RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

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RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy Page 10

by Joanna Blake

  "Go ahead and laugh. It was funny as hell."

  He nearly bent over with laughter. It took him a while before he could put two words together.

  "Was Pete mad?"

  "He looked more surprised than anything."

  "I wish I could have seen that."

  "Everyone else in town did."

  I sighed.

  "What am I going to do Jake?"

  He leaned forward.

  "Let me tell you a little story about how I finally got Elle to stay put. It just so happened to help Daniel with his Francesca problem as well."

  I leaned forward, all ears.

  Ten minutes later I was grinning.

  Oh yes, I could definitely handle that. All I needed to do was get Angie alone for a day or two.

  My smile widened.

  Or three.


  I ran the hand tiller down the row for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was practically an antique, with one large wheel and a small deep rake that turned the soil behind it.

  It was amazing what you could find on eBay.

  Of course, I would have to get a mechanical plow and more when I started the farm. But for now, I decided it was better just to figure out what the hell I was doing.

  Besides I didn't want a lot of machinery blowing exhaust everywhere. When the time came, I planned on investing in electric equipment and a solar generator.


  I stopped short, staring down at the ground. Just like I did every time the tiller hit another rock. I bent down and picked it up, chucking it in the rock pile I had made at the near end of the garden patch.

  The pile was rapidly growing.

  The damn farm seemed to be more rocks than dirt!

  Tomorrow I would add a layer of store bought compost and till the 20 by 40 foot garden plot one more time. Then I would lay the drip irrigation system I had pieced together, once again from yard sales and eBay. Then and only then would the garden be ready for planting.

  Casey was doing her part too, nursing some seedlings in the sunroom. There were egg crates full of peat moss propped up along the windowsills, resting on top of her books and drawing supplies, basically every flat surface with good light.

  In the fall we would get a greenhouse for seedlings and winter crops. We would start canning and pickling as the crops came in, maybe try to sell the pickled veggies to some gourmet markets. It would take a while to get certified organic, but minimally processed food was still in high demand.

  We had it all planned out. It was a simple, wholesome life we were after out here in the country. Of course, the two of us knew better than most how God sometimes laughed at plans.

  But we had hope. And when one of us faltered, the other one propped us up again.

  As long as we could keep our heads above water, we could survive for a year or two. I'd bought the farm outright, so we didn't have a mortgage. And Casey had contributed her share of the money our folks had left us.

  So we would survive.

  The only question was, would we flourish?

  The best part so far was how Casey seemed to be thriving. She loved the house and her sunny bright little room. She even loved the people we'd met, most notably the Delancey's.

  She even seemed to adore Jackson, mentioning him several times a day.

  I almost thought she was doing it on purpose to see how I would react. But she looked so innocent that I discounted it. I hadn't told her how Jackson made me feel. Hot and cold. Out of control and helpless.

  Scared too. And just a little bit heartsore now that I'd broken it off.

  If she knew, she would stop mentioning him.

  I cursed as I hit another rock. I heard muffled laughter behind me and turned. Casey and Elle were laughing at me while Francesca shook her head.

  "You look like a peasant! Hire some good looking men to do that work for you!"

  I grinned. My Italian friend did have a way with words.

  "Next year!"

  She shrugged and waved me over.

  "Come, come, we are already late."

  "Late for what?"

  She was already walking into the house, pushing Casey's chair ahead of her. Elle grinned at me and wagged her finger.

  "I told you! The party is today."


  I was furiously trying to think of a way out of going with them when we stepped inside. Casey was letting Francesca do her hair and makeup. I looked at her and back at Elle. She had the uncanny ability to know what I was thinking before I did.

  "Forget it, you are coming."


  "No buts."

  Casey gave me a look and I sighed, defeated.

  "Okay, you guys go ahead. I will shower and-"

  "Five minutes. I brought you something to wear. Otherwise we won't see you for hours and you know it."

  I stared at the dress hanging from the back of a chair. It was wrapped in fabric so I couldn't tell what it looked like. A pair of strappy high heel sandals was on the floor below it.

  Elle shoved me towards the stairway.

  "Don't forget to shave!"

  Peels of laughter followed me up the stairs. I was numb while I did as they said, quickly showering. I shaved my legs and higher, just in case.

  Just in case what Angie?

  I might go to the party but I was not going to bed with Jackson again. I was not even going to speak to him! It was better this way. Just rip it off, like a band-aid.

  I wondered if he'd already moved on. It had been a week already, I was sure he had another woman by now. Or two.

  Or twenty.

  Men like him didn't stick around, waiting for a woman who couldn't make up her mind. Especially with so many other options waiting in the wings. It stung to think of it, but I had to be realistic.

  I had to prepare myself to see him with someone else. I would just nod and wave and then go somewhere private to bawl my eyes out.

  As long as he didn't know, I would be fine.

  Brace yourself Angie.

  Never mind his pure animal appeal, the man was also wealthy and successful. And ridiculously handsome. Funny. He could even be sweet when he wasn't being an arrogant son of a bitch.

  I snorted.

  Which was rarely.

  I came downstairs in my robe and sat still while Francesca quickly blew out my hair and applied makeup. I didn't even look at myself as they lowered the dress over my head.

  Francesca held out her hand and cocked her eyebrow at me.

  "No bra or panties. They mess up the lines."

  I shrugged and did as she asked, shimmying out of my underthings. The silk felt cool against my skin as I handed them over. I glanced at the mirror, barely seeing myself. I was wearing a stunning emerald green slip dress with gold colored sandals.

  If I wasn't dreading this party, I would have felt like a princess in this luxurious outfit.

  Instead I felt like I was facing final exams, the first day of school and a firing squad, all at once.

  Before I knew it we were ready to go. I didn't argue when Elle insisted on driving, telling me it was silly to take my car less than a quarter mile. I finally noticed Casey had a bag on her lap as we started down the driveway.

  "What's that?"

  "It's my overnight bag. I'm sleeping over."


  "We are going to party tonight!"

  Francesca was grinning at me, obviously trying to pump me up.

  "Everyone but me."

  "And me!"

  Elle winked at Casey.

  "Are you pregnant too?"

  The car erupted in excited squeals. I forgot my own nerves and squeezed her arm gently.

  "How exciting! I knew it!"

  Elle glanced at me in the rear view window.

  "Look out, you could be next."


  "Or you Francesca. Though you still haven't said yes, have you?"

  "Yes to what?"

  Francesca tossed her hair.

  "Daniel keeps pestering me about marriage. I don't believe it in."

  "But you are committed to him, aren't you?"

  She shrugged gracefully. The woman was so glamorous I had a sudden certainty that she could make farting look elegant.

  "I am. But don't tell him that. It is good to keep a man on his toes."

  "You don't have to tell Angie that! She's an expert!"

  They all laughed as I scowled, reminded of where we were going.

  And who I was going to see.

  "Yes but I'm not doing it on purpose!"

  They were still laughing at me when we got out of the car and slowly walked toward the party. Everyone was in a great mood, looking forward to the food, drinks and festive company.

  I spent the next twenty minutes wondering how I could get out of here as quickly as possible without upsetting my sister.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I watched as Jake and Daniel put our two prize stallions through their paces. Both had been bought strictly for breeding, considered too wild to ride. But Jake had a magic touch with the most dangerous horses. And Daniel's innate kindness brought out the best in the unruly stallion that even Jake had hesitated to ride.

  I grinned.

  I had a soft touch with difficult creatures myself.

  I glanced around but didn't see her. Yet. I knew that Elle and Francesca were going to bring her here. They had to for my plan to work.

  It was quite an extensive set up with a dozen moving parts. I'd already set it in motion, stocking my bedroom with food and water and enough booze to knock out a horse.

  I also had silk rope and blindfolds and sex toys. There were things that came in the big box I ordered that I wasn't even sure what to do with. Not yet. I had some ideas though.

  I was determined.

  Very, very determined.

  Oh yes, Angelina Randall had no idea what was about to go down.

  I smirked and made my way through the crowd. I had to do a bit of glad handing, especially with the horse people. But later, when everyone was drinking and having fun, I would be doing something much more enjoyable.

  I would be bringing one wild filly to heel.


  I was chatting with a group of wealthy people from the club when I froze, my heart hammering in my chest.

  She was here.

  She wasn't just here. She was making a Goddamn spectacle of herself. She was wearing a dark green silk dress that hugged her curves. Her hair was down and somehow fancier than I'd ever seen it. Her eyes were lined and her lips stained a dark red.

  She looked glamorous and nervous and good enough to eat.

  I walked away from the people I was talking to without a word of explanation. Then I strode to the paddock where the horses were being displayed. Phase one was about to begin.

  Time to put on a show.

  I signaled to Jake that it was time. He brought my horse over to me and I mounted, imagining someone else was underneath me. I forced myself to focus as the stallion danced sideways, picking up my energy.

  My extremely pent up, raw sexual energy.

  I put Zeus through his paces, then did some trick moves that made the crowd go wild. For rich horse people, they sure got rowdy after a few drinks. I took another pass around the paddock, this time taking the jumps at the far end.

  Now they were really screaming for Zeus and I.

  He wasn't the flashiest horse around, but he was extremely graceful and dexterous for such an oversized animal. There was something about a giant man, on a giant horse, that just did things to the crowd.

  I just hoped Angie was there to see it. And I hoped it made her wet. I rode back towards the stables and looked to the left, where I'd seen Angie standing with her sister.

  Angie was staring at me, her sweet little mouth open. Just wide enough for me to stick my tongue inside it. Good. I was showing off for her benefit. It was gratifying to know it had worked.

  Soon enough, I'd put her through her paces too.


  Good lord the man looked good on a horse.

  That was the thought that kept circling in my head. Every other woman in the place had noticed too. I tried to ignore that thought. Along with the memories of our night together. And the way he'd looked at me just now.

  It was almost as if he could see right through me.

  Or like I was naked.

  Definitely like he wanted me to be naked.

  I grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and sipped it, hoping it would cool me down. I couldn't tell if he wanted to kiss me or stab me from the look in his eyes. Probably both.

  I looked up and gasped. Jackson was across the party, surrounded by fawning women. He wasn't paying them any attention though. He was staring at me. Not just staring. He was mentally undressing me. He looked like he wanted to stab me alright.

  With his cock.

  I shivered, suddenly feeling underdressed in the flimsy silk dress.

  I started backing away, looking for a place to hide. I was already past the edge of the party when I realized what I was doing. Basically running like a rabbit from a dog.

  A big, horny dog.

  This is ridiculous! I am not running from him like a rabbit! He's not chasing me. Besides, what is he going to do even if he is chasing me? Nothing!

  I turned and came face to face with a mountain of muscles. Scratch that. Face to chest with a wall of muscles.

  Jackson had been following me after all.

  I stepped back and smiled at him nervously. He didn't smile back at me. He just stood there, looking very serious.

  "Oh. Hi Jackson."

  His eyes searched my face. Once again he said nothing. I swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling very foolish.

  "Great party."

  Silence. The man wasn't exactly chatty on a normal day but this was ridiculous. I fought the urge to look over my shoulder for someplace to hide.

  I took a step backwards and he took one forward. This happened several times until I realized I was nearly inside the stables. Another few steps backwards and I was alone with him in the dimly lit building.

  The warm scent of horses and hay washed over me.

  It smelled like him. Jackson. It was one of the things I loved about him.

  I scowled as he boxed me in against a post, bracing his arm above me. He slid his other hand to my hip, holding me in place.

  "What do you want Jackson?"

  He stared at me, his eyes on my lips. Then he smiled in that infuriatingly arrogant way of his.

  "I saw you watching me."

  "It's hard not to notice you and all the women drooling all over you. Do you have a schedule for them?"

  He laughed at me.

  "I don't want any of those women. I want you."

  I snorted and tried to push past him, but he was like a brick wall.

  And just as thick!

  "Let me go Jackson."

  He narrowed his eyes at me and stepped back.

  "Fine. I just came to get you because your sister was looking for you."

  "Where is she? Is she alright?"

  "I'm not sure. Elle sent me to get you."

  "Oh God. Why are we wasting time? Take me to her, quickly!"

  He nodded and led me back towards the house.

  Chapter Eighteen


  It was just a little white lie, I told myself. She wouldn't be mad at the end of this. I'd make sure of that.

  Even if it took all 72 hours I'd set aside.

  Even if it took a week.

  It had been almost too easy to get her into my trap. She'd followed me into the house and up the stairs, not even wondering why the hell her sister would be on the second floor. I almost felt guilty, seeing how upset she was.


  "In here."

  She'd walked into my private bedroom suite just like that. Right where I wanted her. I closed the door and waited for her to
realize she was in a spacious master bedroom and that her sister was nowhere in sight.

  "Case? Where is she?"

  She turned in a circle, looking around my room. She was really worried about her sister. It was time to put her out of her misery.

  And start a whole different level of torture.

  I turned and locked the door behind me. Then I closed the latch. Then I reached up and closed the other latch at the top of the door.

  The one I had installed yesterday.

  Then I hung the key over my neck.

  Part one of the plan had been from Jake. Part two was from Daniel. Part three... that was all me.

  I grinned.

  "She's fine."

  "What?!? Where is she?"

  "She's enjoying the party. Where else would she be?"

  "You lied to me?"

  I shrugged.

  "I'd say that makes us about even. You've been lying to both of us."


  I nodded, walking closer to her.

  "You've been lying to yourself about wanting me."

  Her knees hit the back of the bed. She was trapped, like a sexy little fox. And I was about to run her to ground.

  Her eyes opened wide when I pulled out the handcuffs that I'd tucked under the blanket at the foot of the bed. They were dainty little ones, lined in silk. I snapped one over her wrist. Then I lifted her up and onto the bed before she could blink.


  Her left arm was attached to the bedpost. I stepped back, admiring my handiwork. Then I grabbed another cuff. I'd placed them strategically around the room, with extra pairs just in case.


  "What the fuck Jackson! Undo these or I will scream!"

  She tried to pull her arm away that second time, but I was too fast. I grinned at her and picked up a small circular object I had ordered online. I plugged it in and set it on the floor near the door.

  "Scream away. The white noise machine will mask it."

  I opened the top drawer of my dresser and held up a ball gag.

  "Unless you prefer this?"

  Her eyes grew wide as saucers when she saw the ball gag. I could tell she had a vague idea what it was. I grinned. She was in for a whole lot of surprises before the night was over.


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