Jaider's Desire (Cosmis Warriors Book 1)

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Jaider's Desire (Cosmis Warriors Book 1) Page 7

by Ruby Winter

  I was about to head over to his quarters when a commotion rang out. I frowned and turned towards the ruckus, and saw a guard running toward me.

  “She was taken!” he screamed, stopping in front of me and gasping for breath. “She was taken. The human I’ve seen you with before.”

  My blood ran cold.

  “Molly?! You saw Molly? Where?” I asked in a frenzy. He must be mistaken I immediately thought. Molly was safe and sound in her new living quarters. Who would want to take her, and why?

  I didn’t wait for him to respond, and I ran like hell towards her home instead, kicking the door open.

  “Molly! Molly! Are you in here?” I bellowed, looking around in vain. She was not here.

  I ran to the living quarters of the other two human females she had come with, barging inside.

  “Where is Molly? Is she in here?” I asked, and they looked at me, startled.

  “No, we haven’t seen her in days ever since you took her,” the blonde one said.

  They started to ask me all sorts of questions, but I couldn’t stay to answer them. I ran back into the village as fast as I could, looking for Molly frantically, but I couldn’t find her anywhere.

  Losing hope, I went straight to my father’s meeting room, already fearing the worse.

  “They have taken Molly!” I cried. “It must be the Compiers!”

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “There’s no one else who could’ve done this! We must get the raiding party together now! There is no time to lose!” I yelled.

  Never one to hesitate, my father went straight into action.

  “I will go to the Council. You go to the barracks and tell the raiding party we’re ready to leave now instead of tomorrow,” he said.

  I nodded and ran from his quarters down to the training grounds, rounding up my team. Everything was set and it was time for us to go.

  Molly. Please be safe.

  Chapter 9

  Molly Sandrian

  “Molly?” Emma said, her eyes wide as she stood up.

  “Emma!” I cried, standing up as well and wrapping my arms around her in a tight hug.

  “Oh, my God! I am so happy to see you! I thought I would never see you again!” she cried, hugging me tightly.

  “I’m so glad you’re alright,” I whispered. I pulled away and looked around in disbelief. I was in the Compier base camp, the same one Jaider and I scouted, and I was inside the giant cage with Emma. Despite the circumstance, I was a bit optimistic. I knew a raid was planned here, and soon we would be rescued.

  At least, I hoped so.

  “Where have you been? What happened? I’ve been here for so many days, I didn’t know what happened to you and the others after I was kidnapped,” Emma said, hitting me with a barrage of questions. I grabbed her and pulled her to the corner of the cage, sitting down on the floor with her.

  “I promise I’ll tell you everything, but first, I have news,” I said. “The aliens that took us, the purple guys called the Revians? They know of this place, and they’re planning a raid on it very soon. They were doing it to rescue you, and also to rid this place of these bad guys,” I whispered, and her eyes widened, lighting up a little with hope.

  “Are you serious?” she asked, still in disbelief. I nodded.

  “There is hope for us, Emma. We will be rescued,” I assured her.

  “But is that a good thing? Being taken from one prison cell to another?” she asked.

  “The Revians do hold us captive, but it’s much different from this. I have my own home, and I’m able to come and go as I please in a village.” I explained. “They treat us very differently than what you’ve seen here, Emma. I promise, you’ll see.”

  I quietly told her everything that happened since her disappearance, except for the sex part with Jaider of course, but I did tell her I knew about the history of the Revians, and why they needed human females. I also told her about the Compiers as well, and answered as many questions as I could.

  When they finally brought us some food and drink, I was reminded of being on the mountain ridge with Jaider, watching as they brought Emma her food and drink. I immediately looked up at the ridge, and thought about everyone back in the village. Maybe the raid was already set, and the Revians were getting ready to attack. I kept looking farther, and farther all around, but there was no hint of them anywhere.

  The next morning came, and I was awakened by a Compier lecherously grinning at us from outside the cage. I shook Emma awake, and we stared at him apprehensively.

  “Well, well, well,” he said. “Now that we have two human females, it will make a nice welcome gift to my Superior when he returns to the moon today,” he said, walking around the perimeter of the cage. I moved and stood away from him to the farthest corner of the cage along with Emma, and started to panic.

  “Return to the moon? Today?” I repeated, and he nodded.

  “Yes,” he answered, his snake-like tongue sticking out of his mouth. His skin was scaly, and his hands had yellowish long claws.

  “What gives you the right to take us?” I demanded, trying to keep some bravado in my voice. He laughed hysterically.

  “I am Captain Yizer, and I will do as I please with you,” he sneered. “I will return for you in a few hours,” he said before slithering away. I turned to Emma, panic stricken.

  “What does that mean, Molly? What is happening?” she asked.

  “This is just a base of theirs, their real home is on a moon just outside of here,” I told her, and her eyes widened.

  “But if they take us to the moon, how can we be rescued?” she whispered. “It’ll be too late.”

  “I know. We must think of a different plan,” I said determinedly, walking back and forth in the cage. There was no way we could count on the Revians to rescue us in time, so we had to figure out something fast to save ourselves, or at least buy us some more time.

  Because of the hike, I knew the area a little bit, but I didn’t know how to get from this ravine to the other side of the ridge where we could hide in the forest. There was no way for us to climb the sheer cliffs surrounding us, so we would have no choice but to go around. It was the only way I could think of.

  “We have to find a way out of this cage,” I decided, looking around. “Once we do, there is a forest on the other side of this ridge. We can hide there,” I whispered and she nodded.

  “I trust your plan. I’ve tried to pick the lock before, though, it’s just too difficult. I don’t know how we can possibly get out of this cage,” she said. “Besides, we’re completely surrounded. As soon as we open it, they’ll see us.”

  I bit my lip and looked around, noticing they were starting to load ships with supplies, packing up and readying to leave this place. She was right. The base was too busy with activity, and the Compiers were all around us. How were we—

  I stopped moving as I heard a loud humming noise. I looked up but I couldn’t see anything.

  “Did you hear that?” I asked, moving to her side.

  “I did. It’s not something I’ve heard before,” she answered.

  Just then a Compier shouted, “We’re under attack!”

  I beamed widely and looked at Emma, who wrapped her arms around me, shaking with relief.

  “They have come for us!” I exclaimed. “The Revians have come for us. I told you they would come”

  “I can’t believe it, thank God,” she sighed.

  Ships descended into the ravine on top of the base, and suddenly, there was gunfire all around us. The chaos of the battle erupted everywhere, and the Revians came in strong and in large numbers.

  “Emma! Get down!” I cried, pushing her down onto the ground with me. I peeked up and saw many Revian warriors swooping down in small ships, while some were already on the ground fighting hand-to-hand with the Compiers. I searched for Jaider, but I couldn’t see him through all the chaos.

  I hoped he cared enough
to come for me himself.

  We heard someone rattling our cage, and turned to see Captain Yizer unlocking the door.

  “You are coming with me!” he shouted, standing there with a menacing grin as though there was nothing going on around him.

  “We’re staying here!” I shouted. “Get away from us!”

  He growled and hissed just like a snake, and then pulled his gun out, aiming the muzzle at Emma’s head.

  “Walk or I will kill her,” he said.

  She began to walk towards the cage door and I followed. We jumped from the cage, and put our hands in the air while the Captain held the gun at our backs.

  “Do you see that ship? Walk toward it. That is our ride,” he said.

  “They’re not going anywhere!” I heard a very deep and familiar voice shout, and my heart skipped a beat as I recognized who it was. I turned around to see Jaider with his gun drawn on the Captain.

  “Jaider…,” I whispered, my heart beating wildly at the sight of him.

  The Captain instinctively turns his gun on Jaider, and I took my chance. I grabbed Emma’s hand and ran to the cliff wall, crouching down to avoid any fire. I was so happy and relieved to see Jaider, but now I feared for his life.

  “You Revian scum!” I heard Captain Yizer shout. “I’m taking those humans with me. You can try and stop me if you want, but you will only end up dead!” he screamed.

  “There is no way I’m allowing you to touch her,” Jaider countered, glaring at the Compier Captain. “Look around. You are outnumbered.”

  Jaider dove across the ground and fired a shot at the Captain, the blast hitting the Captain’s arm as he dropped his blaster. It didn’t stop Captain Yizer from charging towards Jaider though.

  “Jaider, look out!” I screamed to warn him.

  Jaider moved swiftly, but the Captain still managed to hit his leg with his claw. The two of them were rolling across the rocky ground, exchanging blows. The Captain used his long claws to scratch Jaider, and I fused my eyes shut, unable to watch. I wanted to go help him, but I knew I would be useless in this fight.

  It was brutal and violent, and they seemed so evenly matched. Captain Yizer started to get the upper hand, as he kicked Jaider hard and broke free from his grasp. He stood up, took a few steps and reached for his gun on the ground. He then aimed it at Jaider.

  My breath caught. I couldn’t lose him.

  Chapter 10

  Commander Jaider Katon

  We had completely taken the base by surprise, and I wasted no time looking for Molly.

  After finding her, I battled with a Compier trying to take her.

  We exchanged blow after blow until he managed to get a swift kick on me, and suddenly I was staring down the barrel of his gun. He was grinning like he had already won the fight, but he didn’t know what I was capable of.

  I pulled a long knife from my boot, and threw it at him while I rolled across the ground and out of his range. He shot but missed me by a few inches, but my knife did not, landing directly in his throat.

  He started to gargle as he chocked in his own blood before falling on the floor. I stayed on the ground, unmoving, making sure he was in fact, dead. Once I was certain he wasn’t getting up again, I rolled to my feet and looked around, seeing almost all of the Compiers either defeated, or with their arms raised in surrender as our warriors held them at gunpoint.

  It was finally over. We had successfully conquered their secret base.

  “Molly!” I shouted, resuming my search. I wouldn’t be able to live if anything happened to her.

  “Jaider! I’m here!” she shouted, and I turned to see her and Emma crouching down beside the rock wall. My eyes lit up, and I ran directly over to her, brimming with happiness at the sight of her.

  “Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?” I asked, looking over her body to see if she had any wounds. She shook her head.

  “I’m alright. I’m so glad you’re here,” she said softly, tears beginning to form in her large brown eyes.

  “I am so sorry, Molly. I am sorry I didn’t come see you sooner,” I said, my hands aching to wipe the tears on her face. “This would not have happened if only I had listened and let go of my pride. Can you ever forgive me?” I asked, and she nodded.

  “I forgive you. I’m just glad you came for me,” she said before throwing her arms around me.

  I closed my eyes in relief. I thought she would hate me forever after what happened, but now, she was showing me affection I probably didn’t deserve. I wrapped my arms around her small body tightly, still not knowing if she carried my child or not.

  “I want to go home,” she said. “I want to go back to the village. Can we go now?” My heart expanded at the fact she now considered the village to be her home.

  “Yes, right away. I’ll take you and Emma back now. Follow me,” I said, leading them over to my small ship. I waved across the base to my father, and he nodded, acknowledging my departure.

  There was more than enough Revians to handle the cleanup of this mess, and right now, the most important thing for me was to get these humans back to the village safely. We boarded my ship, and soon, we were on our way back to the village.

  “Emma needs a lot of rest. She’s been through a lot,” Molly said, joining me in the front of the ship.

  “I know. You’ve been through a lot, too,” I told her. “I’m sorry again, Molly. I should’ve come to see you sooner, and none of this would have happened to you.” I said.

  “It’s okay. I understand,” she said, smiling at me with so much joy.

  I looked straight into her eyes, hoping she would see the truth in my next words.

  “Molly, I have fallen for someone,” I whispered, and she stared at me.

  “You have?” she said softly, her eyes glinting with a little hope. I nodded.

  “I have fallen for you, Molly,” I told her, my body filling with warmth at my admission. “I never thought I would fall for a human female, but I did. I love you.”

  She gave me a smile as tears fell from her cheeks.

  “I feel the same way,” she admitted. “When I thought I’d never see you again, I just couldn’t bear it. It was then I realized how much I love you, Jaider. I have so many feelings for you, and I’m so glad I still have a chance to share them all with you.”

  I held my hand out for her, and she placed hers on top of mine, and we held hands the entire trip back to the village.


  When we finally arrived at the settlement, I knew there were still a lot of things to do before our ordeal was finished. I still had to find Karah and set things right, and I still had to find out how the Compiers were able to get into the village and kidnap Molly?

  We let Emma go into the living quarters with Betty and Amy, and they immediately went to work taking care of her. I took Molly’s hand again, and started walking to my living quarters. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

  “Where are we going? This isn’t the way back to my home,” she said, and I grinned as she said the word ‘home’ again.

  “No, it isn’t. We are going to my living quarters,” I told her, and her mouth fell open in surprise. “I want you to stay with me until I can know for sure you are safe,” I told her before raising my hand and calling over to a guard. He jogged over to me and nodded, awaiting my orders.

  “I want you to stay posted outside my door. Molly is to remain inside, and no one goes in except me. Is that understood?” I told him before opening the door to my living quarters.

  “Yes sir, Commander Katon,” he responded, putting his fist in his chest in a salute. I nodded at him, and then bent over and placed a kiss on Molly’s soft lips before gesturing for her to enter.

  “Go inside. Take a bath, and get some sleep. You are safe now,” I said to her. She smiled and hugged me tightly.

  “Don’t take too long, okay?” she asked. “We have some more catching up to do,” she murmured, as she went inside a
nd closed the door behind her. The guard took his post in front of my door, and I walked away.

  Now where could I find Karah?

  I was about to take another step when I heard a very shrill scream, and I recognized Molly’s voice. I turned back to my living quarters, and I saw the guard grab his gun from his belt and turn to the door. I ran toward him and watched as he kicked the door open, and stood in the doorway with his gun aimed inside. My heart dropped to my stomach as I feared what he was looking at.

  Within seconds, I was at the guard’s side, and my eyes widened as I saw Karah holding a gun to Molly’s head.

  I could not believe it. I mean I knew Karah had her issues, but I really didn’t know her at all. The Karah I knew was more tender and not capable of doing something like this, yet here she was about to kill the woman I loved.

  “Tell him to go away or I will kill her,” Karah threatened, looking at the guard.

  “Karah, what are you doing? This is not you. Please put the gun down,” I told her.

  “Tell the guard to go away, or I will ruin her pretty face,” she cried, digging the muzzle of the gun into Molly’s temple.

  “Do as she says,” I ordered the guard. He dropped his gun down to his side and began walking backwards out of the doorway.

  “There, he is gone. Now put the gun down, Karah,” I pleaded, stepping into the doorway.

  “Don’t. Don’t come any closer. I will do it, Jaider,” she said, tears in her eyes. I looked at Molly, and saw her trembling in fear. My eyes went down and saw her placing her hands protectively on her belly, and I instantly knew what this meant.

  She thought she was pregnant, and she was terrified Karah would do something to hurt the baby. I too, was terrified. I was the one that caused Karah’s pain, and now, Molly and my unborn child would have to pay for it. I didn’t know what to do.

  Chapter 11

  Molly Sandrian


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