wasn’t for saving that damn human Molly, I would’ve been able to see more combat, I thought. It was what us Revian soldiers lived for, the glory of battle.

  As I closed my eyes, Molly with her fiery tone popped into my mind again. Suddenly I was kissing her full on the lips, and imagining her as the one underneath me. I could feel her small body wriggling below mine, the smell of her human scent enveloping me. I growled at the notion, as I could see her long brown hair spread out on the cloth, and her brown eyes looking up, begging me to ravage her. She would moan as I licked her nipple and placed soft kisses on her pale human skin.

  “Jaider…,” Karah keened, and her voice jolted me out of my visual, opening my eyes. I thought I was going crazy. Karah is now haunting me in my sleep.

  And why was I thinking of that weak and annoying human again too?

  This has never happened to me before. I never fantasized about a human female.

  “What is wrong with me?” I asked softly to myself, shaking my head as I turned over to my side.

  I forced myself to think about a Revian female under me, not Karah, but no matter what, Molly kept seeping into my thoughts.

  Her image was maddening me beyond belief.

  Chapter 3

  Molly Sandr

  “Ugh! The nerve of these aliens. Can you believe this?” I shouted, pacing back and forth in the living quarters.

  “Yes, I can,” Betty said grimly. “The key word is ‘aliens’. We know nothing of their kind.”

  “I guess you’re right,” I grumbled, sitting down on a bed where Amy was lying down.

  The living quarters were actually a comfortable set up considering the circumstances. There were plush beds for us to sleep on, a large table with benches on both sides for us to sit and eat, and a large woven rug on the floor with pillows. There was also a small table in the corner always stocked with food and water.

  They weren’t exactly treating us badly, it’s just they weren’t letting us out.

  “When do you think it will start? You know, the whole mating thing?” Betty asked. I shrugged, still queasy about the idea.

  “I have no idea. I’m trying not to think about it. Maybe we’ll be spared of that fate. Or maybe we’ll be returned to Earth, after all,” Amy said hopefully. I looked at her sadly and shook my head.

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, but that’s highly unlikely,” I told her. “I have a feeling we won’t have any choice in the matter either. The bright side is they seem to be concerned about Emma. That alien brute took me aside to ask all about her, so I can only hope they’ll be going after her. That’s my main concern right now.”

  “Molly, do you always think of others before yourself?” Betty asked with a smile. “Here I am only worried about me, especially this whole mating thing, and here you are thinking about Emma. Your heart is in a good place,” she sighed.

  “We grew close on the ship. As I have with all of you, and I feel like I owe it to her to be worried. After all, we’re all human, and we’re in this together, so we need to look out for each other. I think she would do the same for me,” I mumbled, blushing. “I can’t imagine how scared she must be out there on her own. I can only hope those Compier aliens, or whatever they call them, are as accommodating as the aliens here are,” I exhaled.


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