Redemption: A Custos Novel

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Redemption: A Custos Novel Page 22

by Emjay Soren

  “Need more, Bird?” I ask with a smile, her taste still on my tongue. I am high on love and sex and blood, and it’s better than even my strongest bifter. I thrust up as she comes down, and the way her head falls back and her back arches, makes me crazy. “You are the most precious thing to me, Bird. Come for me again, huh?” I ask, and start thrusting up faster, meeting her each time.

  “Please, yes, Preacher.”

  “Fuck, I love your voice. Call me baby again, Bird. I fuckin’ love that shit.”

  “Oh baby, yes.” She cries, and I am real close to coming hard.

  “Again!” I demand, and now we’re both going wild. I want to come so I can start it up all over again.

  “Yes! Again baby!”

  “Can I come M’hare?” I am begging, and I could give a bleedin’ fuck, because she is right there with me.

  “With me baby, come with me!” She cries, when the first shudder rocks her and I slam in, holding her to me tight, as I unleash everything in me into her.

  “Fuck, yes!” I roar, and I came apart, unstitching all the anger and sadness that held me together for years. She has taken me apart in the best way, and I know in that moment that I will never let her go again. “I love you, Tavern.” I whisper as her head falls on my chest and she rides the last of the pleasure out.

  “I love you, baby.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  We stay like this forever it seems. She is on top of me, and though I am no longer inside of her, we have yet to move. She is sitting with her pussy just above my dick, and the bastard in me likes it there. The man in me wants to take her to a shower, and clean her up. My orgasm mixed with hers is now a mess, but she won’t move, and I love that. So there we were, with her above me on my lap, her head on my chest. A sheet rests around our hips, and my hand is stroking down her spine. I could stay here touching her for hours.

  “Tell me about them.” She says, so softly that had I not had impeccable hearing, I wouldn’t have heard her.

  I don’t move, and I don’t panic as she brings that pain to the surface. I force a breath in and out, and I am bombarded by her scent and the scent of our sex and love. I want to start it all up again. I drop a kiss to her shoulder, and love that she giggles and shivers.

  “Emigen came in to confession once a week for the two years I held priesthood at St. Agnes. Her confession was always the same, and my reply had always been twelve Hail Mary’s and a fast for contrition. It was when she came in with tears in her voice that changed everything.” I pause because there is just so much she doesn’t know.

  “Emigen was a prostitute.” I feel her stiffen, but I continue and she makes no move to shift from my embrace. “She had a john who beat her bloody, and then raped her. I was sickened by it for a few reasons. The first was obvious, she was the victim of an awful attack, and with circumstances what they were for whores back then, there would be no justice. The second was that every Thursday I gave five Hail Mary’s before bed and a fast Friday morning for my own contrition, because I had wanted to comfort her and hold her. It was that Thursday that I did. As she spoke, my heart broke, and I walked out of the booth and took her in my arms and let her cry.

  We talked for hours, and she invited me for dinner that evening in thanks. It wasn’t uncommon for families to invite the Fathers to supper, so I accepted, even though I knew I was being unfaithful to my vows. I lost my virginity to her that night. I was twenty years old and fresh from the seminary. I had never been tempted or swayed until I saw her beauty. I loved her instantly.

  I never went back to the priesthood, and even though I was no longer a Father, I still kept my faith and followed the new path God had provided me. Right after our six month anniversary of marriage she told me she was pregnant with our son Peter. I had just found a job working for Angelo, and though the work wasn’t honest, I stayed because it was in the middle of the depression and I was putting food on the table.

  Angelo had kept us comfortable. We were better off than most families. By our third year anniversary, she had just given birth to our second child Mary. The depression at its all time peak, I was even more thankful for the work I had, but the jobs started getting complicated. People were getting hurt, and I was making money off of it. It became a strain on me and Emigen as the hours grew longer, and my nights were being taken over by the job. Emme and I were fighting non-stop, and the kids were acting up because I was never home. I hated the job and the things I was paid to do. I was taking from less fortunate men to feed my own family. It was tearing my soul apart, and shaking my faith in humanity.

  I came home one night and she was up waiting for me. I remember over all my memories of her, I remember this one like it was yesterday. She told me that she married a good man, with a good heart, but I wasn’t that man anymore. I fell to my bleedin’ knees, and begged her to keep her faith in me, that I’d do anything to make her happy. She fell to her knees with me, and took my face in her hands. ‘Money isn’t worth this, Mac. It’s not worth your kids not admiring you, your wife resenting you and losing it all for an extra dime. I’ll whore before I watch you sell your soul to the devil.’ We fought for hours, and when she’d finally had enough, she turned from me and went to bed. There wasn’t a night she went to bed angry with me, until then.

  That was the moment my life changed, my fate shifted. I tossed and turned all night, debating if I could really let her whore. I knew I would, because what we shared was untouchable, and I would protect her each and every time she had a john. It was a temporary fix. They said the depression was coming to an end, that there were good jobs coming, and so with a heavy heart, I left early that morning and went to confession. I begged for forgiveness for what I was about to do. Begged to keep her safe and unharmed while she sold her body for our family, for my soul.

  I hated myself then, but knew it was the safer and better plan at the time. If I was busted moving liquor or roughing up those that were in his debt, then jail would leave her whoring anyway. I had left us with one option, and once I had a job I had planned to make it up to her.

  I went home and told her I had made the decision to quit working with Angelo. She was so happy for us, and said she couldn’t wait to see that old light in my eyes.” I pause here, and clear my throat. Tavern has been so quiet and gentle through the entire story, and I can’t help but hold her closer as I finish the tale of my nightmare.

  “She would never see that look again, because after I left the house, I went to tell Angelo I quit. I assumed he would batter me up good, get a few belts in, but instead he warned me that if I chose to leave, he would make me regret it long before he killed me. I never knew that he was capable of the damage he caused me, never knew he could do what he did!” I am yelling, and I feel Tavern stroking her hand up and down my arm. She is sitting up now and looking at me.

  “Tell me what he did, baby.”

  I am struggling here. I have never told the story of my life in such horrid detail, and it’s killing me to relive it now. “I think you know what he did, Bird. It’s not hard to guess.”

  She nods, and I see her tears as they rim her perfect eyes. “I do, but you need to tell me, baby.”

  “He killed them, slaughtered them. Emigen had been making dinner when they came in, and he drank from her until she was bone dry before he took her head. My children…..” I was in panic mode now and I didn’t want to see this shit again. Every time I thought about it, I saw it, and it was a sight no father should ever see.

  “Sshhh baby.” Tavern whispers and places a finger over my trembling lips. “I know baby, ssshhh. You never have to tell me. I’m sorry.” She says, and pulls me close. I need a bifter or I am going to fall apart.

  “Do me a favor, Bird?” I ask and my voice is shaking, I am shaking. “In my tobacco box…..” she doesn’t even let me finish. She jumps from the bed and goes for my weed. She hands me the box and I roll a joint as fast as my hands can.

  “Let me, baby.” She says, in t
hat same sweet voice. She takes the half rolled joint from my hands and finishes the details, licking it before folding the final roll. She places it between my lips and flicks my lighter. As I pull that first calming drag in, she rests her head on my shoulder, and tucks herself as close as she can to my side.

  “I love you, Preacher Mac’ O’Conner, aka Baby.” She says, sweet and calm and quiet. So completely sure of her choice to take me back.

  I see then that she doesn’t need any more for tonight. I’ll tell her one day, but for now she is fine to let me hold her. “I love you too, Tavern Madley, my sweet and precious Bird.”

  Chapter Thirty


  It was dusk the following night before we reemerged from Preachers room. We had scrubbed the ugly truth between us, and basked in the aftermath of perfection. “I have no clothes, Baby.” I smiled, knowing he loved me calling him that. It broke me a little though, knowing he had gone so long never letting love in.

  He laughed, and I walked to the bed where he was sitting, leaning against the headboard, buck ass naked perfection. Using his awesome vampire speed he was on me faster than a blink, his hands gripping my bare hips. “I prefer you naked, Bird.”

  I laugh as he kisses my neck. “Oh? Well, I hope the rest of the men in this house do as well.”

  The erotically possessive growl he gives in response melts me. “Then second best to you naked, is you in my shirts and boxers.” He slaps my ass and lifts me so I am wrapped around him again.

  Wanting him again.

  “Put me down, I need food.” As if on cue, my stomach growls and with another searing kiss he puts me down. We dress, and it takes longer than it should because I can’t stop touching him, and he won’t stop touching me. It is a far cry from any other time I left his bedroom. Before, I left alone, now we were leaving together.

  I couldn’t help the fear that struck me when he opened the door to leave. Spinning he caught the scent of my fear and slammed the door. “What is it, Bird?”

  He was looking at me, and even if he couldn’t really smell my fear, he saw it on my face. “I’m scared.” I wanted to hide my face from him because I knew it would upset him. We were carving out our own path now, no matter the dangers, and I had to show him I trusted him.

  “Of what?”

  “I’m scared that you will learn some new twisted plan from the Cado, or Angelo, and leave me again.” There, I said it, and it was out there, and…I had to know.

  Preacher fell to his knees before me and pressed a kiss to my belly, his hands on my hips. “I put that doubt in you, Bird. I’m sorry for it, and I deserve the task of earnin’ your trust.” He looked at me then his

  eyes so blue, his face showing me without words how much he loved me. I place my hand on his cheek needing to touch him. “But I’ll earn it, Bird. I’ll earn it and show you I love you, and that it’s more than just words.”

  “I know.” I whisper, and relief washes through me when he stands and pulls me to his lips, kissing away my fears. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I did this, and I’ll make it so you never think to doubt me again.” He looks at me then and his face is serious. “You ever have a doubt about me you tell me, and we will deal with it.”

  I nod as he kisses me one last time and we make our way to the kitchen. “Do you think they know that we are finally here on the same page?” I ask and he laughs again.

  “Bird, they’ve heard it all whether we like it or not. It’s the curse of being a vampire. They won’t embarrass ya though.”

  God, I wished that I’d had the mind to take him to Tiffany Blue and just sent Bas to the mansion to wait on Leushus. We walked in the kitchen and I saw London first. She was wearing a red apron that said “A real woman cooks a steak Rare” on it. I blushed knowing she may not have heard us, but Cash most likely told her.

  “Mornin’” Preacher said, and pulled out a chair for me at the table next to Cash. “Well, evenin’ I guess, but you get it.” He poured me a cup of coffee and poured the creamer, making it just how I liked it.

  “You remembered.” I say as quiet as a mouse when he sets it in front of me.

  “I told you, you’re hard to forget.” He drops a sweet gentle kiss to my lips in front of everyone, and I sigh because I like him proving he loves me.

  When he takes a seat beside me I look up and see that everyone is here, along with a few I don’t know. They are all watching me and I blush the shade of a raspberry. “ Fuckin’ A Cash, you weren’t lyin’! The good Father did get himself mated up.” The one talking is a Nex. I know it as true as my blush right now.

  I jerk back and gasp when he drops that creepy stare of white and swirling blood on me. “What the fuck, Preacher?” I ask, but he has already come to my side to help hold me up. I want to run, but I don’t dare move in case he is faster than Preacher. “Is this a dream?” I ask, and suddenly I wonder if it was all a dream, and I would wake up in Tiffany Blue, alone and missing him.

  “Ssssh.” He hushes and lifts me, my legs going around his waist. “That’s Klem, Bird. He is Nex, but not like you think.” He is trying to console me but I can’t make sense of what he is saying.

  “I told you she would freak.” Says London from behind the griddle where she is making pancakes.

  “Stuff it Team Perfect.” Klem says, and sips from his glass of blood. “I came to help. Just like I did with you, and you’re still prejudice against me for being a little dark. You should be thanking me.”

  London smiles her obvious fake smile. “O-M-G, you must not have got my thank you card.”

  “Nope, didn’t get it.”

  “That’s because I didn’t send one. Jesus, you realize that had you never let Conlin sell in your club…”

  “Fuck, here we go again.” Klem interrupted her, and then everyone started yelling. It intensified my fear, hearing Conlin’s name, and I buried my face in Preachers neck.

  “Explain this to me, or I scream and run, and I’ll take Bas with me.” I spoke into his neck and I see Bastian laughing from across the room.

  He sets me down, but stays beside me as he looks over his shoulder and whistles. It is ear piercing. The room falls silent and he takes my hand in his. “Klem, this is Tavern Madley, the woman fool enough to love me back.” The fact he even said those words in front of the entire room had me ready to burst into tears again. It wasn’t hearts and flowers, it was better. It was acknowledgement.

  “Sorry to scare you, little thing. I’m here to help, I promise.”

  London huffs and Cash is up and swiftly pulling her from the room. I watch as she struggles with him, but he just throws her over his shoulder and hauls ass down the hallway. I look at Klem and try to understand. I see the whites of his eyes swirling with blood. I know that means a vampire is in bloodlust, so being human around him scares me a little.

  He sees me staring at his eyes, and pulls black sunglasses off his head and slips them on. Without his eyes to focus on, I am left looking at the rest of him. He looks like his hand got stuck in a light socket. His hair is neon white and straight, standing up at about three inches long. He is huge and commanding, dressed in an all white suit, black shirt and a blood red tie.

  “He isn’t the Nex you think, Bird.” Preacher says and takes a seat at the table pulling me to him and placing me on his lap. His arms are around me and he drops a kiss just below my ear. “He doesn’t drink from humans that are alive, unless he is proving a point. He is considered Nex because of the business he runs. He’s a killer, Bird, but not of innocents.”

  I didn’t give a shit.

  “Who are we to say who is innocent? He kills, Preacher, and according to London, he knew Conlin.”

  His arms grip me tighter when Klem speaks. “I didn’t know that fucker was in my club, for one. Two, that little brat of Cash’s can’t get over the fact that the night she was attacked, the boys were chasing down a set up at my club. And third, I decide who is innocent. I would sooner stake myself than harm
a woman, whether innocent or not. I kill mother fuckers like Angelo, and I don’t give a fuck about conscience. If it makes me Nex, so be it!”

  Klem was pissed, but, guess what? I didn’t care. “Unlike that brat, as you call her, my man won’t shut me up! I spent a fair portion of torturous hell with Nex, so excuse me if I balk at your explanation. I see the blood in your eyes, and I know it means you’re thirsty. You won’t find an artery here to suck on, I can promise you that, but go ahead and try, and see what my boys do to you!”

  In my tirade, I had said something that had Preacher hard as steel beneath my ass. His grip was tight on one hip, but his other hand had slipped up under my shirt and was open palmed and spanning the space of my stomach. And then he laughed.

  So did Klem, and it was followed by all the men in the room!



  Holy fuck, I was hard, and my nuts were packed to bursting. Her tirade was sexy as hell, but it was saying my man that had me needing a touch. I knew now wasn’t the time or the place, but I just needed to feel her skin. She was a perfect one, my Bird, the way she stood up to him, backed Cookie even. Though Cookie’d kill’er if she knew Bird said that Cash was busy shutting her up. I could hear them, and he was not shutting her up. For lack of a better explanation, he was bringing her down.

  “Look Tavern, I just want to help. These boys have had my back time and time again. With the exception of the God Cop, Leushus, I take an affront to my boys being dicked with.” I had to admit that had he not been a drug dealer and a pimp, then he wouldn’t be a Nex. We played by the law and by God and if one or the other said you were bad, then you were bad. Klem wasn’t afraid to kill though. He made it his mission to kill while proving his point. Lord didn’t care if he was killin’ the sinners. He was taking human life, and the good book says ‘hell fuckin’ no’ to that.


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